?python? Series - 2 Part - 2

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PYTHON — FULL COURSE Python. @ LTrtoductio Python js q@ Cyoss - Plarfoxm_ pPyo9vamming Language, which means thar it can vun on Multtple plarforms. UKe yrindows InuxX, aNd has been even proted {0 the_fova and -NET_vivtual ines. It ts Free and open- Source. Atul kemar (Linkedin): NOTES GALLERY (TELEGRAM), @ Your Fivst Python program. Lets create @ very simple progyam called ‘Hello orld’ Type the following code fn editor oy an IDE and Save it as _hello_ world. Py_- : (Pxint C'neulo, world! ")) You willl get the Potjowing Output. Hello, Wosld AS you Can see, this Was a_pvetty easy tack. TAle Ts the beauty of the python progvamming_ @ Python Keywords | Keyword ave the_yesovved Word in python: We cannot use A Keyword as a vawviable name, function name oy any Other identifers. They aye use to define _ Syntax and structure of the python language. Fase Pass yale hon 16eal Pacer | der] aiobar_| not _| Gieis. All the KeyWords except_Ivue, False and None are tn 1oWer case and they must be Written as they are. @ PYthon Identifiers : An §dentifiers fs a name Qiven to entities Uke Class, Funutlons, vartables , ete. KeyWord cannot be used as identiflers Frie “< interactive input >", ne 1 lobal = 1: seer oleae eau aes | A | Sgntax evvor: Invalid Syntax | | ee cee We cannot uce special Symbol like | , @ #4, 1 ett., In our identifier. a@=0 Arul Kumag (unKeDiny) . Frie “< fntevactive input >", linet Syntax Exvor: invalid Syntax @ Syntax of function : def function. name (Parameters ): docst ying" ou Statement CS ) wow ® Example of a function: def qreet (name): that tt This Function greets to the Person Passed tn as a Pavameter Wt tt Print (“Heilo, “tname t " Cood Moxning!”) NOTES eareea CTELEGRAPD, @ How to call a function in Python? >>> greet (‘Pau ') Hello, Paul. Cyood Morning | PYTHON OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING — Class: Pass —> Object: => Methods: Methods ave Functions defined jnside the body pF 4 class. They Ave used to define the behaviours of an Object. => Inhevitance: Inhevitance js Q wioy of creating @ ned class for using details of an existing class without modifying it. The newly formed class 1s derived. => Encapsulation: Using OOP fn python, We can xesteict Access t) methods and ya@yiable- Jnis prevents data From direct modification . = _Polymoxphism: It fs an abidty Cin oop) to use 9 Common InterFace for multiple forms (data type). NOTES GALLERY (CTELEGRAYW) INBUILT DATA STRUCTURE ' @ Creating alist: 4] My_iist =0J 4 creating empry tist. _2| Print (mg ttst) _3-|My_ ist = £1,2,3 ‘example, 3.132) # Creating list 4} print (my_ List) With data. e Cweating a dictionary ; 4,| My- dict = {) # empty dictlonary . 2| Paint (My_ dict) _3-|My_diet= (4: ‘Python’, 2: ‘Java'> 4F dictfonary with el * 4 | paint UMy_aict) cosa ATU KOMARLLINKEDIN) » = NOTES LERY (TELE @ Cveating a tuple Cae 4.) My_ tuple = (1,2,3) ## Create tuple 2. | Print (My_ tuple) @ Creating a set 4, | My-Set = €1,2,3,4,5,5,5 } # Create set 2. Print (My- Set.

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