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Marriage License Application

Purpose: To obtain official permission to marry. Structure:

 Title: Marriage License Application.

 Applicant Information: Personal details of both parties.
o Full Name
o Date of Birth
o Place of Birth
o Address
o Occupation
 Marital Status: Previous marital status and details if applicable.
 Parental Information: Names and birthplaces of parents.
 Declarations: Statements confirming that the applicants meet the legal requirements
for marriage.
 Signatures: Signatures of both applicants and the issuing authority.


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Marriage License Application

Applicant 1:
Full Name: John Doe
Date of Birth: January 1, 1990
Place of Birth: Springfield, IL
Address: 123 Main St, Springfield, IL
Occupation: Engineer

Applicant 2:
Full Name: Jane Smith
Date of Birth: February 2, 1992
Place of Birth: Springfield, IL
Address: 456 Elm St, Springfield, IL
Occupation: Teacher

Marital Status:
Applicant 1: Never Married
Applicant 2: Never Married

Parental Information:
Applicant 1:
Father: Robert Doe
Mother: Mary Doe
Applicant 2:
Father: Richard Smith
Mother: Linda Smith

We, John Doe and Jane Smith, hereby declare that we meet all legal
requirements for marriage.

John Doe ___________________
Jane Smith ___________________
Issuing Authority ___________________

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