CBSE (08.01.2021) POST MID TERM/9th Class CBSE Social Science Post - Mid Term

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hI Sri Chaitanya School Techno Curriculum ‘The right mentor for IT (JEE), Medical, Olympiad & all other Competitive exams (POST MID-TERM EXAMINATION 2020 - 24 Marks 40 Time :90 Min, General Tnstractons: a itp ® ” vip ‘Question paper comprises five Sections ~ A, B, C, and B. There are 16 questions inthe question paper, All questions ae compulsory, Section A — Question no, 1 to 8 are Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each ‘Section B Question no, 910 I ae short answer type questions, carrying, 3 mark cach ‘Aasovero each question should not exceed 80 words, Section C— Question no. 12 and 13 are sores based questions, earrying 4 marks each Section D = Question no, 14nd 15 are long answer type questions carrying marks each Answer toeach question should not exceed 120 words, Section E~ Question no, 16s map based, carrying § marks with wo parts, 82.1 from History 2 marks) and 32.2 from Geograpby (3 mark) ‘There isn overall ehoie inthe question paper: However, an internal choice has heen provide in few questions, Only one of the choices in such questions have tobe attempted In iton to this, separate instructions are given with each section ad question, wherever SECTIONA, ‘Why was the Enabling Act passed on 3rd March 1935 signif cant? 1 A) gave more power tothe Reichstag. 8B) Icenabled Lller to suspend all political parties including Nazi afflaes (C) I gave Hitler supreme power to sideline the Parliament and rue by decree ) Ivenabld the acu population of Geraany to elect the government Which ofthe following was the most important outcome ofthe Fire Decree of 8th February, 19332 1 A) New Fie Fighting Department was et up by tis deere. 'B) The deeree suspended the Civil Rights like freedom of speech, press and assembly C) The Decree announced compensation forall vstims of Fire inthe Reichstag, D) Itmade Hitler the Chancellor of Germany, iin the blank: The monsoon are experienced inthe tropical area roughly between and lates 1 or Istexpoasile fr deflecting winds towards the right in the Norhem Hemisphere And towards the leftin Southern Hemisphere t > These are the most widespread fore of India, * They are also called the monsooa forests and spread over the region receiving rainfall, between 200 em and 70 em ‘Trees of ths forest ype shed thei eaves fr abon to-eght wecks ia dey summer S. Distinguish between Political Executive and Permanent Executive. ‘Choose the core options i) Political exeeutivesare elected by the President and Permanent executives are appointed by the people 4) Political exccutvesareelete by the people whereas Permanent executives are appointed by the President and selected through the competitive examinations. ii) Politica executives are selected forthe lite time peviod i for five years bu Permanent executives remain in thei office til heir reirement, in) Political executivesare responsible tothe pariament hut Permanent executives are accountable tothe people. Aad) OAM. Gi) and Gv) 6 Choose the wrongly matched pair about the and Utilization in India from the flowing options: A) Lok Sabha - House ofthe people 1 'B) Rajya Sabha - Council ofthe sates (© Paliamcat - Highest body of law making _D) Judiciary -Implemten the decision o prove relief forthe victims of an earthquake 2B) diana ai D) Allare irrelevant statements, 7. Suggest wo measures i the education system to mitigate problems of educated unerployed in Inia 1 or ti? What i Tod's Sex ratio according to 2001 census? 1 ‘What is meant by Se 8. Inanagrculural plot, which requires the services of Five people but engages eight people. Three extra people ate working, The contribution madehy the three exea people doesnot ad tte tol contribution madeby all the people. I these three people are removed, productivity wilt dere. Which kindof unemployment is represented inthe above paragraph ? Select the correc option: A) Seasonal Unemployment 'B) Disguited unemployment © Rural Unemployment D) Urban Unemployment or Vilas and Sakal were two friends lvingin the same village. Sakal was hal and went to school ‘whereas vila was unhealthy and didnot goto school. Saka afer completing his computer degree found a job in a pivate frm. Vila continued with her mother's work as fish seller. Sakal was promoted after sometime and his exring was good. Vilas was only able to earn a meagre incom: ‘Why do you think Vilas was not ale to ear more like Saka? Seles the appropriate option fom (Ge following {A) Because Viles could not get any education and health care inthe early part of his life 'B) Because Vilas was not atlligent a8 Saka (© Because Vilas was no rich as Sakal D)Allof de above (Nor School i Tada iI 3H Chatanya School (Set Chatanya Seat rT Nod School in Tada] Social Seiense [Post Mid Tere Examination) Post Mid-Term Examinati ocial Scene] SECTION B 9. Hilersaid— ln may state mother isthe mostimportant clizen' Explainthesiatemen. 3 10, Describe how climate Factors if] uence the vegetation cover of Ti, 3 or ‘Why isthere need to conserve the biodiversity? 1, The Lok Sabha is more powerful an the Rajya Saba, Explanby giving dee reasons, SECTION C ‘idle 2 ansverthe questions ha lows 5 Thee etn tan Paw one sabi. eh ken ed Germans ‘Silks vey weap Spenser on dom oa ng om US Tas Shots wth vine Wall Sos scagecaen ie Fea linge plot etn sl hex ses Ono ingly 2¢ Oc Sina vst 7 ge a asm | mam | a Mew tthe ot Ge roms Dope Orr beenrs yes bee 1929 and 1932, the national income of the USA fell by half, Factories shut down, exports fell, akerep ate De, te dence ct ae fo Sai esses Auer the fing COs by eho he ms appr opton “st my vere oe 13.1 In which year India has the highest literacy rate? ‘north floving MCs by chning the ms apropratopon lari 121 Geman avec a ini reaver wal ged on tem 3) tn Iu ivg trom he USA under an sea pln ned 3 er sachs So 3) Bswes Pan 12 Why itera rate higher among thei? © Mel re heat A) Because of theirrugular form of education D) None of the above B) They are not much encouraged acquire education 122 The commy was worst i bythe economies ring the yas eco ener enne are mers depression was D) General 1.Q. levels of Male are greater than Female © USA 183 Teter atin aiahasinrsed rom 171981 65% i201 nd 77 o Gone 2010-11. However, gap still exists in quality of education due to ° = A) High drop outratein primary school education Japan B) Inadequate number of college to admit increasing umber of students 12 The senso ty nr le ih he rf poavianaon a ay ) Lnctafaeqatemmier feasts Dengredcedtoterans rhe rorogl na Skat Sateen 134 Aine Sundin ofthe Cnr gvemment in purines withthe Sates the ) Organised workers local government and the community for achieving the goal of universalisation of ©) Big usiness men clementary education.was D)_SultuincnncseeiPenployetant es cemetary eaten 124 why watts fhe Wana Rep cnr othe? 3) Noweikeaon olny 1” Ngetoomh overt o © Nowa ses 3) tet overt Prensa megs suspen nena Rips an D. Gow inte nunecoivany ann thigh anna secs rnp ace = 6 Rptacomslex sent proportion cesenatn )_peveuede Winn Rohe fo forming see poverant 18. adhe sore gen bw andanserthe guess ha ows: ‘ aia em Ca a feo oy Soi aa] Post Mid-Term Examinati esi Scene] Social Seienee [Pont Mid Tere Examination) ‘SECTI 14, Mumai receives more nfl nthe summer season while Chennai receives rain in winter. Give any two reasons for each, 5 or ‘Why is the monsoon considered a unifying bond? 15, Whatare the snctions ofthe Supreme Cour? or Distinguish berween Patiamentary Democracy and Presidential Democracy systems. SECTIONE MAP SKILL BASED QUESTION ass) 16.1 Two places Aand B have been marked on the given outline map of India. Identity them and ‘write their correct names onthe lines drawn near them, 2 A) Account led the Central Powers in World Wer L B) Acounty played neutral role im World War 1 16.2 On thesame outline map ofTdia locate and labelany THREE ofthe following with suitable Symbols 3 4) Mawsyeram- A place with highest ainfll in the world by Leb- An area receives low euinfall ©) Chennai A place receives rainfall during NE moasoons 6) Bharatpur bird sanctuary ©) Manas- A national park QNo 16.1 [Res School India T= 1 ‘il Chakanya School] [Si Chana Setoat rey Nod School in Tia]

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