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The Hindu


27th MAY 2024


TET, NDA/AIRFORCE, NET and all Govt. Exams
1. Sporadic (कभी कभी)

Meaning: Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places;

scattered or isolated.
Synonyms: Occasional, infrequent, irregular.
Antonyms: Constant, regular, frequent.
Example: There were sporadic showers throughout the day.

2. Vitiate ($बगाड़ना)

Meaning: Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of.

Synonyms: Corrupt, degrade, impair.
Antonyms: Improve, enhance, purify.
Example: The scandal vitiated the public's trust in the administration.
3. Prudent (*ववेकपण
ू )0

Meaning: Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Synonyms: Wise, judicious, sagacious.
Antonyms: Reckless, imprudent, careless.
Example: It is prudent to save some money for future emergencies.

4. Adamant (अ2डग)

Meaning: Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.

Synonyms: Unyielding, inflexible, resolute.
Antonyms: Flexible, yielding, compliant.
Example: He was adamant that he would not resign from his position
5. Apathy (उदासीनता)

Meaning: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Synonyms: Indifference, unconcern, lethargy.
Antonyms: Interest, enthusiasm, passion.
Example: The government's attempt to engage the youth was met with
widespread apathy.

6. Searing (अ8य:धक गम0)

Meaning: Extremely hot or intense.

Synonyms: Scorching, blazing, intense.
Antonyms: Mild, cool, gentle.
Example: The searing heat wave made it difficult to step outside
during the day.
7. Insinuating (इशारा करना)

Meaning: Suggesting or hinting something bad in an indirect and

unpleasant way.
Synonyms: Implying, hinting, suggesting.
Antonyms: Stating, declaring, announcing.
Example: He was insinuating that I had lied about my qualifications.

8. Perturbed (परे शान)

Meaning: Anxious or unsettled; upset.

Synonyms: Disturbed, troubled, agitated.
Antonyms: Calm, composed, untroubled.
Example: She was perturbed by the sudden change in his behavior.
Idioms & Phrases

1. To play ducks and drakes

Meaning - To use recklessly

2. At daggers drawn
Meaning - Bitterly Hostile

3. Get out of hand

Meaning - Get out of control
4. Costs an arm and a leg
Meaning - Very expensive

5. Pull someone’s leg

Meaning - Tease someone
Article for reading

Absolute numbers:
On the ECI and faith
in the process
A total of 58 Lok Sabha seats in eight States and Union Territories
voted on Saturday in the sixth and penultimate phase of the
general election 2024. With this, polling has been completed in 28
States and Union Territories, in 486 constituencies. Voting is also
over for 105 Assembly constituencies of Odisha. The last phase of
polling will be on June 1 for the remaining 57 seats and counting
of votes will take place on June 4. Sporadic incidents of violence
were reported from West Bengal which also reported the highest
polling percentage at 79.47. In Jammu and Kashmir, the Anantnag-
Rajouri seat recorded a turnout of 54.30%, an impressive high.
Urban apathy continued in the seven seats of Delhi which went to
the polls with just 57.67% of the electorate turning out to vote. The
searing heat wave prevailing in north India did not help matters.
The Election Commission of India (ECI) released, for the first time
in this general election, the absolute number of votes cast in each
constituency for the first five phases.
The ECI came out with the data a day after the Supreme Court of
India refused to direct the commission to disclose details of Form
17C, which contains this data at the booth level and is handed out to
all the polling agents of the candidates.

The ECI has alleged, inappropriately, there to be a “pattern of false

narratives and mischievous design to vitiate electoral process”. It is
true that concerns have been raised by several actors about the
electoral process, and it is possible that a part of it could be due to
ignorance or even out of mischief. A mature and appropriate
response expected of the body that is tasked with overseeing the
largest democratic exercise on the planet is to provide information
to the public that removes such concerns. The commission opposed
the disclosure of Form 17C in the Supreme Court — all the while
insinuating at a conspiracy to vitiate the electoral process.
Complaints brought to its attention by anyone should be addressed
in a manner that behoves a robust democracy.
It is indeed the duty of the ECI to ensure that the electoral
process is not vitiated, and the best way to achieve it is to
ensure the maximum transparency that is administratively
possible. The ECI has done well by publishing the data on the
absolute number of voters, and it could proactively look for
more measures that could reinforce public faith in the process
and in its own integrity.

The sixth phase of the 2024 general election in India concluded,

covering 58 Lok Sabha seats across eight states and union territories,
and completing polling in 28 states and 486 constituencies. The final
phase will occur on June 1, with vote counting on June 4. West Bengal
saw the highest voter turnout at 79.47%, while Delhi had low urban
turnout at 57.67%, partly due to a heat wave. For the first time, the
Election Commission of India (ECI) released the absolute number of
votes cast in each constituency for the first five phases. The Supreme
Court declined to mandate the release of booth-level data from Form
17C. The ECI has accused some parties of attempting to undermine the
electoral process with false narratives, but it is urged to enhance
transparency to maintain public trust.
The tone of the passage is informative and critical. It provides detailed
election updates while critiquing the ECI's handling of transparency
issues and urging a more open and responsive approach to concerns
raised about the electoral process.
Reading Comprehension

Based on the above passage, answer the following questions:

Question 1
What action did the Election Commission of India (ECI) take for the first
time in this general election?

A) Released detailed voting statistics by district.

B) Introduced electronic voting machines (EVMs) nationwide.
C) Disclosed absolute number of votes cast in each constituency for
the first five phases.
D) Implemented biometric verification at polling stations.
E) None of the above
Question 2
What does the Election Commission of India allege regarding the
pattern of false narratives and mischievous design?

A) It undermines the credibility of electronic voting machines.

B) It contributes to lower voter turnout in urban areas.
C) It leads to security breaches at polling stations.
D) It vitiates the electoral process.
E) None of the above
Question 3
What was the main criticism directed at the ECI regarding its handling
of electoral process concerns?

A) The ECI did not provide enough security at polling stations.

B) The ECI failed to address complaints in a transparent manner.
C) The ECI did not engage with political parties adequately.
D) The ECI delayed the release of voter turnout data.
E) None of the above
Article for Skimming

Punishing Hamas: On
Israel and the ICJ ruling
The International Court of Justice’s ruling, that Israel must
immediately stop its military offensive in Rafah, the
southernmost city of Gaza, is the latest setback for the
Jewish nation in a war that grinds on with heavy civilian
casualties and no end in sight. In January, while hearing a
genocide case against Israel that was filed by South Africa,
the United Nation’s top court had asked Tel Aviv to take
measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza. The court
refused to order a ceasefire then, but has now come to the
conclusion that Israel’s Rafah offensive could lead to a
complete or partial destruction of the Palestinian population
in the city. The court has also asked Israel to keep the Rafah
crossing with Egypt open for aid delivery and allow UN
investigators to gather evidence about alleged war crimes,
besides demanding an immediate release of all hostages.
The ICJ ruling comes days after the Chief Prosecutor of the
International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, claimed that Israeli
and Hamas leaders had committed war crimes and crimes
against humanity in Gaza, and sought arrest warrants against
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, its Defence
Minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar,
Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh. Israel appears to be
unperturbed by these developments. Immediately after the
ICJ issued its ruling, Israeli fighter jets pounded Rafah. The
ICJ rulings are binding, but the court lacks the mechanisms
to implement them.

More than seven months after the war began, which was
triggered by Hamas’s October 7 cross border attack on Israel
in which at least 1,200 people were killed, Tel Aviv seems to
be fighting in the dark. When it launched the war, Mr.
Netanyahu said he would crush Hamas and release hostages.
Today, Israel is fighting Hamas even in northern and central
Gaza where it had earlier declared victory. At least 120
hostages, most of them feared dead, are still in Hamas’s
captivity. The war is marked not just by the incompetence of
the Israeli Defence Forces. Its disproportionate use of force
on Gaza has made the strip into a graveyard, which has
turned international public opinion against Israel. Last week’s
decision by Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognise the state
of Palestine shows how the line of thinking is changing even
in the West. Mr. Netanyahu appears to be irrationally adamant
today. His only focus is on a war that has done little to bolster
Israel’s security. Israel has not met its military objectives; its
deterrence has been broken twice, peace with Arabs stands
shattered, it stands isolated in the world, there could be an
arrest warrant against its leaders and there is a ruling by the
ICJ against the way it is conducting the war.
By seeking to punish the entire Palestinian population in
Gaza for what Hamas did, Mr. Netanyahu is rendering
Israel’s standing weaker and the international support for
the Palestinian cause to grow stronger.
Question 4
What was the primary ruling of the International Court of
Justice (ICJ) regarding Israel's actions in Rafah?

A) Israel must cease all military operations throughout

B) Israel must stop its military offensive in Rafah
C) Israel must withdraw all military personnel from Gaza.
D) Israel must hand over control of Rafah to UN
E) None of the above
Question 5
What was the impact of Israel’s military actions on
international public opinion, as described in the passage?

A) It has turned international public opinion against Israel.

B) It has strengthened support for Israel globally.
C) It has had no significant impact on international
D) It has led to widespread support for continued military
E) None of the above.
Today's Descriptive Question:

● Write an essay of 200 words about

how to prevent floods
In a world where flooding poses a significant threat to
communities, adopting proactive measures to prevent such
disasters is paramount. Effective flood prevention entails a
multifaceted approach that integrates various strategies to
mitigate risks and minimise the impact of inundations.
One key aspect of flood prevention is the implementation of
robust land management practices. Preserving natural
floodplains, wetlands, and forests serves as a natural buffer
against excessive water, reducing the likelihood of flooding.
Furthermore, enforcing zoning regulations and land use
planning measures can limit construction in flood-prone
areas, thereby mitigating the expansion of vulnerable urban
Early warning systems and disaster preparedness plans are
indispensable components of flood prevention efforts. Utilising
advanced forecasting technologies and establishing effective
emergency response protocols enable timely evacuation and
the dissemination of crucial information to at-risk populations,
minimising loss of life and property damage.
In conclusion, a comprehensive and collaborative approach to
flood prevention, encompassing land management,
infrastructure development, early warning systems, and
community involvement, is essential for building resilience and
minimising the devastating impacts of floods. Through
concerted efforts and proactive measures, societies can
mitigate risks and create safer, more resilient communities for
the future.
● Write a Letter to Local Authorities: Urging Comprehensive Flood
Prevention Measures
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Local Authority Name]

[Local Authority Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Urgent Action Needed: Comprehensive Flood Prevention

Dear [Local Authority Name],

I am writing to urge immediate action on comprehensive flood prevention measures in our

community. Recent flooding incidents highlight the urgent need for infrastructure
upgrades, floodplain management, early warning systems, public education, green
infrastructure, and collaboration for funding and implementation.

Please prioritise these measures to protect our homes, businesses, and infrastructure
from future flood events. Our community's safety and well-being depend on it.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Your Name]
Match the column

1. To play ducks and drakes A. Tease someone

2. At daggers drawn B. Get out of control
3. Get out of hand C. To use recklessly
4. Costs an arm and a leg D. Very expensive
5. Pull someone’s leg E. Bitterly Hostile
1. Sporadic :
2. Vitiate :
3. Prudent :
4. Adamant :
5. Apathy :
6. Searing :
7. Insinuating :
8. Perturbed :
@NimishaMam @mamnimisha

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