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UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR Malaysian Institute of Chemical & Bioengineering Technology FINAL EXAMINATION FEBRUARY 2023 SEMESTER COURSE CODE : CFD30003 COURSE NAME : FOOD ANALYSIS PROGRAMME NAME : DIPLOMA OF FOOD ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DATE : 4 JULY 2023 TIME + 09,00 AM ~ 11.00 AM DURATION : 2HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 4. Please CAREFULLY read the instructions given in the question paper. 2. This question paper consists of TWO (2) sections, Section A and Section B. 3. Answer ALL questions in Section A. For Section B, answer THREE (3) questions ONLY. 4. Please write your answers on the OMR answer script and answer booklet provided. 5. Answer all questions in English language ONLY. 6. Charact reference. infrared absorption frequencies table has been appended for your THERE ARE 12 PAGES OF QUESTIONS, INCLUDING THIS PAGE. FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL, ‘SECTION A (Total: 25 marks) INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL questions. Please use the answer booklet provided. 1. Identify the purpose of food labeling regulations: ‘A. To provide nutritional information to consumers. B. To prevent false or misleading claims about food products C, To ensure proper handling and storage of food D. Allo the above 2. Identify the main role of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) ‘A. To have the product every time better than previous one B. To have the same quality as the unit tested in the laboratory C. Its implemented after the manufacturing process is completed 0. GMP is marketing strategy to attract the attention of people 3. Identify the best statement about precision of a measuring instrument. ‘A. Classified depending on the magnitude B. The biggest value it can detect C. The smallest value it can detect D. Any value it can detect 4. The success of any analytical method relies on these factors, EXCEPT A. Interpretation of the data B. Preparation of the food sample C. Advance laboratory D. Performing the analysis 5. The term for a substance that is being identified or measured in a laboratory test is A. Control B. Analyte C. Calibration D. Standard cFD30003, FOOD ANALYSIS Page 2 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL 10. "1 The systematic errors are eliminated by A. finding variance of reading B. frequent measurement C. replacement of instrument D. finding mean of reading Choose the best value when 4567 correct to 1 significant figure. A 4500 B. 5000 a 4 D. 4000 If your sample does not represent the whole population but favors women, it would be called A random B. biased C. good D. under coverage Identify parameter used fo determine the total solids content in food samples. A pH B. Moisture content ©. Fat content D. Ash content The proximate analysis of foodstuffs is important because of A. _ittells is if the food is suitable for human B. the law requires it to make it clear what is in the food C. to see how many calories are in it D. none of the above The mineral content of the food is called A. crude protein B. crude fibre C. calcium D. crude as cFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 3 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL, 12. Predict the compound that is consistent with the infrared spectrum in figure 1 ‘Tansratarce ar) 1000 Wavenumber fl) Figure 1 CHsOCHs CHsCH2CHs CHsC=OH CHsOH 9O9> 13. _ Energy should be presented by the following unit EXCEPT A kd Bo MJ Cc. Meal D. kcal 14, Identify the type of analysis that metals in food samples. performed to determine the presence of heavy A. Chemical analysis B. Microbiological analysis C. Sensory analysis D. Genetic analysis 15. _ Before testing an unknown solution using spectroscopy methad, absorption should be measured from A. asample B. a standard solution C. a series of standard solutions and a blank D. a series of standard solutions CFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 4 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. In Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), the flame is used to A. remove impurities B. _vapourize the sample C. _ keep the operators’ hands warm in winter D. excite electrons into higher energy levels In chromatography, the mixture and solvent are known as the A. mobile phase B. stationary phase Cc. analyte D. ink ‘The more strongly a substance adheres to the stationary phase, the A. faster it moves B. slower it moves C. more brightly colored it is. D. less brightly colored itis is a separation technique that can be used to separate colors in a mixture, A. Solvent B. Chromatography C. Separate D. Soluble Identify TWO (2) main modes of operation in High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). A. Normal and abnormal B. Forward and Reverse C. Normal and Reverse D. Controlled and Reverse CFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 5 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL 2 22, 23. 24, 25. Choose the best statement about normal phase chromatography. A. Polar compounds stick, non-polar compounds elute B. Non-polar compounds stick, polar compounds elute C. Polar and nonpolar stick D. Polar compounds are unretained In paper chromatography, the mobile phase is the A. solute B. solid C. solvent dD. dye Samples for Gas Chromatography (GC) analysis should be A. non-volatile B. thermally labile Cc. Ionic D. thermally stable Identify the technique that is commonly used for the analysis of vitamins in food samples. A. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) B. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) C. Atomic absorption spectroscopy D. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) In Gas Chromatography, the mobile phase is, A. an inert gas B. does not interact with the sample C. called carrier gas D. all the above CFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 6 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL ‘SECTION B (Total: 75 marks) INSTRUCTION: Answer THREE (3) questions ONLY. Please use the answer booklet provided. Question 4 (a) (b) (c) (d) Moisture content is part of the proximate analysis in food products. State THREE (3) methods that can be used to analyze moisture in food products. (3 marks) From analysis of moisture, weight of dried pan is 1.0376 g, weight of pan and sample is 4.627 g and weight of the pan and dried sample is 1.7321 g. Predict the percentage of moisture and total solids of the sample. (7 marks) Predict THREE (3) type of error during food analysis in laboratory. (3 marks) ‘A sample known to contain 11.10% sugar is analyse by two methods. Five determinations were performed for each method and the following results were obtained. Table 1 Reading Method A ~~ Method B 1 14.10 10.47 2 13.82 12.16 3 12.65 1.05 4 13.02 10.77 5 14.08 17.09 Calculate the following value: a) Mean b) Standard deviation (6 marks) CFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 7 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL, ji, Select method that is more precise. Justify your answer. (3 marks) ji, Select method that is more accurate. Justify your answer. (3 marks) Question 2 (2) Spectroscopy is the study of the absorption and emission of light and other radiation (b) (o) (a) by matter. Define electromagnetic spectrum. (2 marks) ii. List FOUR (4) main regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. (4 marks) ii, Identify the difference between absorption and emission spectroscopy techniques. (4 marks) A solution with a concentration 0.2 M has absorbance of 0.75 when measured in a cuvette with a path length of 2 cm at 540 nm. Calculate the molar absorptivity for the sample. (5 marks) Discuss the functions of the following components in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAs) * Hollow cathode lamp © Photomultiplier tube (4:marks) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis is used to identify and characterize various components in food samples. Explain the principle of FTIR analysis in the context of food analysis. (6 marks) CFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 8 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL Question 3 (a) Discuss the purposes of analyzing food based on the following samples. i. Quality control samples (2 marks) ii. Research and development samples (2 marks) ili, Food safety samples (2 marks) (b) Table 2 shows four moisture level measurements that were carried out for uncooked hamburgers. Table 3 shows Q values for the rejection of results. Table 2: Moisture level of uncooked hamburgers Reading i | Reading2 | Reading3 | Reading 4 64.53 64.45 64.78 55.31 Table 3: Q-values Number of observations Gof rejection (00% level) 3 | 0.94 | 0.76 0.64 0.86 ost 0.47 0.44 oat cara as 6 By referring to table 2 and table 3, predict the Q value. (4 marks) ii, Conclude your findings from the value. (4 marks) il, Identify an advantage of Q test calculation. (2 marks) CFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 9 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL, (©) Protein analysis methods include a broad range of experimental techniques for the detection, purification, and identification of proteins. Describe THREE (3) methods sed for protein analysis. (6 marks) (4) Analysis of ash content is performed to determine the total mineral content in foods. State THREE (3) method used for determination of specific mineral content. (3 marks) Question 4 (2) Define each of the following terms. i. Stationary phase (2marks) ji, Eluent (2 marks) Analyte (2 marks) (b) Chromatography is the separation process that involves interaction between packing (0) material and sample. i. With the aid of a diagram, describe the interaction of the different compounds that travel through the stationary phase during the separation process. (4 marks) ii, Identify THREE (3) differences between High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Gas Chromatography (GC) (6 marks) High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is an analytical technique used to separate, identify, and quantify each component in a mixture. i. Describe TWO (2) applications of HPLC in food analysis. (4 marks) CFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 10 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 CONFIDENTIAL ii, Draw a schematic diagram of a typical HPLC instrument. Label all the components accordingly. (6 marks) END OF EXAMINATION PAPER cFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS Page 11 of 12 FEBRUARY 2023 APPENDIX Table 4.0 Characteristic Infrared Absorption freq Bon Compound Type Alkanes CH CH Umbrella Deformation CH Alkenes ‘Aromatic Rings Phenyl Ring Substitution Bands Phenyl Rina Substitution Overtones [1470-1350(v) scissoring and bending CONFIDENTIAL 1 juencies | Frequency range, cm* 900 }-2850(s) stretch eons (mw) - Doubt - isopropy, uty 100. ft00-20¢m) stretch '2000-1600(w) - fingerprint region [s333-3267(s) stretch 7700-610(b) bend 1680-1640(m,w)) siretch 2260-2100(w,sh) stretch 1600, 1500(w) stretch “Alcohols, Ethers, Carboxylic acids, Esters ‘Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids, '1260-1000(s) stretch Estes '1760-1670(s) stretch Monomeric ~ Alcohols, Phenols {s640-3160(s,br) stretch Hydrogen-bonded -- Alcohols, Phenols _[3600-3200(b) stretch Carboxylic acids '3000-2500(b) stretch (3500-3300(m) stretch 11650-1580 (m) bend '1340-1020(m) stretch '2260-2220(v) stretch ‘Nitro Compounds NO2 v- variable, m - medium, s - strong, br - ‘CFD30003 FOOD ANALYSIS =I [1660-1500(s) asymmetrical stretch /1390-1280(s) symmetrical stretch broad, w - weak Page 12 of 12

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