Chapter 5

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The first thing to come to my mind if someone asks me where to go to study

English is Ho Chi Minh University of Education. The first reason is that you can improve
your English skills and also a certificate can help you to find a job more easily. The
quality of the teaching is awesome, the teachers are very professional. For instance, if
you have any questions which you need some help with, you just have to ask them to get
feedback and work on your weaknesses. Moreover, The atmosphere of the school
is really fantastic. There are a lot of other students who came from different regions, so
you might be able to discover some new cultures and personalities. I think all people will
enjoy the idea of an “International School” because even if you don’t like someone there
are so many other people that you can make new friends with quite easily. The place is
quite calm, so you can do your homework. In addition, If you want to read some books in
English, it’s possible to borrow some books. So the Learning Center is one of the best
places to study, to improve your English skills, to be more confident, or even to make
some new friends. To conclude, I really recommend you to choose this school for the
quality of the teaching combined with the relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You may be
able to see your progress very quickly, which will make you more confident.

If an exterritorial were to land on Earth, it would have its choice of over 190
countries in which to live. It would a difficult decision, but one country is certainly a
better choice than most of the others. Canada is one of the best countries in the world due
to its health care system, standard of education, and its urban centres. The first reason is
that Canada has a universal health care system which “comprehensive coverage for
medically necessary hospital and physician services”. This allows all Canadians to have
access to medical services regardless of their income or geographical location in the
country. Second, Canada has a high standard of education that is also publically funded
by all levels of government from kindergarten to secondary levels and has resulted in a
99% national literacy rate. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed with
both Calgary, Alberta and Ottawa, Ontario ranking first and fourth on the Sierra Club’s
cleanest cities in the world. Overall, Canada has more to offer with its health care,
education, and cities that would be a wonderful for anyone anywhere on the planet or in
orbit above it.

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