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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions. Read and encircle the letter that represents your best answer. ERASURE, of any form, means
1. The dramatic changes in media and communication technologies over the years have profoundly transformed how we communicate
and share knowledge and information. Hence, the combination of two or more communication systems is referred to as:
A. Text types. B. Multimodal text. C. Digital Communication. D. Transmedia
2. A study about learning styles had found out that most of elementary learners learn best through still images with the use of colours,
layouts, screen formats, symbols. This means that the learners dominant learning style(s) is(are):
A. Linguistic. B. Gestural and Visual. C. Visual. D. Linguistic and Gestural
3. In Scopus-indexed study, about Perceptions of Learning styles of Engineering students in India, it was proven that most of them
learns best through proximity, direction, position of layout, organization of objects in space. This learning style is associated to:
A. Spatial. B. Existential. C. Gestural. D. Both A & B
4. Multimodal text: ___________ : Digital: Slide presentation
A. Film. B. Web series. C. E-books. D. Paper like books
5. If mode refers to any of the communication system which help us interpret meanings like sounds, graphic material and written
language. What is referred to as the manner of disseminating information?
A. Media. B. Transmedia. C. Communication. D. Modal
6. Mrs. Simangan, a SPED teacher of Burac Elem. School, noticed that to communicate with her students, she must motivate them
through the use of rhythm of music and sound effects. Therefore, the communication system applied to is:
A. Gestural. B. Audio. C. Audio-visual. D. Spatial
7. Mr. John Austion I. Viloria, an ICT student, won during the ICT Inter-High School competition in Poster Making Contest. And the
best technique to come with the best poster is to:
A. Ensure that the photo will minimize the space in your poster. B. boost the linguistic appeal of your poster. C. See to it that
the photo works well and complement the text. D. Begin with your ultimate objective for your video content
8. Im creating an effective poster, all headline tips are essential, except.
A. Be smart with the amount of information you add to your design. B. Summarize your poster title in one headline.
C. Highlight your poster headline and tagline. D. Do not overload your poster with information
For items 9-10: Refer to the options below.
I. Begin with your ultimate objective for your video content. II. identify their most common problems and the things that they really
connect with. III. Understanding your audience is more than knowing their demographics. IV. SMART onlbjectives
9. Among the options in video production guide, the following belongs to solidification of objectives.
A. I &II. B. II &III. C. II & IV. D. I &IV
10. Among the options in video production guide, the following belongs to considering your audiences.
A. I &II. B. II &III. C. II & IV. D. I &IV
11. In video production, shooting the footage is very essential and it ensures the following, except.
A. The video is well-lit, well-shot and well-framed. B. The script and storyboard are closely followed. C. Enough footage is filmed
to make the editing process easier. D. Choose the best takes to be used in the final video
12. In the advent of technology, multimodal materials can be uutilized through the use of smartphones. Which of them does not
conform to e-modal material.
A. Comic Maker HD. B. Puppet Pals C. Comics D. Voice Recorder
13. During the health symposium sponsored by the Municipal Health Unit of Lal-lo on the awareness on the impact of smoking
cigarrette, the headline of their poster was, ” Time is ticking…… Stop while you still can”. This means that:
A. Time is gold. Live life to the fullest. B. While still young, refrain from bad habits. C. Health is wealth. Stop smoking
cigarrette. D. Our life gets shorter if we keep on using cigarrette, while it's tolerable, stop using it .
14. What is the first stage of cognitive or learning process?
A. Obtaining information. B. Providing information. C. Disseminating information. D. All of the above
15. The following are purpose of disseminating information, except.
A. influence people's behavior. B. become aware of a new idea. C. information provided should be sufficient, reliable, valid and
accurat. D. taking in information and simply storing it in the memory
16. What part of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or
A. Context. B. Context. C. Meaning. D. Information
17. ________ aptly pointed out, a firm sense of meaning is essential for optimal human development.
A. Francis, 1978. B. Frankl, 1978. C. Francis, 1987. D. Frankl, 1987
18. Mr. Pascua, a Science- Technology writer qualifier during the NSPC 2020 wrote a Covid-19 article with sense of purpose which
makes life worthwhile. The type of information applied is:
A. Context. B. Context. C. Meaning. D. Information
19. What characteristic of information refers to the authenticity, consistency, infallibility or information that suggests consistent
dependability of judgment or result?
A. Factual. B. Reliable. C. Valid. D. Relevant
20. What is the most convenient way to obtain information about a topic?
A. Interview. B. Survey. C. Observing. D. Gossiping
21. In the light of Covid-19 issue in the country and province of Cagayan, the CPIO keep on updating about the current number of
positive patients, recovered and total number of fatalities. What method of disseminating of information was utilized?
A. News release. B. Social networking. C. Public service announcement. D. Door to door
22. Amidst the Covid-19 issue, teleconferencing has been one of the means of online xommunication of national officials through the
use of different online platforms. What method of disseminating information was utilized?
A. News release. B. Social networking. C. Public service announcement. D. Door to door
23. Teachers of Cagayan State University uses different modalities to conform with the effect of lockdown for missed classes.
Moreover, messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network was applied.
What method was applied?
A. News release. B. Social networking. C. Public service announcement. D. Email
24. ______ is the means spreading of information, knowledge, opinions widely to a certain person, people or to a bigger group of
A. Obtaining information. B. Providing information. C. Disseminating information. D. All of the above
25. The government alloted cash incentives for the ”no work, no pay” group in the country and DSWD employees together with the
local government unit were tasled to gather information among the affected familities of the covid-19 crisis. What best way of
information should be applied to gather the various data?
A. Interview. B. Survey. C. Observing. D. Gossiping
26. A method of disseminating information where it is used to provide a directed but highly interactive discussion. Similar to but less
formal than a focus group, and it usually includes a larger group.
A. Community meetings B. Social networking. C. Public service announcement. D. Door to door
27. What type of speech aims to inform the audience and not to advocate a cause or influence people to act and think as you want
them to be.
A. Persuasive. B. Extemporaneous. C. Argumentative. D. Informative
28. The information that you will convey will be judged based on the following, except.
A. accuracy B. Completeness. C. Assumptions. D. meaningfulness.
29. In developing and delivering an Informative speech, it very crucial specially to a person who develops fear to talk infront of a crowd.
That is why before delivering your informative speech, you must ensure that, except.
A. topic is significant enough to merit a speech. B. level of information that your audience already know and the information that they
need to know about the chosen topic. C. ensure that you clearly understand the intricacies of your topic to establish credibility and
confidence. D. Speaker’s credibility is more important
30. During the Mayon Day, the Division of Albay in Naga City commemorates the distinct features of the Mayon volcano through
speech contest. What tyoe of informative soeech was employed?
A. Speech about processes. B. Speech about objects. C. Speech about people. D. Speech about events
31. The late Sen. Miriam Defensor- Santiago usually delivers a speech to a point or matter of discussion, dispute, and public concern.
What tyoe of informative soeech was employed?
A. Speech about issues. B. Speech about objects. C. Speech about people. D. Speech about events
32. Sister Regie Vallejos reminisce the life Saint Mother Theresa during her feast day. What type of speech allows Sr. Regie to
describe how people look like, how they act, how they deal with life, and the like.
A. Speech about issues. B. Speech about objects. C. Speech about people. D. Speech about events
33. Speech organization about processes is chronological. The following are tips when delivery speech of processes ,except.
A. Use visual aids. B. Review frequently to ensure that the audience are still with you. C. Give an previwew about the whole
process. D. Summarize the procedure.
34. ”A happy soul absorbs more information” , means ________.
A. Enlighten and entertain your audience simultaneously. B. Do not overestimate not underestimate your audience’s knowledge
about the topic. C. Use plain language. Avoid jargons. D. Relate your topic to the audience.
35. If you want your audience to inform, be clear in what you want your readers to understand. You have to follow the tip:
A. Enlighten and entertain your audience simultaneously. B. Do not overestimate not underestimate your audience’s knowledge
about the topic. C. Use active and concrete language over abstract. D. Relate your topic to the audience
36-39: Refer your answer on the options below .
I. How to print a document from a computer. II. Different branches of science. III. Dangers of smoking. IV. Different regions in the
Philippines. V. Describing a newly built condominium. VI. The Life of Oprah Winfrey. VII. Types of learners
36. Which among the following options fal under the Spatial way in organizing informative speech?
A. I & VI B. II & VII. C. IV & V. D. III only
37. Which among the following options fal under the Categorical way in organizing informative speech?
A. I & II B. II & VII. C. IV & III. D. III only
38. Which among the following options fal under the Chronological way in organizing informative speech?
A. I & VI B. II & VII. C. IV only D. II only
39. Which among the following options fal under the Cause and Effect way in organizing informative speech?
A. I & II B. II & VII. C. IV & III. D. III only
40. Which among the types of persuasive speech, wherein the audience usually share the same beliefs and thoughts with the
speaker. Its purpose is to make the audience more enthusiastic on something?
A. Speech to inspire. B. Speech to actuate. C. Speech to convince. D. Speech to argue
41. What type of speech, wherein an action is needed from the audience?
A. Speech to inspire. B. Speech to actuate. C. Speech to convince. D. Speech to argue
42. Which among the following is not a tip in dealing with a reluctant uudience or a “Tough Crowd”?
A. Establish goodwill early in your speech. B. Be enthusiastic and sincere. C. Demonstrate a clear and specific plan of action.
D. Do not mention experts and authorities that the audience respects.
43. The persuasion process model assumes that the receiver in a persuasive communication is a problem solver or information
processor. Among the steps, which focus on involving learning the “what” and the “how” of the message?
A. Yielding. B. Retention. C. Comprehension. D. Presentation
44. Which is not the best point in delivering a functional speech?
A. Describe some highlights of the event. B. It must be brief. C. It concern emotions. D. Language fits to the situation
45. Generally, introducing speakers should not be longer than two minutes. Do not be a catalyst to the boredom of the audience by
enumerating the full biography of the speaker. This is referred to as:
A. Wedding speech. B. Thanksgiving speech. C. Welcome speech. D. Introducing guest speaker
46-50 . Following the Osborn and Osborn, 2006, list the distinct characteristics and/or difference between the Informative and
Persuasive speech.

Informative Speech Persuasive Speech

Prepared by:
Leinel M. Malazzab
Subject Teacher

Checked by:
Gemma R. Pascual, PhD
College Dean
Answer Sheet:
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. C
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. D
30. B
31. A
32. C
33. C
34. A
35. C
36. C
37. B
38. A
39. D
40. A
41. B
42. D
43. C
44. A
45. D

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