Soal Pts Prakarya Kls 9 SMSTR 2

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Alamat :Jalan Veteran No. 65 Telp. (0736) 22700 Kota Bengkulu 38115


Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Sekolah : SMPN 9 Kota Bengkulu
Kelas/Semester : IX/2(Genap)
Jumlah soal : 30 Butir
Hari/tanggal :
Nama :
Kelas :


Choose the correct answer by crossing (X)a, b, c, or d!

1. A : Why does the baby next door keep b. invited
crying? c. was invited
B : As usual, it ... by the babysitter d. is invited
a. Is neglected 7. Mia : Ray, you look different today.
b. Is neglecting Why you didn’t wear your usual glasses
c. Neglect ?
d. Is to be neglected Ray : My eyeglasses …. in the optic I
2. Why are the student staying outside? broke the lenses yesterday
Their classroom …. Mia : I hope their repair goes well and
a. Is being cleaned you can use your usual glasses again,
b. Being cleaned Ray
c. Was cleaned Ray : Thank you, I hope so. This glasses
d. Is cleaning is really uncomfortable and I want to
3. The play I am reading …. wear my usual glasses again.
a. Has never performed a. being repaired
b. Never performed b. have been repaired
c. Never being performed c. repaired
d. Has never been performed d. is being repaired
4. The headmaster would like the school 8. Manda : Wow, your house is really
yard … by every student before great, Donna! It’s like a new house with
tomorrow this new door and bright paint color.
a. Sweep Donna : The renovation … entirely by
b. Sweeping my father, from changing the door to
c. Have swept paint the wall
d. To be swept a. Did
5. The picture is not anymore b. Was done
It must have … away c. Done
a. Being taken d. Were done
b. Took 9. July : Hanna, you like novels, right?
c. Been taken Have you read Winter in Tokyo?
d. Been taking Hanna : No, I just heard the title now.
6. Kai : Ita, do you want to go somewhere, Wo is the author ?
wearing that dress and heels ? July : The novel …. By Ilana Tan, and
Ita : We … to the wedding of Galih and she wrote other novels too. People said
Ratna this evening, Kai. How come her novels is good, so maybe yo try to
you’re not ready yet? can read it.
Kai : Oh my God, I really forget that we a. Was written
were invited there. Okay, I will get b. Write
ready now and we will go immediately. c. Wrote
a. were invited d. Has written
10. Bagus : Jack, why you use goodie bag Once when a lion was asleep, a
to bring your books? Where is your little mouse began running up and down
backpack? upon him, this soon awoke the lion that
Jack : My backpack got rained on placed his huge paw upon him, and
yesterday, and it … right now in my open his big jaws to swallow him.
home. I don’t have other backpack, so I “Pardon, O king,” cried the little
have no choice and just use this goodie mouse, “Forgive me this time, I shall
bag never forget it, perhaps I may be able to
Bagus : Oh, poor you. Next time you do you a good turn some of these days.”
need to make sure to use a cover for The lion was so tickled at the idea of the
your backpack. mouse being able to help him.
a. Was being washed Sometime after, the lion was
b. Has been washed caught in a trap. Some hunters, who
c. Is being washed wanted to carry him alive to the King,
d. Have been washed tied him to a tree while they went in
Then the king of rats decided to search of wagon to carry him in. Just
approach the elephant’s chief and then, the little mouse happened to pass
request him to guide his heard through by and see the sad plight in which the
another route. On hearing the sad story, lion was. The little mouse went up to
the elephant’s king apologized and him and soon gnawed away the ropes
agreed to take another route. And so the that bounded the king of the beast. Soon
lives of the rats were saved. after the little mouse had finished
One day elephant-hunters came to gnawing away the ropes, he asked the
the jungle and trapped a group of lion to run away.
elephants in huge nets. Then the 14. What is the purpose of the text ?
elephant king suddenly remembered the a. To entertain the readers
king of the rats. He summoned one of b. To persuade the readers that
the elephants of his herd, which had not something should or should not be
been trapped, to go seek help from the the case
king and told him about the trapped c. To inform the readers about the
elephants. events of the day which are
The rat’s king immediately took considered news-worthy
his entire groups of rats and they cut d. To explain something
open the nets which had trapped the 15. What is the moral value of the text?
elephant herd. The elephant herd was a. Don’t look at someone because of
totally set free. They danced with joy this clothes
and thank the rats. b. It is best for prepare for the days of
11. What type of the text above ? It is … necessity
a. A narrative text c. Common people may proved great
b. A descriptive text ones
c. A recount text d. United wa stand, divided we fall
d. A anecdote text 16. Paragraph three mainly tells us that ...
12. What destroyed the homes of all rats? a. The little mouse asked for
a. A group of mice did forgiveness
b. The hunter did b. The hunters carried the lion alive to
c. Elephant-hunter did the king
d. A group of elephant did c. The lion was tied to a tree by the
13. What helped the elephant’s herd free? hunters
a. The elephant-hunter did d. The little mouse could prove that he
b. The hunter did could help the lion
c. Entire group of rats did One day, Sang Prabu made up his mind
d. The trapped elephants did to settle the metter by a show of
After that, Prince of Blambangan,
The text is for questions number 14 to 16 named Raden Begawan had won the
The Lion and The Mouse competition. Unfortunately, the wicked
fairy, Princess Segara, fell in love with a.120 meter b.150 meter c.180 meter
Raden Begawan and used magic power d.240 meter
to render him unconscious and he forgot
his wedding. When Sang Prabu was 11. A’(3,10) adalah bayangan titik A(-11,10)
searching, Raden Begawan saw him and hasil pencerminan terhadap garis x=h.nilai
soon realized that he had been h adalah...
enchanted by the the wicked fairy. The a.7 b.-4 c.-8 d.-14
fairy could not accept this, so she killed 12. A(x,y) direfleksikan terhadap titik pangkal
Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja O(0,0) maka bayangan titik A adalah...
Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. a.(-x,y) b.(-x,-y) c(x,-y) d(x,y)
So, a nice fairy took her to the 13.Segitiga OA’B’ adalkah hasil dilatasi dari
Kahyangan. segitiga OAB oleh dilatasi [O,3] jika
17. Which one of the following statements koordinat A(5,0) B(0,12) ,maka keliling
is false about Sang Prabu ? segitiga OA’B’ adalah...satuan
a. Sang Prabu was a father of his only a. 30 b. 39 c.60 d. 90
b. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom 14.Koordinat bayangan titikP(7,12) oleh
in West Java translasi [6 -11] adalah...
c. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan a(13,23) b.(13,1) c.(13,-1) d.(1,1)
by a wicked fairy
d. Sang Prabu was a wise man 15.Sebuah titik dirotasikan sejauh 90 derajat
18. searah jarum jam dengan pusat O. Jika
koordinat bayangannya (-3,7) maka
3 koordinat titik mula mula adalah...
4. Bentuk dirasionalkan penyebutnya
√5 a.(-3,7) b.(7,-3) c.(-7,-3) d. (7,-3)
adalah… 16.Sebuah titik A (3,9) dicerminkan terhadap
3 3 garis y=x maka bayangan titi A adalah...
a. √ 15 b. √ 5 c. √5 d.
5 5 a. (9,3) b.(3,-9) c.(-9,-3) d.(-3,-9)
2 17. Perhatikan gambar gambar dibawah.
5. Bilangan yang senilah dengan
4+ √ 3 Panjang PS pada gambar tersebut adalah...
4−√ 3 4−√ 3 8−2 √ 3
a. b. c. d. T
7 13 13 12 cm
8−2 √ 3 8 cm
P 3 cm
6. Salah satu akar dari 3 x 2+10 x +c=0 adalah - S Q
4. Akar yang lainnya adalah ...
−3 −2 3 2 a. 6 cm b. 8 cm c. 9 cm d. 10 cm
a. b. c. d.
2 3 2 3 18.Perhatikan gambar.
7. Himpunan penyelesaian dari x +7x+12=0
a. {3,4} b.{3,-4} c.{-3,-4} d.{6,2}
8. Kurva parabola f(x)=x2+bx+10 memiliki
sumbu simetri= - 3,nilai minimum f(x)
a.-4 b.1 c.7 d.19 Banyak pasangan segitiga yang kongruen
9. Pembuat nol fungsi f(x)= 6 –x - x2 adalah... a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
a.-3 dan 2 b.-3 dan -2 c.3 dan -2 d.3 dan 2 19.Perhatikan gambar.
10. Sebuah roket ditembakkan vertikal keatas,
tinggi roket setelah t detik dinyatakan
dengan rumus h(t) = 60t – 5t2 meter.tinggi T
maksimum yang dapat dicapai roket
adalah... S T
Perbandingan yang benar adalah…
a. = b. = c. =
16 cm
d. =
SR TS a. 116 π cm2 c. 232 π cm2
20. Pada gambar dibawah, nilai x adalah ... cm b. 132 π cm2 d. 264 π cm2

25.Sebuah kerucut mempunyai volume 20cm3.

Jika diameter kerucut tersebut diperbesar 3
kali dan tinggi nya diperbesar 2 kali, maka
volume kerucut yang baru adalah...
a. 12 c. 6
b. 8 d. 4
a. 720cm3 b. 480cm3 c. 360cm3 d. 120cm3

21.Andi ingin mengetahui lebar sungai. 26.Sebuah kerucut dengan panjang jari jari
Diseberang sungai terdapat sebuah pohon. alasnya 14 cm dan tingginya 48cm.maka
Untuk itu dia menancapkan tongkat pada volum kerucut adalah...cm3
posisi A,B,C,D dengan ukuran seperti a.6858 b.7856 c. 8756 d. 9856
gambar berikut.
27. Hasil dari -9 + 12 : (-4) =...
a.12 b.-12 c.6 d.-24

28. Pak Doni mempunyai lahan yang luasnya 2

ha. Kemudian membeli tanah
sungai 1 1
disebelahnya 3 ha. Jika 4 ha lahan
3 4
D 6m C digunakan untuk pertanian dan sisanya untuk
peternakan, luas lahan peternakan adalah…
5 7 9 11
a. 1 ha b. 1 ha c. 1 ha d. 1 ha
A B 12 12 12 12
29. Ada 40 peserta yang ikut lomba. Lomba
Andi ingin mengukur lebar sungai dari baca puisi diikuti oleh 23 orang, lomba baca
tongkat D sampai pohon. Berada lebar puisi dan menulis cerpen diikuti 12 orang.
sungai tersebut? Banyak peserta yang mengikuti lomba
a. 11 meter b. 12 meter c. 15 meter menulis cerpen adalah…
d. 16 meter a.12 orang b.28 orang c.29 orang d.35
22.Panjang jari jari alassebuah tabung 21 cm,
dan tingginya 30 cm. Luas selimut tabung 30.Diketahui himpunan semesta S={l,e,b,a,h}
adalah... P={a,b} Q={b,e,l,a} anggota himpunan P n
a.1320 cm b.1430 cm c.2130 cm QC=...
d.3960 cm a.{} b.{a,b} c.{b,e,l} d.{b,e,l,a}

23. Diketahui kerucut dengan tinggi 12 cm dan 31.Diketahui H= {j,u,r,n,a,l } banyak himpunan
panjang jari jari alasnya 5 cm.maka panjang bagian dari Hyang terdiri dari 4 anggota
garis pelukisnya adalah.... adalah....
a.17 cm 15cm c.13 cm d.7 cm a.6 b.12 c.15 d.20

24.Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini. Luas 32. A={4,5,6,7,8,9,10} dan B={{8,10} maka
permukaan bangun tersebut adalah... A-B=...
a.[4,5,6,7,8,9,10} b.{4,5,6,7,9,10}
c.{4,5,6,7,9} d. {4,5,7,9}

33.Diketahui persamaan : 5 x+ 8=3 x +16, maka

nilai x +11 adalah ... a
19 cm 4 cm a. 23 b. 15 c. 14 d. 12
34.Untuk membuat 60 pakaian diperlukan
waktu 18 hari.jika penjahit bekerja selama 39.Sebuah kapal berlayar dari pelabuhan A
24 hari banyak pakaian dapat dibuat adalah... kearah barat sejauh 210 km di pelabuhan B,
a.40 buah b.75 buah c.80 buah d.90 buah kemudian berbelok keutara sejauh 200 km
35.Luas persegi panjang sama dengan luas untuk menuju pelabuhan C.hitunglah jarak
persegi.jika keliling persegi = 64 cm,dan terdekat pelabuhan A kepelabuhan C
lebar persegipanjang 8cm, keliling a.410 km b.290 km c.200 km d.190 km
persegipanjang 40. Tabel berikut adalah skor hasil tes pegawai
a.32 b.40 c.80 d.256 disebuah kantor.
36.Dua buah lingkaran berjari-jari 10 cm dan 5 Skor 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9
cm. panjang garis singgung pesekutuan
dalamnya 20 cm. jarak kedua pusat Frekuens 2 4 4 6 6 5 2 1
lingkaran tersebut adalah…
Bila syarat diterima adalah yang
a. 15 cm b. 25 cm c. 27 cm d. 35 cm
memperoleh skor diatas rata-rata, maka
banyaknya peserta yang tidak diterima
37.Jumlah 30 suku pertama dari deret
3+6+9+12+15+... adalah ....
a. 10 orang
a.1395 b.1385 c.1375 d.1365
b. 14 orang c
c. 16 orang
38.Gradien garis dengan persamaan -3x – 5y
d. 22 orang
+15 = 0 adalah....
a.-5/3 b.-3/5 c.5/3 d.3/5

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