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Student full name: Dao Thi Phuong

Group: 9
Name of topic: Discuss the benefits of sustainable agriculture in the world
Writing essay

Gr 9: Write an essay of at least 250 words with the following topic: “Discuss the
benefits of sustainable agriculture in the world”.

Sustainable agricultural development has been a global concern as the world faces
many food challenges. Sustainable agriculture is agriculture that meets the needs of
the present generation without reducing the capabilities of future generations.
Sustainable agriculture is an agricultural development trend that many countries
focus on. The reason is because sustainable agriculture brings many practical
benefits, bringing benefits in both economic, social and environmental aspects.

Firstly, Economic benefits. In the spirit of both ensuring the demand for agricultural
products and maintaining natural resources, the development of sustainable
agriculture will contribute to improving the quality of green and clean agricultural
products, while providing raw materials for the industry. processing industry.
Thereby, sustainable agriculture helps shape brands and enhance the value of
agricultural products on the market, especially targeting export products. From
there, it is possible to promote exports and expand markets. All this will contribute
to the economic development of the country.

Second, Social benefits. Sustainable agricultural development also has specific

contributions to social development. That is ensuring fairness in development,
ensuring farmers' lives achieve increasingly higher results. Sustainable agricultural
development creates opportunities for concentrated farming to be compatible with
the market economy and international integration, thereby contributing to helping
people gain experience, increase income, and ensure family life, improve quality of
life. Thanks to this, the rate of hunger eradication and poverty reduction, the gap
between rich and poor between social classes and groups tends to decrease

Third, Environmental benefits. Sustainable agriculture facilitates maintaining

ecological balance and protecting the living environment. Sustainable farming

systems have reduced the requirement for fossil fuels or non-renewable energy
sources by substituting renewable energy sources or labor. Thereby saving energy
sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing the impact of climate

In conclusion, the importance of sustainable agriculture cannot be understated. With

the growing population and its need for more food, we must practice farming in
environmentally responsible ways. Sustainable agriculture is an environmentally
friendly approach that reduces dependence on limited natural resources. It brings
environmental, economic and social benefits to all people.

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