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Pear ren is strotion ont Wo cnsre Propo honing of yur ew gama tan save Theookit ort reteonce horsey Hoare veri oreo 1 kpc cae atric eli ccN Se oma reaeaie ave ace big enyerzoztar es in ee my nu you ge aco gon {ation dae The sso set cause yoo HES er Ss ames er meer {a ae ae he area eae Phan Tasay The Poo Geting Stato Character Meu lew Screen Makg Gharactos oases, — Races = Character Aignmert = Chreter Acts = Name Character Eon Men, ‘Game Contr ‘dvonture Seren Phian eventing eam sens Spel Mend Combet Combat ser aga Treasures Spot Oescapione ‘Tha Phian does Bastary Phian Today. Tha city of Plan, bul on urs upon nurs is dvced betweon tho human orcas ofthe Counc and the nice! ores that hold much a he remain cy. Tas {Council tertorios aro nest notin stag stocxade of stone que fom {ho nis ans rne et fom the Guerin Forest, A evel yg parole tho openings inthe walle til nous, aay fends ta el lacks By the 18 ‘y's nba, Pian displays spender of tho ancint past, but the pasts shways with her intstiants,romincing the of what ones was ar! coud be agar. The ey '2 filo uth adventurers seoking nos fortes and Waders naping to reestablish old ‘raging nes. Th ands boyond ty evizesstockacs are wid rans controled by local ations o bes. Conte extencs ony far a the reach of aw or sor Petty bancs of rcs, qi, some led by mote sinister monsters, ve sth humane for power ‘Much of Plan's ruined greatness can bo feund inthe Old City. The mal sights Include the forgotten riches ofthe wealthy ole rabies’ hauses; Pol Plaza, the Ganter of tho os trading str; and the Old Stina, now deccated te Baro. aleve Casas baor fried and is boing used as & headauartrs fer one faction ease or anther The Pool. Legend! ays the abs fet elscoveted the Poo! of acanes, Its descintion has ‘varied tyough tha years. Many wise sages nave deciared a mya and a onman's gambit The lation of tps Peal cnanges fom als t tale — Soraties It's deep nthe heat ofan atna wood, somstmss on an fans rele by aeat vy, ard somatimos in th hoa a a hugo stay peak that Fes above all atners I Dragonspine mountains iis sa hal ho poo laws vit is vn onary. These that anproach fl new ‘te ihn ther bones wile an unoal msady helds ther apt, Lagands eens oy tal ne rete ees a) erates avai Ta, =| Sonne roel “NOMAD STIBPES|-5——= pit ‘and caused the Nas, — SB Se leereeem pasion = * co states cee BEL ee era ee Zee sahen7- » | mosie deze o ogre a ceagMaess| ounwerty eee Scat aia : 4 Getting Started Ricard ree ise eae ogre dn feet ae opens isSbaren deat fiers neta ‘eso 4. inset your Poo! of Radiance cage into the Nitondo conto coc, 2. Tum onthe paver andthe Tite Sreen wil appear. 43. Pres the Star: Button an tho Msn Men i ‘pest ‘To avon in Peal of Radiance yeu must nave a party of characters, There ean bs up ofa {haracters (PCs) and one non-alayor ‘character NPC} Ina party. Yau ean other slost Character to make sour own charactors or sooct ‘Order to ues there Fade characters a come vith your ear. CCharactor Saoct hs to make raw characte orto ‘iow oF ofaso existing ones. Making new charactors Loseribedin the Character Mana section begrning 09 eae T (Order Select this to band charactors together into an adventuring party of to shango the order of characters already na party, Whwn you aeect ‘Order ist Dt eracors wil be dsplsyed. Choose charactors by nhghtng trem with the ‘oy and eoleting thom sith Buiton A Fhe character you chacso not ‘slready in the party, an asterisk (i appese next tothe nam when you select fo shou the character has jane lth character you choose wae ava the pry the asterisk will appear ‘o show the character fro angen the pty. (Oni 5 charactors may join the pty, an hey ae place in the odor tat you select them. Characirs selected ft tone to bai he front when batas Sart — Sp lect atge stong charsctare befor waster spe casters, To charge ore, {ake characters out oho par arc thon reslect thom na re order. Environ Sole! this to tun sound ans music once of, save games. ard adjust the speed al rien messages ao dplayes. See the Enron Men section on fag 16 or more ntrmaton, ‘Alter you havo made a party, the ention "Begin acvontu” vl appear wth the ‘thar aplions on tis rst mes, Sec! his Taam ying, ‘Character Menu ape aati ‘Sect fahipntd ears lieavion so sae oat fina ton ei & iow Selec histo soe character's Vow Soren Select "Mew then choose a character. Make Select tha to cesta anew characte, Soothe Making Gharactos section bogining on page 10 for tore information. Erase Selec ths to ronavea character permanent Select Erase thn chooee a character Warning Erasoe cheractes are toa orev. View Screen hes aby Soares 46 ron ss HPN Ability Scores These values deline a chaaetors pyscal and mental acess, ‘There's a description of esch ability an page 1, (Class This isthe character's eccupation, such as fighter or magic~user. Non human characters can be more than on class at at, For example, elves cary bbemagic uerthaves wn humans ean be reaie-users or haves Level Ths the characters advsncement in his or her lan, Experionce Points This measures how much the character has learned end ‘parionced. hon a character nas earrad onowah oxparence points, No or she €€2) 99 fo he Duai'g &-Taiing Hal in Phan to Wan Up the nowt love. Maximum Hit Points (MHP) Ths measures how afc a character ts 10 napacats ley. A character comes unconscious Fst pons reach O and ‘pies ft points reach “10 or 5s ‘Current Hit Points (HP) This shows how many HP the character has a present Hitpoints a never be shown as less tna [Armor Glass (AC) Tis moasuros hw ifcult the characteris to ritn combat. ‘Th lower the AC number tna Marder the character hi. ‘THACO This measures a charactors combat ay. Every tine a character lacks a tancom numeri genersed. THAGO ise number a enaracter needs tohitan oaponent wth AG 6. the random numbers equal to or eater than the ‘haraeters THACO minus the opacrents AG, the character Ms. Example: fgher vith a THAC of 15 atacking a monster wth AC of 3 “would need THACD “5}/AC 3 But ohhta monstor with an AC of 2 the fighter mould need (THACO ASHAC2I=T7+ ‘Damage Tis isthe number of HP of damage a character ean do to an enemy, ‘Damage ineluos ease damage forthe weapon plus magic ana stongth Bonuses Example: A thter with 9 magial ong sord +1 ane 18 (25) erat dows 108 ++ AHP of damage: {1681-8 for swore 1 for magic weapon} +f for Sangh ‘Alignment This the characters etial ane! worl view ‘Combat Movement This nov many ques the charac can move during Combat tis allied by the character’ sumor, cates weight and strength Ready Equipment This the armor ane veapor the charactor has ead Making Characters ‘Alter soootng "Mako fom he Main Menu you must fo tho olow ng Ossie: the character's classtraceigonter @ seis tho charactors alanmant, @ccept ne characters abity sooes, @Wamo ro character ioe te crear vo apd tart th ya Sosa th ates Oclasses: Fighters are warts ho ae most comforable i he thick of bate. You wil fed thom fo deal wth tbe many monsters and other fose tat wl stand io our tay. Figo ean use any type of weanen oF aren. Clerics aro members ofa waiot cay lass who can bot ght and cast magic pals. Clercs are to ony eas hal ean cast tha valuable hosing spol. orcs an uso any ype of mor, but they cannot use Bows or any typo of eéga ‘rcapers Hor example, sso) ‘Magie-Users are tained in the ways of magle and can east many powell and etl spel Magiouse canal wea armor and are unabie 0 use very many “Thieves are ver useful fr this at picking locks ane caring traps. ‘Thieves ars ios o leather armor and ean any Use afew! esos. Malt-Cags ae characters sth more than one class at timo. This moans that they ean &o many tinge el for exampl aighter/magie vee can hl ih fmor and swords as well as cast magical spel. Muli-caes characters nrease intel more slow'y bacause their expernee ons are dviged cvealy among all other laces Humans are the most common player race inthe Realms. They can aevance to ‘maximum eves in any cass Humans can ve fos clones, or magie ies. Dwarves af hardy ane rh race of wasters ane erattaman. They are resistant 0 mage and poison and have Bonuses when fghion goons, hoboabins, or arts. mars can only be fener Elves area tl sons, and angled race. They are near immune to Sleep and Char spots anc are dept Hncing secret doors wth the "Sears or ‘Look’ command feo tho Aventure Man). Elves can bo magie-ceers, fighterimaglowsethewve, or magie-ueertheves, Elves can any advance to a ‘maximum a seventh love thor, ‘Gnomes ar stant cousins to he cwarves, and they share some ofthe same ‘magic nd o-sonrsitances, Gnomss can ony be thieves, Hatings stand stout ha as fal as hurnans — hence ev name, They have ro ‘by wth magic themselves, but are someuvhatreitant to spel, Halls can fry bothiowes, Hatt-lves are hyde who noses vitues rom bath thar human and es pares. They ae resistant 'o Sleep ard Crm spe ad ao alse ae a Finging secret coors Hal-oves can oe tghtermagie- iors, or he Uuborsoris, ference, Hal-alves can only agwane 6 a masa of 5th lovolas cles, @Character Alignment: World Views Lal indicates that he character Understands that poops should work nth the nies of eae Neutral ncicates tat he charac ‘moves between valuing Sectty and sales, and ‘aig te indica Chaotic incites tht the charactor ali te seal fis) bow society and others Ethies: Good Neutral evi Select the character's alignment, or how he o sho ‘ows aed iteracts wth fo wore, Algernon proto in Wo pars: te characters word ww ard personal ethics. Indicates the character Wes 0 Actin a moral ang upstanding Indicates the cnaracter leans foward “stestonal etic evaluating each set ot indicates tn cvaracter ets ‘thor etn ogi for ‘thar, orinan ort pasty manner @Character Ability Score The characters ability scores ao depayed ater you select an algnont—solet “Yes” to Keep these Scores or"No" lo havent scores gonerated. Catal bles, called prime raqusites are more mpertant that others. Prime roqusties are ably scores Pat are ‘pecially important to each elace, For example, ‘magje-utors use eligence sleeves ray en ‘ester. Characters with score of 16 o Nhe 9 tat prime equate got a 10% bonus to experience Strength measures physical power muscle, and stamina Sirah of 18 and fbove ge characters bonis: with moloo weapon such as swords or maces. Fighters can have exceptional tral of greater han 18. Exceptional stonath isindicatee by a perert value (01, 02,03, 99,00) oloving I base stengy ltr exam 1823), Strength i he prime vagus for hghers, Integence measures memory, reasoning and learng ability. Inetigonce tthe me requis for magiosers, ‘Wisdom measures jucgemen.enightenment, wll power, and itulton (Characters ith niom of 7 or leas are more susceptible to magia spas, we ‘wisdom of 15 or greater lends some resstares, Wisdom ete prime requ for ‘ies. Claes th wiacom of 13 or greta leo gat extra spel. Dexterity measures aailty, eye-hand coorgination, and reflex speed. Characters ‘sith righ costartes have bocaees to simon ca making them more ciel ta Fi Good dexteny alsa gives Buses wn vaing mise woapans such as ots ar sings Dexloty fs tha prime requ for eves, Constitution measures fitness, nih, and physical toughness High constsion Increases ho rumber of HPa character gets, Charisma msasuces poronal magntiom,peravssheneas, ancl aby to assume ‘onand. Characters wit high essen aro useful az spokespersons wen Sealing with NPCs you may rn across ding your aeventures Name Character Screen Your character name cen be up to 8 characters on. CChooee te name by highighaing iter mith the key and select thom with Buton A Sct End to fish naming, “hs menu is use io set gain options such as he speed at which messages ae dspiayed. ard wher Sounds and muse are layed, Use the + Hey to Highton options ana tte maleate buttons to change Iighlonted options ‘Game speed number This changes the spasd at nich messages ae aye Use ener the ana 8 aurtons to change the sped, Music Solect this to tun the backereund music an ane ot ‘Sound Select ts to turn sound elec, ‘eh a combat sounds, onan oft. {Quick Selects to change hos pictures on the seron aro displayoc. "Quick Or ‘makes th game factor whe "Quick OF males hs pitures emoat er ‘Auto Combat Tum ths On to makea character gh under automate control in ‘Auto Combat mede. You can also put characters on Auto Combat macs ug & bate by slactng ‘Auto! Once @ enaracter ea to Auto Combat mage, yOu ‘must use tis coten again ta regain ners! conta Exit Selec histo oa the neon Mom, Game Controller ight options A-mave party C-mave and teget -solet options ‘Rega to men Cpa manu or Soret tage Mea thot aking soction -ceiay action uae Adventure Screen sw undo tine Facing Mie Becton Rome J Armee cass Curor: oximum RitPome ItPomte «and purchase armor ard weapons for your charactors, Be careful not to run out of {Gold efor purcrating en spment fr everyone — lao youcan come bak aid Burchase better equpmant wt the gold ane gems that you tind. The flloseng |e some points of nierstn Pris City HalvCty Crk The ety cor wl give your pany comise-ns or abs. When a commision fs completed return fo te ety lr t cele payment and ‘serene pois, [Arms an! Aemor Shops These shops soll armor anc weapons. Aemorers purchase evra weaoers ans coms hoy an alka ident y magia Roms, ea, land potiona fora costo 200 gold piece, The folowing tern comes Up when Sou ent any knd ef shop Cr ny Conc nso of maven you wl bo lon a guide our rod tn cy of regia es the hip Reaper wl rekon eee Myo ratise te ater Ws ‘Identify Select this to have the shopkeeper identify items, scrotis, or potions There is a 200 gals piace crarge fr tho sevice, Use item Select this fo uzo a magi em ace lems between characters {16 Gop ams, The owing options are avaiable ater you selec Use Use Soot histo use tems, Select Use, then choose a character and ‘rade Select this o rade tows between characters, Select Trade, then choose character fo gva up haem, Peitem, then the character to Drop Select this to cop ems. Sotsot rap then choose a character and an lem, Warning: Dropped Roms are lat fovever Leave Suoct iste ext he shop. Proseing the B Button algo exe, Cotner Shops There are soveral ones shops Prin Pal sl tome, Jewelers low the ary to con nasry geld int rt, eso ary joelry. General hms Shops se minor, ol ar her tems, Ser shops se svered weapons and fina quality compat acs, ‘Shrines Pian boasts shines of Sune, and Tempus. The cere othe shines souce mans healing services, fora cost, Dusting and Training Hall Here you can tite NPC adventurers to join your party, duo fo gain exponence fonts, or aint tease in eves, The flowing menu comes up hon you ntortha al “Training Select this when you have 8 character who has earned enough experince to qo. a lovel Charters ean any go up one ove ata ts, and training cos “000 gle poco. Mgi-usore got to select one ney Spal or he spe books each tse they advaneo, To tana enaractor Selec! then choose the character Ps charseter itil, ou must also sale! which lags tai In, 2 character's maxinium ht poimsinoteasea afer he ose dances. Uso Gur Ligt Wounds spel to get curent nt points up to the net ‘isl Select this havea character anor the arena. Characters an ‘oxparionce for winning bates Yo Tent, slact ‘Duel, then choose a character Main Menu Select this to got the Man Menu, Hire NPC Select this to hire a non-player character {NPC} to join your party. [NPCs wiliant on tne gary’ side, and shan easure ans exparionee, ‘You can have only one NPG at atime n your any an they ane not aly ‘Save the Game This isthe same as the ‘Save! option in the Enviran Nenu, Leave Select histo exit the hal, Adventuring Party Sslect 9 to go the “View and Orc nu on page 10 Encamp Select this to have your pary make camp. ‘Wien you encamp, you can fest characters, neve ‘ham castor momarie spas, omava ebarster frm ‘Pe paty, or set game options. Soe the Eneama Man fonpace 24 {Gast Soloct his to havo magie-uters or elaries pals, Sole! "Gaston choose a onaracter to cas, {Pe type an eel a spa for example: Cl Spl LI {er Watsevel lee oe, ont spol ta eas FRomember: Somo spl an only be east during combat and othe py belo or aer See the Spe Summary Table on page 52 for mor information, caters descnived under Character Ye esa nea. ieryadtuion gees the Avene Ment Whi Fest aot apo a Bon Aces en (Ea tiia Serer he Siaverci ten ackae Je acpueeTo0e (Sy Cea aaa rst ready armor wospons, nd eome matical me Belor they ean be Used Select Equip, nen choose te chraeter an the Hams o ready or ued Characters can any waar one aut of armor at ime, ane eacying ater tamsis lied ta ho charactor’ two nanos, For exampe a character ean reagya svar fda shel, oust a bow bute ios two hand), Ta ready a new woapan or lec of armor you mest unread the old one Uso itom This works ik the Shop Mana option, {Look Select this to examine the square the party is curentiy in. This suet for fining hidden weasues and secret dogs. iakes ten mntes of game tine Took, which gues wandering monsters a greater chance to fn ne pay, Search Ths siilar to ‘Look, excopt thatthe party members wil automaticaly famine ery square as fey mave, Each eure takes TO minutes of gam me te move tough, ven gives wancering monsters a greator chance to fs the pty The word “Leok” is spay on Ine seroen wh tho par ¢ searching. {roa Not availabe nal sections) Select ths o ston between the 30 an ‘verhaad wes, The overhead view not avaiable n ome sections of he game, br ifthe partys tet The party always has a chance of gating lot incoers they fun avay rom monster. Ercan Men) ‘Your party wil encam often to save th game, fnsower Pom pate, ane propa er no ans. Fest Soloc this to have the party recuperate o walt tut the night. Characters wal ecover tH of camage for every 2¢ how's of fst Many shone ao closed ‘duc the ight, sf your par retas tote cy Sturn toni Py Shui oto an an ant omni. Ustne + teytonigvone Spell Select tis o castor memorize spots, scribe twats satan At magic‘ser sas no spell Book, clear momorizod Sa he pts pels, orcheck the pat for pel etects‘Seothe Use Bal 0 espe ot Spell enw on page 25 for dots ese eed aa Remove Select this o aemanenty remove a = characte tom the party. Sect "Remove then choose thocharacter Save Select histo tore the gomein progress. Save tw game often — especial Belo and ator auah bates, scan ga bak fo your sae pari eu ose Leave Selact tt havo the party breok camp ard eeu: ‘Spell Menu eagle ita tothe survival ofthe party and he succes othe adventre, Healing Spel ike Care Light wounds af Cte gente got characters Back 85 ‘har feet ane ready forthe next uate, Detect Mage tie you fem are magiea teaaures or nc. Comat pals ke Magic Missle, Frebal or Lightning Bot can Blast evomies n batt, ‘ast Select ns to have a character cast ‘Sseot Cast, then choase the chara fvel of spel for exampies“O Spe Li fortrstiovel "Eee tian ohne Gere spas hen the Spel. For same spots, such as sevens sstpe cal Heal or Strength ou wl nen alec to eoiactatarget mews aThoutmiaan Character Some spot anh werkin combat, wha’ SEN ‘tars ont work botore rato Memo Select tis to nave characters memarze spol fr later use, Select "Mme than choose a character, ype and [etl of spol for exampie: "Ol Sp Lor fistlevel csc spall then the spl te memorize. Aer you have selected {ict tha saa of ono vel, eat tne stops forall of he ther ovls of apa the {Snsracter can memorize, Winsn ou have sactod all of he sp for one {raraetr press Button & and rolur te the "Memo" option fr other cnaracters pa isthe pe and Semele After all characters have selected their spells, press Button B several times to. ‘scape the lomo Man, Answer "0 the seston asing you want t et ‘ou do nat ost your exaractors ni nat have time to memorize tk spel. your patty fot rating in an io olher sate place, her ost nay be ine upled Oy ‘warding mansters befor characte ean momeorize sepals Sctb Select tis to serve magi-user spl ino spell bok, Magi-users must ‘ast Read Manco have sols ido ina shop before casting 0: seibing from trom. Select ‘Sor thon choot mane-user charactor, a soto scr De From, and finaly a epel Magie-ases can only acre spell hey ean ao cast poll that lve, For exam, atc level mise can Sebo frst and second level sols ut att Drop Selec histo clear memovid apes without actualy casting them to make ‘oom to momanze now spel, Selet ‘Dray then chooge & characte, the ye nd level of sp, then te spa Disp Select this fo soe any characters in he party are acted by mag. The display wl show effect such as Empower spall, Rings of Fe Protectan, oF ‘Siow spas. Select ‘Diep her choase the characte oi or elect "Paty" to vo anyhieg afecs he ene party Active Characters Name | reacted Weapon ~ combat ovement Botore you can compote the advert, thre are monstor to sly and battles to ‘in, Your party must iat thar way past ores, ght, giants, and many ot er Tanase foes, Your haracters mist ea and cunning, ‘Combat i in rounds, wth 10 segmerts par combat round. Each character and foo acts inspects segment each round. Those with higher dextarty on tendo ol caro ip tho ound because oftheir reaoragity ane spsed. Characters can “ommlimes actin segrant 10 of around and segment 1 of the max, eserg to ‘move twee ir, Different Types of Combat ‘There ae to fypas of combat: angad fith weapons ike bows or sings). and ‘male vith close combat weapons ike swords oF maces. Cretacters wth ‘anged weapons canrat fre fan enemy is nex to them, cree a foe moves close ty thay must shit fo mses weapons — thi portant a vemembe your pry attacked by eestres ts bows ar other ranged Weapons, Rotreating Characters oan eo bao anc return ta he paty afterward, The testing Character must reach the exe o! Ui seroan to escape the eee, Wrenere a ‘character moves away trom & fos that next to hin Or hoy, tho foe gots a too stack at ho charters aac, Magic in Combat Spl sch 3: Frenal r Hold Person can bo uted to attack enemies, his spots sven as Cor Light Wounds or Invi can bi usa to halo protect characters. Gharactrs canot east spas inary ound tal thoy have rece ‘wound — it breaks he nano concentration raquted formate. Remember: i {our pag fees fos that neice magi users or lanes, you ean tap tm Korn tasting by hig tem every ound, Combat Menu ‘hoa ram, he ky Haigh option ard ton felts on Wha wong hay ees nace and Suan Aura ta eran ite ote coma ew a aig ion # tbo teat aes ut ‘heehee i: Comte No opin ar aay ‘Move Select this to move the character. A character can move up to the number ‘tse ates played for his or hor combat movement vaue on bo View Scro {Charastere ean une melon weapons Ia allack oes by aflemptng fe move ito the ‘enemy's scar, Use tne # Hy to move the charactor and Buton Ao run the Combat ten: ‘Alm Select this o target thr range or mee attacks. Select Am then uso the ‘lay to move tho angel eweor Use Button Ata sect the target Cast Select tis to have maglc-uses an clres cast sols, Ths option fs Igsatica to ‘Cast in tn Enea Mon ‘tor electing Cas kom he comet manu. choose tho lvel of the apel io cast fad then te sp Sp take aferert amounts of time to cas, so there may be ‘delay beter the spel actualy goes of Some spall, such as Cue Light Wounds, affect only ere target — for thos pais empiy select th forgot Some spel, suon as Cnarm Person affect suveral fargots for tee eps you must select Seon argelseparataly (use Buton B {o fargo less than the mani numb, Many spi, euch as Sop or Fireball Alles an area — tor nove spas a cursor inthe shape of the offect ava allows Souto target. owe the cursor wits the key and sole the target wih Buon ‘Only combat spells can be cast in battle, and sometimes foes will nat be affected Dy magical attaces. Some creates havea nara asslance to mage, ane Ole ‘mesa fo9 vl make & Saving Throw. Saving tows are the random chance tN spel or poison il not co fl damage. Characters alse get sang vows Characters and tos atke are mor ly to make a saving hres! as ty Increase Inlevel or power Equip This works ike te Avene Man onton, Use item Solect hs to use magisitems auch as polis, wands o eras in ‘combat Sslect ‘Use tem then choose anem Ite em casts & pet oY Nas an area fleck, im tas you woul you weve cating ‘Guard Selcet tis to ed the characters ten, bandage an expting comrade, orto ela action t lator semen. Tho follow apts my spear when you Seles Guard ‘Done Soc hs to end the character's uf the eharacter ie armed with ‘a melae weapon, he & she wil ttack any foes that move accent ding ‘herest of the round ‘Bandage (Oniy sva2be Wa conve e expiring) Select ths to gue tata ‘oan oxpring character and step bleeding, Wourdec charactors lose 1 HP er rourel uni tay aro tardaged or reach 10 HP and pash Delay Select Ii to have the eharactr not do anything unl sega 10 This is ute atthe sat 0! bali a Gharactor stk in the back ans Pressing Button B instead a! selecting another oon rom the Combat ‘Meru the same at soleting "Dos ‘Auto Select this to put a cheracter in Auto Combat mode. This works ike {tho Auto Coriat option on tne Endin Mer. Ths onl way to Take a ‘character at of Auto Combat mode isto wa unl ater os bate, select "ne a et "Auto Combat Yo OF “Turn onl avalable fo cei of goa alignment Sloot histo Pave lees attr to ave away undead creatures such a Seaetons zombies, oF hows ‘Aciere may oly use the Turn pion ance par combat, and the power go 86 thocires gan level After Combat itary characters susie bata, the party wi amy ‘ar or unconscious characters. You may wank hd {safe place to real the wounded and memorze spel ‘io, the pars wil arn expenercs points nd may nd ‘01d, gor, or magical tars. The exoenerce pains "tod on he sereon are cvidad even'y among a har acters who are canselous at fo eed of th bal, Take itom Select this have a charsetr pick up a ‘reas Hom, Use item This eral the Shop Men option Detect Salat i's to examine treasure fr mslea tome. This option ts only avilable fa enaracter nasa Detect Mag spel! memorized Leave Soict ths ta lave tho teas, Magical Treasures: ‘Magical reasures may be found alternates or hcéon avy in sacrt caches You can tnd out {an hom magica by having a lec or masie-usor cat Detect ‘Magi. You can alse haves lente st any hap fora cast et 200 gokt pieces, Wands are radtionslobyectso! enchantment. Power wears can ino 9 ‘wand seta sot numberof charges ot one spol When the charges ae usee Up, tha wane dssopese, Toro 3 ward, select fe Use Re option fom the Combat er, Potions az ols wth magical properies. Potions may heal wounded ‘hharactrs, cause thom to coms hast make tne ible, er cause ay umber of over ects, Scrolls conta either clic or magle-sse spt, Spells can ao cast dsc fom 2s, oven fhe cnataete cou nos normaly casta spel of tat level. ler an use sors simply by selecting th Use ton opto om tna Svante oF Combat Men Magie-users can sabe sol pels to ther persons spel books an memorize {hemlater Soo tra ‘Senbe' option unde he Encamp Menu for mere normal Before toy can scribe o: cast fom seal, magio-users must fret cast Rae Magic or have ner eis na shop, Enchantod Armor and Shields has the advantage of fering reser artecton thanidemcal norvmaoiearrar and magica ame doos sot imi a characters ‘combat movement Use the Equip’ eaten fe racy are Enchanted Weapons come in many types and potencies. Most magical ‘soapone wispy improve a character's THACO ard damage. Soe neapon's Inve adattonal bonuses against ceria ipa of cxalures Once a veanon has [Eee realog wth the "Ecup" option, tll bs used whanavar ths charactor Enchanted Adornments ouch as bvacer, necklaces, ans wapseially ings are ‘ommon treasures. Generaly these toms ofr sore ypa of protection, for fxample, some improve a charactors AC, others decree the stots Of coviin kings of attacks fre, for exampe). Ready hese tame wt he Equi’ option, Cran noclneo can bo uses to aac foes ~ to Use thee ready them wth the gulp option, ard fe them ith the ‘Use ten option fom tne Combat Mer Enchanted Clathing ar objec ike cloaks, gloves, anc ordi wich are fsmpowored th special properties, Like mary oncharled adornments ose fbjects ganoallofter some snd of pretactan. Some tems have oer sects Ike nereasing a charactor strongh or provsing protoctons ftom cera Kinds of Alecks eaey magical eoting with tne Ecalp option, "Manuals are magica coks that canter permanent at othe reader. Selec ‘Use trom tye Use tam Menu, The manual elsanpas’ afer Itnas Baan read once ‘Cursed Items appear as gular magical tame won a Doct Maaie i east but have bas elects an the chracter Characters can not pul dou cured ems nee thy nave bsonreaceg unl a Remove Curses ast Spell Descriptions/Cleric Spells FirstLevel Cleric Spells ‘Ourso is ho reverse of the Empower apelland decroasos the THAGD oF fons ‘Cause Light Wounds (Cause Lt Wns) doos 1-8 HP of camage to aoe, The ave must bo adjacont to the gato Use tis sp, (Cute Light Wounde (Cure Lt Weds) heals 1-8 HP junto the tts nora maximum HP Detect Magie indicates which equpmant or veasure is magical Select Ecuip’ or "Uso iain to examin ems air tha soo fast — item preceded by an fare, rmagical Empower improves the THACO of fenay characters by t, Empower will fet characters wh are aciacent ta monsters when the spel is cas. Thee 8 {20ed sl to cast bore going nts combat, Protection from Eul (ProVEMi inroues the AG ad saving thw ofthe eget ‘by 2 agaist ov! azackers Protection from Good {Prot/Good) improves the AC and saving hows o he target by 2 spans good allackoe, Resist Cold improves saving twos ve, cod allacks by 3 and halos the romaine damage, Find Taps indicates tho prasenco of aps nthe pars path Hold Porson may paralyze tacgets of character typo furan, af, hale, war, Fating gnome, goon or hoogobli, You may im a Hold Persen spe at up 02 ‘argets — press Button B to tage! fer Rost Fire inorovos saving twos vs i lacks by 9a halos the remaining ‘samage Sllenco 15! Raclus (Silence 15°} maviealy doaders all soune are must bo aston a charactor or 2 menster. Tago afoo, and he and all adjacent to hi, wi rato abo to cast spel fr tne tion af he pe Stow Poison revives 8 poisoned person fr the cation ofthe spel ‘Snake Charm paraljzos as many HP of snakes as tho cltc has HP ‘Magic Hanmer creas 3 temporary magic hammer canbe thvown ane does "ormal hammer damage plus one pont or every tee leels he castor has [staned. The nammer appasrs nthe clerics equipment le, and must = readed fasenyotrer wespon, Ths hammer il ecorjue zit onthe cles person if thrown, “Third Lovel Cleric Spolls Bostow Curso isa more powail version of he Curses the target's THACO by 2 ‘Cause Blindness wil ender foe unabie to See. Th cere must bv adacont to the target to cast his sel Ths spel ues ‘Cure Blindness removes tho efecto ne Cause Blindness spe Cause Disease irecis ‘ce wih a dooace unich ape HP ad strength ‘Guro Disease remowes tho ects of dsease caused by monsters such as mummies oF by Cause Dsease spol Dispel Magic roroves the eects of spots that do nathave space counter spelis such a Hold Person er Slow. Mesitation improves the THAGO and saving trams of tenly characters by 1 and reducos re TACO and saving thro of monster 1 This 4 good eel to eas botore going inta corn. Remove Curse removes the otoots of Bestow Curse goo an allows the target to-unoacy curses ma om ‘Spell Descriptions/Magic-User First Level Magle-User Spells ‘Burning Hands (Burn Hands) canoe 1 HP offre damage per eel othe caster “have. 90 aaving tow Charm Porson causes targets to jin the castrs sida ina batt ony aflects ‘character types human, ef, halo, dvart, naling, gm), goblins or hnoagobins Detect Magie indicates wich equioment or teasutes magical. Sooct Equip" or Use tn! to examine toms attr th spas cast — toms preceded by an) ae magic. Enlarge makes the target anger and stronger The higher the casters eve the Tanger ane stronger te target gets. target can ony be uncer the elect of one fname spel a ime, end unsling tages get saving thr agaist the elec. “The spell stayin eect or more tan ane cemoat andi gael o cast before tough bates. Friends rises the casters chanam 28 pons, canbe eat just botore dealing ‘wh nor-pyer character, "Magic Missile doss 2-5 HP per missle wth a saving thew. Amagi-user throws one miss at fet eet ard second lev, tivo mises a hd an out Teves, and tee missles at ith ang sikt evel, Magic Bese wl dam ‘argo within range unless the itis mage restart cr has certain magical protection First level Magle-User Spells (continued) Protection tom Ev (reVEMN pores he AC art ig Howe he ae Read Magi slows a magic-user to ready a seroll and wad Aor 3 Read Male Iscast, amag c-user may seiko the spats rom a sor a cat them, Fsduce isthe eppaste ofthe Eniage spel If success the spel wl reduce the ‘zene song of a aret Shiold negates the mesic mise spel, improves the magi-user's saing tow, ane may netoase AC. . Shocking Grasp doos electial damage of 1-8 HF, +1 HP por lel of caste. Sloop puts between ane and rine tagets to slagp wth no saving tow Up to8 very smal targets canbe afected, but ony on lager trot, Some powextl ‘opponents mignt rot be eet a al ‘Second Level Magic-User Spells Detect visibility (Det Invisible) lows the tage! to see neste foes "walbity makes tne target iid The THACO of mobo attacks against invsbi arets fe recuces by & ard i's imposalble to shoat ranged attacks, Such as rows line lagets. Characters ese sbi they fa, use items or cnet spells, Some monsters can sea iisble characte, Knack le usec to open lcs. Tis move sue than navng a thf pick lock Mirror image cates 1-4 sonny duplicate af te magie-user A duleate apnea when stacked, Ray of Enfecblement roost largo’ damage by 2536 + 28 por ovo ofthe Stinking Cloud (Stink Cloue) paralyze thos nts ava for 25 rund. the Tenge saves against the spe, tg not party, ut fe rasoated and has ts AC rodvced for 2 rounds. This spell hab a very Shor range — so be cael nei to teh characters he claws Strength raises the strength of te recilent one to elant pelts. The of Spl are les fhe tngot kody has 1 ston ss othe ‘Third Level Magio-Usor Spells Bink protects th mae-usor. Tho mage-uee ‘bnks ou aller hoor she ate teach ound, ano can ely be attack ary n a corbat our Dispel Magie removes the effects of spol that da not have specie counter pals sch a Hold Peteon of Sow Firobal dos | to 6 1 por ol ofthe caste Io altaxgets within is ae, armage is raed tho forget makes te saving toe Preball sa so-castog spel bulis very power Taegtcareulyotheruse,youmayaocldenty desoy ary characters Hasto doubles te lasgel’s movement an numberof attacks per ound Haste has a short cutstion and you shoul wait nia ft imminent o cast larg: each time hast spol s cast ona characte, tat ensracter ages one Hold Person may parayzo targets af character ype (human, hal, dar, hing, nome, cabin ar hebgebin. Yau maysim a Hold Pars spel a up to 4 largots— press Bitton & to target es, Inssibity, 10° Radius (vis 10° R} makes al targets sdjacent othe caster isd, Tho THAGD ef mele llaces again nao angels seduced by {nd ts impossible to am ranged attack at vole targets, Use this palo et {un aban fe tne ac guys sos you au. Characters ioe say they ‘iit use ies or east spel Same mentors can see iva characters, ‘ightning Bolt WLighing BOI) dose 1 YoU HP par owl of he castro targets {SStyts bum Sotnge shaved tetra te savg ton: Aen Sotle dor 8 squares engin ane aay fem tho eater Fo best esl move the spel caster to sed to bot comm a0 of opponent ata ll Spowrents lon tho nowt te range. Tet hes os nthe roses to Eben Uti its wilveect of wal Bac toward re apa castor Tha fer aguteaojcort or close to nal tobe it wes by tse fol Make oto castor snt ht byte rected bo Protection from Evil 10' Radi (roVEM 10") potest the tage ane al Characters aacent tothe taxa Ie spell moves he AC and saving DHS of thowe lt protcisoy 2 gant en acer Protection rom Good, 10 Ras ProvGd 10 protect th age an a Characlsagacat othe target The spl proves the AG ana smug wows Of ‘hose rcact y 2 against good lacks. Protcton fom Normal Mss (ProuMises] makes tho tarot inmue © Slow afc fret prowl cast rae he agers mover umber tacks pet ound, Slow con be ted to negate a Haste spel. Ti Spal oxpeialy Uooh! aginst any erates that doa of aamage 4 ‘The Phian Area Bestiary ‘Ths ast f seme of the monster foun nan aroun Phan and the orth shote othe Moonsea, Most monsters caste arto te hears fa Dut Som oe more ower than oer, “Anknegs:Burowind monster usta ound in forest an farming areas. twee legged wom ured wth wicked anaes Shap hoses Baslick: A giant sigh-leaged leatd, Ono ofthe most dangerous creatures inthe teaims because the gaze can lan characters 1 tend! Bugbear: Hideous gartsized goin vito stands over soven foto hot Bughear ook cumey but are strong, quck ites wr got teats ‘Centaur These good ceases ae hall men and half hors. They ae capable fgttore ana can bo vaso lies, Displacor Boasts! Skog purse cea wi yo ery tentacles ‘roning fom bering is shoulare Ts beet has the magical abt to eplace itsimage about tee fost rom ts actual body, making kan eapocaly mete aponent Drier strange ix ith the torso arms an head a a ro an the loner boty ofa sider Tris Rotors he ica’ count tacoma Ereet large, por genie rom tw ciara plane of tre, Thy 2 Brogan anion seve a poner aste Airis in: These creatures fok tke lant two-haed ores. They have goat strength dual veld two sole cis that ire ternble damage in combat Fire Giant: These wicked giants have flaming red hair andl are immune to all fre Stacks They uscally attack wih lan o-hanced sores {lant Frog: These are aint camivorous 09s, They a6 ast, dargorous predators that may bs potsonous Giant Lizard: These aro giant cousin of the common zac {Gant Mantis: Thece are the gant worsion ofthe common man's. Thess ‘roatures af at, strong, and have tough natal mor Giant Snake: Thuse aro giant poisonous snakes (Ghoul: These ae ve uncesd whose touen may paralyze a man in combat. They ‘apd on slain basies ane attack al veg teatutes on sgn Gholi: These crestres are nyena-hoaded! humanoids who sland over seven fs Goblin: Those ao sma humanoids common inthe Reals. Hil Giant: Tose ae ane oft smaller, mero stupid giants, but thoy ae sil tough sapanens. They usualy oar args cubs. Hippogrt: Trase magrtant creatures have he feraimbe and hos of en esate Ande bod aod hina age of a nase Hobgoblin: These are human sized, neligoat raves ofthe gon Kobold: These are smal, cowardly humanids whe caight in par and torture Lizardman: These ar frie humanoids. They ae amniorous but hey have patel fancy for Rumans ‘Medusa: Hideous women-creatures with calling ma: fh ta a aso stane wath to ge. Minotaur nue ceaure wit the need oa bull an he body ofa man. These oslo stand eve gh foot a ar dangoecs loss, ‘Mummy: Thess are powatl und with great stent. The mee sight of one tas been known oparaiee a choractrin combat Tsuen ofthe anny ses a sang ong ase, Nymph These ae exromely eau creatures thal appear as ever young teas. They tly man wi aes ad shea ‘Ogre: Those are lane, lou tampered uly homies Troy ao srg Kaas (fe: These ate ito, ae ae0s Parana, Phase Spider & gant pir wiht nical bity fe paso out” ater stacks, T's power, combined wih vontmous ae ake a at donget Quicking: Those ae sma, st mowing ears. Secaine othe great speed they ae nie wher they oo coe ‘Skeleton These ao east of th undead, Skelton re uty conte some mewod te, Specto: These ar ane ofthe most panei of hs undead. Tel touch ean sta the fot ot characte Sire: These ses stod-suckim bids Tiwhkseon: As caled ants Wao, te eat resembles ago preying ‘mans They possess toogh natural no, cursng a et sgh #08 of snakes for hair, hey ‘Tiger: These are nable beasts who are both strong and silent. Though thelr Tape oe aay tye Deen anown to some "man est ‘ol Ravenous hovers foundin amos l clas ae ale. They ack wih Thar, cwodtands and ist be ian qu because ney regenerate Mt Maple: These ae one of he mos read undead nthe aims. They can “aie ewi ae stong hghters nd aw sorstnes poor mae uses ‘Wardog: These aoa, song ds, aed for bate, Ores, gone and her tRararaas aetna fuse Pome ‘Wight: Ncrtmarish undead rete that attack with lous clas and ro Tse tal exept ste or magic weapon Wild Boor: Tose crates she wie rates of he pia Walt Lange carne mest-eaers fund in nay a prs te Reales rath A ower ulead pi tal absorb characte’ Ha ener These ‘estos soa eels tom charactors. The solen ee can baregued by ‘Seninghaw exputenceoby havea Resiortion pot can aa sve. ‘Wyvem: Tose cuties ae start eaves of sragons. They stack by ing snd aig ihe poeonous stn th fl Zombl: Maricay nated bodes contol by a wicked toe, Zombies Zivaye igh Back url aestoyedor aed Pool of Radiance Tables za aaa Sofie ayes Sai a a ‘Weight a Aliity Adjustments igh Level Fighters nage ie Ie ‘sit at at — Reon auity aco Rael* Gata” || aig SHC ae Soe Ketons Sia ‘ss _tovel__Ataaound Soy Ta Gay | may sot Morne Se oe A ret ss cettil|l|ie oe sa 4 ae ci eea eee ome aloes teen Hee ralace: ta om oe oe fee eo je tos wm oe me [$b a | ome 16 ‘worral=1 150 0 0 a bs as we yw ye nog 3 # a ee ee ieeta aeons ° 8 em fine} 8 fio | [8 “ a wea 2 wa | [te gS . = jriami-o9 2 5 2,000 1 2 6 se , 2 % ‘os “3 Sees = SSSR ane fiome _ManSired' Thanfhan ol” Wands Class Armor Type _insp. At ‘Movement tes { : mead Cixi sam eB 2 bn pene een ce Elbo te 18 2 ' lap 16 sre eee ' ime to ieee ee ieee ited ob 2 ' fel teen sce ore oi a 7 be) ‘anded 350 4 squares fer toueect i u tae ek eam boa $4 3 i Soe ts i in saan i Hh | Sige te : Helter fier EF i 1 este e 2 a z i 3 é ‘ tr i wtis 3 onezeiovoL ovo invs auos-t02 © oog2-0 1 ssnarten Tau oove-tost 2 0} ave IMlupu PaUESS Say ODOUR A Buc Kusts Paap 8 us A ous eae ‘S21981 quewWaoUeApy [eno7 we n 3 i" is qe, KreuUINS jI9KK Getting Started Bey ate sees cies BER cane eee a U4) Jaatadadass! soi eae Shee ‘shies ‘Shor Bow ‘Alter outfitting the party, select ‘weapons andarmor hen you have rece al equipment, go oan nn to encamo, memoree poland soe he gars Good ste re Sleep fr magiose ane Ce ht Go ote Gi Gout lok an goth cormison ola hs se Phian, and then proceed to the entrance to the slums. i Use Peeing actors age he lst encoun he ss: 4+ Ere the ke ane go tough at or th soy 2, Proceed to neva doo to bn neat go uate 4. Altoerdaf etal yo can sn weet» go Pyeugh be doco te est Go through the door. 2 i {Sooo eure te orth, ano trough he oor the weak the "Use item’ and ‘Ready’ options to equip Now you ae on your nn, Adventuring Tips ‘then the party has putas ane equipped weapons andar. goto an Ins and ave mage-users and ceice memorize apali. Afteth, sove the oame Sole begin the acwentue, ora som hints an ips that wilhelp we you advent: Encamp often especialy iter tough or ighing area, such as ths ‘slim of Pian, Have apocaters memorze spas, heal wounded cnracters, fad saw the gam. ‘@ Vist the Cy councl Clerkin Phlan wen you dont know whore 1 a9 nat ‘Use protection sale such as Medtat, and prepavaton spel such 2s Enlarge or Srenath befere tough bates, ‘2 As you adventure you wl fr toasutes: gold, magial weapans and armor, ‘te Outi your characlors il now acalpment a you go. f you havent had ‘Ever canis yo, chock yout caracars’ TACO and AC when you ‘Squip snow tem to seo half does ‘¢ Once you star: geting ao! of good ems, be picky and only Koop Ho realy ‘alosbe Rome, polions and sols — rarer that you aly have imiied 90-Day Limited Warranty FCI Game Paks (90-Day Limited Warranty: Fujsanke Conmunieaions international, ne FC warrant othe orginal ‘cansumer purchaser that ths FCI Gam Carne shal a fs rom defects n ‘material ard workmanship for a pared of 0 days rom dat of purchase. Hf dstect ‘ovorod by this waranty occurs Guring tis 90-day waranty pete, FC! il repair ‘ot reolaes the cari, atts opten, Kee of charge. Repsacernant ofthe {ridge feo of charge, to he oil preasorexcopt fr the coat of return {Pegane carindge sth ful extent of ur abi, “To recov this waranty service return the detective carlge slong with a dates root of purchase and your name and adress ta an authorized FC Gearon ‘hotly to FC Fujsankel Communications itertional, ne "30 East 92 Strast, New Yo NY. 1008 Alten: Rlume Deparment ‘e12) 753.0100 ‘Ths warranty shal nol app i the cardge has Been damages by negligence accident, unreasonable io, mectietion, trmpeing, 0” by ether coeltes, causes to delecive materi o workmanship ‘Warranty Limitations ANY APPLICABLE fdPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY Rub FITNeSS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, HEREBY LIMITED TO NINETY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE AND ARE SUBJECT T0 THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. IN NO EVENT SHALL FCI DIE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL OAMAGES RESULTING FROMTHE BEACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR MPLIED WARRANTIES, “The Provisions othe waranty aro val inthe United States ey. Some slates do not allow is tatans on now long sn med svfany ast or exclusion o orsequent or inodental damages, 2 tn above mations and exclusion may hol apply ta you. Tis array gives You spect legal rights, and you may also hae oer gts whe vary om sta 0 tte Compliance with FCC Regulations “This equipment generates and uses sto racueney energy and not installed {ane usee propel that isn set aceerdance ith the manufacturer's, Insti, mey cause ilofooe to radio and tawson recep. kis boon type testoc ara found o comply wth te mts fora Class 8 comouting dvi _ecandanco vith the specteatons 9 Suapart of Part 18. FCC Puls, hon {a¥6desiane o provide reasanable protect. iit euch terete na ‘esldenalnstalstion. Howavay, here lero rao that inereronce wl not ‘cur ina parca insalaion. ths equipment does cause nlrferonco to ‘alo er flxtion reception, which ean be dtermined by tuning be equipment fffane on, the ussris encour o ty ta camect te intertarence oy One oF ‘more of te foleing meses ‘Ror the receiving antenna 1 Fesocato the NES wit eapect vo the weokor {Howe the NES away tom the cote 4 Plug he NES inte 2 erent cute so computer ang recevvor are on diferent create I nocossary, the usr should eens the dealer ar an experienced acVtele-sion| lwchrcan for adeitonal suggestions The usor may tne te foleing bose renare by he Fedoral Comnmunicaons Commission hela Hof anti and Fesove Radlo-TVInerternesPreslems. This bookot is evalane fom re. Government Printing Oto, \Wsshington, B.C. 20402, Stock No. O0s-000-00348-4

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