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Discussion: strengthens communal bonds and fosters ethical

In this discussion, we’ll share our insights and In terms of Buddhism, they focus on achieving
takeaways on how major world religions harmony with the ultimate reality or truth
approach the concept of harmony with God. By through enlightenment and the cessation of
examining their beliefs and practices, you will suffering. Buddhists seek to attain Nirvana
see how individuals in each religion seek through practices such as mindfulness, ethical
spiritual fulfillment and alignment with the conduct, and meditation. The pursuit of
divine. enlightenment offers practitioners a path to inner
peace and spiritual liberation therefore
In Islam, harmony with God is achieved through
mindfulness and ethical conduct leads to
submission to the will of Allah, the one and only
spiritual fulfillment, transcending the cycle of
God. Muslims engage in practices such as
prayer, fasting, charity, and even pilgrimage to
foster this connection, aligning their lives with For Hinduism, it offers multiple paths to
the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith. The harmony with God, including devotion,
concept of Tawhid, the oneness of Allah, serves knowledge, and selfless action. Hindus believe
as the foundation of Islamic belief, guiding in the existence of a supreme being, Brahman,
believers towards spiritual fulfilment and moral who manifests in different forms, guiding
conduct. individuals in living a life aligned with divine
principles and cosmic order. The diversity of
In Christianity, harmony with God is centered on
paths in Hinduism accommodates different
faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and
spiritual temperaments and inclinations hence
savior. Christians seek communion with God
inclusivity allows individuals to find spiritual
through prayer, worship, and adherence to the
fulfilment through diverse practices and beliefs.
teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible.
Central to Christian doctrine is the concept of In Indigenous people’s spiritual traditions,
grace, wherein believers receive divine favor harmony with god is deeply intertwined with a
and forgiveness through faith and repentance. reverence for nature, ancestors, and the
So, the concept of grace offers believers a sense interconnectedness of all living beings. Practices
of divine forgiveness and unconditional love, such as ceremonies, rituals, and storytelling are
which fosters a deeper connection and devotion employed to honor and maintain harmony with
to God. the land and spiritual forces, fostering a sense of
reciprocity and stewardship towards creation.
Judaism emphasizes harmony with God through
adherence to the covenant established between In conclusion, while the methods and beliefs
God and the Jewish people as outlined in the may vary, the underlying goal remains the same
Torah. Jews seek closeness to God through across these diverse religious traditions: to
prayer, study, and observance of religious rituals establish a profound connection with God or the
and commandments, fostering a deep sense of divine, cultivate moral integrity, and experience
connection and reverence for the divine spiritual fulfilment. Whether through
presence. submission, faith, love, ethical living, or
enlightenment, individuals seek to align their
lives with divine principles, fostering harmony
For the Insights that we gathered on Judaism, within themselves, their communities, and the
firstly, ethical living promotes social cohesion cosmos.
and moral integrity within Jewish communities
hence adherence to divine commandments

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