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org review
& 2013 International Society of Nephrology

Assessment of intravascular volume status and

volume responsiveness in critically ill patients
Kambiz Kalantari1, Jamison N. Chang1, Claudio Ronco2 and Mitchell H. Rosner1
Division of Nephrology, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA and 2Department of Nephrology Dialysis and
Transplantation, International Renal Research Institute (IRRIV), San Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy

Accurate assessment of a patient’s volume status, as well Accurate assessment of intravascular volume remains one of
as whether they will respond to a fluid challenge with the most challenging and important tasks for clinicians.
an increase in cardiac output, is a critical task in the care of Rivers et al.1 demonstrated that a protocol of early goal-
critically ill patients. Despite this, most decisions regarding directed therapy, which included aggressive fluid
fluid therapy are made either empirically or with limited and resuscitation targeted to central venous pressure (CVP) and
poor data. Given recent data highlighting the negative physiological variables, reduced organ failure and improved
impact of either inadequate or overaggressive fluid therapy, survival in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock.
understanding the tools and techniques available for However, more recent studies in critically ill patients have
accurate volume assessment is critical. This review highlights demonstrated that excessive fluid resuscitation and markedly
both static and dynamic methods that can be utilized to help positive net fluid balance is associated with higher rates of
in the assessment of volume status. complications and increased mortality.2,3 In a European
Kidney International (2013) 83, 1017–1028; doi:10.1038/ki.2012.424; multicenter observational study of patients admitted to the
published online 9 January 2013 intensive care unit (ICU), each 1 liter of positive fluid balance
KEYWORDS: assessment; intravascular; techniques; volume during the first 72 h of ICU stay was associated with a 10%
increase in mortality after adjustments for other risk factors.2
Furthermore, in a landmark study of liberal versus
conservative fluid management of patients with acute lung
injury in the ICU, a more conservative fluid management
strategy improved lung function and shortened the ICU stay,
whereas there was no difference in the 60-day mortality
between the two groups.4 Thus, outcomes are clearly
influenced by fluid balance with either inadequate or overly
aggressive resuscitation associated with excess morbidity and
mortality (Figure 1). Despite this, most decisions regarding
fluid therapy are still made empirically.
When dosing intravenous fluids, two key clinical questions
are asked: (1) what is the current state of the patient’s
intravascular volume? and (2) if the patient receives
continued fluid resuscitation or a fluid bolus, will physiolo-
gical variables such as blood pressure, tissue perfusion, and
urine output improve? Fundamentally, the only reason to
give a patient a fluid challenge is to increase the stroke
volume (SV; by at least 10–15%) and improve organ
perfusion. It is therefore crucial during the resuscitation
phase of critically ill patients to determine not only the
volume status but also whether the patient is fluid-responsive
or not. In clinical practice, physical examination, radio-
graphy, laboratory parameters, and in case of the critically ill
Correspondence: Mitchell H. Rosner, Division of Nephrology, University of
patients in the ICU, monitoring of central pressures and
Virginia Health System, Box 800133, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908, USA. cardiac output are combined to assess the patient’s
E-mail: intravascular volume and determine clinical interventions
Received 26 August 2012; revised 18 October 2012; accepted 26 such as fluid or diuretic administration. As with any
October 2012; published online 9 January 2013 diagnostic tests, clinicians utilizing these volume assessment

Kidney International (2013) 83, 1017–1028 1017

review K Kalantari et al.: Volume assessment

Assessment of
volume status and
fluid responsiveness

Optimum fluid balance

Volume depletion Volume overload
• Hypotension • Impaired oxygenation
• Shock • Edema
• Organ hypoperfusion • Hypertension
• Acute kidney injury • Organ congestion

Inadequate fluid therapy Overaggressive fluid therapy

Figure 1 | Volume assessment goals. Proper assessment of patients’ volume status and whether they will respond with an increase in cardiac
output, following a fluid challenge, are critical to avoid the consequences of either inadequate or overaggressive fluid therapy.

techniques need to understand their limitations and Table 1 | Commonly used clinical and laboratory parameters
diagnostic accuracy. The intent of this review is to survey in the assessment of volume status
the literature and summarize the performance characteristics
of tests commonly used for the assessment of both  Vital signs
intravascular volume status and volume responsiveness in
critically ill patients. It is noteworthy that laboratory J Blood pressure (mean arterial pressure)
J Pulse
assessments such as the mixed venous oxygen saturation, J Orthostatic changes in blood pressure and pulse
blood lactate, and others are not discussed in this paper.
 Physical examination
The earliest assessment of the patient is the history and J Mentation
J Capillary refill
physical examination (Table 1). The majority of studies J Skin turgor/dryness
assessing the utility of the history and physical examination J Skin perfusion (color/mottling, temperature)
in clinical volume assessment are derived from either the J Temperature of extremities
assessment of patients with heart failure (HF) or acute blood J Urine output
Wang et al.5 performed a meta-analysis of 18 studies that
 Laboratory parameters

evaluated the utility of the history, physical examination, J Fractional excretion of sodium, urea
and diagnostic tests in diagnosing HF and volume overload J Blood lactate
in patients presenting to the emergency department with J Mixed venous oxygen saturation
dyspnea. Among all presenting symptoms, paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnea was most helpful, if present (positive
likelihood ratio: 2.6), followed closely by orthopnea and
peripheral edema.
In a review on the value of physical examination findings of the time. Cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance, and
in the diagnosis of hypovolemia, it was shown that physical right atrial pressures were correctly predicted approximately
examination findings are dependent on the type and amount 50% of the time.
of fluid loss.6 The most useful physical findings are postural
dizziness (preventing measurement of upright vital signs) CHEST RADIOGRAPHY
or a postural pulse increment of 30 beats/min or more. The daily chest X-ray (CXR) in the ICU is an established
However, these findings had a high sensitivity for hypovolemia diagnostic tool to complement history and physical exam-
caused only by large blood losses (approximately 1 liter) but ination findings, and is commonly used to assess volume
a poor sensitivity for moderate blood losses (approximately status. In a study of patients with systolic HF awaiting heart
500 ml). The authors point out that in states of volume transplantation, CXR findings were correlated with measure-
depletion produced by non–blood loss states, very few ment of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) as their
findings have clinical utility, and ancillary lab/diagnostic gold standard for volume overload.9 Although venous
testing is required.6 This was confirmed in another study that redistribution and interstitial pulmonary edema were seen
demonstrated that no single clinical sign was useful in more commonly among subjects with high PCWP readings,
identifying a low circulating blood volume.7 Furthermore, there was a high degree of overlap among groups with
when clinicians were asked to predict hemodynamic different PCWP values. In addition, the absence of radiologic
parameters based only on history and physical examination, findings typically associated with volume overload did not
their performance was poor.8 In this study, pulmonary artery ensure lower PCWP.9 Other studies have confirmed that the
occlusive (wedge) pressure was correctly predicted only 30% typical radiologic signs suggesting volume overload are

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K Kalantari et al.: Volume assessment review

highly variable and insensitive and that CXR findings cannot conclusions.25–28 CVP is dependent on venous return (VR)
predict extravascular lung water.10–13 to the heart, right ventricular compliance, peripheral venous
Another method derived from the CXR is to examine the tone, and posture, and the CVP is particularly unreliable in
vascular pedicle width (VPW). The VPW is measured by1 pulmonary vascular disease, right ventricular disease, patients
dropping a perpendicular line from the point at which the with tense ascites, isolated left ventricular failure, and
left subclavian artery exits the aortic arch and2 measuring valvular heart disease.24,29 In patients with an intact
across to the point at which the superior vena cava (SVC) sympathetic response to hypovolemia, the CVP may
crosses the right mainstem bronchus.14 Studies of critically actually fall in response to fluid, as compensatory
ill patients have demonstrated correlations between serial venoconstriction is reduced.29 Thus, it is possible to have a
changes in VPW and changes in volume status.15–18 Ely low CVP and not be volume responsive, as well as have a high
et al.10 demonstrated that using a VPW cutoff value of CVP and be volume responsive.
70 mm in addition to a cardiothoracic ratio (cardiac width Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure or PCWP has been
divided by thoracic width) greater than 0.55 significantly widely used to assess volume status and fluid responsiveness
improved the accuracy of CXR in determining volume status in the ICU and operating room. Ideally, the PCWP is
(gold standard determined by PCWP). The VPW is best proportional to left -ventricular end-diastolic volume/pre-
utilized in a single patient on serial measurements, and load and would seem to be an ideal parameter for monitoring
changes in VPW show a high correlation with changes in volume status. However, the vast majority of studies have
volume status.19,20 In clinical practice, VPW is not widely demonstrated a poor correlation between PCWP, volume
used by practitioners, owing to the fact that the position of status, and responsiveness to fluid resuscitation.25,30–33
the patient, patient’s height and body build, technical Michard and Teboul25 determined that seven out of nine
factors, diseases of mediastinum, and prior trauma, surgery, studies demonstrated no significant association between a
or irradiation may all affect the validity of VPW low starting PCWP and subsequent fluid responsiveness as
measurements.20 defined by either an increase in SV or CO after a bolus of
It is evident that both the physical examination and chest intravenous fluids. In one of the studies, responders (an
radiography provide limited value in the determination of a increase in SV of at least 15% in association with a fluid
patient’s volume status and that other more sensitive and challenge) had a higher baseline PCWP than
specific techniques are needed. nonresponders.30 In two other studies, there was an
association between lower baseline PCWP and fluid
STATIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS responsiveness, but the authors were unable to develop a
In theory, fluid resuscitation in the hypovolemic patient threshold that would differentiate responders from
increases right ventricular end-diastolic volume, left ventri- nonresponders.31,32 In addition, in a study of 100 ICU
cular end-diastolic volume, and depending upon the position patients, Osman et al.33 determined that a baseline PCWP
on the Frank–Starling curve, SV and cardiac output (CO). If cutoff value of o11 mm Hg was poor at determining fluid
this holds true, measuring such parameters would be a useful responsiveness, defined as an increase of the cardiac index of
tool in guiding decisions regarding fluid resuscitation. The 415%. The sensitivity of this cutoff value was 77%, with
most common of these parameters are CVP, pulmonary a specificity of 51%. They further examined a combination
artery occlusion pressure, or PCWP, and right ventricular of CVPo8 mm Hg and PCWPo12 mm Hg in predicting
end-diastolic volume. response to fluid challenge. This combination performed
Arguably, CVP is the most commonly used parameter for poorly as well, with a sensitivity of 35% and specificity of
guiding fluid management in ICUs. Surveys of intensivists 71%.33 Furthermore, several studies have demonstrated no
and anesthesiologists suggest that more than 90% use CVP to benefit of pulmonary artery catheters in improving ICU
guide fluid management.21,22 In addition, guidelines have outcomes and maybe even harmful for these patients.34–36
recommended the use of CVP in guiding fluid management The weak relationship between surrogate indicators of
in critically ill septic patients.23 In a meta-analysis of five preload and volume responsiveness/intravascular volume
studies, the pooled correlations between CVP and measured status is due to several factors. First, the relationship between
blood volume or change in cardiac index (CI) or SV in volume and pressure is not constant and is modified by
response to volume expansion were 0.16 and 0.18, changes in vascular and cardiac compliance. Depending on
respectively, and the pooled area under the ROC curve was the compliance of a system, a given volume and volume
only 0.56.24 Thus, the likelihood that CVP can accurately change may correspond to widely varying pressures. For
predict fluid responsiveness is only 56% (slightly better than example, ventricular compliance is altered in critically ill
flipping a coin). The same meta-analysis also investigated the patients owing to processes such as sepsis and ischemia, and
utility of changes in CVP after volume expansion in cannot be easily predicted. Michard and Teboul25 highlighted
predicting changes in CO or SV by including 19 additional two additional issues: (1) changes in the cardiovascular
studies. Pooled correlation coefficient between the change in system depend on the proportional portioning of fluids
CVP and changes in CI or SI were even worse at 0.11.24 between the various compartments of the cardiovascular
Numerous other studies have come to similar system, and (2) the increase in SV with increased

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review K Kalantari et al.: Volume assessment

end-diastolic volume depends on preserved cardiac function, A

which is often not the case in critically ill patients. Viewed
from this perspective, a patient may be a nonresponder to a
fluid challenge because of high venous compliance, low

Stroke volume
ventricular function, and/or compliance or third-spacing of
administered fluids out of the vascular space. Unfortunately, Fluid
no current measure of cardiac preload can capture all this
information. Furthermore, a given preload does not correlate
with fluid responsiveness (Figure 2).37 This suggests a need B
for caution in using these measures for assessing and
managing volume therapy in patients.


There are several two-dimensional and Doppler flow Figure 2 | Preload does not predict volume responsiveness. For a
measurements that can be obtained from trans-thoracic or given fixed amount of fluid administration, the increase in stroke
transesophageal echocardiography (TTE or TEE) that volume will be greater for a patient with normal ventricular function
(A, preload-dependent and fluid-responsive) than for a patient with
provide cardiac chamber volume assessment.38 For impaired ventricular function (B, preload-independent and fluid-
example, TEE has been used to measure left ventricular nonresponsive). However, a static measurement of preload would be
dimensions in mechanically ventilated patients.38 Specifically, the same in each patient.
Reuter et al.39 demonstrated that left ventricular end-diastolic
area (LVEDA) is a good predictor of volume responsiveness.
Other studies have failed to replicate this finding.40,41 One Mechanically ventilated
major issue with this parameter is that in the absence of patient inspiration
baseline echocardiographic data absolute levels of LVEDA are
hard to interpret and vary from patient to patient, depending
upon baseline cardiac anatomy and physiology.38 Thus, 1. Reduction in venous return
2. Reduction in right ventricular preload
static, single echocardiographic measurements are of limited 3. Increase in right ventricular afterload
value in the assessment of preload and volume
responsiveness. dependence
Decrease in left ventricular output
occurs during expiration
Given the limited ability of static measures to predict volume
status in critically ill patients, research has targeted measures Inspiration Expiration Inspiration
that better discriminate those patients who increase SV with
fluid therapy (‘fluid responders’) from those who do not
(‘nonresponders’). As these measures look at changes in
cardiovascular parameters in real time, they have been Arterial pressure
deemed ‘dynamic’ measures as opposed to the static or Figure 3 | Respiratory variations in cardiac hemodynamics in the
snapshot measures discussed above. mechanically ventilated patient. Mechanical ventilation results in a
The degree of variation in parameters such as SV (SV decrease in left ventricular output during the expiratory phase that
can be seen by changes in the arterial pressure wave form. These
variation, SVV), pulse pressure (pulse pressure variation,
changes form the basis of stroke volume variation and pulse pressure
PPV), changes in aortic flow velocity, and the diameter of variation.
inferior vena cava (IVC) or SVC as a result of changes in
intrathoracic pressure induced by spontaneous respiration or
by positive pressure ventilation are among the tools to assess the positive pleural pressure increases systolic extracardiac
volume responsiveness. Although in the normal breathing pressure. Importantly, the codependence of the LV output
cycle the VR and right heart preload increase during on RV output is seen because of the relatively long
inspiration and decrease at the end of inspiration, these (approximately 2 s) transit time of blood through the
changes are reversed during positive pressure ventilation alveolar capillary bed.44,45 Thus, the inspiratory decrease in
(Figure 3).42 With mechanical insufflation, the rise in pleural right ventricular output leads to a decrease in LV output a few
pressure leads to reduction of VR and RV preload. At the heartbeats later, which corresponds to the expiratory phase of
same time, the RV afterload increases because of an increase mechanical ventilation.
in transpulmonary pressure (Figure 3).43 Left ventricular The changes in RV and LV SV with respiration/ventilation
preload increases during mechanical inspiration due to the are more pronounced on the steep (‘volume responsive’)
increase in transpulmonary pressure. Left ventricular compared with the flat portion of the Frank–Starling curve
afterload decreases during mechanical inspiration because and are explained by at least four mechanisms: (1) the venous

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system, particularly the SVC is more collapsible in hypovo- in cardiac index) than those who were not volume
lemic states; (2) the inspiratory increase in right atrial responsive. The responders demonstrated a reduction in
pressure is greater in hypovolemic states secondary to the PPV after volume expansion. A cutoff value of 13% for PPV
greater transmission of pleural pressures to the more had a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 96% to
compliant right atrium; (3) the effect of mechanical discriminate between fluid responders and nonresponders.
inspiration on RV afterload is greater because of higher Variability in PP was superior to SPV in discriminating fluid
transalveolar pressures in the setting of hypovolemia; and (4) responders.62
the ventricles are more sensitive to preload when they are Berkenstadt et al.68 studied the value of monitoring vital
operating on the steep portion of the Frank–Starling signs, CVP, and SVV in predicting response to volume
curves.46–51 These changes are reflected in biventricular expansion. In 15 mechanically ventilated patients undergoing
preload dependence and lead to a fall in LV output during brain surgery, they infused 100 ml of a colloid solution in
the expiratory phase of mechanical ventilation.44 In other multiple steps and monitored the response by measuring
words, significant intravascular volume depletion results in changes in SV. Heart rate and CVP were similar in responders
more pronounced changes in arterial pressure during the and nonresponders to volume expansion. However, SVV was
respiratory cycle. In contrast, in hypervolemic states the significantly higher among responders than in nonresponders
magnitude of respiratory variation in arterial pressure is low (12.6% vs. 6.8%).65 Baseline SVV correlated strongly with the
because of the inspiratory increase in left ventricular changes in SV after volume expansion. The area under the
output.52–54 There are several techniques available at the ROC curve in detecting responders was 0.87 for SVV and 0.49
bedside that can be used to assess the variability in left for CVP in this study.68
ventricular SV associated with mechanical ventilation that Marik et al.69 performed a meta-analysis of 29 clinical
include the following: respiratory variation in arterial pulse studies, including 685 patients, to evaluate the utility of PPV
pressure (PPV), respiratory variation in systolic pressure, and SVV in predicting responsiveness to volume expansion in
SVV with respiration, and aortic blood velocity variation critically ill patients and undergoing mechanical ventilation.
with ventilation.55–58 It is important to note that for all of The correlation coefficient for baseline PPV and SVV and
these measures, the patient must be in normal sinus rhythm, changes in CI or SV in response to volume expansion were
have no spontaneous respirations, and have a closed chest. 0.78 and 0.72, respectively. The area under the ROC curve
was 0.94 for PPV and 0.86 for SVV. In comparison, CVP,
Systolic pressure variation, PPV, and SVV global end-diastolic volume index and LVEDA index had
Rick and Burke59 first demonstrated that blood volume status poor to marginal performances. Adding to the strength of
and the magnitude of arterial pressure variation were strongly their conclusions, the included studies had a remarkably
correlated. They defined hypovolemia using a combination consistent threshold PPV/SVV of 12–13% for defining fluid
of variables including: PCWPo5 mm Hg, CVPo5 mm Hg, responsiveness. As demonstrated in these studies, PPV is a
tachycardia, signs of peripheral vasoconstriction, and a urine more reliable predictor of volume responsiveness than SVV,
output o0.5 ml/kg/h. Hypovolemic patients frequently and this probably relates to the fact that PPV is directly
demonstrated systolic pressure variation (SPV)410 mm Hg, measured and SVV relies on pulse contour analysis, which
whereas this was unusual in normovolemic or hypervolemic makes a number of assumptions. An important caveat to the
patients. Further work has shown that SPV decreases with use of PPV is that there is a ‘gray zone’ of PPV values
increasing blood volume and increases with volume (between 9 and 13%) where fluid responsiveness cannot be
depletion.60–62 predicted reliably.70 Cannesson et al.70 demonstrated that this
For a given arterial compliance, the amplitude of the pulse ‘gray zone’ may affect up to 25% of patients during general
pressure is directly related to SV. This makes SVV and PPV anesthesia.
potentially more useful parameters over SPV as they are less Edwards Lifesciences (Irvine, CA) manufactures a system
affected by changes in diastolic pressure that affect the that calculates SVV (the Vigileo monitor and FloTrac sensor)
systolic pressure and could confound interpretation.63,64 PPV through the use of an arterial catheter and analysis of the
is calculated by one of several techniques that calculate the arterial pressure waveform. This system has been shown to be
difference between maximum and minimum pulse pressures effective in monitoring SV and fluid responsiveness in
during mechanical breaths, and SVV is computed through mechanically ventilated patients.71–73 Several studies have
pulse contour analysis and computation of the area under the also shown improvements in outcomes utilizing intra-
systolic portion of the arterial pressure curve.43,52,65–67 Several operative fluid optimization strategies relying on
studies have compared these values in an effort to refine the measurement of SVV.74,75
best variables associated with fluid responsiveness. Another system for determining beat-to-beat measure-
In a study on 40 patients with sepsis on mechanical ment of cardiac output along with the ability to ascertain
ventilation, Michard et al.62 demonstrated higher variations SVV, PPV, and SPV is the LiDCO Plus System (LiDCO,
in systolic pressure (15% vs. 6%) and pulse pressure (24% vs. Cambridge, UK).76,77 This calibrated system combines the
7%) during respiration in the group of patients who LiDCO system for the measurement of cardiac output using a
responded to volume expansion (defined as a rise of 15% lithium-based indicator dilution method along with the

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review K Kalantari et al.: Volume assessment

PulseCO system, which calculates continuous beat-to-beat measurement of blood velocity using the shift in Doppler
analysis of cardiac output. Data derived from this system can frequency. Using the diameter of the aorta (measured or
be used to derive SVV, PPV, and SPV.76,77 Clinical trials calculated), the distribution of blood flow to the descending
utilizing such a system are underway to assess its impact on aorta, and the aortic flow velocity, one can calculate an
clinical outcomes.78 estimate of the cardiac preload. The validity of this technique
A less invasive alternative to these techniques is pulse was explored in a meta-analysis by Dark and Singer.88
pressure analysis during mechanical ventilation using dy- Cardiac output was determined by thermodilution (gold
namic changes in both the peak and amplitude of the pulse standard) and esophageal Doppler and changes in cardiac
oximeter plethysmographic wave form. These changes output after an IV fluid bolus were assessed as well using
measure volume changes as opposed to pressure changes in both techniques. Changes in cardiac output as determined by
arterial and venous vessels.79 These dynamic changes in the Doppler agreed 86% of the time with thermodilution
pulse oximeter wave form have shown significant correlation methods and suggests that esophageal Doppler may be
with PPV and accurately predicted fluid responsiveness.80–82 useful in this regard. Further, like SVV/PVV, changes in aortic
A commercially available monitor will assess these dynamic blood flow velocity with the respiratory cycle, as assessed by
changes in the pulse oximeter wave form and determine the esophageal Doppler, correlate with fluid responsiveness in
‘Pleth Variability Index’ (Masimo, Irvine, CA) and is helpful patients on positive pressure ventilation.90
in predicting fluid responsiveness.83,84 The Pleth Variability Sinclair et al.91 randomized patients undergoing operative
Index is an automatic measure of the dynamic change in the repair of a proximal femur fracture to volume optimization
perfusion index (the ratio of nonpulsatile to pulsatile blood based on esophageal Doppler or to usual care. The group
flow) that occurs during the respiratory cycle. A Pleth randomized to esophageal Doppler monitoring had a more
Variability Index414% before volume expansion is rapid post-operative recovery and shorter length of stay.
predictive that a patient will respond to fluid administra- Chytra et al.92 also demonstrated that optimization of
tion with a sensitivity of 81%. volume using esophageal Doppler monitoring in the ICU
There are important limitations to these techniques. Most was associated with lower blood lactate levels, a lower
importantly, the respiratory variation in SV and arterial incidence of infections, and reduced ICU and hospital stay in
pressure has been best validated in mechanically ventilated trauma patients. It is noteworthy that these studies did not
and heavily sedated patients.43 Both arrhythmias and include respiratory variation in aortic blood flow as a
spontaneous respiration may influence the change in PPV/ parameter. In 2009, the Health Technology Assessment
SVV in response to volume loading.43 In addition, at any Program of the National Institute for Health Research in
given preload condition, the SVV/PPV varies according to the United Kingdom assessed the clinical and cost-
the set tidal volume and can also be influenced by chest wall effectiveness of esophageal Doppler monitoring.93 This
compliance and the level of positive end-expiratory assessment concluded that the addition of esophageal
pressure.43 De Backer et al.85 further demonstrated that the Doppler monitor guided fluid therapy to CVP monitoring,
tidal volume must be at least 8 ml/kg to ensure accurate and and conventional volume assessment during surgery resulted
reproducible results when utilizing PPV. If smaller tidal in fewer major and total complications, shorter length of stay,
volumes are required (such as in a patient with acute and possibly fewer deaths.93 However, for patients with
respiratory distress syndrome), the authors have suggested critical illness, the addition of esophageal Doppler
increasing the tidal volumes transiently when a volume monitoring is of less clear benefit and further studies are
challenge is given.85 Lansdorp et al.86 also recently required.93 Limitations to this technique include the
demonstrated that the predictive value of PPV, SPV, and following: (1) the probe is poorly tolerated in awake
SVV was optimal in limited circumstances such as with tidal patients and thus requires adequate sedation; (2) the probe
volumes 47 ml/kg and with normal sinus rhythm. needs to be refocused before each measurement and thus it is
Nevertheless, even given these limitations, the relative ease used to make frequent, repeated measurements rather than
of obtaining these measures, as well as their strong predictive for continuous monitoring.
ability, makes them strong candidates for improving the As demonstrated by Feissel et al.,94 transesophageal
assessment of fluid responsiveness in the ICU and perhaps echocardiography offers potentially comparable data to
improving outcomes. esophageal Doppler. Respiratory changes in aortic peak
velocity were calculated and these changes were higher in
Esophageal Doppler monitoring fluid responders (defined as an increase in cardiac increase
By measuring the aortic blood flow in the descending 415% in response to volume expansion) than in
thoracic aorta, esophageal Doppler monitoring allows a nonresponders. Before volume expansion, a change in
reliable estimation of cardiac output and SV.87–89 The peak aortic velocity with respiration 412% allowed
procedure requires placing a flexible Doppler probe into discrimination between responders and nonresponders with
the patient’s esophagus through the nose or mouth. The tip a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 89%. This was not
of the probe contains a transducer, which transmits an confirmed in a study of mechanically ventilated
ultrasound signal toward the descending aorta, allowing cardiovascular surgery patients that compared SVV and

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PPV compared with the respiratory changes in threshold of 36% for SVC collapsibility had sensitivity of 90%
transesophageal echo-derived aortic blood velocity in and specificity of 100% in detecting an 11% rise in cardiac
cardiac surgical patients.95 In this study, SVV was the best index after volume expansion.
predictor of fluid responsiveness, and changes in aortic peak Technically, the measurement of the IVC diameter can be
velocity did not correlate with fluid responsiveness. The taken in the subxyphoid, lateral, and even suprailiac position.
logistical barriers in performing a transesophageal However, body habitus can be a potential barrier in obtaining
echocardiogram in unstable, critically ill patients make this accurate measurements. Although measurement of IVC
technique far from user-friendly. diameter can be taken transcutaneously, accurate SVC
measurements require TEE. Both of these measures cannot
Respiratory variation in vena cava diameter be obtained on a continuous basis. In addition, the IVC
The intrathoracic changes in pressure during the respirator diameter is affected by high intra-abdominal pressure and
cycle affect VR and thus the diameter of the central veins thus has limited use in patients post laparotomy or with
such as the IVC. Ultrasound-measured absolute diameter of suspected high intra-abdominal pressures.98,99
the IVC or the extent of change in its diameter with the
respiratory cycle has been used to assess volume status. Passive leg raising
Yanagawa et al.96 measured IVC diameters in 35 trauma A major limitation of the dynamic techniques is the
patients, with 10 of them in shock and 25 in a stable requirement for mechanical ventilation and sedation. In an
hemodynamic state, on arrival to the emergency department effort to determine volume responsiveness in spontaneously
and again at day 5. They found significantly smaller IVC breathing patients, passive leg raising (PLR) has been
diameters in the group of patients in shock on arrival in developed.102 With PLR, there is gravitational transfer of
comparison with those not in shock (7.7 vs. 13.4 mm).96 The blood from the legs to the intrathoracic cavity with resultant
same group of investigators demonstrated that the IVC increases in PCWP and LV preload. The ability of PLR to
diameter is useful in predicting the response of patients in predict fluid responsiveness has been confirmed in several
shock states to fluid resuscitation.97 In this study, the IVC studies with critically ill patients.103–106 Furthermore, a recent
diameter at the end of expiration was measured in trauma meta-analysis determined that the area under the curve or
patients with hemorrhagic shock at baseline and again after PLR for determining fluid responsiveness was 0.95 and
what was believed to be adequate fluid resuscitation (defined was not affected by spontaneous breathing or cardiac
by the improvement of systolic blood pressure to a level dysrhythmias.107 Technically, PLR is best performed by
greater than 90 mm Hg). Individuals who were able to both elevating the lower limbs to 451, while at the same
maintain a stable blood pressure after fluid resuscitation time lowering the patient into the supine position from a 451
had a significant increase in end-expiratory IVC diameter, semi-recumbent position.108 This technique has the
whereas those who remained hemodynamically unstable did advantage of both increasing cardiac preload from the shift
not have a change in IVC diameter with resuscitation.97 The of venous blood from the legs as well as the abdominal
authors concluded that changes in IVC diameter in response compartment.
to fluid resuscitation is a better indicator of adequate fluid PLR leads to rapid changes in VR, and thus, a rapid, real-
resuscitation than vital signs. Sefidbakht et al.98 also time method to assess changes in SV or CO must be available
demonstrated significantly smaller IVC diameters at the end to assess fluid responsiveness. In this regard, the FloTrac-
of expiration or inspiration in a group of patients in shock as Vigleo (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA) system can be
compared with controls (5.6 and 4.0 mm vs. 11.9 and used to measure SVV with PLR where a 10% or greater
9.6 mm, respectively). In addition, they showed a higher vena increase in cardiac output in response to PLR predicts fluid
cava collapsibility (or pulsatility) index ((end-expiratory responsiveness.109 Transpulmonary thermodilution (PiCCO
diameter  end-inspiratory diameter)/end-expiratory system, Pulsion Medical Systems, Munich, Germany) can also
diameter) in the shock group.98 The vena cava collapsibility be utilized in this regard where the effects of PLR on cardiac
index was shown to decline after volume expansion in a output can be assessed with pulse pressure analysis.110 An
group of patients in hypovolemic shock in another small alternative to these more invasive systems is the noninvasive
study.99 Among 39 patients in septic shock and on a CO monitor (NICOM, Cheetah Medical, Portland, OR). This
mechanical ventilator, volume expansion resulted in system provides continuous, accurate, noninvasive hemody-
significant drop in IVC collapsability index (13.8–5.2%), namic monitoring based on bioreactance (http://www.
which correlated with a rise in cardiac output.100 Those who The foundation of bioreactance is
responded to volume expansion (defined as a 415% increase that when an AC current is applied to the thorax, the
in CO) as compared with those who did not respond, had pulsatile blood flow taking place in the large thoracic arteries
greater collapsability index at baseline (25 vs. 6%). causes the amplitude of the applied thoracic voltage to
Viellard-Baron et al.101 studied the utility of the SVC change. In addition, it causes a time delay or phase shift
collapsibility index in identifying responders to volume between the applied current and the measured voltage. These
expansion using 10 ml/kg of a colloid solution among phase shifts are tightly correlated with SV (http://www.
individuals in septic shock on a ventilator. In that study, a The CO measured by this technique

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review K Kalantari et al.: Volume assessment

has been correlated with thermodilution and arterial pulse E (voltage drop) ¼ I (current) * Z (impedance). If the current
contour analysis (–113 stays constant, the voltage drop is proportional to changes
Benomar et al.114 have utilized the NICOM system to assess in the impedance to current flow. Considering that Z
fluid responsiveness in response to either PLR or a 500 ml IV (impedance) can be related to volume in the following
rapid colloid infusion and found that PLR had an 88% manner, Z ¼ r*(L^2/V) where L ¼ length, V ¼ volume, r ¼
sensitivity and 100% specificity for predicting fluid resistivity, changes in impedance can thus be related to
responsiveness. Another study has also confirmed the changes in volume. This is the fundamental idea that enables
utility of this approach.115 Thus, measurement of one to relate changes in cardiac output (volume) to changes
bioreactance with the NICOM system may provide a in impedance.122 In practice, a high-frequency current is
noninvasive method for determining fluid responsiveness to applied across the thoracic cavity and electrodes placed
either PLR or IV fluid bolus.116 elsewhere on the thorax measure the impedance. The average
Bioreactance can also be utilized to determine thoracic thoracic impedance can be considered as an estimate of the
fluid content and evaluate its change with various therapeutic static volume of the thorax and dynamic changes in
maneuvers. Kossari et al.117 used the NICOM system to impedance, when correlated with ECG-derived timing
evaluate changes in thoracic fluid content during measurements can be used to calculate hemodynamic
hemodialysis and demonstrated that fluid removal during a parameters.123 When compared with measures of cardiac
dialysis session correlated with changes in thoracic fluid output obtained by thermodilution, a meta-analysis of over
content, suggesting that bioreactance monitoring may be of 200 studies revealed a positive correlation with bioimpedance
use in dialysis session management. measurements (r ¼ 0.81).124 However, there are scant data on
Most recently, two studies have demonstrated that changes clinical outcomes of critically ill patients managed exclusively
in end-tidal carbon dioxide levels (X5%) reflect changes in with methods using bioimpedance.
cardiac index induced by volume expansion or dynamic The concept of BIVA adds the principle of capacitance (the
measures such as PLR with a precision greater than changes time required to charge a circuit) to refine and optimize the
in arterial pulse pressure.118,119 This assessment tool may assessment of volume status.125,126 Whole-body impedance
prove extremely useful for the rapid, noninvasive can be broken down into resistance, Rc (opposition to flow of
determination of fluid responsiveness. current through the extra and intracellular environment) and
reactance Xc (the capacitance produced by tissue interfaces
Other dynamic measures and cell membranes).125,126 Conceptually, resistance is
As described above, in patients receiving mechanical ventila- inversely proportional to the amount of total body water
tion, the increase in intrathoracic pressure leads to a series of and reactance is more closely related to the structure and
hemodynamic changes where the positive end-expiratory function of cell membranes. The inclusion of Xc is thought to
pressure decreases the central blood volume, reduces the result in a more accurate assessment of body fluid
cardiac output, and increases preload responsiveness. Given volume.125,126 Once measured, both Rc and Xc are
this cyclical effect of tidal ventilation, a short end-expiratory standardized to height (H) and can be plotted as R/H
occlusion (as used to measure the intrinsic positive end- (ohms/meter, x axis) vs. X/H (ohms/meter, y axis) (Figure 4).
expiratory pressure) can act like a fluid challenge and prevent These data are indicative of total body water and not simply
the cyclic changes in left ventricular preload. The hemody-
namic effects of this technique (using a 15-s end-expiratory
occlusion) were assessed in 34 patients with acute circulatory Fluid depleted
Reactance/height (Xc /H)

failure, who were monitored with the PiCCOplus system.120

Fluid responsiveness was predicted by the end-expiratory
pressure occlusion with high degree of sensitivity and
7 0th

specificity, including those patients with spontaneous

95 5th


breathing activity and those with cardiac arrhythmias. This

technique will require further study, but holds promise as
Fluid overload
another dynamic measure to assess fluid responsiveness. A


Phase angle
Bioimpedance and bioimpedance vector analysis (BIVA) have
shown promise as noninvasive, real-time measures of static Resistance/height (Rz/H)
volume status. A full description of the theoretical under- Figure 4 | Bioimpedance vector analysis. Shown here are the
pinnings of bioimpedance and BIVA is beyond the scope of ellipses of the standard vectors of the 50th, 75th, and 95th
this review (see ref. 121 for an excellent review on this percentiles of the normal population, as well as two vectors from
hypothetical patients. In patient A, the short vector represents total
subject). Bioimpedance can be understood in terms of Ohm’s body water excess, whereas the longer vector for patient B is
law, where the flow of current is equal to the voltage drop indicative of lower total body water and falls within the 95th
between two ends of a circuit divided by the impedance, percentile of the normal population.

1024 Kidney International (2013) 83, 1017–1028

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Table 2 | Summary of volume assessment tools

Static or Assess fluid
Method Invasive or noninvasive dynamic responsiveness Comments
Historical findings Noninvasive Static No Of limited value with poor correlation with invasive pressure
Physical exam Noninvasive Static and Yes Of limited value but serial examinations may detect changes
dynamic in organ perfusion
Chest radiograph Noninvasive Static No Requires use of standardized measures of vascular pedicle
width and cardiothoracic ratio. Serial chest X-ray may be
helpful in determining effects of fluid therapy
Central venous pressure Invasive Static No Poor correlation with fluid responsiveness
Pulmonary capillary wedge Invasive Static No Poor correlation with fluid responsiveness
Echocardiogram Noninvasive Static No Single measures of cardiac chamber volume hard to assess.
Serial measures may be helpful
Stroke volume or pulse Invasive (pulse oximeter Dynamic Yes Requires sedated, mechanically ventilated patient
pressure variation method in noninvasive)
Esophageal doppler Invasive Dynamic Yes Not useful for continuous measurements
Vena cava diameter Noninvasive Dynamic Yes Body habitus dependent
Passive leg raising Noninvasive (bioreactance, Dynamic Yes Unreliable with intra-abdominal hypertension
end-tidal CO2)
Invasive (FloTrac or PiCCO or
End-expiratory occlusion Passive leg raising Dynamic Yes Requires 15-s end-expiratory occlusion
Bioimpedance Noninvasive Static No Not able to assess intravascular volume

intravascular volume. This information is used to construct a peritoneal) and increased total body water. Finally, this
vector (Figure 4), where a shorter length is associated with technique is standardized to Western European
greater degrees of fluid overload and longer lengths with demographics and may not be accurate in other races.
lower levels of total body water (relative to measurements Perhaps, most importantly, BIVA does not assess
made in the general population as reflected by ellipses intravascular volume and cannot be used to determine
representing the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles). The angle fluid responsiveness. However, monitoring serial BIVA
of the vector measured from the x axis is referred to as a studies and assessing vector migration to more normal
phase angle. The exact biological meaning of the phase angle hydration states associated with therapies such as
is unclear though it can be thought of as describing the ultrafiltration may be feasible and requires further study.
distribution of water between the extracellular and intracel-
lular water, and may be a measure of cellular integrity.127 CONCLUSION
Changes in the phase angle (less than the mean average) seem The assessment of intravascular volume status remains one of
to have negative prognostic significance.128,129 the most challenging diagnostic problems faced by clinicians
BIVA has proven to be a useful tool in assessing the static on a daily basis. Errors in this assessment may lead to
volume status of patients. When compared with deuterium inappropriate therapy and potentially worse outcomes in
dilution in 22 HF patients, BIVA demonstrated excellent both populations. As clinical experience and acumen can be
correlations with total body water measurements so valuable in the initial patients’ work-up, the history and
(r ¼ 0.93).130 BIVA has also been used in guiding HF physical examination will always anchor the acute, rapid
therapy. In a retrospective evaluation of approximately 186 diagnostic assessment of volume status. Nevertheless, few
acute HF patients undergoing both BIVA and brain-derived clinicians would disagree with the need for additional
natriuretic peptide-guided therapy, this strategy resulted in a diagnostic tests to support or refute clinical assessments
lower rate of a composite endpoint of death or readmission (Table 2). Static pressure measurements such as the CVP and
to the hospital within 6 months.131 The combined use of PCWP have little utility and should not be routinely used to
BIVA with other cardiac and renal biomarkers may be a assess volume status or fluid responsiveness. Newer dynamic
promising mode of determining and managing fluid overload measurements hold great promise for determining fluid
states including patient on dialysis.132–133 status, and bioimpedance and bioreactance techniques allow
There are a few limitations of BIVA.121 The results can be further refinement. Additional study of these methods is
misinterpreted if body position is not correct (limb required to determine whether their use can improve
abduction with arms separated from trunk by 30 degrees morbidity and mortality in ICU patients.
and legs 45 degrees) or if the electrodes cannot be properly Outside of the ICU, we need to improve our ability to
placed (because of diaphoresis, skin wounds, etc.). In accurately assess the volume status of patients with chronic
addition, BIVA is unable to differentiate between disorders of volume, such as congestive HF and end-stage
compartmentalized edema (pleural, pericardial, and renal disease, using noninvasive techniques. Data repeatedly

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