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The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something
that has already happened. Unlike the past continuous tense, which is used
to talk about past events that happened over a period, the simple past
tense indicates that the action occurred at a certain time and then was
The past simple tense is the verb tense used in the English language
to narrate events that occurred at a specific time in the past. It corresponds
in meaning approximately to the simple past perfect tense in English.
The simple past is generally accompanied by temporal expressions
that refer to the past, such as yesterday, last, night, week, month, year,
Tuesday, then, When? How long ago...? ago, in 2024, etc...
When the verb is regular, statements are constructed using the verb
in the infinitive and the ending -ed is added (or -d if the infinitive ends in -e):

1. Regular verb:
 “She played tennis yesterday.”
 “They walked to the park.”
 “We watched a movie last night.”
 "Ella jugó tenis ayer".
 "Caminaron hasta el parque".
 "Anoche vimos una película".

2. Irregular verb:
 “He went to the store last night.”
 “I saw a movie last weekend.”
 “She did her homework before dinner.”
 “Fue a la tienda anoche”.
 “Vi una película el fin de semana pasado”.
 “Ella hizo su tarea antes de cenar.”

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