Everybody Up 4 Student Book

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Pqfrick Jockson
Suson Bonmon Sileci


Everybody UP!

Up! Up! Up!

Everybody up, up, up!

Everybody up, up, up!

Everybody up!


Up! Up! Up!

Everybody up, UP' up!

Everybody up, UP' up!

Everybody up!

Everybody up. Everybody up.

Everybody up. Everybody up.

Everybody up. Evenybody up.

Everybody up, uP, uP!

\-} ol!
"" 02
%&weffiffiee# ffiw#s

Potrick Jockson
Suson Bonmon Sileci



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*F #-"r-
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. ,.-.:i+S{i{

Unit Outdoors
1 Fun ...... +

Unit 2 Lcrnd crnd Secr ..... 12


Unit 3 Appecrrcrnce.. .....22

Unit 4 Lclst Week .....30

Unit 5 tr Dcrg Out ..... r+o

Unit 6 Being Grecltive .. L+8

Unit 7 Things to Be ..58

Unit 8 On Vcrcqtion .,.....66



Listen, reod, ond soy. n*"'

t. 2.
My fovorite doy of the week is We're shopping ot the deportment
Soturdoy. In the morning, I olwoys slore. It's ocross the street from
moke my bed. Then, I usuolly go to lhe movie theoter. My ount is o
the movie theoter in the ofternoon. solesperson ot the store. She likes
Whot do you do on Soturdoys? nice clothes ond shoes. I do, too!


Mike Emmo
3. I'm wolking to my cousin's home.
Todoy is Moy lst. It's my mother's
We olwoys hove fun. Yesterdoy, it birthdoy. My uncle ond I ore moking
wos roiny. We were of the museum. o coke. He's moking o fruit solod, too.
How's the weother todoy? It's The porty is ot 6:00. See you then!
sunnyl We con go to the pool.

a \ ,rl

, .t I ;,



Julie Donny

Whot obout you? Tolk with your clossmotes. i:;.:

wetcome https://sachhoc.com
., irl-;*,;_

Listen ond soy. Then proctice. d,{*

100 : one hundred

There ore one thousond groms in o kllogrom. I ,000 : one thousond

1,000,000 : one million

, r \'*
\i.\i \\r \r'
l. grom 2. kilog rom 3. centimeter L+. meter
rE- ,:{*i

& $;-{ rt 2 kilometers

1 kilometer
S.ffi:$ r.d\*
5. kilometer

Listen, point, ond sqy. tiso

L 2.

Work with your portner. Work with your group.

They were
qt the pool.

Write your nome of the top of the poge. Write your onswer on the boord.

- :--

:' -"'..:t.,',,a' : i:,::.:.:,':,':.., tli: l:.:,'.:.,.,l:ta, a;::;;,:
t|t::,: lr,a
|*a :;:'..:.:,ltl::1,,. ;4,:,,
,,':::,' ,:,:,:,
l:l:l:,,:1,:::,,, ,,: :.:. :,.. ";: ".;;..i/:,;;l',... ",,,F,,,,,

', ,::: . ., ' . ',"',1.,1:.:a',:t)):.::.:. ...

,',,, : 4..., :, :. : :,,. :,,.: :, :.a1,..,,. t,':::.,..tt

:., . , :, :.-.,1,.,:,..,.,r:,:j..1'

Listen, poinl, ond soy. &e!'

l' ' ;r,r

q* &

climb hike conoe fish


f ffi Usten, osk, ond qnswer. Then proctice. 6i.:; c,"'g
Whot does
like doins? .ffi |
rir.., climbins.

climb *-& climbing hike ** hiking conoe *.h conoeing

fish *"* fishing grill homburgers *$ grilling homburgers wotch birds ** wotching birds


Listen, osk, qnd onswer. Then proctice. tii.r: u|'U

r*r. 1.,

he Yes, he likes it o lot.
like climbing?
she No, she doesn't like it ot oll.

doesn't : does not

8, -u ffi,
ffi.ni' &s
,ii "+ ,:;: Whqi do you like
t\o'' ','
doing outdoors?


ffi mok ot ffi. Point, osk, ond qnswer. Q: g

Whot does she like doing? She likes fishing.

snowboord skoteboord surf
\_/ at i


ffi Usten qnd soy. Then proctice. Ti*,

isn't : is not
He's He
good ot skiing. isn't good of skiing. He's: He is
She's She
She's: She is

ski** skiing snowboord ** snowboording ice skote ** ice skoting

in-line skote ** in-line skoting skoteboord *-? skoteboordi ng surf ** surfing

Unil https://sachhoc.com
ffi Usten, osk, ond onswer. Then proctice. Ti*,, u.€

he Yes, he's very good ot it.

ls good ot skiing?
she No, she's not very good ot it.

l. .- #- 2.

F= E-

*.X Sino.
lf r,

l'm good ot skoting.

l'm veru
l'm good ot surfng.
l'm veru
l'm not ot skiing.
No, no. (-'Zq'
\-/L a I {,


W Whot qboul you? Ask ond qnswer. G-t o

Whqt ore you
Are you good ot good ot?
No, I'm not.

Yes, I om.


t:..:i tolk obout the story. Then listen ond reod. ?{* rl'{:;
Julie's very good
ot ice skoting.
- ._'Yt
See, you
I con do itl

I'm not very good Don't worry.

ot ice skoting. I con help you. Yes, I con!

Fffi W

The girls ore going very fost.

Emmo, be coreful!
I'm not very good of ice
Whoo! Wotch
skoting, but it's fun!
out, everybody! ::r,i5ffi +I::S:jlli.j:ar:=FEffi-gri_:!i=--:-..j- j..4:



unil https://sachhoc.com
i,l# Reod ond circle.
. Julie isn't very good ot ice skoting.
I True Folse

2. Emmo isn't very good of ice skoting. True Folse

3. Emmo helps Julie. True Folse

t+. The girls hove fun ice skoting. True Folse

*sing. Ti.r'

Be Brove

not verg good ot ice skoting.

Don't worru. lcon help Uou. skoteboording

I con help Uou. Don't worry.

Don't worrU.
Be brove.

{"dl .lu)
Listen qnd soy. Then oct.
*:,:i;i, l5')i

I'm not very good

ot ice skoting.
Don't worry.
I con help you. I'm very good of ice
skoting. Are you?

riding o bike
t -i=rq1
..,F :

# il,
:ff .t?.4dr:.:1;
.. i l

moking spoghetti

When you gm snrmwbomrdinE, olwoys wefir u helrnef . , ,,,\gi:1:;1,

When we're riding in the cor or ploying on the beoch

we hove rules. Here qre some rules.

Snowboording is fun. When you When you go to the beoch,

go snowboording, olwoys weor olwoys put on sunscreen. Drink
o helmet. Don't go too fost. woter ond weor o hol, too.

..,;:,,i,.,a)r:. d
::: ::: : .: . .

When you go conoeing on the Does your fomily hove o cor?

river, olwoys weor o life jocket. Be sofe. When you ride in o cor,
Never stond up in the conoe. olwoys fosten your seotbelt,

',!,li',,:,',',.}ffhiCin:1yciy1,,,gO,Sn:6WbOOrding:,16lwOVS:WeOf ,O'Se6tbelt. True FolSe

2; When you go to the beoch, olwoys put on sunscreen. True F,olse

3. When you go conoeing, olwoys weor o life jocket. True Folse

L+. When you ride in o cor, olwoys weor o helmet. lrue Folse

Listen. Fill in the chort. ?$.,

-: iE

i l"p-'

When I ride my
bicycle, I olwoys
weor o helmet.
Look of ,' . Ask qnd onswer. r

Whot do you olwoys do

when you go skiing?

When you go skiing,

olwoys weor o helmet.
,r.r, &,:
' il'ii' &r
https://sachhoc.com r{
:1r,.,.-.,tilii' Lesson

,l ,
'1) ';1

$* Listen, point, ond soy.

gorillo bee .,;",:,.",




l. . ' ',',:,';,,:;;,L;

. ...... ..a:...:r,:.:.t:.-1,:t

lh ''
/?, .-



;F* Listen ond sqy. Then proctice. iL",

The hippopotornus is bigger thon the pondo. i

: big'*: bigger biggest
The hippopoiomus is the biggest.

", 2'

r-44'. -&'"


€* tisten, qsk, ond onswer. Then proctice. zi*

.1 l.

The bee is the smcllest. smoll' -']" smoller** smollest

Who's the
tollest student
in your clqss?

oog cow

,$3?g tuok ot , . Point, osk,

which one is the biggest? The hippopotomus is the biggest.


ffi;W Listen, point, ond soy. I1,+o:

dolphin i
shork ,=._
1L'f a- ,
\--,L a Xu

ffi Listen ond soy. Then proctice.

The eel os long os the seol. f isn,t : is not

unit2 https://sachhoc.com
ffi Usten, osk, ond onswer. Then proctice. fi*: eto

Yes, it is. al

Is the eel os long os the seol? i: It's it is
No, it isn't. It's shorter. ::,

.,,i1r1.-l:Ut:.::t:ri::,t:aaai ;

UD Whqt obout other onimqls? Ask ond onswer. era

Is the snoke os Are you os fqst
long os the tiger? os your fniend?
No, it,isn't,
Itrs shorter'. big

ffi folk qbout the story. Then listen ond reqd . ti.*:, o',.e

Mike ond Leo ore ot the W&e ffiww& ffiwW 1

oquorium with their mom.

OK, boys. Here's

some money.

.d. ,;
Which one
would you like?
I'd like the biggest
one, pleose.

I'd like the smollest

one, pleose.

Mike's dod is ot work. Thonks, boys!

This is the
Do you like
best cop!
Woit! Whot it, Dod?
obout Dod?
He likes cops.

would he like?
Unir2 https://sachhoc.com
ffi n"od ond circle.
I . Mike wonts the biggest T-shirt. True Folse

2. Leo wonts the smollest T-shirt. True Folse

3. Mike ond Leo buy o book. True Folse

L+. Their fother likes the cop. True Folse

ffi sing. col


?' :-
*:" 11 .Y"' .

Which skoteboord would gou like? Which skis would gou like?
l'd like the biggest one, pleose. l'd like the longest ones, pleose.
Which one would you like? Which ones would you like?
l'd like the biggest one, too! l'd like the longest ones, too.

ice skotes Jostest

ffi Usten qnd soy. Then oct. Bi*: e:

Which one
would you like? Ild like th6'longest
one, pleose.

Who is the
fostest runner
in your clqss?

longest fostest

lizord beetle crob

Listen, osk, ond onswer. Then listen qnd reqd. s;., , :: t

How much does the ii:,i, j:r'ri Weigh? How long is the iir,r;i"r,i? weight: ffi,
It weighs ,,:ri-i ,' r,r-;ir'.'ri : i,;.:i. It'S -ti iil::l+rii long. lenglh

Animqls ond insecls hove mqny shopes ond sizes. Some creotures
ore very smoll ond some ore very big. These creotures ore big!

L The Komodo drogon is o very

big lizord. [t's 3 meters long
- {., :i---{,q CInd it weighs 150 kilogroms.
r;. iF.F-.

2. The Golioth beetle is the world's '*


torgest in.".i. ittr"'gr'r iil';r;rr',,.,'i':1''

onJ ir to centimete; tong. '$ffit

3. The Spider crob is the world's '.;;

Iorgest crob. It Weighs l9 kilogroms.

Its legs ore obout 2 meters tong.

4. The giont Pocific octopus is the

biggest octopus in the world. It weighs
50 kilogroms ond is 5 meters long.

Unir2 https://sachhoc.com
,R6o,d snd Circle.
L.:r The,lizord weighs I00 groms. True Folse

2,, 'The beetle is l0 centimeters long. Irue Folse

3. The crob isn't qs long os the lizord. lrue FOISE

4. The octopus weighs 50 kilogroms. True Folse

Listen. Fill in lhe chort. ,,

eel snqke tiger besr

_ meters _ centimeters _ meters _ rnelers

_ kilogroms oroms _ kilogroms _ kilogroms


ittd& - .;&1,'l

How much do
Look qt . Ask qnd qnswer" you weiEh?

How long is the eel?

It's 2 meters long.

How much does it weigh?

The eel weighs l8 kilogroms.

I con soy these words.
3w -W

con lolk obout lhese topics. G)'S

-ffi/L fr#

t/- fry

comprng sports

onimols ond insects seo creotures weight ond length

I cqn tolk with you. (i)1,C

I'm not very good

ot riding o bike.

I'd like the fostest

one, pleose.

Review https://sachhoc.com
@ I

Listen ond reod. $i"r,

A Gcmping Trip
Hi everybody!
I'm comping with my fomily. I like conoeing ond
fishing in the river. We olwoys weor life jockets ond
helmets. I'm not good of conoeing, but it's fun!
My brother ond fother like conoeing, too. My
conoe isn't os big os my brother's .: conoe,
but it's the fostest. It's dinner time now.
My mother is grilling homburgers. Time to go!

Reod ond qnswer.

l. Whot is Kelly doing?
2. Whot do they weor when they ore conoeing?

3. Whose conoe is the fostest?

+. Whot is Kelly's mother grilling?

Listen ond number. S,+.r

ffi ^

.*$ll .

*:r;}, :r

%., *
ril:i.#i## *tffi||

:ls t: + e,{i,i+=:*- . ,--.,F:i!#,}f,titrt'i.]*r.$:Jii:11::F.+!rff1i}

frF.,:.I-r r+:-i:I.fj TqlFr:..FS+.-t+1ffi :-'- 11 11r..t?..: .'+:++!YtL1i+jIj.:'::1i++! .'i lir]! :. :-::!-l ..**,:::,1:*,:*1,,,,,*,9*-,
ffi Usten, point, ond soy.
w6 -MKW
ffi stroight
long hoir
nolr i curty hoir

re ffi&



Ibtock blond
ffibrown ffi o beord
Mbrown ffi&W
::'.: .,: t" ffisreen
M'"4 $fO[
ffibrue ''}&

ffi usten q find. $i*

\\ I\I
\,, ./


@ Unn3

Usten, osk, qnd qnswer. Then proctice. $ir; t, o
.&, /-\ /-\
brown eyes.
he He
Whot does look like? hos short, block hoir ond glosses.
she She
o beord.

stroight short curly shoulder-length wovy
block groy brown groy blond red
brown eyes beord green eyes glosses glosses blue eyes

I ,-'^
ffi Usten, qsk, ond qnswer. Then prqctice. cD
v v

brown eyes.
Which one brother? He's the one with
is your sister ? She's short, stroighi, block hoir ond
o beord.

He's: He is
She's: She is

Whot do you
look like?

ffi look of ffi. Point, osk, ond qnswer. Olro

Whot does she look like?
, She,,h,os long,,
stroight, block hoir.
$p Listen, point, ond sqy. cq*

Ilnf r.-lt


@ W'W
wolch neckloce sunglosses belt
u.rn *

Ltslen. qsk, qnd q nswer. Then proctice. tioo o O

does the wotch

new ond block.
do the eorrings

ffi Usten, osk, ond qnswer. Then proctice. tii., ii €)

wotch he
Which does wont to weor?
gloves she

He one.
wonts to weor the block
She ones.

.1 .,e

s's aq

ffi Usten ond circle. iii.i



.. jq"

-v -uu6,- (' "t,


Do you wont the red

ffi Orow pictures. Ask ond qnswer. ':;:e one or the green one?

Which wotch do you wont?

I wont the green
one, pleose.

@ .*,::,,:,t:a.::,:,at,


Tqlk obout lhe story. Then listen ond reod. iii.,:, Gre

It's the doy of The School Plcru f

the school ploy.
L,1,.,.1:i:-i&ts*ri=t{*ii .*:*- .:rl ::a:li:l:! My costume! Whot
Good luck with the ploy. ir : x'1 con I do now?
Don't worry. You
con shore mine.

Thonks, Julie.

Mike ond his mother ore

wotching the ploy.

Which one is Emmo?

Thot's Julie! They

ore doing o good job!

W:,,i.'..,,,,--:., l? I
Who's thot weoring
the red T-shirt?

Unit3 https://sachhoc.com
& Reod qnd circle.
l. Julie ond Emmo ore in the school ploy. True Folse

2. Donny shores his costume with Julie. True Folse

3. Mike ond his mother ore wotching W. True Folse

r+. Emmo ond Julie weor tree costumes in the ploy. True Folse

tr q.r:

Good luck with the ploy. Thonks. You, too!

Good luck in the gome. Thonks. You, too!
Good luck on the test. fhe test? Oh, no!

Don't worrU. Don't worru. Don't worry. I con help gou study.

ffi Usten ond soy. Then qct. lis*: o'e

Good luck with the ploy.

ThonkS, YOu, foo.

on the test
Do you like ploys?

with the ploy in the gome

I . Con you find the cqterpillor?
It's the some shope ond
color os the stick. Birds
con't see this one.
2. This butterfly is hord to see.
It's the some color ond shope
os the leof. It looks like the leof.

3. Snokes hide,too. This snoke is the

some color ond shope os the gross,
It's long, thin, ond green.
r{. This fish is good ot hiding
in the sond. It's the
some color os the sond.
Shorks con't find it.
ond circle.
1,. ,,The butterfly is the some shope os o stick. True Folse

The coterpillor looks like o leof. True Folse

The fish is the some color os the sond. True Folse

The snoke is the some color os the gross. True Folse

the chort. 48.t]

snoke lizord tiger in the snow on o rock

spider bird in the gross in the leoves on o flower

Whot does the snoke look like?

It's the some color

os the leoves.

h*m$em, pffiEmff- mmd sffiW. .


bmsehmEE hmskcthmfifr w*EHeyhmHE gmf,fl femr"aEs


Lfrstem ffiffid flEmd. Ei!

ffiffi .&:

,8,' $, ffi

'r\ ritr :ilil,irj,:iia

. :: :,:;.;..: ..

,.". : -'.,,,.'.,:*ill.
', .r"!'t.

]rti 'i:'r,


fp ffi,: Lrsten ond soy. Then proctice.
w&w Bi*;

ployed boseboll yesterdoy. ploy ** ployed


r' l:


ffi Usten, qsk, qnd onswer. Then prqctice.

he He
Whot did do yesterdoy? ployed boseboll yesterdoy.
she She


-+ ;-z, l,..Fuf
-' =

Whot did you
do yesterdoy?

ffi look of ffi. Point, osk, ond qnswer. G e

Whot did Mike do yesterdoy?
He ployed boseboll.
ffi Usten, point, qnd soy. a,*

ry.fi ffiq
,^ f - :,

proctice I use the visil my work on o

the piono r computer friend project
\-,L al I

ffi Usten, qsk, ond onswer. Then proctice. $i*:, O'8
: proctice *) procticed ** used
Whot did you do lost weekend? *
** tolked help ** helped
I procticed the piono. $ tott<

work ** worked
, visit "* visited
+t::ri.r12-:.",:.:!.i'j..r-::i,..t-:!;,.a*:s.-:+:!.r.!.b+) **"*"-r.*rr**#

'-, .I
-m ffiiffi ( '&
_ :\'
_ !.'^ w._"u .ryre c
EJ 1A *

fe\ ^t ffi

$ 3 trE
U Y[ qr_-f&rslES

. , I 'i

'| '-'__--- I r


Unitrl https://sachhoc.com
ffi Usten, osk, qnd onswer. Then proctice. $su: c''lg

Yes, I did.
Did you proctice the piono on Mondoy? didn't: did not
No, I didn't.

-d"r!.} -\

*-u# *ffi
eB ffiu i

Mondoy Tuesdoy wry--,-- l


w /-<((.a.r

ff=B rDl
€g# Slng. so'i

dA.ddldssdd TSSSS&&{8qt8q&
.A &
@ Whot did you do on Mondog? used the computer.

Whot did gou do on Tuesdoy? ployed mg guitor.

Whot did gou do on Wednesdoy? worked on o project.

Whot did gou do on Thursdog? I helped wosh the cor. w

-n Whot did you do on Fridog? I visited my cousin.

;;& On Soturdog ond Sundog, I ployed boseboll in the pork. ii

.!9 \_-l aE l

& S.8 $ & & @ {9 i.& & &&&s ,& @ @ * e d: {E & {& &{&i&***.&Sl&€'S{8@€ ra&

W Whot obout you? Ask ond onswer. Irrl'e

Whqt did your friend
Whot did you do do lost weekend?
lost weekend? I visited my friend.
Whot obout you?

ffi Tolk obout the story. Then lislen ond reod. Hi., (;) e
It's Soturdoy morning. The Bcrsebclll
Donny's friends ore
reody to ploy boseboll,
I con't find Whot's wrong? Oh, no! This is
my sister's bog!
my glove. f
r ::: .
:,',:,:.: :. ' : . 't
Irr,,-i-i ,:i . l,

OK, everybody!
Let's stort!

Nice cotch, Donny!

Don't worry. You con

borrow mine. I hove
on extro one.
Nice glove.
Thonks, Mike!

@ Unir+
Wffi, A"od ond circle.
I . Donny is ploying volleyboll with his friends. True Folse

2. Donny con't find his glove. True Folse

3. Mike hos on extro glove. True Folse

L+. Mike cotches the boll. True Folse

ffi sing. $e',

I Con't Find lt!

mU glove. I con't -f,nd my cell phone.
con't -f,nd mU glove. I con't my cell phone.
Thot's OK. Thot's OK. Thot's OK. Thot's OK.
You con borrow mine. You con borrow mine.
J. :t.-
.r** *S
1E'" \

colculato; *6k** 20

ffi Usten qnd soy. Then qct. Hi",, ; c

I con't find my glove,
You con borrow
my pen"

cell phone


., **_ _, *rrg:r"e, mffg-
Listen, point, ond soy. $oo

gloss metol

Listen, osk, ond onswer. Then listen ond reod. o


Whot did they use to moke hornes in Rome? They used sfone. $


Peopte in oncienl Rome used stone, cloy, metol, r

ond gloss to moke the things they needed. .


Some people in Rome hod big homes

with beoutiful wolls. Whot did they use
to moke their homes? They used stone.
People cooked meols ot home. They
used bowls like this one. Whot did they
use to moke bowls? They used cloy.

People mode beoutiful cups for

drinking. Whot did they use to
moke cups? They used gloss.

Men ond women wore jewelry

in oncient Rome. Whot
did they use to
moke neckloces ?'',;f'!
They used metol.

Unitrl https://sachhoc.com
"'''e:il''1]i:i'r- I r ':".
t: t:i:;t -
''i"ifil'Il"i::.r' -'+i;'i:::E
.._ i*Y$i1!i

Reod ond circle.

I. Some people in Rome used stone to moke homes. True Folse

2. People used cloy to moke bowls. True Folse

3. People used metol to moke homes. True Folse

r+. People used wood to moke cups. True Folse

Look qt ,,,,,, . Fill in the chorl.

Whot did they use?

**-\ ,'
+' : E,.,
', ' j.ld:it'
'i.L ,l.i,r
v<!" -'"
' ,!&p
,.. _'.r4...





Whot did you use

to moke o project?

Look ot Ask qnd qnswer.

Whot did they use

to moke the cup?
They used gloss.

,u, "i1*;. rr s

I con sqy these words.
t. .W
1, .:,.ri:&r '

r, ..iltlt .
,ffi ;2. ffiW

I cqn tqlk obout these topics. ,',,: €

whot we look like occessofles comoufloge

sports octivities oncient Rome

I con tolk with you. ,,;: i1,

Te st flt f,T:,[:[
Don't worry. You
con borrow mine.

Review 2 https://sachhoc.com
Listen ond reod. 62"r,

Our Bcrsebcrll Teqm

['m Ted. This is o picture of my boseboll teom. ['m
the one with short, block hoir. ['m stonding next to my
friend Jomes. He's the one with red hoir ond glosses.
We ployed o boseboll gome on Soturdoy morning.
It wqs fun! In the
ofternoon, we ployed
o gome on the
computer. I wosn't
very good of it, but
Jomes helped me.

,' Reod qnd qnswer.

L Whot color is Ted's hoir?

2. Whot does Jomes look like?

3. Whot did Ted do on Soturdoy morning?

+. Whot did Ted do in the ofternoon?

Listen ond number.


*C t.
$ rt a-ao 1Y

ffiffi: ffi
I lr Y.,:r ..



€ https://sachhoc.com Reodins

"ffi:i ir-w.=Ht}:rTffif:r:.rryryr:.;ryi'*rw*1;ffiffi'M
ffi Usten, point, ond sqy.

qr 1:+rrq,

noodles curry Iemonode

'!_r' a ! I

ffi Usten ond find. cD2


Sl,.,fu; W;

Listen ond sqy. Then proctice. tifi.r

He ote noodles. : eot *-3 ote


She dronk lemonode. : drink *ldronk
".",... -...,.."'..."..-...,.,....." ^...,.!

ts- .Y
.: re

-., :r".e: a -

# *" -*.@.
. _.&i_tr ffih *Xo#,. *,*_

1v; (3
ffi Usien, osk, ond qnswer. Then proctice. ti3.,

,I he II eot for lunch? He I ote noodles.

wnoldtd ..
I she I drink with lunch?
^ , dronk lemonode.
- She |

.* ';.*-..*r ;,jt
', l
:., _1: ,,.



Whot did you

eot for lunch

ffi ,/ yesterdoy?

'#- { {

ffi Look qt ffi. Point, osk, qnd qnswer. '.-?,S

Whot did he eot for lunch? He ote curry.


go toke o hove o get o buy

bowling piclure picnic hoircut clothes
r r Og-l
ffi Usten, qsk, ond qnswer. Then proctice. ff?.i i] €)

go ** went
toke ** took
he He
Whot did do yesterdoy? went bowling.
she She
see ** sow
hove ** hod
get ** got
buy ** bought

@ Unirs
ffi t-isten, osk, ond onswer. Then proctice.
When did go bowling? went bowling yesterdoy.

yesterdoy on Soturdoy ofternoon

lost week lost month

EIE Listen qnd number.



$nS Whot obout you? Ask qnd onswer. () I Whot did

you do this
Whot did you do lost week?

I hod o picnic. Whot obout you?

11 z'-\

@* WFr\l , ,tor1)rhen Iisten ond reod. T6*,,

ffi#ffi&iFwk &6##*F ?9:
w&&k&ffi# #q#k& I know. Let's look
-.& l,
of our comeros. i:

T Whot hoppened?
iie.lWrgm -ffi*ffir

I con help you. Let's f

First, they bought clothes.
Then, they got hoircuts.

Emmo ond Ann run to

the french fry stond.

Thonk you.
Thot wos lucky!
Look! There it is!
Next, we bought
some french fries.
It's of the french
J fry stond.
w*l+.1rysi{{? _3rymrir*t1::rr+,4'.

@ Unirs
W P,eod qnd circle.
l. Emmo ond Ann were of the zoo. True Folse

2. Ann lost her bockpock. True Folse

3. They used o comero to find the bockpock. True Folse

L+. They ote ice creom. True Folse

WTt" A r
sffi- - -- -ar-
I I')

Whot Happened?
Whot hoppened?
I lost my bockpock!
Whot hoppened?
I lost mg bockpock!
I looked over there. And over there. But con'tI
it ongwhere.
I looked over there. And over there. But con't "flnd mg bockpock!

t- o&S

ffi tisten ond sqy. Then oct. i%u: o e

Whot hoppened?
I took pictures
lost weekend.
Let's look for
Whqi did you do?
it together.

bockpock coot

Lisleh', poiht, ond Sgy,,,',, ii".'

r.,lr l'.:t t
, i

. W*ffid
feother clow

Listen qnd soy. Then listen,qnd,,rreqd. f2

tq "J

Dinosours lived millions of yeors ogo. Some dinosours qte plonts ond
some ote onimols. They were oll very different. Whot did lhey look like?
I . Microroptor 2. Diplodocus
Some dinosours hod feothers. They Some dinosours hod toils. These
lived in trees ond looked like birds. were some of the biggest dinosours.
,t# 3. Tyronnosourus Rex Their toils were I t{ meters long.
,]ffi Some dinosours hod clows. tl. Pterodoctyl
:# This dinosour wos six meters toll. Some dinosours hod wings.They
Its clows were 25 centimeiers long. used their wings to fly. Their
wings were two meters long.
Unirs https://sachhoc.com
Reod ond circle.
t. The Microroptor looked like o fish. True Folse
Z. The Diplodocus wos o big dinosour. True Folse

L,. The Pterodoctyl hod wings. True Folse '.i

The Tyronnosourus Rex used its wings to fly. True Folse

Listen. Fill in the chort. T8u

:i' Feqthers Toil Wings
I. Quetzolcoqtlus '\*o..,t

2. Brontosourus
3. Tricerotops
tl. Velociroptor

"- ;.'
.. '':::"^ ?^*:i.:,;l ;tr1{
; \d f

Do you hove o pet?

Does it hove clows?

l:. Look of ,... Point qnd

This dinosour hod o toil ond wings.

Listen, point, ond soy.

,,,,r t' i:'1.i: -ry * _:r
sing moke write design point moke
songs movies slories clothes pictures modelsffi*{l'

ffi Usten qnd find. iY.a:



Listen, osk, ond onswer. Then proctice. i6.,

he his
Whot does like to do in free time?
she her

likes to sing songs.

ffi, ,


Listen, qsk, ond onswer. Then prqctice.

he his
Does like to sing songs in free time?
she her
doesn't : does not
Yes, he does. He
likes to
No, she doesn't. She

ftn r
t. { 2.
a. 5.

Look qt ' I Iike to moke

movies. Do you?
Point, osk, ond qnswer. r;Y: r':j

Whot does Mike like

He likes to moke
to do in his n"" iir.,
Listen, point, ond soy. c,r2

cook moke moke o knit o

dinner jewelry cord scorf

ffi t-isten ond soy. Then prqctice. tiu:

cook -* cooked
''!l he *-& him boke *& boked
He **
cooked dinner for her. !;i
she her moke *"F mode
She *3
them.' 4l
ii1 they -* them knit knitted

ploy ** ployed

Usten, osk, ond onswer. Then proctice. 'iin I:.) e
him? him.
he He
Whot did cook for her? cooked dinner for her.
she She
them? them.

T_: AT oDz
ryt srno. 23"t',

Whot Did She Knit Jor Him?

Whot did she knit Jor him? Whot did he cook Jor her?
She knitted o scorJ Jor him. He cooked dinner Jor her.
Whot did theg boke Jor him? Whot did they moke Jor her? X
They boked cookies Jor him. Theg mode jewelrg Jor her. es
And whot did he moke Jor them? And whot did she Plo9 Jor them? X
He mod e o cord Jor them. She ploged music Jor them. ffiet

Whot did you do for your

W Whqt obout you? fomily lost weekend?
Ask ond onswer. Q'e

Whot did you do for your mother?

I mode o cord for her.

re Tolk obout the story. Then listen qnd

ffi ffiqewffi Mw*.mr$xfumww

reqd. [i.l r;:,:o


Mrs. Brown broke
Could you corry
her leg lost week. ffi these bogs for me?
How con we help you?

Hi, Mrs. Brown!

Let's help her.

The boys help Mrs. Brown oll doy. Wl',,, Loter thot ofternoon...
They wolk her dog, they sweep % for
her, ond they toke out the gorboge. F I boked these l
rl'- ilx
Whoo, Mox! fr
Thonks, Mrs. Brown!

This is heovy!

Reqd qnd circle.
J::4.: "

I. Mrs. Brown is sick. True Folse

2. Donny took out Mrs. Brown's gorboge True Folse

3. Mike woshed Mrs. Brown's cor. True Folse

r+. Mrs. Brown mode dinner for the boys. True Folse

, ;di:- , ci2
ffi t',"
'a#a,E|||||||tl: '
Sing. 2s.!;

i"i.# .tr # *,.i Could You Help Me? [:; * r;.i # ." ; i -t *

- Could you corru these bogs Jor me? Sure!

# Could gou corr9 these bogs Jor me? No problem!
Loulcl uou corrU these bogs? Could you coYry these bogs?

. Could gou corru these bogs Jor me?

" oK!
open the door close the door

r ,i r : =. .i .# .-d ''S .J '.n i ."r # .".t .;* j

j S " J q" 4 ; d J '' V(]t1,
qct. .iZu.' t*.t'
WZ: Listen ond sqy. Then

Could you corry

these bogs for me? Sure. No

Who could you help?

corry these bogs pick thot up

WWffiwm mff ffim&

Listen, point, ond soy.

,rr,.. -ffilt:d
* -tt.t. .z
?,'.. t* . )//
,*,'!., ."iif;
#- rld'' i.
pointing phologroph mosoic sculpture ,*,:;,t,

Listen ond sqy. Then listen ond reod. :,llt


This is o pmrmfinE of o Lrmcir,r:#ffix.

Thousqnds of people visit ort museums every doy. There ore

ort museums oround the world with mony different types of ort.

L This is o pointing of o 2. This is o photogroph of 3. This is o mosoic. There

bedroom with choirs, o boy. His clothing hos ore mony colors ond
o toble, ond o bed. mony colors. How mony shopes. Together, the
Whot colors did ## colors con you see? different ports moke o
the ortist use? beoutiful picture.

4, This is o mdtol sCulpturs ef 6'.

Wonderlond. There iS:o rorbbit

in the sculpture, too.
Reod ond circle.
I. The photogroph shows q bedroom. True Folse

2. The sculpture shows o girl ond o robbit. True Folse

3. The pointing shows o girl. True Folse

L+. The mosoic hos mony colors. True Folse

Listen qnd number.


I like pointings.
Whot obout you?
I con soy these words.
t. 6.
k ?\r''t, - ? *t

[- -,.;

r M:-
Sr ifirta
4: ffi",

I con tolk obout thes eto ,.!t',

z.s &* ta:.t1,.::a::,,,.. O

{' , o.
. rF*:T**
Ir ;5*
j "l "._-
; *;"'t'' {'

i-. 4


food ond drink dinosours


the orts moking things

I con tolk with you. :?, $

j r€'-
':- Whot
Al ry

No problem.

Review 3
ffi Usten, point, ond sqy.

ortist journolist

ffi usten qnd find. $6u:

il:a;ai::E lltaal
fliiri{i,{t ::.::: ::.t 1 .t at:tl

' r.,-.,...::r:.it

ffi listen, osk, ond onswer. Then proctice. $i.r:, S.'C
Whot do you wont to be when you grow up?
I wont to be on octor.

ffi Usten, osk, qnd qnswer. Then proctice. $3t, &)"'o

he he
Whot does wont to be when grows up?
she she


wonts to be on octor.

I wont to be
on octor when
I grow up.

ffi look of ffi. Point, osk, qnd onswer. i.,r o

Whot does she wont to be She wonts to
when she grows up? be o journolist,
ffi Usten, point, ond soy. $e.,

go to fly o work with drive o explore trovel the
spoce helicopler onimols roce cor the jungle world

:t>2 ;.- 6)
ffi Lislen, qsk, ond onswer. Then proctice. 37': v

Whot do you wont to do when you're older?

you're : you ore
I wont to go to spoce.
ffi Usten, osk, qnd onswer. Then proctice. $6.1 Q:..Q

ffi listen qnd number. $6*,


W Whqt oboul you? Ask qnd qnswer. O,.0

Whot do you wont to I wqnt to mqke

do when you're older? movies when
I'm older.

I wont to fly o helicopter.

Whot obout you?
ffiffi #ry

ffitolk obout the story. Then listen ond reod. O',C

There's on ostronout
**J& s

of the museum. ffi#mffimm" W

Alex! Whot does i
thot sign meon? .
ffiE 1
V::ri- rnt to toke
I wont to see wsi"':"


the ostronout! 3

Oops. It meons
Whot does thol
sign meon?
rc ...-ri:r,llh

Oh. It meons you con't

you con't run here. ryreK toke o pictu 'e here.

Yes, you moy!

Now moy I
Julie, look! toke o picture? f
There's the

Oh. It meons you

con't be noisy here.

W Reod ond circle.
. There is on ostronout of the museum.
I True Folse

2. Alex con't reod the signs. True Folse

3. Alex wos noisy. True Folse

+. Julie wonts to be o cook when she is older. True Folse

ffiSing. tiix


:: Whot does thot sign meon?

ice skote
lt meons uou
con't run here. snowboord


Does it meon Uou con't woll< here?
) i rr
No, it meons Uou con't run here. toke pictures
ploy music
Thot's OK. llike wolking!
:i'rfb3:,!11-.:r.:'"::tr1b$. -{{t$&{ilt l{::}!/.i&ia{i}t:Vi*c;*/-?lyi}r!{q!&iq:._-1:}-r)
*"\"r^.-.,n .-rr-'.,--r.rt-rl-rf-*-,1 ,\ +,
.,r-,^-"rt 7,yi;^.3' "^-4-^",.v\.,.

ffi t-isten ond soy. Then ocl. riix sCI

Whot does thot sign meon?
Con you see
o sign? Whot
does it meon?

ice skote

. , ...!
' .1 . ;,i,.:
. l ,,', ,'-1, | ,,. r' ,': i ,jr;
: t::': :::;,:::
i',:-.1:.r,1 1r,. ,'... ,i
" ;rlii'l

toke pictures
Listen. Fill in the chorl.
I .I hove to be coreful 2.m hove to work on the computer
I don't hove to be careful LJ don't hove to work on the computer

3. I hove to stoy strong L+. tl hove to be friendly

I don't hove to stoy strong il don't hove to be friendly

Whot do you
hove to do
every doy? f"

Do ostronouts hove to
be coreful with food?

Yes, they do!

ffi Uslen, point, qnd soy.

toke o goono ride o swim in stoy in o
see o show
boot ride bus lour horse the oceon hotel ffir$.X

Listen ond find. ti?e

*; ;aif il :illii:l,llil:

ry 3e

@ Unirs
7 r*-'s
ffi Listen, osk, ond onswer. Then proctice. il6.,, ":i i:;

he He's
Whot's going to do on vocotion? going to toke o boqt ride.
she She's

Whot's Whot IS

e< -. f3 E = *6
7 re.agW
F* e!'-;
W f"
Effi -8r".,#
,aFr M
Listen, osk, ond onswer. Then proctice. 4'6.r, {,

ffi i:;

When is
helI qoino to toke o boot ride?
going to toke o boot ride tomorrow.

t. 2.

tomorrow next Mondoy next Thursdoy Whot ore you

going io do
6. _: ffi on vocotion?
.. Gp_
1." I

next weekend next week next month

!/ .] f-l
&ffi Look of m. Point, osk, ond onswer.
Whot's he going He's going to
to do on vocotion? see o show.
ffi usten, point, qnd soy. t6*:
vHi rx

..'\\i ",)\
! ,,,&-

S3i,1\? ljr ii '..

wJ'J{ir" I . r
\:tr/ ffi
swimsuit towel i money tenl floshlight
bog ,*n,,,,r,
Lf 3&11

:.12 v (-)
ffi t-isten, osk, ond qnswer. Then proctice. 51.) \J

he him? He's
Whot's going to toke with going to toke o swimsuit.
she her? She's

o swimsuit some money

@ Usten, osk, qnd onswer. Then proctice. tin: e o
Yes, ore.
Are they going to toke swimsuits with them? they
No, oren't.

oren't: ore hot

r'r"l"ia'i'a,11":1 1:i';

\{ swimsuits
,i ..t
4 *$#; money
r{ .".#ft,

- Sing. ss+
Vocotion !

Whot ore Uou going to toke with gou on vocotion?

l'm going to toke o swimsuit ond o mogazine.
l'm going to toke sunscreen ond some moneU with me.
l'm going to toke o skoteboord ond mg Jovorite kite.
l'm going to toke my dog ond
l'm going to toke my bike.
'i.l o"?'i

W wnot obout you? Whot qre you going

to toke with you to
ASk Ond OnSWef. ty u;
school tomomow?

Whot ore you going to , Itm going to toke my

toke with you on vocotion?
comero. Whot obout you?
Tolk obout the story. Then listen ond reod. H4.r iE "

Whot ore the students going

to do next week on vocotion?

:,r li-:.i"1
; ,11.,1"i" i',
" :':rrv!-j {;-
.:.rfrt r't ., ?, _.:,....
t r@ar)ri r. 4, ..:i.,-,.t'"'l
-. ___ "i! iL"*
1--3: til!r!&ltiL,i!:]"

-.'",', r,I'm $tr*r--

m going to
I'm qoinq to be on I'm going togo,: ..,-,_
tr€v I __ :. _,
* octor in o ploy. to the beoch. i floe o comer.
.,ryY%,w-w ._.*T ffi

their I'm going to

ffi 'rg -;!&
The students give
: E fi'}$
teocher o nice cord. miss you.
Bye. Hove o
greot time!

Thonkyou. See
eq l
vou next month!
We're going to
mrss you, Ioo.
w ffiq

?;rt Reqd ond circle.
I . Emmo is going to ride o comel. True Folse

2. Donny is going to go climbing. True Folse

3. The teocher is going to miss the students. True Folse

l{. The students give o birthdoy cord to their teocher. True Folse

ffi Sing. $3*

Good-bye. Hove o greot time. month

Thonk gou. See Uou next week.
Bye-bye, hove o great time. vear

OK. See Uou next week. we'?


dtt%" r r-!--- -
w,,f,t Listen qnd a-r,
---J soy. TL^.-
Then oct.
---r cD2

Bye! Hove o I'm going to ploy

greot time. bosketboll. Whot
obout you?


next month next week

point, ond sqy.

lqxi ferry subwoy gondolo

Listen, osk, qnd onswer. Then listen qnd reqd. 9i:

How's he He's
going to get to the
How's she She's going to toke o toxi.
deportment store?
How ore they They're
How's : How is
toke o toxi toke o gondolo toke o ferry lhey re : lhey ore
toke ihe subwoy

venice is o city in lloly. New York is o city in the United Stotes. :': "

There qre different kinds of tronsportotion in these cities. b. ,

This womon is from This fomily is in

New York. She's Venice. They ore
going to go shopping going to toke o
in o deportment gondolo to o hotel.
store. She's going There oren't ony
to toke o loxi. subwoys in Venice.

This boy is in Venice.

These people work
He wonts to visit his
in New York. They
grondmother. He's
go to their jobs in
going to toke o ferry
the morning. They
to her home.
ore going to toke
the subwoy.

@ Unira
Reod ond circle.
I . The womon is going to toke o toxi. True Folse

2. The boy is going to toke o ferry. True Folse

3. The fomily is going to toke the subwoy. True Folse

+. The people in New York ore going to toke o gondolo. True Folse

Yffi i.

i r:i::

;,, libror^y toxi rr,


tlt, : r::

I'm going to ioke

Look qt ,rr,,:,,'. Ask qnd onswer. ' G;
o bus to school
tomomow. Whot

How ore they going

oboui you?
to get lo the librory?

They're going to toke o toxi. -&.drgt-

;.i'ffir --4dFr--
{bI Lesson tl

I con soy these words.

'ffi'm'# ffi
I con tolk obout lhese lopics.

coreers the future life in spoce

f*F '*
+. 5.
1.#::,S% '
*&d'" -,M ,du
- r|; \,{1
,'J i
,.* t\
-i: -'-!'z
"'- '"

octivities things for o trip tronsportotion

I cqn tolk with you. O.O

Thonkyou. See
you next month!

Review 4
Listen ond reod. ooo

Vcrccrtion Time
Hi! I'm Liso. I'm very excited. I'm going
to the United Siotes on vocotion. I'm
going to toke o plone. In the United
Stotes, I'm going to visit New York.
I'm going to see o show ond go on
o bus tour. I'm going to toke my
comero ond toke some pictures.
When I'm older, I wont to be on
ortist ond trovel the world.

Reod qnd qnswer.

t. Where is Liso going to go?

2. How is she going to get there?

3. Whot is she going to toke?

r+. Whot does she wonl to be when she's older?

Listen ond number. 6iu.

There ore one
Work with your portner; Work with your group;
ihousond groms Write your nome ot the top of the poge; Write
in o kilogrom. your onswer on lhe boord.

Comping: climb, hike, conoe, Sports: ski, snowboord, Reoding: The Skcrttng Sofety: weor o
fish, grill homburgers, wotch ice skoie, in-line skote, LeSSon helmel, pui on
birds skoteboord, surf sunscreen, weor o life jocket,
Whot does he,/she like doing? He's/She's good ot skiing^ I'm not very good ot ice fosten your seotbelt
HelShe likes climbing. HelShe isn't good ot skiing. skoting. When you go snowboording,
Does he,/she like climbing? Yes, Is helshe good ot skiing? Don't worry. I con help you. olwoys weor o helmet.
helshe likes it o lot. Yes, he's,/she's very good ot it.
'." ri*,"{'nts::lt.
No, helshe doesn't like it ot oll. No, he's,/she's notvery good ot il. ,'i , iti*;'1

€3m** * Lqnd crnd Secr

:itlllit: :li::i:iti::llllil,llili"'i'ii,:',iiii'':riiiiiiffi l1:t
Animols ond Insects:
hippopotomus, gorillo, pondo,
Seo Creolures: eel, seol,
dolphin, squid, whole, shork
Reoding: fhe Best Gcp
.lizord,Y.beetle, crob,-
weiohr ond Lenoih'
butterfly, coterpillor, bee The eel is,zisn't os long os the octopus
Which one would you like?
The hippopotomus is bigger thon seol. I'd like lhe longest one, How much does the lizord
the pondo. Is the eel os long os the seol? pleose" weigh?
The hippopotomus is the biggest. Yes, it is./No, it isn't. It's It weighs 150 kilogroms.
Which one is the smollest? shorter. i:f fi;:!itrii:!i::{it; How long is the lizord?
The bee is the smollesl. It's 3 meters long.

Unils I ond 2 Reading A Comping Trip

8Xx*3& 3 Appecrrcnce
Whot We Look Like: short hoir, Accessories: wotch, Reoding: The School
shoulder-length hoir, long hoir, neckloce, eorrings, Plqg 9:: "lli sond-stick, ;ffii*a
leof, gross,
g: :

stroight hoir, curly hoir, wovy hoir sunglosses, gloves, belt

Conversolion: The coterpillor is the some
Whot does he,/she look like? Whot does the wotch,zdo the Good luck with the ploy, color,/shope os the stick.
HelShe hos short, block hoir ond eorrings look like? Thonks. You, too.
brown eyes/ glosses,/ o beord. It's/They're new ond block.
Which one is your brother,/sister? Which wotch,/gloves does he,/ rffiffi
He's/She's the one with short, she wont to weor?
stroight, block hoir ond brown HelShe wonts to weor fhe
eyes,/glosses,/o beord. block one,/ones.

&3xa&& W Lqst llVeek

Sports: boseboll, bosketboll, Aclivilies: proctice the piono, Reoding: fhe Bcrsebcrll Ancienl Rome:
volleyboll, golf, tennis, toble tennis use the computer, tolk on the Gcrme stone, cloy, gloss,
HelShe ployed boseboll phone, help my porents, visil metol
yesterdoy. my friend, work on o project
I con't find my glove. Whot did they use to moke
Whot did he,/she do yesterdoy? Whot did you do lost weekend? Don't worry. You con borrow homes in Rome?
HelShe ployed boseboll I procticed the piono' mine. They used stone.
yesterdoy. Did you proctice the piono on ::'"gi :.",*.si"slI.{d.r1.',}.
Mondoy? **r!.i'.r,ri,,. l;.5
Yes, Idid/No, Ididn't.

Units 3 ond 4 Our BosebollTeom

Reqdingt' '
Level Ll
&Sm&*S ADcgOut

Food ond Drink: noodles, Things lo Do: go bowling, Reoding: The Missingr Dinosours: feother,
curry, sushi, lemonode, grope toke o picture, see o porode, Bcrclpcrcf toil, clow, wing
juice, teo hove o picnic, get o hoircut,
Conversotion: Some dinosours hod
HelShe ote noodles. HelShe buy clothes feothers.
Whot hoppened?
dronk lemonode. Whot did he,/she do yesterdoy? I lost my bockpock.
Whot did helshe eot for lunch? HelShe went bowling. Let's look for it together.
He,/she ote noodles.
Whot did he,/she drink with lunch?
HelShe dronk lemonode.
When did he,/she go bowling?
HelShe went bowling
&3m** & Being Grecrtive

The Arls: sing songs, Moking Things: cook dinner, Reoding: Good Neighbors Types of Arl:
moke movies, write stories, boke cookies, moke jewelry, pointing, photogroph,
design clothes, point pictures, moke o cord, knit o scorf, ploy mosoic, sculpture
Could you corry these bogs
moke models music
for me? This is o pointing of o
Whot does helshe like fo do in HelShe cooked dinner for Sure. No problem. bedroom.
his/her free time?
HelShe likes to sing songs.
Does helshe like to sing songs in
Whot did he,/she cook for ffiffi
his,zher free time? Yes, he,/she HelShe cooked dinner for
does. No, helshe doesn't. him/her,zthem.
HezShe likes to moke movies.

Units 5 ond 6 Reqdins Hobby: Moking Models

&Sm** ? Things to Be

Coreers: octor, ortist, musicion, The Future: go to spoce, fly o Reoding: Spcrce Museum In Spoce: spoce
gome designer. journolist, scientist helicopter, work with onimols, shuttle, spoce stotion,
Whot do you wont to be when drive o roce cor, explore the spoce suit, Eorth
Whot does thot sign meon?
you grow up? jungle, trovel the world Astronouts hove to,/don't
It meons you con't run here.
I wont to be on octor. Whot do you wont to do when hove to toke the spoce shuttle
Whot does he she wont to be you're older? to get to the spoce stotion.
when he,/she grows up? I wont to go to spoce. Astronouls hove to,/don't
HelShe wonts to be on oclor. Whot does he,/she wont to do hove to weor o spoce suit in
when he's,/she's older? the spoce stotion.
He,zShe wonts to go to spoce.

{Sea*& & On Vcrcqtion

Activities: toke o boot ride, see Things for o Trip: swimsuit, Reoding: Vqctrtion Tronsporlolion:
o show, go on o bus tour, ride o towel, money, tent, floshlighl, Plcrns toxi, ferry, subwoy,
horse, swim in the oceon, stoy in sleeping bog gondolo
o hotel Whot's he,/she going tofoke Bye. Hove o greot time! How's helshe going to get
Whol's he,/she going to do on with him/her? He's/She's Thonk you. See you next to the deportment store?
vocotion? He's She'sgoing to going to toke o swimsuif. month How ore they going to get
toke o boot ride, Are they going to toke -Wrgjffg'aq*ffitr to the deportment store?
When is he,/she going to toke o swimsuits with them? Yes, they ,--*s'fu*"ffii":**,$':.** He's,u She's z They' re going
boot ride? He's She's going to ore.,/No, they oren't. to toke o toxi.
toke o boot ride tomorrow.

Units 7 ond 8 PecrdiUgl:, Vocotion Time

j; +' ..s ,: . ,,fn mokemodels......qB
' t':' ' " e- !'. : , lj."t mokemovies .......L18
': ': :i,iI'
mokemybed ........2
" ':"r ":' - ..' meter..............3
. ;
x:;:+11_ lvlicroroptor ... .. . .. r.l6
mi|1ion. ... . ... .. . . ..3
cow .............. l3 gross.............28 money .........68
occessories ........2+ crob.............. 18 groy.... ..........22 monkey ........ t3
ocross . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 curly hoir . . . . . . . . . . 22 greot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3r+ months . ,'.,.,,.6|+
octor.............. 58 curry .............q0 green... ..........22 morning. ...........2
ofternoon grillhomburgers...... $ mosoic............5r+
oLwovs.. 2 group..............3 mother.. ...........2
oncienl......... 36 doy " " 2 movie..............2
oouoflum.......... 16 deporimentstore'' 2
movieiheoler ........2
(u designclolhes......qB museum............2
".i dinner" " '2t
.. .. . ;'i musicion...........58
"tjo.. dinosours..........r.16 my ... .. ...........2
Diplodocus.. . . .. . . . L16
do...... ...........2
doing..............5 nome..............3
does...............5 neckloce. ..........2c
doesn't. . .. . . ... . ...5 needed............36
dog............... l3 neighbors. .........52
do|phin............ lr.l never.............10
don'i...............8 new..............2+
door..............53 NewYork ..........72
dronk............. r.ll next..............r.+q
drink.............. l0 nice ..............3r+
driveorocecor... . .. 60 nicest............. l6
eorrings. ..........2+ uncle......... .. .2
Eorth .............6r.1 up............ .. t0
ee|............... lr+ octopus...........18 use........... ..36
elephont........... l3 of .. ..............2 used..........
everybody..........8 oh.. ........3q use the compuier
exciled.. ..........75 oK. ... .. . .. t6 usuolly........ ...2
exploreihe jungle ... 60 o|der..............60
ex|ro..............3q on.................2
eye.....-.........22 one................3 vocotion. .......... 67
oops..............62 Venice............72
L...... ...........2 open. . . Velociroptor ........+7
fo|se...............9 I',d............... t6 or..... .25 visit..... ..........32
fost............... l5 iceskote............6 out................8 visited.............32
fosten............. l0 iceskoting ..........6 outdoors. . .... .. . ...5 visitmyfriend .. . . .. .32
fosten your seotbelt . . l0 I'm................2 volleyboll ..........30
fother... .......... 17 in-lineskote ......... 6
fovorite.. ...........2 insect............. l8
feother ......|+6 is ...... ...........2
ferry.............72 isn't . . ... .. . . .. . . . lr-l
find..... ..........28 ir....... ...........2
first...............qq Itoly.... ..........72
fish. . . . . .. . ... . ... . q ils.......... r+6
fishing .............5 it's ............... 15
flower... ..........29
f|y................r+6 jocket. . ..... . ... . . l0
flyo helicopter ... . . . 60 job..... ..........26
frenchfries.. . ... . .. ttr.l journolisi........... 58
Fridoy... ..........32
colculolor ..35 from...............2
co||ed.............5t+ fruit .... ...........2 ki|ogrom............3
come|.............70 fun................2 kilometer ...........3
comero............r++ TUlUre.-. /c kind .... ..........26
comoufloge ........28
knitoscorf .........50
con. . .. . ...........2 Komododrogon..... 18

conoe.. . . .. . . .. .. . . q
con't.... ..........62 lost..... ..........32
cop............... l6
cor............... l0 Ieof...............28
cord..............50 legs....
coreful .............8 ' 18 Ouetzolcootlus ......q7
lemonode .q0
corry.............52 lenglh............. t8
cotch .............3r+
coterpillor. ......... 12
Iesson.............. 8 roinv.... ...........2
lels ..............3r+ reO..... ..........Zz
cellphone.... .35
lite............... l0 rideohorse........66
chicken............ l3 |ike................5 riding............. tO
likes.... ...........2 river..............
city..... ..........72 live...............6L+
c|ow..............116 rock.... ..........29
lizord ............. l8 Rome.............36
c|imb ..............r+
c|imbing............5 longhoir...........22 rules.............. lO
luck .... ..........26 run...............qr+
c|oihes.............5 |ucky .............r+r+
color.... ..........22 runner .. .......... tl
lunch ............. r+l
cook..............50 ..........2
cookdinner........50 sofe...... t0 you................2
mode... 50 sotety..... t0 you're.............60
costume...........26 moke ... ...........2 solod ... ...........2
could ... ..........52 mokeocord........50 solesperson .........z
cousin.............2 mokejewelry .......50 some.... ...28 ....q5

Levet t{

Use lhe
r,ock'},. 02 EVergbodg Up theme song
Student Audio CD
Welcome whenever you see:
rrockr.:03 l1] t-isren, poinl, ond soy.

Uni+ f FunOutdoors Unil 3 A,ppeqtrGrnce Unil 5 .E'D<rgOut Unit 7 fhings to Be

L8saron I e{xmpir:l} l-esscn I 1{t}r€** 1*f* &oo}i &ike _ L+>s.':r i Food and Dyin* Les$cn I C$reers
rrock'); gq :i::l t-isten, poinl, ond soy. rrocx*lr I 3 ii:ttl l-isren, point, ond soy. rrcck'i., 22 , i Listen, point, ond soy. rrock'),1 3 | 1] t-isten, point, ond soy.
Le$son ? f&ix$$ *s tss Less.n 2 Tk* tru*lrre
05 ii.:l;: r-iJren, poinr, ond soy. l{ :i.::i t-isten, poinr, ond soy. 23 ii.i Listen, point, ond soy. 32 33 Listen, point, ond soy.
06 i::::: Sing. I'm Good ol Skoling I r::^^ a D^*Ji^a Ls$s$r 3 &€&dim$ Less.n 3 *ee{di.&g
Lessor 3 Recdihs l5 i::il sing. Good Luck! 2t{ lil::lr Sins. whol Hoppened? 33 li:::li Sins. whot Does Thot
07 iriii sing. Be Brove Sign Meon?
Lesson { e{rrr!*{afXs$* Lesso* Ll Sie6s{x1r,trs
Lr:luj: 1 I 6 iii:i Lislen, point, ond soy. 25 :.:3 t-lsten, point, ond soy. Le$ron il Xm Sp&{€
08 1::ii t-isten, point, ond soy. 3{ ::.il t-isten, poinr, ond soy.

Unil 2 fqnd qnd Sea Unit { Lcrst Weef Unii 6 Eeing Grecrtive Unil 8 On Vcrcqtlon
Lessofl I
i{.&irx}els csnd Insec*s :c*r;,i : rysr'ln l-esson I *Xr* "&rts L3sson i ,S.#*i1ri&ies
rrock'),:09 {.:t Listen, poinl, ond soy. rrock.),, I 7 i:::,i:: Listen, point, ond soy. Trock').' 26 soy.
ii:,;i t-isren, point, ond Trock ') $$ '^ . Lislen, point, ond soy.
Lessln 2 See{ Cr€extu.res Losson 2 ,ls*i'$i&ias tesson 2 t{skinlr 3&i5!€rs Lesson 2 ?kirr$s €or er ?ri3r
I 0 lLl Usten, point, ond soy. II :3 Listen, poinl, ond soy. 27 !;! t-isten, point, ond soy. 36 i:,::i l-isten, point, ond soy.
Less0* 3 &€edinE
l9 a::ll SinS. Whol Did You Do 28 a:3 Sing. Whot Did She Knit for Him? 37 i* SinS. Vocotion!
on Mondoy?
I I |f Sing. \l/hich One Would Lesson 3 &eadi&g Lesscn 3 &€s{dimS
You Like? Le$son 3 tl{}{rdim.g 29 |] Sing. Could You Help Me? 38 ili Sinq. Hove o Greot Time
Lesson { 'lrtreiqit crnd Leagth 20 ttt::r: Sing. I Con'l Find Il Lessor { Ygpes a$ J&x* Lesscr,l gr({esport{xtion
l2 :,:l t-isten, poinl, ond soy. i..:::ion -l .f,.rrci€nt Rorr€ 30 rt!; Listen, poinr, ond soy. 39 !3 t-isren, point, ond soy.
2l :.,::: tisten, point, ond soy.

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is o seven-level
course thot motivotes children
by linking the English clqssroom
to the wider world.

* ..=...:..,,-.:r.:r::: :l: ---...,,'::, ::-.:-::.::r, With thg

Evergbodg Up Friends, who
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::: "::- moiivote them to speok English.
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=.S.St".-- ",.'.- --''.'-.'.,..'...,.'--:-:
in every unit provide proctico! links
to other school subjecis.

::: ::, : : ,, ,t ,, :.,.,: .,,r by qWOfd-Winning

songwriters keep children procficing
English - even of home.

:',,t::.: .::,r.;: :r,. from reol life highlight

universol volues such os being kind
ond polite.

.: ..

:,':::ai:"tt' :l..:i'::

Oxford Reod ond Discover

Level I{

OXFORI) lsBN 978-0-1 I -41 0737 -2


www.oup.com , ililjrilrfliltrtrilLl|ilil

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