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Change, transitioning ,shift, walk, go, pass, proceed, transfer, transport, carry, remove, relocate,

assign, reassign, growing, advancing, progressing

Happiness, delight, joyfulness, charm, amusement, comfort, cheer, enjoyment, merriment, thrill,
pleasure, elation, bliss, glee

Yell, shriek, screech, shout, howl, squeal, cry, wail, yelp,

Obscene, abstinence, thespians, factions, demerit

Descriptive paragraph about Mr. Neck using 5

From: Melinda
To: Rachel
I forgive you, Rachel. I forgive you for treating me badly and not hearing me out for what
happened at the party. The evil man, Andy Evans, raped me at the party, and I felt helpless.
That is why I called the cops. I was so sad that moment that my mascara came off. He is now
trying to find his next victim, which could be you. Therefore, I am warning you to watch out for
him. We were such close friends, and we lost our connection after one big incident. I miss all of
the good memories we shared together, hanging out and having fun. It has been a very tough
couple of months without spending time with you. I have tried making friends while you were
gone, but none of them are the same as you. All I want to let you know is that I miss and forgive

Love, Melinda

Self- Incrimination

Rachel, I extend my forgiveness to you. I forgive the way you treated me and the
lack of understanding during the incident at the party. I faced a horrifying
experience at the hands of the sinister Andy Evans, who sexually assaulted me. It
left me feeling helpless, which made me call the cops. In the middle of that
distressing moment, my mascara ran down my eyes. I want to warn you, as he
continues to find his next victim, potentially targeting you next. We once shared a
strong bond as close friends, but it was destroyed after that unfortunate event. I
cherish the wonderful memories we created together, the times we spent hanging
out and enjoying each other's company. These past months have been challenging
without you. Despite attempting to find new connections in your absence, none
compare to the bond we once shared. I want you to understand that I miss you
deeply, and I offer my forgiveness.
Speaking and expressing your feelings are very important
In the book Speak, Melinda faces a lot of problems. Melinda is very uncomfortable
with sharing her problems, so she hides and avoids people. That is the main reason
why she is anti-social. Near the end of the book, Melinda confronts her feelings and
shares it by using her voice. She felt very relieved and was able to make friends
after standing up for herself to Andy Evans. In conclusion, speaking up and
expressing your feelings can help you fix a lot of problems.

Who what where

Christmas raccoon
Running around my room

It's a very cold and white Christmas Eve when I set up my Christmas tree in
my room. All of a sudden, I notice scurrying noises around me. I spot a mischievous
racoon darting around the floor. It's knocking things over causing a lot of chaos. I
quickly realized that it came out from the Christmas tree box when I was setting up
the tree. I panicked and shrieked as I tried shooing the raccoon out of my room and
house. The raccoon kept running and I became annoyed. I immediately realized
that there was something special about this raccoon; The raccoon was wearing a
Christmas sweater with a Santa hat on top of his head. Suddenly, the racoon
started running around the Christmas Tree, adding ornaments and beautiful lights
with his magical Christmas powers. It is a miracle because all of my Christmas
lights burnt out and I ran out of ornaments. The Christmas raccoon gently waved
goodbye to me and disappeared into thin space. THE END

Yellow = set up
Green = rising action
Orange = climax
pink= falling action
blue= resolution
It's a very cold and white Christmas Eve when I set up my Christmas tree in my
room. All of a sudden, I notice scurrying noises around me. I spot a mischievous
raccoon darting around the floor. It's knocking things over causing a lot of chaos.
“HEY, STOP,” I scream out. I quickly realize that it has come out of the box when I
was setting up the tree. The raccoon answers back, “Calm down buddy.” I panic
and shriek as I hear the raccoon speak. I pinch myself to see if I am dreaming. This
is not a dream. The raccoon can speak. I ask him, “What do you want from me?”
The raccoon responds, “ I only want to help, I see that you have no ornaments on
your tree, I’ll help you with that.” The magical raccoon scurries over to the tree and
starts singing and flying around the tree. All of a sudden, the tree is filled with
ornaments and Christmas lights. “Thank you so much Christmas raccoon.” “No
problem," he answers. We end up making up with each other and enjoy some tasty
Christmas sugar cookies together. The End.

Only minors should be engaged in trick-or-treating because it offers a unique and

enjoyable experience to kids. The first reason why minors should only be allowed to
trick or treat is that it encourages creativity through costume choices. For example,
when you are younger, you would want to purchase a costume of your favourite
character or something you are passionate about. When you become older, you
might want to become more creative and create your own costume. The next
reason why minors should only be allowed to trick-or-treat is that it could be a great
opportunity for kids to hangout with friends while receiving free chocolate. The last
reason why trick-or-treating is important for minors is that it teaches kids to learn
about following rules. They will learn manners by saying, “trick-or-treat” before
receiving the candy. Trick-or-treating can also teach them how to use sidewalks or
paths and to stay out of the street if they are younger. In conclusion, only minors
should be able to trick-or-treat.
Shoyo Hinata

Hinata is an energetic and playful character in the show Haikyuu. Hinata is a short
but incredibly talented volleyball player. His speed, agility, and jumping ability are
the parts that make him stand out from other players. Despite facing challenges and
setbacks, Hinata always finds a way to push through the challenge, trying his best.
Hinata may be small, but he is very effective. Hinata’s short build can be a
disadvantage when going up against taller opponents. He may struggle to block or
defend against stronger hitters who can spike the ball over him. However, Hinata’s
ability to adapt often helps him overcome these challenges. Hinata first fell in-love
with volleyball when he was in middle school watching a very short player named
the “little giant.” He gained inspiration from the player and wanted to become just
like him. Despite his small build, Hinata was determined to become one of the
greatest and shortest volleyball players. Hinata’s best friend is Kageyama, who is
the setter on his volleyball team. Their volleyball team is named Karasuno. The
main reason why I like Hinata is that I can relate a lot with him. Hinata is very well
known for being able to jump very high for his height and so am I.

Unruly- not submissive or conforming to rule

Stature- height and build of a human or animal
Schmoozer- gossip
Tenacity- stubborn to achieve something, persistence
Fortitude- mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty
Defiantly- resist against control
Contemplates- think deeply and careful
Crestfallen- no motivation, discouraged
Hinata, an unruly and playful character in the show Haikyuu, defies his
stature as a short but incredibly talented volleyball player. His speed, agility,
and jumping ability set him apart from others on the court. Despite facing
challenges and feeling crestfallen, Hinata always finds a way to push
through, displaying his tenacity and fortitude. While his small build can be a
disadvantage against taller opponents, especially in blocking or defending
against stronger hitters, Hinata's ability to adapt helps him overcome these
obstacles. His love for volleyball blossomed in middle school when he
watched a player known as the "little giant," inspiring him to pursue volleyball
despite his height. Hinata's best friend, Kageyama, serves as the setter on
their team, Karasuno. I admire Hinata because I can relate to his ability to
jump high despite his stature.

Kageyama, Karasuno’s setter for the volleyball team. He is the deuteragonist

of the show, Haikyuu. Kageyama's best friend is Hinata. Their friendship is
like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs. They first started off as rivals, but
they later on became good teammates. Before Hinata and Kageyama were
on the same team, they played against each other in a volleyball
tournament, where Hinata’s team got absolutely obliterated. Although they
both have their differences off the court, they always find a way to come
together and support each other. Kageyama always contemplates about
setting Hinata properly to deliver a good spike. Kageyama and Hinata acted
defiantly when they first started playing together on the court. They both had
their own way of doing things and didn't want to listen to each other.
Eventually, they realized that they could achieve more together.

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