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Toyoda Micromatic Machinery India Private Limited

Training Feedback Form - Participant

Program Name Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Faculty/Trainer Name Ms.Risheka Faculty Agency External

Participant Name Brijbhushan kumar Emp. Code TMI086 Designation Executive-Service

Department Service Location Gurgaon Program Date 3/2/2023


Training Session Feedback - SECTION A

How will you evaluate the Faculty/Trainer on Delivery & Coverage of Contents
Excellent Very Good Average
# Criteria
(4) Good (3) (2) (1)
1 Knowledge of the Subject/Program ü
2 Quality of Presentation (Slides, Audio, Video clips etc) ü
3 Quality of delivery (Enthusiasm, interest, voice,posture & gesture) ü
4 Answering questions & doubts to participant's satisfaction ü
5 Effective Time Management during Training ü
Overall rating
How will you evaluate the Training Coordinator on facilitation/communication of the program

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

# Criteria Agree (3)
(4) (2) Disagree (1)

1 Timely and correct information about Training ü

2 Availability of adequate training aids and infrastructure ü
3 Overall coordination and facilitation of the program ü
Key learnings from the Training/Program
1 Got to know about the Posh Act
Your suggestions / Comments for further improvements

(Signature of the Employee)

Employee Training Effectiveness - Section B
Knowledge base Training: Pre and post test to be conducted and competency rating to updated based on percentage score acheived in post test, Skill Base Training: How has the
participant applied the above stated learnings at workplace (Evidence required)? (Feedback from Department Head after 3 month of the Training) - HOD Feedback on Training

1. How do you rate the effectiveness of the training? (Tick Box √ ) 3 . Further training on the same subject be given? (Tick Box)√

Below Average Strongly Disagree

Average Disagree
Good ü Agree ü
Very Good Strongly agree

2.The employee has applied his learning at work.(Tick the Box) √ 4. Your valuablable suggestions to impove the session? √

Strongly Disagree
Agree ü
Strongly agree

5. Where has the trainee applied the learning? (Verifiable Evidence shall be written)


(Signature of the Trainor) Date: _____ / _______ / ________

Policies Faculty Agency
Whistle Blower Policy Internal
Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace External
Anti Trust, Anti Corruption and Anti Bribery Internal
Program Nature


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