Excel Short Keys ?

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ere ie ae 8 Pal Select All (Copy all Cells in Hig Paste Copied Data [Bold all Cells in Highlighted Area Fills content of upper cell in selected cell. CTRL + D (ie. Ctrl+ Down) Fill Content of right cell in selected cell. CTRL+R (ie. Ctrl+ Right) [Underline content in selected cells Print Find in Current Sheet (0 JOpen “Goto” dialog box (Goto any area, cells or name range) lOpens Find & Replace dialog box Change text /Content format in selected cells into italic lOpens “Insert Hyperlink” dialog Box (Insert hyperlink) [Saves open workbook (Closes current workbook (Cuts all cells in selected area// section CTRL+1 [ctri+2, [Underlines all cells in highlighted section. Puts a strikethrough all cells in the highlighted section. Shows or hides objects. [Shows or hides the toolbar. 122 SHORT K@YS OF MS EXC€L ad Sati Sia inserts a new column or row. Switches between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells. Ctrl+Shift+@ pplies time formatting. Ctrl+Shift+! [Applies comma formatting. ICtrl+Shift+$ Applies currency formatting. 40 |Ctrl+Shitte# Applies date formatting 0 [ 41 Jotrt+shitt+x 22 [otrtShifte~ 43 |Ctrl+Shift+* 4d [otrl+Shift+S 45 |Ctrl+Shift+, 46 [Ctri++ ee a ea 5 CREATE BY - ATUL KUMAR (LINKEDIN) SICODING BUGS E)NOTES GALLERY o Sad Pan Jsifomn | Selects the cells that have a static value or don't Imatch the formula in the active cell Jszfomet | Selects all cells referenced by formulas in the highlighted section Jssfomy | [Selects cells that contain formulas that reference ctrte] the active cell. [su foresninee | Selects all cells directly or indirectly referenced by {rormulas in the highlighted section. [ss foresniny | [Selects cells which contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell. Selects the cells within a column that don't match | 57 |ctrisEnter [Fills the selected cells with the current entr | 58 [ctrlsSpacebar__[Selectstheentirecolumn. | 59 |ctrieShifteSpacebar [Selects the entire worksheet. | 60 |ctrisHome [Move to cell A [61 |ctrisEnd ‘(Move to last cell on worksheet. [62 [CtrisTab _——_—([Move between Two or more open Excel files. | 63 |ctrieShifteTab [Activates the previous workbook | 64 |etrteshift+A [inserts argument names into formula. | 65 |ctrteShift+F [Opens the drop-down menu for fonts. [66 [ctrleshiftxO [Selects all of the cells that contain comments. [67 JetrieshirteP, lOpens the drop-down menu for point size. | 68 |Shift+insert [Pastes what is stored on the clipboard. = In a single column, highlights all cells above that [+7 fsisrese ue [ence sects 70 [shitePage Down |! single column, highlights all cells above that which are selected. [71 |ShiftsHome [Highlights all text to the left of the cursor. | 72 |shifteEnd [Highlights all text to the right of the cursor. [Extends the highlighted area up one cell. 74 |ShifteDown Arrow [Extends the highlighted area down one cell [75 [ShiftsLeft Arrow [Extends the highlighted area left one character. 1p] EL Lahde Sa C8 Ena Dae [Shift +Right Arrow _|Extends the highlighted area right one character. Alt+Tab, (Cycles through applications. [Alt+Spacebar Opens the system menu. [AltsBackpspace _|[Undo. While typing text in a cell, pressing Alt+Enter will Alt+Enter move to the next line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell. Alt+= [Creates a formula to sum all of the above cells. alts” [Allows formatting on a dialog box. [Opens the Help menu. Edits the selected cell. [After a name has been created, F3 will paste names. Repeats last action. For example, if you changed the| color of text in another cell, pressing Fé will change the text in cell to the same color. Goes to a specific cell. For example, C6. Move to the next pane [Spell check selected text or document. Enters Extend Mode. Recalculates every workbook. Activates the menu bar. (Creates a chart from selected data. Save as. Opens the What's This?” window. [Allows the user to edit a cell comment Shift+F3 Opens the Excel formula window. Shift+F5 Brings up a search box. Shift+F6 Move to previous pane. Shift+F8 [Add to selection. ee a ed 29 # Baas 1 101 |Shift+F9 102 [ctri+F3 103 |Ctri+F4 104|[ctri+Fs Ctrl+Fé Ctrl+Shift+F6 Pea Performs calculate function on activesheet. Open Excel Name Manager. (Closes current Window. Restores window size Next workbook Previous workbook. Ctrl+F7 Moves the window. Resizes the window. Minimize current window. Ctrl+FI10 Maximize currently selected window. ctri+F1t Inserts a macro sheet. [Opens a file. Creates names by using those of either row or column labels. Moves to the previous worksheet window. Prints the current worksheet Inserts a chart. Saveas. Exits Excel JOpens the macro dialog box. Opens the Visual Basic editor. |Alt+Shift+F1 Alt+Shift+F2 Creates a new worksheet. [Saves the current worksheet. CREATE BY - ATUL KUMAR (LINKEDIN) SICODING BUGS C)NOTES GALLERY

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