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Key Legal Documents and Procedures

1. Marriage License/Registration Application

o Purpose: To register the marriage legally.
o Required Information: Personal details of both parties, date and place of
marriage, witnesses' details.
o Signatures: Both parties, witnesses, and the registrar.

Example under Hindu Marriage Act:

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Marriage Registration Application

Full Name: Anjali Sharma
Date of Birth: January 1, 1995
Address: 123 Main St, New Delhi, India

Full Name: Rajesh Kumar
Date of Birth: February 2, 1993
Address: 456 Elm St, New Delhi, India

Date of Marriage: May 30, 2024

Place of Marriage: New Delhi, India

Witness 1: [Name] ___________________
Witness 2: [Name] ___________________

Bride: Anjali Sharma ___________________
Groom: Rajesh Kumar ___________________
Registrar: [Name] ___________________
Date: June 1, 2024

2. Marriage Certificate
o Purpose: To serve as an official record of the marriage.
o Required Information: Names of both parties, date and place of marriage,
witnesses, and officiant details.
o Signatures: Both parties, witnesses, officiant, and registrar.


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Marriage Certificate

Certificate Number: 2024-000123

This certifies that:

Anjali Sharma
Rajesh Kumar

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