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Experiment #13

Date April 18,2024

Title Germination
Aim To determine the best soil type to germinate red peas
Apparatus Loam, clay, red peas, water, planting pot, digital
balance, measuring cylinder, ruler.
Method 1. The planting pots with the different types of
soil were labelled.
2. 100 G of each soil type was measured with a
digital balance and placed in their respected
planting pots.
3. 2 red peas were placed in the different
planting pots.
4. 10 ml of water was measured and use to
water the peas daily for a week.
5. This process was done for a week and the
results were recorded (the different length of
each peas)
Results Pea Soil Initial Final Avg
s# Type Length/cm Length/cm Length/cm
1 Loam 1.1 3.2 3.25
2 Loam 1.1 3.3
3 Clay 1.1 2.5 3.9
4 Clay 1.1 2.8
5 Sand 1.1 1.7 2.65
6 Sand 1.1 1.9
Discussion The experiment aimed to determine the influence of
different soil types, n loam, clay, and sand, on the
germination of red peas. Germination, the process by
which a seed begins to sprout and grow into a
seedling, is crucial for plant development. The method
involved labeling planting pots with each soil type,
measuring 100g of each soil, and planting two red
peas in each pot. Over a week, the peas were watered
daily with 10ml of water, and their growth was
measured . The results revealed varying lengths of
growth for peas in each soil type, indicating the
significant impact of soil composition on germination.
Loam, which is the best soil for growth produced a
peas with average length 3.25 and the clay being
second best produced 3.9 and sand with its low water
retention produced a length of of 2.65. Loam was best
because of its good water retention and good qualities
for a soil type. Clay was second best even though it
has good water retention. This soil type just isn’t as
good as loam.
Limitations 1. Rate of sunlight affected the growth of the
2. Temperature affected the growth of seedling
Conclusion It can be concluded that when peas are placed in
different type of soils, the peas in the loam soil will
germinate the best
Reflection This experiment has benefitted me tremendously.
Carefully tracking and recording data throughout the
week helped me grasp how various soils influence
plant growth at the start. This understanding can
directly impact my daily gardening decisions by
guiding me in selecting the right soil for different
plants and regularly tracking the progress encourages
responsibility and attentiveness, skills useful for the
future experiences like jobs or having a family.

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