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FCI&, NotsustKiastutt FCI’. lms ond tis araclon beotat fo nse proper andi of your aw pam thn save ‘hebotet trate reterones. Fenner mcs eae cn as 2. Melo ete en nly, Cops ay 2 Bonn ner ake ter sot et eee eel cml SUE soa hMadtserntet Geer eS pee fr soken (Sona Sepa) ued ae gre ao ese tne epg Cyr pln cian Sr ap ay bye ena ‘an eal tsnge ecto cute een ee re or Stet ie ov pee mane cus rar age fo apa on eon, Pease aa Wine tobe ear Reuters ‘Spectr a se ee 2 ae Table ot Sontents, ‘Chale the Mystere Surrounding Vilar [Awe deventure th Each Choractr Cisse Staring he Gare Tre Outi of Hilstar Gontoting Your Horso Adventuring a lstor Using the Main Commane’s Lock Picking Bling and azo Ighting in the Avene Time isn Social ems Challenge the Mysteries Surrounding Hillsfar ‘Once tiller was the mast open and prosperous cl onthe Moonsea. But now ‘homerchan-mage Maihir™—se'-praciamed ist Lo of ilsar ~ rues the ‘esior nth an on ft. Ine Lore’ dreaded fled Plane marcanary guards ‘maintain a and! order, stalking the oy nah and sy, watching al. Fortune and avenue ean be yours 9 you challenge te mystoies a pues uathin 9 ety wall, Test your abies st hofcemsnehip ack pein, and aon Combat. Only your mts and sls can cany you tvaugh the adventure Successtuly and on to alr. ‘A New Adventure with Each Character Class otome to Hilsfar, the ct of mystery adventure, Represented by your ‘haracter, you ara camping jst outigs th ck wale — ready to embark on @ ‘est for forte and fama. You know Kista fs uncer ight conte, but hal k's fala! opacrvtio or any nguietve avenue Before setting out, ou should know tat you can chonde 1 be ane o our diferent characters inthis game: Fighter, bagie-Usor, Thiet, o” Clerc. The {game's story and acton progress in iforent ways depending uner nto Bharactar cass you cheateo. So yeu successt'y compete the aebonure cr, Uinoo campotay new challenges romain tobe enoven Starting the Game Insor tne card into your NES an eich the owe on Walt forthe Histor ‘spay to appear ster he ADAD! logo. Men press the Star Buon. The soreen ‘ilshow you eamping outede of Histor. Betore stating your aeventuses, cate a chracte to represent you othe game You gan do thn ane o! two ways. The fastest way fs load 3 saved charactor that aveedy ext tothe card. Or you can ceate your ou unique ‘character By choosing fom afore optons fo" raze, class. gonder, ane mor Iryou santo stat olay etal, choose the st opion Ifyou want to cea your un unique character by choosing al alles yous, pox the secone 4. Using an Existing Charact Solect "ple Load” onthe Caro ranu using tho # hoy ard the press Button The ist of fou classos appears an tho seree Fr fal escrp tons 00 pao 8) Select the cntactr css you want and thon press Bitton . When the cama sears appear, seo No" You'lirow fr yout characar eh orsaack, fing fovard H lstar. Fer mere ntrmation on horeeranshp, see pago 12, Contoling Your Hos, 2, Creating a New Character ‘Ths Tels you asada your characters ace, gender, css, allgnment, name, an bis, Fst select “Crats Charect irom tha camp mans the key. Ths ross Sutton A Tha lit of 6 races nil appear onthe soreen, Selecting Your Character's Race Dwar Thea caning ce of andy worker and eataman Thy Gane ters or tives, oF bol, a Taras haan, ul immer, as can Be Waar, ‘agie-ers, ightertove, magie-vsereves, and ‘onterimag eserves, They ass hae & botor hance of trang hidden abycts than other races ‘Gnome webors ors mov aro dhoror and simmer than tre Savane se eware. They an ae hers, thieves, or Hghterteves aIcelt Theva rybre have rary of he tues of bots parame and ves Ute eves, they ean be mare tan ane clas at ence, iomane Ga own aze cn fae ta nao Ie tmage-users,leros, and thieves nike otter races, humane eannot on two slasses st once Solecting Your Gharacter's Glass Selecting Your Character’s Alignment Seen . staat Eni tho natural order of ings or even without any ook, ‘Niet you sole your payers cata, cholons aight wil appoor on to screen. Algnment is ho pilesophy by which you character eos. Although lagrment won’ dct stlect your character's acong, it a allel ho Non Paying Characters MPO tha game vas him oh rural Guesione of orier and Gaon are of ie Wactsnas oa chaaC Evil” ofthis algnment. He or she boos wickedness wil eventually ‘ominae th worl Giaote —Arued Ouas s te Wea Tera cameo Neutral afgnmant. He or abe has ne terest nha ne stint. of good orb ‘Figo A craaeir os sigan doaoa a ana oe aT OCs Foe en : ‘2ccreing te his or hor own ues He ar ane vues te ons — nt ‘pemears — i he est of reat gn. ‘Name Your charactor Bier sesctng an alghment, 9 the i name your character. Use upto 12 llters by pusning the # hoy ta select and Button Ata enter tor from the seveen, Uso ton B to make any comactans. Once you've hapay with your character's hae, sel! "End ane pss Button & Abit scores for your erargter now pacar on the seen, Nintendo automaticaly erevates thesa ron at buts, To haha the scores, the ‘neater your character's abies. If you'te saltieg mth the seores on foe scree, Select "Yes" and press Bitton A. I you'l ue toy agai, jou canter your Character ul you have the aby scores you dese ‘After you've saved your character, rl tothe cama manu ana choose the Loading Graracter” option Mam the advonturec ist. Select your characters nar ara press Sulton A Up 09 characters can be saved ‘then the camp scene anpeats on the screen, seat "No" ard press Button A ‘estat the gars, Character Attributes WIS Wisdom) The Te mmnama os charac sanyo mea ways of te work a interac wth Wisdom fs very Important cers, Ine Gnvotigence) thie the meaauce of how walla choraclr can ears and une knowledge. rttigence ts te mast portant meaatne of rmayje-user's aby eat spall, rangi) Ths isthe measure of Pow much damagoa chaos can Infct in aight. Senge expecialy valuable for fghters DEX Dexter) Thief the measure ola characters mancal dowtenty and agi, Daxenty sa valve abut fo thoves ‘GON (Consthuiory The alibuteras a major affect on how much damage hacer can sure na ht {GHA (Ghariena) This the wensvre of how wella haracie WISaale sth others EX Exparence) Asa characloc adventures and pocumuatea Voseure Fay ‘an expatonce points. Exeeronee point ganed beyord Soran values vil neraaena choracter' evel Character Attributes (continued Teer This she measure ofa cher Aeomalishmentin ise, 57a an ove or GepESOT ge “This indiatos the haraclors age Hp (it Pomis) This ea comprehensive measure of wcharaaters Wally Gharactors lose Hitpoints every tine thy take ns ns atl non a character react O HA Points, na ether aeas ‘GP [Go Pieces) This shows baw much mney A harselar poseaeees The Camp Menu {Gort Hillfar Sect to Sar Te gam wi Saved SaracTOr Boron Select to revove unwanted Gharalos Characters Save “Sies oaave your charactors caren salve Tw opion Characters also suaaito no man men m ‘The Outskirts of Hillstar reo. oats ea, ama cftaouk ‘a youroncotnaciy seen 9a ‘torent whieh you an choses iio yur nae by eressng ton A ‘pete pate mesnny he ur destan aye mts cnr an Controlling Your Horse Slow Dawn duce Speed Up toe eta "so lasing! Use the + sey ta control your ore You ned to ump to avo obstacles that ‘10pup alora the way an duck to avo ying artows and bd IFyou fir a "Rae of Beating — perhaps in a ‘woasure crest — you ean use to estos ‘obstacles an the ring path. Tose I e3s Button & A Reds havea spectiea nimoer of ‘changes, then they are use! un hey else ‘War the path! Your ie Hit Points you're town trom your hose. Ii happens epsatody $ourhorse may ae neat a an aay. ‘Adventuring in Hillsfar (nce you've reached Hisar suocesstuly a map ofthe oy appears onthe 2feon Alashing arow i the upper night-nand corner ofthe cy wil nica ‘your starting posta ane craton, nmecdatal 0 yu ght ste ths staat ‘shore you must go To aave the Ey. ‘Moving Within the City Use the + key a contol your character within the cy. When you encounter 8 bulling, comments, hin, and cues may appear in he message wows. ou ‘sh fo ry entering a bulking, step up to stand dee Button A t selec a ommand, Does ar alten fakes, bt yu can try picking the locke ete to Lock Picking en page 16) ‘Te ity is home oa eats, rena, mary bale, pabe ane gus for cet ‘charactor ease, Take tims and become familar sl Notion tat the message ‘inca and status sereen shit craig fo whore your character locate it ils. Peon te ell cfton speak to your character ran tes Fagpons, tha sereea changes to shox ‘no soane of rteracton Using the Main Commands ‘Check current quot ‘Youths quer erent qunsls many mes during th course of te game. Use this command oretiow your latest cuost — ~~” ee Usothis command to turn game sound ether ono ft. ing potion” Select he command to store Hit Poins by takrg a healing potion i= an ‘Save your advertire ats earn stage wh tis command. When you stop the ‘92m and eve your da, thon you muy una the power ston wre pressing {Ps rece! button, Now: you mus held Peres: button wil turing power oll ‘Pe saved game may be ost. Load the Character to Continue fn you restate gare, eaoct Load Character ‘tom the camp monu. Then solve your character's name fro the avenues, Lock Picking The doers — snd especialy tensa boxes — you ensourter molten ba lacked. Thore sre Avo aiforon: ways to et around these bares 1. Use a set of picks you are a thi, er have tes a NPC (Mon Playing Characey tet you can use a 38 of pes, Locks must bo picked one ume st a lime, fom et tog. To pick the loos, ts the + Hes to Slee! the plek which matches te lumdler. Use Button Bo fp fs pick over necessary it Bustos A To try he pickin the tub, even seal Saree! 4. Pik the lock with a small abject set's gator to atomp! to pea lock with a sna sor straight piece of metal The also @chancy propostion 4. Use Knock Ring Ifyou nave a kre ring, you may use tt atom open a ook, Kroc ngs tal epen any ano lees poring tote they csp 5. Uso the Chime of Opening “hs magia! tem cane usod to opon any lo=k, but k's hard ie, You' only Inge a short amount of ime to opan ocks. But be careful Tampsrng wh fs an often so of nasty bas Buildings and Mazes ‘Tho Cy of Hisar fsa watren of buldings and mazes that yeu want to investigate toreughy. Yeur effets may bo rewarded by Malt tems, valinbie, Infomation, and gold. Rememaer you have ony a imited time Yo expire these laces. The ed Plume Guardians aways slana watch anc i ley cose on You t they tnd you ne. you hear a guard athe car. ques fd the ext ‘hich apears as tannay going doen, Sometimes, yourmay fod an ten ta ‘ender the guards rconseiews Uso tofectivaly to colast a muon aeaty a2 Bessitia. fre ed Plimes capture you, you il ea al the Rem yous olectad ard be town othe sel or evar sonenced og t The Enc inns aren. Fighting in the Arena Inthe course of your ravels Hla, socnar or ster youllend up al the aera. nthe aren, you may font fer wealth, fame, honor, or perhaps to py fora crs {you've commited. Avena contost ae fought blow by ‘bow unt one ef the combats knack sensei, Stoner Dyes havea dnt aevantage Time in Hillstar Time in Hisar lows 2 does nthe eal wore. Note some buildings are ey ‘pen fr ited hours. The eurent tie show inthe status seven. you Need 10 ‘este time, est up in yur quid an recov it Pains Earn Fame and Gold at Tanna’s Target Range Fora eral pice of sdmisean, you ean compete ‘sins thor marksmen foram av go at Tana’s Tangel Fargo. Sings, e2ggers, dats, ne bow an arrows 70 offered ft rental. Which anes yuan ve may depend on your elas, “ho targets before you lit vth the wind, Check tho windmi asus your sat accor. im ane hoot wth # key and Buiter A Practice aie fo Mop you cide which weapon i bt fr you, ‘Shop and Building Hours Building Hours Bulaing Hows FT arena an TTem | id Haunted Wansion Never open 2 Archery fandom 154 HoalerShops am 3pm fs Bank fam-3pm | [22 doi over epan 14 Book Store fam-spm | |3 Rages’ Gully Always onen 5 castle Newer pon | | 14 wages’ Shops am Spm 5 Comotery taam-tam | 115 Mages! Tower Bam 3pm [7 shine of tempus aways open | |e puis ‘am Fe (Cotes Guta Se Seer: pe 2 Sere Nuavsone | lay aguas’ Gulls Aluays open 8 Fakrers Gui —_Alvays open The quid ae alvaye opon to thor oun ls, and always closed foal ther sosees. Guilds are key sols t ind quasi snd messages, Special Item: Set of Pk Knock fing Heating Potion Chime of Opening od of Blasting Notes: For thees nly. Each st inevdos 10 pots. Someta tho pik you raed won't beh ‘This magical rng apens any door or box, but Werks one time any. ware of countetes “his drink recovers your Hit Points, I's especialy uselul bolo ging nthe arena, ‘This magical tems opens any locked doar or chest. an io asl many mes, ut fot to fing ‘This stat dostoys ny obstacles on ta path, A veks havea irited numberof eharges ard wl dsapear wibon used up Compliance with FCC Regulations This equipmont gonerates and uses raco tieqvency energy anit not installs and used propery, thats, in strict aceoreance with ro manuiaclure's instructions, may cause intererenco to racia and tvison reception thas been "ype tested and foun to campy mth the lms for a Class 8 competing devs _seardance withthe specications in Suboar. of Pat #5 of Fe ues, nich designed to provide roasanabie protection against auch iterereres Ina Fesidentalinstaition, Homose, ther sno guarartos that erlererce ml not ‘ur na paticularinstalion I his equip does eas nterererco to radio or teleison reception, which can ae determined by tuning te ecupent ‘and on the users encourage to ty ta comet to intone ay onto ‘ore of te fog esscres 1 orien the recavng antenna + Relocate the NES vith eapect to he receiver Move tre NES away fram te rotor + Ping the NES ino a diferent cute so thatthe INES and receler aw on diterontccut, necessary, te usr shoul consult he dase o an experienced racttelevsion ‘ehnicin for ational suggestions. Tas user may in te footing books prepared by tne Fedral Garmunieations Camnission help “Howto deny ara Resolve Radio TIner‘eones Problems, This booklets availa Fam tho W'S, Goverment Printing Oe, ‘Wassington, 0.6. 20402, Stack No, 804-000-008454 90-Day Limited Warranty FCI Game Paks {0-Day Limited Warranty Fulisanke! Communication Internationa, re. FC waa to he orgie sensumer purchasor tnt ths FCI Gamo Cartioge shal be oe fromm detects terial and workmanship for @paiod of 90 days from date of purchase. If eofect ‘covered by this warranty eccurs dung Pe 80-day warranty pero, Fl il ‘evar er replace the eart-dgo, atts option, foe of charge Replacnnort ol the arrdgo, foe of charg othe erginal purchaser fexcop for he cast of runing ‘hegarte carridges the ul extent o ur aby, To receive this warranty serie tum the detective cate along wth a dated root of purchase ane your name and aloes to an alr cod PCI dealer first to FCI Fusanko| Comerunications International re, 150 East 82 Seo, Mow York, WY. 10022 Alton: Rewens Deparment (eta) 789-8100 This warranty hal nat epply tH cavrdge has sen damaged by regligence, faceigan, unreasonable use, modeaon, tampering, or Uy other unrelated Sauses 6 detective materia or workmanship. Warranty Limitations: ANY APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY LIMITED TO NINETY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN, IN NO EVENT SHALL FCI BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, The Provison a hie waranty aro val in the United! States only. Some states 69 ‘ot all mations on ow long an imped warranty sts or exclusion of cansoquentia or neidertal damages 0 the above lmiations and excision may rot anply te you. This warranty gves you speci egal igh, and you may also Fave etter nights hc wary fom sate to sa.

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