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Subham Dach

Bateh: D1

A|ML - Post Lab


thn with exam ple

1: Dis cuss the Mini max aqori
’ The wii max olgorithm i a deis ton - making sre for a
ysed in qawe theony to find e optinual
gawe ttheory
playea, ascumig that the oppouuut is adlo playing
optinally It wosks buy Aiuseiey explog
eauh pocci ble wove bared On He outuome
until a t i a l etate(wn,lass or draw
for exaple

stae, ib playe Xs tun to wove We uill use

Minimax algoithm to dekine the bet moe for X.
1 Conctcting t Game Tree: Ne tast by constutig
tate Ea wo de
the Ae tree tromn te wut
wnautt etate
in the tree epts a pocrsble qane tate atta
We'l) all perni ole wueue wnil
2. Teai nal state Evaa on: Oe wf. ead tesminal
stutes (uwin locs o draw)we acsign
arsiqn a vaue ho He
thates. fer tic -tac-toe we acstgn +l
+1 for a
wn, -1 for a loss q o or a draw
5. Backþropaqahidn
tsuin ateteswt propagat Hhe
Value bk the he to detwve Hhe vae
non- esil ctate. for AX nods(reprerenkne
x's tuans) maxiwm Vae of its
hild and tor MIN wods we tee He wn value
dld oded

4 Chaciy Best Hoes

finaly at he oot wode (reprutby Hue wiut
gae etate), X hooe he wwee Ht lea dy
to the waiwn va aws he ld wodea.
Let Hhat X4 wuvs reprnted laey
MAX wo des JO's
rprentd by MINnodes.
We il| <xploe hue e R atuiqn valhes o t i na
xo X
X hoose he nght ost emphy cl.
New, sta is
xo X

Neu,ik X's tusn geun. We ill Loni e

explo viy mil we ah e
tani ctutes A prepasate vaues bak up
Q:2 How Alpha- Beta pruniiy i bet Hhan
Mini ax Hgontm?
Alpha- Beta fruning VE Miwwax Agorithm
Alpha - Beha pauniy is optinizoton teuhniaqve
applied to te wuiniwos algoritom to d
e e the
nwmbeA o nodes
nodes evaatd
atd in He leas ree.
H eliate branhe Hhat we grnteed to loe
H n he bert wmone fownd eo te, treesy
eduiy he
Alpha-Bea Prning isD bete
beta an ini-max n he
follouai y pointe:
edes he
Aipha-eetn prnig ignifcanty
mbea d wo tnat ned to be
odes that
eraated) espeiay' in lage aae hrees.
I+ can prun away branches Hhat do ot
afkt he fid deiton, leadiy to wwh
tastea lead
b) Tie Coupleity: Alphe-beta Pruiy edues
tine caupleyihy of e tenh by pokntialuy
wttiy s! euti Abrees.
the toluen. lt sill guarantees
Sane beet w the bate mini-Max alaritm
bt it wue

CowpletU aach tree brasn te wil valus

ow haw tnee volies e propagat d bak
to deei de hne path to be fol lowe d


X wins. Taunad tte
Vas: o
Bak propage
Gne its x4 tun at he root ode, X ulU
choose He Dne hut lea d to he nax.
r Xic to place
entea cel

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