bài tập thì QKD

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Task 1: Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets

1. My sister … ………………(cook) dinner last night.

2. I ………………. (walk) to school this morning.
3. Josie …………………… (carry) her mum’s bag for her.
4. We ……………….. (tidy) our rooms yesterday.
5. They ……………….. (study) hard, but they ………….. (not pass) the exam.
6. Your grandparents …………..… (be) delighted when they saw you last week.
7. We ………. (not spend) all our money at the shops.
8. You ……………….… (buy) a really nice dress for the party.
9. I was relieved when I ……………………. (not drop) that beautiful vase.
10. The teacher ……………… (begin) the class at 8.00 a.m. this morning.

Task 2: Bài tập chia động từ thì quá khứ đơn

1. I (eat)___________ dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. A: ___________ Helen (drive)___________ to work? – B: Yes, she ___________.
3. My neighbor (buy)___________ a new car last week.
4. They (go)___________ to Italy on their last summer holiday.
5. ___________ they (swim)___________ at the beach? – B: No, they __________.
6. My family and I (see)___________ a comedy movie last night.
7. First, we (do)___________ exercise, and then we (drink)___________ some water.
8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite)___________ my hand.
9. What time (do)___________ you (get up)___________ this morning?
10. The Wright brothers (fly)___________ the first airplane in 1903.
11. I think I (hear)___________ a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
12. When I was ten years old, I (break)___________ my arm. It really (hurt) __________.
13. The police (catch)___________ all three of the bank robbers last week.
14. How many times (do)___________ you (read)___________ that book?
15. Unfortunately, I (forget)___________ to (bring)___________ my money.

Task 3: Bài tập viết lại câu thì quá khứ đơn
1. It/ be/ cloudy/ yesterday.

2. In 1990/ we/ move/ to another city.

3. When/ you/ get/ the first gift?

4. She/ not/ go/ to the church/ five days ago.

5. How/ be/ he/ yesterday?

6. and Mrs. James/ come back home/ and/ have/ lunch/ late/ last night?

7. They/ happy/ last holiday?

8. How/ you/ get there?

9. I/ play/ football/ last/ Sunday.

10. My/ mother/ make/ two/ cake/ four/ day/ ago.

11. Tyler/ visit/ his/ grandmother/ last/ month.

12. Joni/ go/ zoo/ five/ day/ ago.

13. We/ have/ fun/ yesterday.

14. My/ father/ not/ at the office/ the day/ before yesterday.

Task 4: Lựa chọn và điền dạng đúng của từ

teach cook want spend ring

be sleep study go write

1. She………………..out with her boyfriend last night.

2. Laura………………....a meal yesterday afternoon.
3. Mozart…………………..more than 600 pieces of music.
4. I…………………...tired when I came home.
5. The bed was very comfortable so they…………………..very well.
6. Jamie passed the exam because he………………...very hard.
7. My father………………...the teenagers to drive when he was alive.
8. Dave………………...to make a fire but there was no wood.
9. The little boy…….……………...hours in his room making his toys.
10. The telephone…………………. several times and then stopped before I could answer

Task 5: Write the correct form of the verbs.

1. She (not go) __________ to the store yesterday.

2. They (come) __________ to the party last night.

3. He (eat) __________ all the cake at the party last week.

4. I (drink) __________ a glass of water a few minutes ago.

5. We (not see) __________ a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

6. They (do) __________ their homework before going out.

7. __________ she (have) __________ a great time at the concert last month?

8. The chef (not make) __________ a delicious meal for us.

9. __________ he (take) __________ a taxi to the airport?

10. The teacher (say) __________ that we did a good job.

11. I (be) __________ tired after the long journey.

12. It (be) __________ a sunny day yesterday.

13. The students (be not) __________ attentive in the classroom.

14. He (be not) __________ happy with the results of the exam.

15. __________ (Be) the party fun last night?

Task 6: Arrange the words to form complete sentences.

1. Yesterday / to the beach / went / we.

2. visited / last month / London / I.

3. bought / new / car / he / a.

4. played / yesterday / they / soccer.

5. watched / last night / a movie / we.

6. cooked / dinner / for her family / yesterday / she.

7. went / school / yesterday / to / They.

8. visited / Italy / summer / last / we.

9. ate / at a restaurant / dinner / Linh/ last week

10. yesterday / was / sunny / It.

11. not / last night / were / at the concert / Hue and Lan

12. not / yesterday / at home / was / She.

13. Were / at the party / your friends / last night?

14. Did / yesterday / go / they / to the beach?

15. Did not / at the park / play / they / yesterday.

Task 7: Complete the following conversation by filling in the blanks with suitable words.
A: Did you have a good time at the party yesterday?
B: Yes, it (1. be) __________ fantastic! We (2. play) __________ games, danced, and (3. eat)
__________ delicious cake.
A: That sounds like a lot of fun. Who (4. come) __________ to the party?
B: Many people (5. come) __________, including some of our classmates and neighbors.
A: And what time (6. the party end) __________?
B: The party (7. end) __________ around 10:00 PM. We (8. say) __________ goodbye to
everyone and (9. go) __________ home.
A: I’m glad you had a great time!

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