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Client Name :
Engineer Name :
Analysis File : C:\Users\USER\Desktop\VOLANTE STRUC\Volante_2 Storey
Analysis Last Modified : 03/12/2022 8:46:53 PM

1. A = Plan area of footing base in sqmm
2. Ast (min) = Area of longitudinal reinforcement as per code cl. in sqmm
3. Ast Prv = Area of tensile reinforcement provided in sqmm
4. Ast Rqd = Area of longitudinal reinforcement from bearing
moment and minimum % steel provided by user and as
per code cl in sqmm
5. Av = Area of shear reinforcement required in sqmm
6. AvPrv = Area of shear reinforcement provided in sqmm
7. A1 = Bearing area of footing at slope of 1:2 in sqmm
8. A2 = C/s Area of column in sqmm
9. B = Width of footing base in mm
10. Beff = Effective width of footing in mm
11. Boff = Footing offset along B in mm
12. BoffB = Footing offset along B above column in plan
13. BoffT = Footing offset along B below column in plan
14. B1 = Width of sloped footing at top in mm
15. ColOff = Column offset in sloped footing in mm
16. Cx = Width of column in mm
17. Cy = Length of Column in mm
18. D = Depth of footing in mm
19. d = Effective Depth of footing in mm
20. Dfd = Depth of founding layer in m
21. Dw = Ground water level in m
22. Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete in N/sqmm
23. Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel in N/sqmm
24. Foss = Safety factor against sliding
25. Fosu = Safety factor against uplift
26. Fst = Stress in steel in N/sqmm
27. F'c = Characteristic strength of concrete in N/sqmm
28. Icr = Moment of Inertia of concrete crack section N/sqmm
29. L = Length of footing base in mm
30. Leff = Effective length of footing in mm
31. Loff = Footing offset along L in mm
32. LoffL = Footing offset along L on left side of column
33. LoffR = Footing offset along L on right side of column
34. L1 = Length of sloped footing at top in mm
35. Mcr = Cracking Moment
36. Mx = Bending Moment along column D in kN-m
37. Mex = Eccentricity moment along column D
38. Mxx = Total Bending Moment along column D (Mx + Mex)
39. My = Bending Moment along column B in kN-m
40. Mey = Eccentricity moment along column B
41. Myy = Total Bending Moment along column B (My + Mey)
42. Muy = Factored moment along column B in kN-m
43. Mux = Factored moment along column D in kN-m
44. Netdown = Net downward load in kN
45. OB = Maximum permissible offset on bottom side of column
46. OL = Maximum permissible offset on left side of column
47. OR = Maximum permissible offset on right side of column
48. OT = Maximum permissible offset on top side of column
49. P = Axial load for footing sizing in kN
50. Pcr(axial) = Design pressure at the critical section kN/sqm
51. P1 = Soil pressure at corner 1 in kN/sqm
52. P2 = Soil pressure at corner 2 kN/sqm
53. P3 = Soil pressure at corner 3 kN/sqm
54. P4 = Soil pressure at corner 4 kN/sqm
55. q = Surcharge Load in kN/sqm
56. sp = Spacing Between bars at outer most layer in mm
57. SPu = Upward Soil Pressure in kN/sqm
58. SPuL = Upward Soil Pressure from left
59. SPuR = Upward Soil Pressure from right
60. SPuB = Upward Soil Pressure from bottom
61. SPuT = Upward Soil Pressure from top
62. Temp1 = Peak Hydration temperature in Degree
63. Temp2 = Seasonal Temperature Variations in Degree
64. Vs Capacity = Shear strength capacity of provided shear
reinforcement kN
65. Vs = Nominal shear strength provided by shear
reinforcement, in KN
66. Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete in kN
67. Vu = Design shear force in kN
68. Vus = Strength of shear reinforcement in kN
69. Vx = Shear along major axis in kN
70. Vy = Shear along minor axis in kN
71. Waterpr = Upward water pressure in kN/sqm
72. Waterup = Upward force due to water in kN/sqm
73. WFoot = Add. Wt. due to difference in concrete and soil density
in kN
74. WFootc = Weight of footing and column with concrete density in
75. WSoil = Weight of soil covering footing area in kN
76. y = Neutral axis depth.
77. Zx = Section modulus of footing base along L in mm3
78. Zy = Section modulus of footing base along B in mm3
79. Φ = Strength reduction factor in shear
80. Φ1 = Strength reduction factor in concrete bearing
81. Φ1Pnb = Bearing strength of column in kN

Code References:
ACI 318M - 2014
Sr.No. Item Clause / Table
1. Ptmax :,,
2. Ptmin : &
3. Vc : 22.6.5
4. Av : & 22.6.7
5. Max Stirrup Spacing : &
6. Vs :
7. fs,perm : 10.6.4
8. fc,perm :
9. Wcr : Eq 4.2(a)

Design Code : ACI 318M - 2014

Footing No : FC1
Column No : C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10 ( 400mm X 250mm)
Analysis No : 47,48,49,50,62,52,53,55,56,65

Concrete Grade : C20

Steel Grade : Fy420
Clear Cover : 40 mm
Dfd : 4M
Dw : 1M

Density of Soil = 18 KN/cuM

Soil Bearing Capacity = 200 kN/sqm
Gross Bearing Capacity = 272 kN/sqm
Permissible SBC Increase = 50 %
for EQ
Permissible SBC Increase = 0 %
for Wind
Live Load Reduction =0 %
Permissible area of loss of = 0 %

Cross Section designed by : Maximum pressure

Consider overburden
Footing Type : Pad
Footing Size (L x B x D) : 1500mm X 1500mm X 300mm
Soil Wt. + Footing Wt. = 160.07 KN

Offset Along L (Loff) = 550 mm

Offset Along B (Boff) = 625 mm

Check For Maximum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C10
Critical Load Combination = [3] : (LOAD 3: DL) +0.7 (LOAD 1: EX)
Pcomb = 139.94 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 300.00 kN
Mx = 27.11 kNm
My = -1.91 kNm
P/A = 133.34 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 48.19 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -3.39 kN/sqm
Maximum Soil Pressure = 184.91 kN/sqm
Allowable Soil Pressure = 1.5 X 200 + 72 kN/sqm
= 372 kN/sqm

Check For Minimum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C5
Critical Load Combination = [10] : 0.6 (LOAD 3: DL)
+0.6 (LOAD 1: EX)
Pcomb = -26.34 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight x 0.6
P = 69.7 kN
Mx = 15.35 kNm
My = 1.16 kNm
P/A = 30.98 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 27.3 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 2.07 kN/sqm
Minimum Soil Pressure = 1.62 kN/sqm
> 0

Design For Bending:

Bottom Reinforcement Along L:
Critical Column No = C10
Critical Load Combination = [17] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +(LOAD 4: LL) +1.4 (LOAD
1: EX)
Pu = 207.84 kN
Mux = 52.03 kNm
Muy = -3.71 kNm
P/A = 92.37 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 92.49 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -6.6 kN/sqm

Deff = 252 mm
Beff = 1500 mm
SPu = 191.46 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X B X Loff X Loff / 2
= 43.44 kNm
Ast Rqd = 810 sqmm
Ast (min) = 810 sqmm
Ast Prv = 9 - #16 @ 200
= 1787 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Width

Bottom Reinforcement Along B:

Critical Column No = C10
Critical Load Combination = [17] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +(LOAD 4: LL) +1.4 (LOAD
1: EX)
Pu = 207.84 kN
Mux = 52.03 kNm
Muy = -3.71 kNm
P/A = 92.37 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 92.49 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -6.6 kN/sqm

Deff = 236 mm
Leff = 1500 mm
SPu = 191.46 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X L X Boff X Boff / 2
= 56.09 kNm
Ast Rqd = 810 sqmm
Ast (min) = 810 sqmm
Ast Prv = 9 - #16 @ 200
= 1787 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

Design For Shear:

One Way Shear Along L:
Critical Section @ d from Column Face
= 252 mm
Critical Column No = C10
Critical Load Combination = [17] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +(LOAD 4: LL) +1.4 (LOAD
1: EX)
Pu = 207.84 kN
Mux = 52.03 kNm
Muy = -3.71 kNm
P/A = 92.37 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 92.49 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -6.6 kN/sqm

Deff = 252 mm
Beff = 1500 mm
SPu = 191.46 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Loff - d) X B
= 85.58 kN
φVc = 225.64 kN
Vu < φVc
One Way Shear Along L (Tension Case):
At face of column
Soil + Surcharge Load,q = 74.1 kN/sqm
Deff = 252 mm
Beff = 1500 mm
Vu = q x Loff X B X 1.2
= 73.36 kN
Vc = 213.18 kN
Vu < Vc

One Way Shear Along B:

Critical Section @ d from Column Face

= 236 mm
Critical Column No = C10
Critical Load Combination = [17] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.4
(LOAD 1: EX)
Pu = 207.84 kN
Mux = 52.03 kNm
Muy = -3.71 kNm
P/A = 92.37 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 92.49 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -6.6 kN/sqm

Deff = 236 mm
Leff = 1500 mm
SPu = 191.46 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Boff - d) X L
= 111.72 kN
φVc = 212.76 kN
Vu < φVc

One Way Shear Along B (Tension Case):

At face of Column
Soil + Surcharge Load,q = 74.1 kN/sqm
Deff = 236 mm
Leff = 1500 mm
Vu = q x Boff X L X 1.2
= 83.36 kN
Vc = 200.30 kN
Vu < Vc

Design For Punching Shear:

Critical Section @ d/2 from Column Face
= 122 mm

Critical Column No = C10

Critical Load Combination = [17] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +(LOAD 4: LL) +1.4 (LOAD
1: EX)
Pu = 207.84 kN
Mux = 52.03 kNm
Muy = -3.71 kNm
P/A = 92.37 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 92.49 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -6.6 kN/sqm

Deff = 244 mm
Leff = 644 mm
Beff = 494 mm
Punching Perimeter = 2276 mm
Punching Area = 555344 sqmm
SPu = Max Pressure
= 191.46 kN/sqm
Vu = { SPu [ (L x B)- (Leff x
= 369.88 kN
φVn = 931.34 kN
φVc = 614.685 kN
No Shear Reinforcement
Vu < φVc

Design For Punching Shear (Tension Case):

At face of column
Soil + Surcharge Load,q = 74.1 kN/sqm
Deff = 244 mm
Leff = 400 mm
Beff = 250 mm
Punching Perimeter = 1300 mm
Punching Area = 317200 sqmm
Vu = q x ((L X B)-(ColD X ColB))
= -60.58 kN
Vc = 709.28 kN
Vu < Vc

Load Transfer Check For Load Transfer From Column To Footing

Critical Column No = C10
Critical Load Combination = [17] : 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +
(LOAD 4: LL) +1.4
(LOAD 1: EX)
Pu = 207.84 kN
A2 = 0.1 sqm
A1 = 2.32 sqm
Base Area = 2.25 sqm
A1 > Base Area
Thus, A1 = 2.25
Modification Factor = SquareRoot(A1/A2) < =
SquareRoot(A1/A2) = 4.7434
Thus, Modification Factor = 2
Φ1 = 0.65
Φ1Pnb = Φ1 X 0.85 X Fck X Modication Factor X Column
= 2210 kN
Φ1Pnb > Pu, Hence Safe.
Client Name :
Engineer Name :
Analysis File : C:\Users\USER\Desktop\VOLANTE STRUC\Volante_2 Storey
Analysis Last Modified : 03/12/2022 8:46:53 PM

Design Code: ACI 318M - 2014

Load Combinations :
1. 1.4 (LOAD 3: DL)
2. 1.2 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.6 (LOAD 4: LL)
3. 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EX)
4. 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EZ)
5. 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EX)
6. 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 4: LL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EZ)
7. 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EX)
8. 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EZ)
9. 1.42 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EX)
10. (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EZ)
11. 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 1: EX)
12. 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) +1.25 (LOAD 2: EZ)
13. 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 1: EX)
14. 0.68 (LOAD 3: DL) -1.25 (LOAD 2: EZ)

Levels : 1. FOUNDATION
2. 0m
3. 3.2m
4. 6.2m
5. 8.9m
Column/Wall : C1 , C4 , C7
Level Size Material LC Analysis P Mx My Pt Interaction Main Links
(mm) LC No (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (%) Ratio Reinforcement
1 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
12 16 22.81 1.55 27.6 1.19 0.62 6-#16
2 400 Fy420 200
2 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
8 12 39.93 1.81 36.29 1.19 0.78 6-#16
3 400 Fy420 200
3 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
4 8 24 8.84 -31.57 1.19 0.65 6-#16
4 400 Fy420 200
4 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
8 12 -4.14 1.38 -10.05 1.19 0.23 6-#16
5 400 Fy420 200

Column/Wall : C2 , C3 , C6 , C8 , C9 , C10
Level Size Material LC Analysis P Mx My Pt Interaction Main Links
(mm) LC No (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (%) Ratio Reinforcement
1 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
11 15 17.41 41.66 5.77 1.19 0.55 6-#16
2 400 Fy420 200
2 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
6 10 91.75 1.74 38.46 1.19 0.76 6-#16
3 400 Fy420 200
3 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
3 7 58.16 -48.09 -13.73 1.19 0.62 6-#16
4 400 Fy420 200

Column/Wall : C5
Level Size Material LC Analysis P Mx My Pt Interaction Main Links
(mm) LC No (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (%) Ratio Reinforcement
1 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
8 12 -8.3 1.13 21.26 1.19 0.5 6-#16
2 400 Fy420 200
2 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
3 7 6.28 -54.99 -1.04 1.19 0.74 6-#16
3 400 Fy420 200

Column/Wall : C11 , C12 , C13 , C15

Level Size Material LC Analysis P Mx My Pt Interaction Main Links
(mm) LC No (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (%) Ratio Reinforcement
4 TO 250 X C25 : #10 @
8 12 -2.48 0 8.55 1.27 0.31 4-#16
5 250 Fy420 200

Column/Wall : C14
Level Size Material LC Analysis P Mx My Pt Interaction Main Links
(mm) LC No (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (%) Ratio Reinforcement
4 TO 250 X C25 : - #10 @
14 18 -1.41 -11.19 1.19 0.26 6-#16
5 400 Fy420 10.34 200
Design Code: ACI 318M –
2014Beam Mark : FTB
Dimension: 200mm X 300mm
Material Properties : C25 : Fy420
Level Designed: 0 M

Beam Bottom Beam Top
Left Mid Right Left Mid Right
Mu (kN) 12.806 11.638 11.18 29.663 8.263 30.566
PtClc (%) 0.2 0.18 0.17 0.37 0.13 0.38
Ast Calc (mm )
2 149.64 135.75 130.36 273.94 97.5 282.7
Ast Prv (mm2) 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12
Reinforcement 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16
Left Mid Right
Vu (kN) 19.11 8.48 19.91
Asv Torsion (mm2) 0 0 0
Asv Reqd (mm2) 208.333 208.333 208.333
Asv Prv (mm2) 1232.7 1232.7 1232.7
Reinforcement 2L-#10 @ 115 2L-#10 @ 115 2L-#10 @ 115

Beam Mark : GB
Dimension: 250mm X 350mm
Material Properties : C25 : Fy420
Level Designed: 3.2M , 6.2M

Beam Bottom Beam Top
Left Mid Right Left Mid Right
Mu (kN) 19.356 12.513 20.32 28.387 11.727 30.342
PtClc (%) 0.3 0.19 0.32 0.35 0.182 0.37
Ast Calc (mm2) 228.5 146.15 240.28 261.6 136.81 280.53
Ast Prv (mm2) 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12
Reinforcement 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16
Left Mid Right
Vu (kN) 13.28 5.57 13.68
Asv Torsion(mm2) 0 0 0
Asv Reqd (mm2) 208.333 208.333 208.333
Asv Prv (mm )2
1232.7 1232.7 1232.7
Reinforcement 2L-#10 @ 115 2L-#10 @ 115 2L-#10 @ 115
Beam Mark : LB/RB
Dimension: 200mm X 300mm
Material Properties : C20 : Fy275
Material Properties : C25 : Fy420
Level Designed: 3.2M , 6.2M

Beam Bottom Beam Top
Left Mid Right Left Mid Right
Mu (kN) 0.999 2.297 2.6 0.131 0.341 0.428
PtClc (%) 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
Ast Calc (mm )
2 65 65 65 65 65 65
Ast Prv (mm )2 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12 397.12
Reinforcement 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16 2-#16
Left Mid Right
Vu (kN) 0.33 0.21 0.35
Asv Torsion (mm )2 0 0 0
Asv Reqd (mm2) 166.667 166.667 166.667
Asv Prv (mm2) 1134.08 1134.08 1134.08
Reinforcement 2L-#10 @ 125 2L-#10 @ 125 2L-#10 @ 125
Client Name :
Engineer Name :
Analysis File : C:\Users\USER\Desktop\VOLANTE STRUC\Volante_2 Storey
Analysis Last Modified : 03/12/2022 8:46:53 PM

1. Density of concrete assumed as 25 kN/Cum.

Definitions Of Terms: :
Ratio of flexural stiffness of beam section to flexural
1. αf =
stiffness of slab.
Ratio of torsional stiffness of edge beam section to
2. βt =
flexural stiffness of slab.
3. Φt = Strength reduction factor.
4. As = Area of Tension reinforcement required in sqmm.
5. As,min = Min area of flexural reinforcement in sqmm.
Area of longitudinal reinforcement provided at
6. AstPrv =
given section in sqmm.
Total area of longitudinal reinforcement calculated at
7. Ast =
a given section in sqmm.
8. b = Width of the Slab in mm.
9. B1 to B4 = Width of beams around slab in mm.
10. Cc = Effective Cover to tension reinforcement in mm.
cross-sectional constant to define torsional properties
11. CA and CB =
of slab and beam.
12. deff = Effective depth of slab in mm.
13. D1 to D4 = Depth of beams around slab.
14. Icr = Moment of Inertia of concrete crack section.
Length of clear span in direction that moment are
15. Ln =
being determined in mm.
16. L2 = Length of adjacent span of Ln in mm.
17. lb1 to lb2 = Moment of inertia of beams around slab in mm4.
18. Mcr = Cracking Moment.
19. Mu = Factored Bending Moment at a section in kNm.
20. Ptmin = Minimum percentage steel as per clause 10.
21. PtPrv = Provided percentage steel.
22. Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete in kN.
23. Vu = Factored Shear Force at a section in kN.
24. Vud = Design Shear Force in kN.
25. y = Neutral axis depth.

Code References :
ACI 318M - 2014


1. Ptmax :,,
2. Ptmin : &
3. Vc : 22.6.5
4. Av : & 22.6.7
5. Moment calculations : 8.10
6. spacing between main bars : 7.7.2
7. spacing between distribution bars : 7.7.6 & 8.7.2
8. Minimum reinforcement : 7.6.1 & 8.6.1
9. fs,perm : 10.6.4
10. fc,perm :
10. Wcr : Eq 4.2(a)

Slab No. : S1
Level = 3.2m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2014
Grade Of Concrete = C20
Grade Of Steel = Fy275
Clear Cover = 20.000 mm
Long Span, Ly = 3.500 m
Short Span, Lx = 3.350 m
Imposed Load = 2.400 kN/sqm
Live Load, Qk = 1.900 kN/sqm
Slab Thickness = 100.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LX, Deffx = 75.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LY, Deffy = 65.000 mm
Self Weight = 2.500 kN/sqm
Total Load, TL (ultimate) = 8.920 kN/sqm
Span = 2-Way
Load Combination = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

Short Span Long Span

Side1 Side2 Side1 Side2
B (mm) 200 250 250 250
D (mm) 300 350 350 350
Ib (mm4) x106 450 893.23 893.23 893.23
Adjacent Slab
Thk (mm) - - - -
Span (mm) - - - -
Ib (mm4) x106 139.58 139.58 145.83 145.83
αf lx, αf ly 3.22 6.4 6.12 6.12
αf 5.47
Ln (mm) 3125 3250
L2 (mm) 1875 1787.5
Total BM (kNm) 20.42 21.05
Moment Coefficent 0.85 0.84
Distributed Moment (kNm) 17.15 17.68
CS Moment (kNm) 12.63 13.03
MS Moment (kNm) 4.52 4.66
Moment on Beam (kNm) 10.74 11.07
Design Moment M1, M3 (kNm) 1.89 1.95
Moment Coefficent 0.16 0.16
Distributed Moment (kNm) 3.27 3.37
CS Moment (kNm) 2.41 2.48
MS Moment (kNm) 0.86 0.89
Moment on Beam (kNm) 2.05 2.11
Design Moment M2, M4 (kNm) 0.361 0.37

Design Moments:
Short Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M1 = 1.895 kNm
Area Of Reinforcement = 103.225 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 473.000 sqmm/m
Short Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M2 = N.A. kNm
Area Of Reinforcement = N.A. sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = N.A.
= N.A. sqmm/m
Long Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M3 = 1.954 kNm
Area Of Reinforcement = 123.339 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 473.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M4 = N.A. kNm
Area Of Reinforcement = N.A. sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = N.A.
= N.A. sqmm/m
Distribution Reinforcement @ 0.18% -
Area Of Reinforcement = 135.000 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 473.000 sqmm/m
Shear Check :
Along Short Span
Vsx (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 4) = 7.471 kN
Nominal Shear, Vc = 57.020 kN
> 7.471 Slab Is Safe In Shear
Along Long Span
Vsy (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 2 x (1 = 7.791 kN
- (Lx / (2 x Ly))))
Nominal Shear, Vc = 49.417 kN
> 7.791 Slab Is Safe In Shear

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