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Education Units :
Subject : English
Class/ Semester : X/ Odd Semester
Subject Matter : Descriptive Text
Time Allocation (Meeting) : 2 X 45 minutes (2 meetings)

C-1: Appreciating and believing the religious teachings he/ she follows.
C-2: Appreciating and believing honest attitude, discipline, politeness, confident, care, and responsibility in interacting effectively according to
the child’s development in the environment, families, schools, communities, and the surrounding natural environment, nation, state, and
C-3: Understanding of knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his/ her curiosity about science, technology, art, culture-related
phenomena, and eye-catching events.
C-4: Exploring, associating, and communicating in a concrete realm (using, analyzing, synthesizing, modifying, and creating) and abstract realm
(writing, reading, computing, drawing, and composing) as learned in school and other sources in the same viewpoint/ theory.
Basic Competence Indicator
3. Identifying the concept and language features of oral and 3.4.1 Differentiating nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
4 written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of 3.4.2 Analyzing the rules of Simple Present Tense.
giving and asking information related to the characteristic of 3.4.3 Differentiating nominal and verbal sentence in Simple Present
people, animals, objects according to the context of their use. Tense.
Applying the rule of Simple Present Tense to asking and giving
(Pay attention to the linguistic element simple present tense 3.4.4
information (positive-negative-introgative sentences)
and adjective).
4. Composing short and simple transactional oral and written text 4.4.1 Composing dialogue text which contains the act of asking and
4 which involves the act of giving and asking for information giving information related to the character of people, animals, and
related to the character of people, animals, and objects, by object.
considering the social functions, text structure and 4.4.2 Communicating the dialogue text which contains the act of asking
and giving information related to the character of people, animals
appropriate language features based on context.
and object students’ have made.

By the end of the lesson, through Scientific Instruction:

1. Students (audience) will have been able to differentiate noun, verb, adjective, (behavior) related to the use in the transactional descriptive
text (condition) based on the context of their use (degree).
2. Students (audience) will have been able to analyze the rules of Simple Present Tense, (behavior) related to the use in the transactional
descriptive text (condition) based on the context of their use (degree).
3. Students (audience) will have been able to differentiate verbal and nominal sentences (behavior) related to the use in the transactional
descriptive text (condition) based on the rules of Simple Present Tense (degree).
4. Students (audience) will have been able to make positive, negative and interrogative sentences (behavior) to ask and give information
(condition) based on the rules of Simple Present Tense (degree).
5. Students (audience) will have been able to compose dialogue text (behavior) which contain the act of asking and giving information
related to the character of people, animals and object (condition) based on the social functions, text structure and appropriate language
features based on context. (degree).
6. Students (audience) will have been able to communicate their dialogue text (behavior) which contain the act of asking and giving
information related to the character of people, animals and object (condition) based on the social functions, text structure and appropriate
language features based on context (degree).
1. Regular Learning
a. Definition: Descriptive text is a kind of text that describes a particular person, place, or things.
b. Social Function: To describe a particular person, place, or thing.
c. Language Features : simple present tense and more using adjective

Interactional DescriptiveText

Fatma : Good morning, Fit.

Fitri : Morning Fat. How are you?
Fatma : I’m good. You?
Fitri : I’m very well, thanks.
Fatma : By the way, have you seen Mr. Morgan? Our newest Chemistry teacher?
Fitri : Yes. That’s actually I want to tell you too. hiihiii
Fatma : He is so handsome, right? What do you think about him?
Fitri : He is tall; he has pointed nose, black straight hair, and smiling man. And how about you? What do you think about him?
Fatma : I think he is fat enough but he always uses the right uniform, so he still looks awesome.
1. Class of Words

Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective

Room My Want New
Nose You Tell Handsome
Place Think Tall
Uniform Look Right
House Painted Awesome
Floor Sleep Pointed
Sister Use Fat
Chemistry put Favorite
Teacher have Second
Bed Seen Next
pictures Have Big
desk Light
family Good
friends Grey
pet Inside
cat some
clothes Persian

2. To be used in Present Tense

Subject Be Example
I Am I am a teacher.
I am working on my old school.
You Are You are wonderful.
They They are waiting for us.
We We are preparing for the test.
Boys are playing in the garden.
The students are learning their lessons.
She Is She is my best friend.
He John is a clever boy.
It He is writing a letter.
Mother is cooking dinner.
Father is working in the garage.
It is a dog.

3. Simple Present Tense

a) Simple present tense is a form of the verb that refers to an action or event that is ongoing or that regularly takes place
in present time.
b) The Use of Simple Present Tense :
1) Used to refer a universal fact or experience
2) Used to denote a habit
3) Used to denote events that are scheduled to happen – either by nature or by people.
c) Formulas

Sentence Formula Example
Affirmative Sentence S + verb 1+s/es + object (optional) She watches a movie every week.
Negative Sentence S + do/ does not + verb 1 + object (optional) I do not watch a movie every week.
Interrogative Do/ Does + S + verb 1 + object (optional)? Do you watch a movie every week?
Sentence Formula Example
Affirmative Subject + Tobe (am, is are) + Complement This is a great idea.
Sentence Mary and her siblings are very kind to
I‘m from Canada
They are students at a language school.
The umbrella is under the table.
Negative Subject + Tobe (am, is are) +NOT + Object This is not a bad idea.
Sentence Mary and her siblings are not cruel to animals.
I‘m not from Rusia.
They aren’t students at a scientific school.
The umbrella is not under the bed.
Interrogativew Tobe (am, is are) + Subject + Object + ? Is it a great idea? / Yes, it is.
sentence Are Mary and her siblings very kind to
animals? / Yes, they are.
Am I from Canada? / Yes, you are.
Is the umbrella under the bed? / No, it is not.

2. Remidial Learning

Complete the sentences with proper verb above!

wake(s) up take(s) cause(s) close(s)
open(s) do(es) live(s) live(s)
speak(s) drink(s) play(s)

1. Ari ( ) football very well.

2. I never ( ) coffee.
3. The restaurant ( ) at 7:00 in the morning.
4. It ( ) at 9:00 in the evening.
5. Bad driving ( ) many accidents.
6. My parents ( ) in an apartment .
7. The Olympic Games ( ) place every four years.
8. They are good students. They always ( ) their homework.
9. My students ( ) a little English.
10. I always ( ) early in the morning.

Change into good sentences!

1. Indonesia (be) in Asia.

2. The summer (be) hot.
3. Rara (be) a very pretty girl.
4. My birthday (be) in June.
5. Dogs (be) good friends.

3. Enrichment Learning
Verbal and Nominal Sentences with form Interrogative Sentence
Verbal Interrogative Sentence Nominal Interrogative Sentence
Do you play badminton? Is he ready to go?
Does she go to stadium? Is he tired?
Does Rahmat Studies Physics? Are you hungry?
Do you like basketball? Is he a doctor?
Do they go to mall? Is he a police?
Does he work at the bank across the school? Are you healthy?
Does he have a knife? Are you disappointed?
Is the shirt clean?
Approach : Scientific
Method : Problem Based Learning
Model : Scientific Instruction in Teaching Small Group and Individual


Media : Text and power point.
Tool : Paper, laptop, projector, whiteboard, and boardmarker.
1. Book
Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaidah. Bahasa Inggris. (Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan Kementrian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan, 2017) on page 50-68.
2. Dictionary
Echols, J., & Shadily, H. 2010.Kamus Inggris Indonesia. (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama).
3. Internet

No. Teacher’s Activity Teacher’s Instruction Student’s Activity Time
1. Teacher greets students. Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Students answer teacher’s greeting.
Good Morning, Students.. Good Morning, Mom..
How are you today? I am fine. How about you?
Alhamdulillah...I’m fine too.
2. Teacher leads to pray together. Ok now, let’s open our meeting today by Recite Basmallah together.
reciting Basmallah together. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
3. Teacher checks students’ Who is absent today? Answer teacher’s question.
attendance list.
4. Teacher asks students about the Ok students, what did you learn in the Answer and give brief explanation about it.
previous material previous meeting? All students: “Expression of Intention,
What is it? Atun: “It is to express our intention,
Ok, good. Thank you, Atun. Atun: “You’re welcome, Mom.I”
5. Informs the students that they are Ok, now we are going to learn about Yes, Mom.
going to learn Descriptive Text. descriptive text. Especially transactional
descriptive text.
No Teacher’s Activity Teacher’s Instruction Students’ Activity Time
1. Observing The teacher asks students to Now, please pay attention to the short Student pay attention to the
pay attention to the slide of dialogue on the slide. slide
the interactional text of
descriptive text. I need two brave students to practice the
dialogue, who want to be the volunteers? Two students come forward
and practice the dialogue
Ok, Thank you. Give applause to our
brave volunteers, please.
Students applause for the
two students.
2. Questioning Teacher chooses several Anybody know? What is the type of the Students answer the
students to ask students some text? teacher’s question.
questions about the
interactional descriptive text. What is the purpose of the text? Students answer the
questions by raisinng their
What tense that used in the descriptive hand first.
3. Collecting Teacher asks students to Ok, now please open up your book on Students open up their book.
answer the questions about page 54!
the transactional descriptive
text. There 3 tables.

The first tabel is a tabel of class of word. Yes, Mom. We Still

Do you still remember how many class of remember.
words in English?

Now, you are asked to classify the class Students pay attention the
of words of each words on the dialogue teacher’s instructions
before. carefully

Then, you have to complete the sentences

with the is, am, or are!
After that, you can move to the last tabel.
It is tabel of the formulas of simple
present tense.
Your jobs are to read the dialogue, and
then from the dialogue, please search the
sentences that using simple present tense.
Then, you should classify the sentences
into affirmative sentences, negative
sentences, or interrogative sentences.
Yes, Mom...
Is the instruction is clear enough? No, Mom...
Any question?

Yes, Mom...
Ok, you can do it yourself

Have you done my students?

4. Associating Teacher asks students to Now, share your answer to your partner Students sharinng their
make a group of 2 students in to make sure your answer is the best thoughts with their partner.
order to answer the questions. answer.
5. Communicating Teacher and students discuss Now, let’s discuss the answer. Each group share their
the answers by choosing What is the answer of number 1? answers in front of class and
every group to deliver their What is the answer of number 2? other groups give feedback.
answer in front of the class What is the answer of number 3?
6. Creating To check students Now, after you learned all about Students make a dialogue to
understanding, the Teacher descriptive text, you have make a describe the characteristic of
asks students to make a short dialogue to describe the characteristic of people, animals, or objects.
transactional descrptive text people, animals, or objects.
to describe the characteristic
of people, animals, or objects. You can do it with your partner
No. Teacher’s Activities Teacher’s Instruction Student’s Activity Time
1. Together with the students, teacher Ok, after learning this material, now we can Together with the teacher, students 2,5 Minutes
concludes the materials. conclude that the function of descriptive text conclude the materials.
What tense used in descriptive text?
What are the chareacteristics of language
features of descriptive text?
2. Informs the next material, Next week we will learn about procedure text. Pay attention and answer to the
motivates and greets students Do not forget to prepare it at home, keep your teacher’s greeting.
spirit, and thank you for your nice attention.
Dont forget to throw the rubbish.

Worksheet 1 (Regular Learning)
Read the dialogue above and then classify the class of words of each words!
Fatma : Good morning, Fit.
Fitri : Morning Fat. How are you?
Fatma : I’m good. You?
Fitri : I’m very well, thanks.
Fatma : By the way, have you seen Mr. Morgan? Our newest Chemistry teacher?
Fitri : Yes. That’s actually I want to tell you too. hiihiii
Fatma : He is so handsome, right? What do you think about him?
Fitri : He is tall; he has pointed nose, black straight hair, and smiling man. And how about you? What do you think about him?
Fatma : I think he is fat enough but he always uses the right uniform, so he still looks awesome.

Table of Class of Words

Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective
Morning My Have Good
Chemistry You Seen (V3) Well
Teacher Him Want New
Nose ... Tell Handsome
Man Think Tall
Place Look Right
Uniform Painted Awesome
... Use Blach
Have Straight
... Pointed
Worksheet 2 (Regular Learning)
The use of is, am, are in Simple Present Tense
Complete the following sentences using is, am, are.
1. My sister …………….. a nurse. 1. My sister is a nurse.
2. I …………… a boy. 2. I am a boy.
3. She …………… working on her computer. 3. She is working on her computer.
4. We ……………… waiting for them. 4. We are waiting for them.
5. It ………….. an elephant. 5. It is an elephant.
6. Birds ……………. flying in the sky. 6. Birds are flying in the sky.
7. The kettle …………… boiling. 7. The kettle is boiling.
8. The baby ……………. sleeping. 8. The baby is sleeping.
9. The girls ………… singing devotional songs. 9. The girls are singing devotional songs.
10. …………. you coming with me? 10. Are you coming with me?
11. What ……………. he doing there? 11. What is he doing there?
12. ……………. they ready yet? 12. Are they ready yet?
13. Where …………… the books? 13. Where are the books?
14. Where ………… my pen? 14. Where is my pen?
15. What ……………. this? 15. What is this?
16. What ………….. these tiny objects ? 16. What are these tiny objects?
17. Maya …………… my best friend. 17. Maya is my best friend.
18. Maya and Meera ……………. pretty girls. 18. Maya and Meera are pretty girls.
19. The teacher …………… standing in front of the desk. 19. The teacher is standing in front of the desk.
20. The dog ……………… barking. 20. The dog is barking.
Worksheet 3 (Regular Learning)
Read the dialogue above and then identify the every sentence, whether it is affirmative, negative or interrogative sentence!

Ika : hey why u looked so sad today ?

Syahra : mmm i miss my sister i'm not meet her yet for a few month
Dini : really ?? I never know u have a sister
Dita : maybe your sister miss u too
Syahra : i dont know why , just miss her badly
Ika : dont be sad my friend i think i have an idea to make u better
Syahra : how ?
Ulfa : tell us about your sister now
Dita : yeaah it good idea
Ika : that true baby
Ulfa : yeah
Syahra : should I?
Dini : yeah i think you will be better
Syahra : ok mm I have a sister. Her name is ghina zakiyah. She is an indonesian university of education student. so,
my sister lives in Bandung now. She is very nice sister for me. She has got pretty face. She has got long and straight
hairs. She has got white skin . But maybe not really white .
Dita : wow your sister student in indonesia university of education ? It amazingly
Ulfa : your sister must be very intelligent.
Dini : No wonder you miss him syahra she is special

No. Affirmative Sentence Negative Sentence Interrogative Sentence

1. I miss my sister I'm not meet her yet for a few month Why u looked so sad today ?
Worksheet 4 (Remidial Learning)
The differencess of Verbal Sentences and Nominal Sentences
Complete the sentences with proper verb above!

wake(s) up take(s) cause(s) close(s)

open(s) do(es) live(s) live(s)
speak(s) drink(s) play(s)

11. Ari ( ) football very well.

12. I never ( ) coffee.
13. The restaurant ( ) at 7:00 in the morning.
14. It ( ) at 9:00 in the evening.
15. Bad driving ( ) many accidents.
16. My parents ( ) in an apartment .
17. The Olympic Games ( ) place every four years.
18. They are good students. They always ( ) their homework.
19. My students ( ) a little English.
20. I always ( ) early in the morning.

Change into a good sentences!

6. Indonesia (be) in Asia.

7. The summer (be) hot.
8. Rara (be) a very pretty girl.
9. My birthday (be) in June.
10. Dogs (be) good friends.
Worksheet 5 (Enrichment Learning)
Verbal Sentences and Nominal Sentences in form Interrogative Sentences
Determine the sentences below, wheter it is verbal sentences or nominal sentences by giving mark V to refer verbal sentences
and giving mark N to refer nominal sentences!

Do you play badminton? ( )

Are you healthy? ( )
Does she go to stadium? ( )
Is he ready to go? ( )
Does Rahmat Studies Physics? ( )
Is he a police? ( )
Do you like basketball? ( )
Does he have a knife? ( )
Are you disappointed? ( )
Do they go to mall? ( )
Is he a doctor? ( )
Does he work at the bank across the school? ( )
Is the shirt clean? ( )
Is he tired? ( )
Are you hungry? ( )
1. Spiritual and Sosial Attitude Assessment
a. Assessment Technique : Teacher directly assesses through observation and self-assessment
b. Instrument form : Jurnal & Sheet
c. Specification :

No. Attitude/Score Instrument Point

1. Giving assessment toward students who show highly confident, Attitude assessment sheet
fully cooperative, and greatly respectful attitude aspects.

No. Basic Competence indicator Instrument

1. Thankful for the opportunity to learn English as - Showing thankfulness in learning English Jurnal and Sheet
the language of International communication by praying before and after doing
that is realized in the spirit of learning. - Showing enthusiasm in learning English
by responding teacher’s greeting.
2. Show polite and caring behavior in carrying out - Showing respect by ask permission before Jurnal and Sheet
interpersonal communication with teachers and do something.
- Showing care about people in
friends communication by listen to the teacher’s

 Spiritual attitude

No Technique Instrument Example of instrument Time statements

1 Observing Jurnal Attachment 1 When learning takes Assessment for and of
place learning

 Social Attitude

No Technique Instrument Example of instrument Time statements

1 Observing Sheet Attachment 2 When learning takes Assessment for and of
place learning

 Attachment 1 (Assessment Jurnal)

School Name :.............
Class/ Semester : VIII/ Semester 2
No Time Student’s Name Records of behavior Grain attitude signature Follow-up

 Attachment 2 (Assessment Sheet)

Student Self-Assessment Sheet (Likert Scale)
Name :.............
Class/ Semester : VIII/ Semester 2
School Year : 2017/2018
Hint: Give a check mark (√) on with criteria:
4 = always, if always do the statement
3 = often, when often doing according to statements and sometimes not doing
2 = sometimes, when sometimes doing and often not doing
1 = never, if never done

No Statements 1 2 3 4
1. I always pray before doing the activity.
2. I prayed five times on time.
3. I do not bother my other Religion friends praying according to their religion.
4. I dare to confess my mistake.
5. I complete the tasks on time.
6. I dare to take risks for my actions.
7. I returned the items I borrowed.
8. I apologize if I make a mistake.
9. I do the lab in accordance with the steps set.
10. I came to school on time.
The results of self-assessment need to be followed up by the teacher by facilitating the students who have not shown the expected

Scoring Guidelines:
Final scores use a scale of 1 to 4
Final score calculation using the formula:
(Score obtained) / (Maximum score) x 4 = final score
Scoring convertion = final score x 25 = 100

2. Knowledge Assessment
Lattice of Knowledge Aspect (Written Test)
Assessment Technique : Written Test
Instrument Form : Essay and Fill in the Blank Form
Specification :
Basic Competence (3.4) Material Indicator Level of Cognitive Instrument Number of
Identifying the concept Simple 3.4.1 Differentiating nouns, verbs, Attachment 3 (Collective Fill in the 10
and language features of Present
adjectives, and adverbs. Information) (Stuffing Blank Form
oral and written Tense
transactional interaction 3.4.2 Analyzing the rules of /Completing);
texts that involve the act
of giving and asking Simple Present Tense. Attachment 5 (Building
information related to the Cloze
3.4.3 Differentiating nominal and sentences) Make up 5 5
characteristic of people, Sentence
animals, objects verbal sentence in Simple Present simple sentences from the
according to the context Tense.
of their use. (Pay attention topic that given by teacher
to the linguistic element using one of simple past
simple present tense and 3.4.4 Applying the rule of Simple tense (declarative-negative
adjective). Present Tense to asking and sentences) with
giving information (positive-
negative-introgative sentences) grammatical correct!

 Attachment 3
Put the verbs into the correct form!
1. I (to listen) _________ to musi everyday.
2. Simon (to collect) ________ stamps.
3. We (to wash) ________ the dishes once a day.
4. My mother always (to make) ________ breakfast.
5. Sarah usually (to meet) ________ Maria at the tennis club.
6. Janet never (to wear) ________ jeans.
7. Mr. Smith (to teach) ________ Spanish and French.
8. You (to do) _________ your homework after school.
9. We (to buy) two rabbits and five goldfish.
10. They (to be) ________ Sandy’s parents.

Scoring Guidlines : The correct score x 10

Final Score : 100

Answer Key!
1. Listens 6. Wears
2. Collects 7. Teachs
3. Washs 8. Does
4. Makes 9. Buys
5. Meets 10. Are
 Attachment 4
Ask for the bold part of the sentence!
1. Danny goes to school from Monday to Friday. __________________________________
2. My rabbits has a cage in the garden. __________________________________
3. The children like cats because they are nice. __________________________________
4. Jenny is never late. __________________________________
5. Andrew’s new mountain bike costs $100. __________________________________

Final score uses scale 1 – 5, whit criteria:

5 = if the students are able to answers appropriately (grammar, formula, and word diction)
3 = if the answers get mistake in one of the grammar, formula, or word diction
1 = if the answer is less or not complete
Total Score = Total Correct Answer X 20
Final Score = 100

3. Skill Assessment
Lattice of Skill Aspect (Written Test)
a. Assessment Technique : Written Test
b. Instrument Form : Performance Assessment (Writing skills)
c. Specification :

Basic Competence (4.10) Material Indicator Level of Cognitive Instrument Number of

Composing short and simple Simple 4.4.1 Composing dialogue text which Attachment 5 Portfolio
transactional oral and written text Present
contains the act of asking and giving ((Composing/ test
which involves the act of giving Tense 1
and asking for information related information related to the character of creating) Make up
to the character of people, people, animals, and object. a dialogue based
animals, and objects, by
4.4.2 Communicating the dialogue text on the students’
considering the social functions,
text structure and appropriate which contains the act of asking and activities.
language features based on giving information related to the
context. character of people, animals and object
students’ have made.

 Attachment 5
Do in pairs! Create a dialogue based on your activities!
Scoring Rubric for writing skills:

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting

Content (C) 20% 4 The topic is complete and clear and the details relating to the topic
- Topic 3 The topic is complete and clear but the details almost relating to the topic
- Details 2 The topic is complete and clear but the details are not relating to the topic
1 The topic is not clear and the details are not relating to the topic 2X

Orientation (O) 20% 4 Identification is complete and descriptions are arranged witth proper coonectives
- Affirmative sentences 3 Identification is almost complete and descriptions are almost arranged with proper
- Negative sentences connectives
- Introgative sentences 2 Identification is not complete and descriptions are arranged with few missue of 2X
1 Identification is not complete and descriptions are not arranged with missue of
4 Very few grammatucal or agreement inaccuraces
Grammar (G) 20% 3 Few grammatucal or agreement inaccuraces but not affective on meaning
Simple present tense 2 Numerous grammatucal or agreement inaccuraces 2X
agreement 1 Frequent grammatucal or agreement inaccuraces
4 Effwctiv choice of words and word forms
3 Few missue of vocabularies, word forms, but not change the meaning
Vocabulary (V) 2 Limited range confusing words and word forms 1,5X
15 % 1 Very poor knowledge of words, word forms, and not understandable
Mechanics (M) 15% 4 It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
- Spelling 3 It has occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
- Punctuation 2 It has frequent errors spelling, punctuation, and capitalization 1,5X
- Capitalization 1 It dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization

Scoring Guidelines:
Total Score = (3C+2O+2G+1,5V+1,5M / 4) X 10
Final Score = 100


Lattice of Remedial Learning (Written Test)

Assessment Technique : Written Test
Instrument Form : Cloze Procedure
Specification :
Basic Competence (3.4) Material Indicator Level of Cognitive Instrument Number of
Identifying the concept Simple 3.4.1 Differentiating nouns, verbs, Attachment 6 (Collective Cloze
and language features of Present
adjectives, and adverbs. Information) (Stuffing Procedure
oral and written Tense 5
transactional interaction 3.4.2 Analyzing the rules of /Completing);
texts that involve the act
of giving and asking
information related to the Simple Present Tense.
characteristic of people,
animals, objects 3.4.3 Differentiating nominal and
according to the context verbal sentence in Simple Present
of their use. (Pay attention
to the linguistic element Tense.
simple present tense and 3.4.4 Applying the rule of Simple
adjective). Present Tense to asking and
giving information (positive-
negative-introgative sentences)

 Attachment 6
Make negative sentence bellow!
1. They go to the supermarket. _____________________________
2. Ben does his homework in the kitchen. _____________________________
3. Jenny takes photos. _____________________________
4. I am learn French in the school. _____________________________
5. Jenny does swim in the lake. _____________________________

Final score uses scale 1 – 5, whit criteria:

5 = if the students are able to answers appropriately (grammar, formula, and word diction)
3 = if the answers get mistake in one of the grammar, formula, or word diction
1 = if the answer is less or not complete
Total Score = Total Correct Answer X 20
Final Score = 100

Lattice of Skill Aspect (Written Test)

a. Assessment Technique : Written Test
b. Instrument Form : Performance Assessment (Writing skills)
c. Specification :

Basic Competence (4.10) Material Indicator Level of Cognitive Instrument Number of

Composing short and simple Simple 4.4.1 Composing dialogue text which Attachment 7 Cloze 5
transactional oral and written text Present
contains the act of asking and giving Composing/ Sentence
which involves the act of giving Tense
and asking for information related information related to the character of creating a sentence
to the character of people, people, animals, and object. which contains
animals, and objects, by
considering the social functions, 4.4.2 Communicating the dialogue text simple past tense.
text structure and appropriate which contains the act of asking and
language features based on giving information related to the
context. character of people, animals and object
students’ have made.

 Attachment 7
Make 5 simple sentences which containts simple present form (affirmative-negative-introgrative)!

No Aspects Description Score

1 Grammar No error 4
Few errors 3
Many errors 2
Grammatically unacceptable 1
2 Vocabulary No inappropriate vocabulary 4
Few inappropriate vocabulary 3
Some inappropriate vocabulary 2
Many inappropriate vocabulary 1
3 Originality Very original 4
Original 3
Less original 2
Not original 1
4 Writing Arrangement Good writing arrangement 4
Less good writing arrangement 3
Enough writing arrangement 2
Bad writing arrangement 1

Scoring Guidelines:
(Grammar Score x 7) + (Vocabulary Score x 7) + (Originality Score x 7) + (Writing Arrangement Score x 4) = 100

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