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Deviating from the norm or typical

Aberrant uh-BER-uhnt
To consent, give approval; yield to
Accede uhk-seed
another’s wishes.
Small thing you wear with clothes to
Accessory uhk-ses-uh-ree
add style.
Adamant AD-uh-muhnt Firmly refusing to change one's mind.
Adumbrate ad-UHM-breyt To give a vague or sketchy outline of.
A fear of places or situations that you
Agoraphobia uh-gaw-ruh-foh-bee-uh
can't escape from; fear of open spaces.
Albeit all-BEE-it Despite the fact that.
An assumed name taken on
Alias ay-lee-uhs temporarily, sometimes by a criminal or
Almond AL-muhnd A small, oval.
Something or someone that one
Anathema uh-nath-uh-muh
vehemently dislikes.
Anemone uh-nem-uh-nee Small plant.
Anesthetist uh-neth-uh-tist An anesthesiologist.
Excessive localized swelling of the wall
Aneurysm uh-nur-izm
of an artery.
Extremely cold region in the Southern
Antarctic ant-aark-tik
part of the world.
an-thruh-puh-mawr-fiz- The attribution of human characteristics
uhm or behavior to a god, animal, or object.
an-teye-dis-es-tab-lish- Opposition to the disestablishment of
muhnt-air-ee-uh-niz-uhm the Church of England.
Apocryphal uh-PAHK-ruh-fuhl Of doubtful authenticity.
Archetype AHR-kih-t A very typical example of something.
Archipelago AHR-kih-pel-uh-goh A group of islands.
A person who practices extreme self-
Ascetic ass-et-ick discipline.
Asterisk ay-stuh-risk The symbol: *
A person who is skilled in sports or
Athlete ATH-leet
other physical activities.
Bacteriology bak-teer-ee-awl-uh-jee The study of bacteria.
Beguile bee-gyle To deceive or cheat someone.
Speaking sacrilegiously about God or
Blasphemy blas-fuh-mee
sacred things.
Bouquet boo-KAY A bunch of flowers.
A type of whiskey made primarily from
Bourbon BER-buhn corn.
Brewery BREW-uh-ree A place where beer is produced.
A green vegetable with a tree-like
Broccoli BROK-uh-lee
A floating device used to mark a
Buoy boy location or to indicate a navigational
Excessively complex administrative
Bureaucracy byoo-rok-ruh-see
To put underground, typically in the
Bury BER-ee
Prepared in a spicy tomato sauce with
Cacciatore kuh-chuh-tawr-ee
mushrooms and herbs.
Cache kash A hiding place for storing away goods.
Cacophony kuh-kof-uh-nee Unpleasant mixture of sounds.
To persuade someone to do something
Cajole kuh-johl
by being very friendly.
Showing no emotion or sympathy;
Callous kal-us
Easy familiarity and friendship, often
Camaraderie kam-ruh-duh-ree
built over time.
Candidate KAND-uh-deyt A person seeking an office or position.
A sweet, golden brown confectionery
Caramel kar-uh-mel made by heating sugar.
A representation that exaggerates the
Caricature kuh-RIK-uh-cher
characteristic features.
Cavalry KAV-uhl-ree Soldiers trained to fight on horseback.
Chaos KAY-ahs Complete disorder and confusion.
The branch of cooking devoted to
Charcuterie shahr-koo-tuh-REE
prepared meat products.
Excessive patriotism, a belief in the
Chauvinism shoh-vuh-niz-uhm
superiority of one's own gender.
Chimpanzee chimp-uhn-zee A type of monkey.
Chipotle chi-poat-lee Smoked and dried chili pepper.
A group of singers who perform
Choir kwahy-er
Clothes klohz Articles of clothing you wear.
A powder made from ground roasted
Cocoa koh-KOH cocoa beans.
A word, phrase, or expression that is
Colloquialism kuh-loh-kwee-uh-liz-uhm conversational rather than formal.
Colonel ker-nuhl High ranking officer in the military.
Comfortable kum-fuhr-tuh-buhl Feeling relaxed.
Connecticut kon-uh-NEHK-ut A state in the United States.
Someone who knows a lot about a
Connoisseur kon-uh-ser
particular thing.
A person’s moral sense of right or
Conscience kon-shuhns
A sudden seizure of power from a
Coup koo
Cryptography krip-taw-gree-fee Writing or solving codes.
Curmudgeon kur-muhj-uhn Someone who gets annoyed easily.
A bluish discoloration of the skin due to
Cyanosis sy-uh-noh-sis
poor circulation.
Science concerned with the structure
Cytology sy-taw-luh-jee
and function of plant and animal cells.
Information used for making
Data day-tuh
To lead away from virtue; to corrupt
Debauch di-bawch
morally .
The remains of something that has
Debris DEB-ree
been destroyed.
Debut dey-BYOO The first public performance.
In a very poor condition as a result of
Decrepit dih-KREP-it age.
A medical device that uses electric
Defibrillator dih-FIB-ri-ley-ter
shock to restart a person's heart.
A political leader who seeks support by
appealing to the desires and prejudices
Demagogue dem-uh-gog of ordinary people rather than by using
rational argument.
Dengue DEN-gyoo A viral disease spread by mosquitoes.
To become worse in quality or
Deteriorate dih-TEER-ee-uh-rayt
Diaphanous dy-uh-fuh-nuhs Light, delicate, and translucent.
An organ for breathing between
Diaphragm dy-uh-fram separation the thorax from the
Dilate DY-layt To make wider or larger.
Furniture components that slide in and
Drawer draw-er out.
Elite eh-LEET A group of people of high status.
Emollient i-mawl-yuhnt Making smoother or less harsh.
Someone who owns their own
Entrepreneur on-truh-pruh-nur business.
Ephemeral i-fem-uh-rul Lasting for a short time.
Epistemology ep-uh-stem-awl-uh-jee A theory of knowledge.
A person or thing that is a perfect
Epitome ep-uh-taw-mee example of a particular quality or type.
Equanimity ee-kwuh-nim-uh-tee Calmness and composure.
Equivocal ih-KWIV-uh-kuhl Open to more than one interpretation.
Erinaceous ehr-uh-nay-shuhs Relating to a hedgehog.
To follow or support an idea or theory
Espouse i-spowz
as a cause.
Espresso i-spres-oh A small Italian coffee.
Expression used to enumerate
Etcetera et-suh-TEHR-uh something.
A speech or written tribute in honor of a
Eulogy YOO-luh-jee deceased person.
A mnemonic used to recall the
Euouae yoo-oh-wee sequence of tones in a particular
passage of the Gloria Patri.
The painless killing of a patient
Euthanasia yoo-thuh-nay-zhuh suffering from an incurable and painful
Expatiate iks-pay-shee-ayt To talk or write in great detail about.
Fatuous fach-oos Foolish, inane; devoid of intelligence.
Faux pas foh PAH A socially unacceptable mistake.
February feb-roo-air-ee The second month of the year.
Film film A movie or a series.
Relating to government revenue,
Fiscal FIS-kuhl
especially taxes.
flok-suh-naw-suh-ny-hil- The action or habit of estimating
uh-pil-uh-fi-kay-shun something as worthless.
Foliage FOH-lee-ij Leaves of a plant.
Foyer FOY-yer An entrance hall or lobby.
Fuchsia fyoo-shuh A bright pink color or a type of flower.
A device for measuring the amount,
Gauge gayj level, or pressure of something.
A category of artistic, musical, or
Genre ZHAHN-ruh literary composition.
Gibberish jib-uh-rish Senseless talk.
GIF jif A type of animated image.
Gourmet goor-may A connoisseur of good food.
Extravagant, lofty, or bombastic in style
Grandiloquent gran-dil-uh-kwuhnt
or manner.
Authority, leadership, or influence by a
Hegemony hi-jem-uh-nee
dominant social group.
Heinous HAY-nuhs Extremely wicked or cruel; evil.
Heir er A person who inherits something.
Herb herb A plant used for culinary purposes.
A belief that is at odds with established
Heresy HEHR-uh-see religious doctrine.
A condition in which part of an organ is
Hernia her-nee-uh displaced and protrudes through the
wall of the cavity containing it.
A system in which people or things are
Hierarchy HAHY-er-ahr-kee arranged in order of rank or
Elegant word for starters, loanword
Hors d'oeuvres or-durv from French.
Ignominious ig-nuh-min-ee-uhs Very embarrassing.
Illinois il-uh-noy A state in the USA.
Only partly in existence; partially
Inchoate in-koh-it formed, as in an idea.
Well known for some bad quality or
Infamous in-FAM-uhs deed.
Ingenuity in-JEN-yoo-uh-tee The ability to think of new ideas.
To explain or give the meaning of
Interpret in-ter-PRIT
An inadequate blood supply to an
Ischaemia is-kee-mee-uh
organ or part of the body.
Island AYL-land A piece of land surrounded by water.
A narrow strip of land connecting two
Isthmus IZ-muhs larger land masses.
Itinerary ahy-tuh-NAIR-ee A plan of a journey.
Jalapeño ha-luh-peyn-yo Small green or red pepper.
The yellowing of the skin, or an
Jaundice jawn-dis adjective meaning bitterness,
resentment, or cynicism.
Jewelry JOO-luh-ree Ornaments people wear for adornment.
Juror JOOR-er A person selected to serve on a jury.
Kaleidoscopic kuh-leye-duh-skawp-ik Having complex patterns of colors.
Knead need To work and press with the hands.
The joint connecting the thigh and the
Knee knee lower leg.
The sound of a bell, especially when
Knell nell rung solemnly for a death or funeral.
Lackadaisical lak-uh-day-zee-kul Doing something in a lazy way.
Leicester Square les-tuhr skweir A square in London.
Liable LY-uh-buhl Legally responsible.
A link or connection between people or
Liaison lee-AY-zawn
Library LAHY-brer-ee A collection of books.
Licentious lahy-SEN-chuhs Lacking moral restraint.
Lingerie lan-zhuh-REE Women's underwear.
A powerful whirlpool in the sea or a
Maelstrom meyl-strahm river.
Massachusetts mas-uh-CHOOS-its A state in the United States.
Mastectomy mas-tek-tuh-mee Operation to remove a woman’s breast.
Mauve mov A pale purple color name.
Medieval mid-EE-vuhl Relating to the Middle Ages.
Meme meem A funny image in the internet.
A change of the form or nature of a
Metamorphosis meh-tuh-mawr-fuh-sis thing or person into a completely
different one.
Miniature MIN-ee-cher A small-scale model of something.
Person who enjoys causing trouble for
Mischievous mis-chuh-vuhs
Misogynist muh-saj-uh-nist Person who hates women.
A person who lives in a monastery or
Monk monk convent.
Moot moot Open to discussion; debatable.
A body tissue composed of cells or
Muscle mus-ul
Mustache Muh-STASH Hair growing on the upper lip.
Nadir nay-der The lowest point.
Having an excessive interest in
Narcissistic nahr-suh-SIS-tik
Neophyte nee-uh-fyt A beginner, a new participant.
A specialized segment of the market for
Niche neesh a particular kind of product or service.
The belief that nothing in the world has
Nihilism nahy-uh-liz-uhm
a real existence.
Disgusting, as in odor; capable of
Noisome noy-suhm
causing nausea.
Nuclear nyoo-klee-er Type of powerful energy.
Nuptial nup-shuhl Concerning marriage.
Stubbornly refusing to change one's
Obdurate AHB-doo-rayt
Occasion uh-KAY-zhuhn An opportunity for a particular event.
Often OF-tuhn Many times; frequently.
A small group of people having control
Oligarchy aw-lij-aar-kee
of a country or organization.
Words that sound like the thing they
Onomatopoeia on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh
refer to.
The branch of medicine concerned with
Ophthalmology of-thal-mawl-uh-jee the diagnosis and treatment of
disorders of the eye.
A law or regulation made by a local
Ordinance OR-dn-uhns government.
otor-hino-lar-ing-ol-uh- The study of diseases of the ear, nose,
gee and throat.
A remedy for all illness or solution for
Panacea pan-uh-see-uh all problems.
Paradigm PAR-uh-dahym A typical example or pattern.
Pauciloquy paw-suh-loh-kwee Brevity in speech.
Pejorative pee-juh-rut-iv Expressing disapproval or belittling.
A flightless bird that lives in cold
Penguin PEN-gwuhn
regions near the poles.
Peremptory per-em-tuh-ree Speaking or behaving rudely.
Phenomenon fuh-NAHM-uh-nawn An extraordinary event or occurrence.
Thick mucus produced in the
Phlegm FLEM
respiratory system.
Slow to react, not showing emotion;
Phlegmatic fleg-mat-ik
calm and composed.
Picture PIK-cher An image.
Pizza PEE-tsuh A dish of Italian origin.
Plumber PLUHM-er A person who repairs pipes.
Pneumatology new-muh-taw-luh-jee The study of spirits or spiritual beings.
Lung inflammation caused by bacterial
Pneumonia nyoo-moh-nee-uh
or viral infection.
A piece of music that serves as an
Prelude PREL-yood
introduction to the main part.
A right or privilege exclusive to a
Prerogative pri-RAHG-uh-tiv
particular individual or class.
The action of prescribing a medicine or
Prescription pri-skrip-shun
Prevaricate pri-VAIR-uh-kayt To speak or act in an evasive way.
Probably PRAH-buh-blee With a high likelihood; very likely.
Pronunciation pro-nun-see-ay-shun The way you say a word.
Prostrate PRAHS-trayt Lying face down on the ground.
A fictitious name, especially one used
Pseudonym SOO-duh-nim
by an author.
Relating to a child or childhood;
Puerile pyoor-ahyl
immature, foolish.
Pulchritude pul-kruh-tood Physical beauty.
A soft boggy area of land that gives
Quagmire kwag-myr
way underfoot.
A place around water for loading and
Quay key unloading ships.
A line of people or vehicles waiting for
Queue kyoo something.
A baked flan or tart with a savoury
Quiche keesh filling thickened with eggs.
Quinoa kee-noh-uh A plant whose seeds we eat.
Representing the most perfect or
Quintessential kwin-tuh-sen-shuhl typical example of a quality or class.
Having or characterized by peculiar or
Quirky kur-kee unexpected traits or aspects.
Extremely idealistic; unrealistic and
Quixotic kwik-sah-tik impractical.
Occurring or recurring daily,
Quotidian kwoh-tid-ee-un commonplace.
Raccoon rak-kun A greyish brown American mammal.
A soft fruit resembling a red or
Raspberry RAZ-ber-ee
Receipt ree-seet A document acknowledging something.
Regime ruh-ZHEEM A government or system of rule.
Payment or compensation for a service
Remuneration ri-myoo-nuh-RAY-shun
or work.
A meeting or appointment, especially a
Rendezvous RON-duh-voo
romantic one.
Restaurateur res-tuh-rer-uh-tuhr Someone who owns a restaurant.
A pattern of sounds or beats
Rhythm RITH-uhm established in music.
Salmon sam-un A type of fish we eat.
Cheerful, hopeful, confident, especially
Sanguine san-gwin
in a bad situation.
Scapula skap-yuh-luh Shoulder blade.
Pleasure derived by someone from
Schadenfreude shah-dn-froid another person's misfortune.
Schedule SKED-yool A plan.
Scissors SI-zuhrz A cutting instrument with two blades.
Sesquipedalian ses-kwi-pi-day-lee-un Using a lot of long words.
Sherbet sher-bit Ice-cream like food.
A nonmetallic element with the atomic
Silicon SIL-uh-kahn number 14.
Specifiable speh-SIHF-uh-buhl Able to be specified.
Specific spuh-SIHF-ik Particular or distinct; not general.
sfig-muh-muh-nom-uh- Instrument for measuring blood
mee-ter pressure.
Squirrel skwur-el An orange rodent with bushy tail.
The position or standing of a person in
Status STAY-tuhs relation to others.
Stultiloquence stul-tuh-luh-kwens Senseless talk.
Very precise and difficult to analyze or
Subtle suht-l
Suite sweet A set of rooms in a hotel.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious lihs-tik-es-pee-shuh-li- Extraordinarily good.
Surfeit sur-fit An excessive amount of something.
Syllogism sil-uh-jiz-uhm Deductive reasoning.
Synecdoche sin-ek-duh-kee A figure of speech.
The interaction of two or more agents
Synergy sin-uhr-jee to produce an effect greater than the
sum of their separate effects.
The saying of the same thing twice
Tautology taw-tol-uh-jee over in different words.
Temperature TEM-pruh-cher A measure of warmth or coldness.
Ticklish TIK-lish Sensitive to being touched or tickled.
The sound or tonal quality of a
Timbre tahm-bur
particular voice or musical instrument.
Triathlon try-ATH-lon A long-distance athletic event.
tri-skay-dek-uh-foh-bee- Extreme superstition regarding the
uh number thirteen.
Truculent tru-kyuh-lent Defiant, quick to argue or fight.
Present, appearing, or found
Ubiquitous yoo-bik-wit-us
Valet vuh-LAY A man's personal attendant.
A machine used for transporting
Vehicle VEE-uh-kuhl people.
A person who can make their voice
Ventriloquist ven-tril-uh-kwist appear to come from a dummy.
A change in circumstance, usually
Vicissitude vis-uh-si-tood undesired.
Relating to deep inward feelings rather
Visceral viss-er-ul than to the intellect.
Wednesday wed-nuhz-day The third day of the week.
The flexible part of a whip or something
Whiplash whip-lash
resembling it.
Wintry WIN-tree Relating to winter.
A tree with beautiful pink or violet
Wisteria wis-teer-ee-uh flowers.
Worcestershire wuss-tuhr-sheer A type of brown sauce.
Yolk yohk The yellow central part of an egg.
Zephyr zef-er A soft, mild breeze.
Zucchini zoo-KEE-nee A type of green summer squash.

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