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Bioprocess Engineering 23 (2000) 513±521 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000

Simulation of sequential batch reactor (SBR) operation

for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus
Ho Nam Chang, Ra Kyung Moon, Byung Geon Park, Seong-Jin Lim, Dong Won Choi,
Woo Gi Lee, Seok Lyong Song, Yong Hee Ahn

Abstract Modeling of the operation of sequential batch In order to improve the quality of ef¯uents in SBR plant
reactor (SBR) was performed to ®nd out optimum design it is necessary to understand the mechanism of nutrient
parameters for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and removal, upon which we can evaluate the process perfor-
phosphorus in a small-scale wastewater treatment plant. mances with con®dence. We believe that a mathematical
The models were set up with material balances on SBR model on complex biochemical phenomena occurring in
operation and Monod kinetics. The model parameters SBR operation can provide a better insight in the design
were obtained to best ®t the experimental results in a small and operation of SBR plants under various process con-
scale SBR. The models were useful in optimizing hydraulic ditions. An especially common characteristic in Korean
retention time (HRT) and successfully simulated opera- wastewater is low in carbon content resulting in a lower
tions of SBR in a larger scale. Especially the model pre- C/N ratio. This creates a dif®culty in applying various
dicted well the reactions occurring in the ®lling period as American or European processes to the treatment of Ko-
well as the effect of dilution, and evaluated the perfor- rean wastewater. We carried out experimental studies in a
mance of SBR process under diverse operating conditions. small-scale SBR system of 30 l to de®ne important pa-
rameters affecting the process performances. The current
1 simulation study will help us understand the system be-
Introduction havior and play an important role in improving the system
A concept on wastewater has become more speci®c and performances eventually.
diverse with advances of industrial development and in-
tensi®cation of urban population. Accordingly, research
on wastewater treatment has developed into a more sys- 1.1
tematic and specialized process. Especially, the increase of Biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus
nitrogen and phosphorus discharged into a river from Nitrogen in wastewater can be removed by physico±
sewage and industrial wastewater has made self-cleaning chemical methods such as break-point chlorination,
function of the river ineffective and promoted abnormal stripping by ammonia gas desorption, and ion exchange
increase in algae growth resulting in rapid eutrophication. by clinoptilolite column packed with zeolite [1], but bi-
It was known that sequential batch reactor (SBR) is suit- ological methods receive more attention because it is
able for treating wastewater containing high nitrogen and more stable in operation and cheaper. Also it has an
phosphorus in a small and medium-size city of high advantage of simultaneous removal of nitrogen and
population density. The SBR has following advantages in a phosphorus. Nitrogen compound can be metabolized into
small-scale system: ¯exibility in operation, low construc- a protein, but its amount is not much signi®cant. How-
tion and maintenance costs, and simultaneous removal of ever, a large amount of nitrogen can be removed by
nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter oxidizing ammonia to ni-
trite and nitrate, followed by denitri®cation of hetero-
trophs that can utilize the nitrate and nitrite as electron
acceptor [2, 3].
The kinetics of nitri®cation is represented by multiple
Received: 2 November 1999 Monod kinetics and the limiting nutrients are ammonia
and oxygen concentrations. When organic nitrogen is
Ho Nam Chang (&), Ra Kyung Moon, Byung Geon Park, present in wastewater, the kinetics is limited by the
Seong-Jin Lim, Dong Won Choi, Woo Gi Lee
Department of Chemical Engineering and conversion of organic nitrogen to ammonia [3, 4]. Ex-
Bioprocess Engineering Research Center, ternal factors affecting nitri®cation are known to be
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH and temperature.
Taejon 305-701, Korea Denitri®cation is carried out mainly by facultative het-
erotrophs such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. stutzen,
Seok Lyong Song, Yong Hee Ahn Bacillus cereus, which require the presence of organic
Department of Environment Research, carbon as electron donor. Nitrate and nitrite serve as
Hyundai Research Institute,
1, Cheonha-Dong, Dong-Ku, Ulsan, Korea electron acceptor and is used partly as nitrogen source.
When COD/oxidized nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) is 3.0±
This research was supported in part by Hyundai Heavy Industries 3.5, denitri®cation can take place without a supply of
as a part of Hyundai-KAIST cooperative research program. external carbon. Methanol is widely used as an external
Bioprocess Engineering 23 (2000)

carbon source because of its cheap price [2, 5] but ac- justing operating holding time in each cycle-step can
etate is known to be best in the speed of denitri®cation maintain a wide variety of distributions in the population
[6]. of microorganisms. SBR process is known to save more
Phosphorus can be removed by repetitive operation of than 60% of expenses required for conventional activated
anaerobic and aerobic steps. In an anaerobic condition sludge process in operating cost.
microorganisms take up carbon source and accumulate
PHB, and discharge phosphorus [7]. In an aerobic con-
dition Acinetobacter spp. take phosphorus excessively to 2
store it in the form of Poly-P. At this time PHB is de- Modeling
composed and used as carbon and energy source [8].
Organic carbon source taken up in an anaerobic condi- 2.1
514 Previous work and assumptions
tion is metabolized through acetyl-CoA by Embden-
Meyerhof/Entner-Doudoroff pathway, which is incorpo- There was no modeling work on the simultaneous re-
rated into PHB and used as sink for electrons and pro- moval of nitrogen and phosphorus on SBR, but we
tons, and is used as energy source for ATP synthesis. could ®nd a similar work on activated sludge process
Poly-P is used as source of P for ATP synthesis. ATP is [9±11]. A limited model on the substrate removal in a
decomposed to ADP for energy generation, and inorganic SBR was reported [3, 9, 12, 13]. Biological removal of
P is discharged into a medium. The amount of phos- phosphorus can be found in literatures by Carucci et al.
phorus discharged in an anaerobic condition is known to [14], and Smolders et al. [15]. Several models on SBR
be proportional to the amount of short-chain volatile provide much information on the selection of state
fatty acid such as acetate. In summary, in an anaerobic variables and reaction kinetics for the modeling of SBR
step poly-P is decomposed to generate enough energy to [16±19]. Speci®cally for the modeling of nitrogen and
take up organic carbon source and convert to store it as phosphorus removal the following relationships were
PHB and liberated phosphorus is discharged into a so- summarized [6, 20]:
lution. Subsequently in an aerobic condition stored PHB
is decomposed to form ATP and phosphorus taken up 1. The amount of phosphorus discharged in an anaerobic
excessively is stored as poly-P. condition increases in proportion to the food to mi-
croorganism ratio to some extent, but beyond which it
1.2 reaches plateau. The amount increases in the beginning
SBR operation and declines later as external carbon source is ex-
SBR process consists of several time-oriented periodic hausted.
steps during which reactant is ®lled for a given time; re- 2. The amount of phosphorus which can be discharged
action is carried out batchwise; mixed liquor suspended even in the presence of external carbon sources are
solids (MLSS) is precipitated; supernatant is discharged. limited to 30±48% of the total phosphorus content of
SBR can reduce number of reactors in the process and its the microorganisms.
batch operation can improve the ef®ciency comparable to 3. The phosphorus release of microorganisms is very
that of plug ¯ow reactor. Thus SBR can control the dis- dependent on the composition of external carbon
tribution and physiological state of microorganisms which source until it reaches the limit.
are selected to grow in the reactor. Time-varying indi- 4. The amount of PHB storage increases gradually in an
vidual components of incoming wastewater in each pro- anaerobic state. The amount of PHB increased in the
cess steps can have the microorganisms to be placed under cell is in linear relationship with the decrease of car-
nutritional changes from feast to famine states. Thus ad- bohydrates (glycogen) in the cell.

Table 1. Reactions in the SBR

at the steady state Anaerobic Aerobic Anoxic

S1 Uptaken by X1 Uptaken by X1 Uptaken by X1

S2 Hydrolyzed by X3 Hydrolyzed by X3 Hydrolyzed by X3
P Released from X1 Overplus uptaken by X1 Overplus uptaken by X1 using NO
Poly-P Hydrolyzed by X1 Stored in X1 Stored in X1
PHB Stored in X1 S1 > 0: stored in X1 S1 > 0: stored in X1
S1 = 0: hydrolyzed by X1 S1 = 0: hydrolyzed by X1
NH4 Uptaken by X3 Nitri®ed to NO by X2 ±
Uptaken by X1, X3
NO ± Nitri®ed from NH4 Denitri®ed to N2
X1 Growing using S1 Growing using S1 Growing using S1
X2 Decayed Growing using NH4 Decayed
X3 Growing using S2 Growing using S2 Growing using S2
X1 = phosphorus removing microorganisms; X2 = nitrifying microorganisms; X3 = denitrifying
microorganisms; S1 = readily biodegradable substrate; S2 = slowly biodegradable substrate;
NH4 = ammonium; NO = oxidized nitrogen; poly-P = polyphosphate; PHB = poly hydro-
Ho Nam Chang et al.: Simulation of sequential batch reactor operation

Table 2. Model equations in anaerobic phase Table 4. Model equations in aerobic phase (S1 = 0)
dS1 q S1 Poly-P dS2 dS1 q
ˆ S1f S1† a 1† X1 ‡ a 4† ˆ S1f S1†
dt V a 2† ‡ S1 a 3† ‡ Poly-P dt dt V
dS2 q S2 dS2 q S2
ˆ S2f S2† a 5† X3 ˆ S2f S2† b 4† X3
dt V a 6† ‡ S2 dt V b 5† ‡ S2
dP q S1 Poly-P
ˆ Pf P† ‡ a 7† X1 If Poly-P < X1  0:04; then a ˆ 1:0; else a ˆ 0
dt V a 8† ‡ S1 a 9† ‡ Poly-P
dPoly-P q dP q PHB P
ˆ Poly-Pf Poly-P† a 10† ˆ Pf P† ab 20† X1
dt V dt V b 21† ‡ PHB b 27† ‡ P
S1 Poly-P 515
 X1 dPoly-P q
a 8† ‡ S1 a 9† ‡ Poly-P ˆ Poly-Pf Poly-P† ‡ ab 22†
dPHB q S1 Poly-P dt V
ˆ PHBf PHB† ‡ a 11† X1 PHB P
dt V a 2† ‡ S1 a 3† ‡ Poly-P  X1
b 21† ‡ PHB b 27† ‡ P
dNH4 q S2
ˆ NH4f NH4 † a 12† X3 dPHB q PHB
dt V a 6† ‡ S2 ˆ PHBf PHB† b 23† X1
dt V b 24† ‡ PHB
dNO q
ˆ NOf NO† dNH4 q NH4
dt V ˆ NH4f NH4 † b 11† X2
dX1 q S1 dt V b 12† ‡ NH4
ˆ X1f X1† ‡ a 17† X1 a 13†X1 S1 S2
dt V a 2† ‡ S1 b 28† X1 b 29† X3
dX2 q b 2† ‡ S1 b 5† ‡ S2
ˆ X2f X2† a 14†X2 If NH4 ˆ 0:0; then a ˆ 1:0; else a ˆ 0
dt V
dX3 q S2 dNO q NH4
ˆ X3f X3† ‡ a 15† X3 a 16†X3 ˆ NOf NO† ‡ b 13† X2
dt V a 6† ‡ S2 dt V b 14† ‡ NH4
dV S1 S2
ˆq a b 28† X1 ‡ b 29† X3
dt b 2† ‡ S1 b 5† ‡ S2
dX1 q PHB
ˆ X1f X1† ‡ b 25† X1 b 15†X1
dt V b 22† ‡ PHB
Table 3. Model equations in aerobic phase (S1 > 0) dX2 q NH4
ˆ X2f X2† ‡ b 16† X2 b 17†X2
dt V b 12† ‡ NH4
dS1 q S1 dS2 dX3 q
ˆ S1f S1† b 1† X1 ‡ b 3† ˆ X3f X3† b 19†X3
dt V b 2† ‡ S1 dt dt V
dS2 q S2 dV
ˆ S2f S2† b 4† X3 ˆq
dt V b 5† ‡ S2 dt
If Poly-P < X1  0:04; then a ˆ 1:0; else a ˆ 0
dP q S1 P
ˆ Pf P† ‡ ab 6† X1 5. The total amounts of PHB produced and removed total
dt V b 7† ‡ S1 b 27† ‡ P
organic carbon (TOC) are in linear relationship with
dPoly-P q S1 P the amount of phosphorus than can be discharged.
ˆ Poly-Pf Poly-P† ab 8† X1
dt V b 7† ‡ S1 b 27† ‡ P 6. PHB is stored in an aerobic condition if external car-
dPHB q S1 bon source is suf®ciently present.
ˆ PHBf PHB† ‡ b 9† X1 7. The uptake rate of phosphorus in an aerobic condition
dt V b 2† ‡ S1
dNH4 q NH4 depends on the unsaturated storage capacity of phos-
ˆ NH4f NH4 † b 11† X2 phorus in the cell and the extracellular phosphorus
dt V b 12† ‡ NH4
S1 S2 concentration.
b 28† X1 b 29† X3 8. The limiting nutrients in the nitri®cation process are
b 2† ‡ S1 b 5† ‡ S2
ammonia and oxygen.
If NH4 ˆ 0:0; then a ˆ 1:0; else a ˆ 0
9. The limiting nutrients in the denitri®cation process are
dNO q NH4
ˆ NOf NO† ‡ b 13† X2 external carbon source and nitrate ions.
dt V b 12† ‡ NH4
S1 S2
a b 28† X1 ‡ b 29† X3 2.2
b 2† ‡ S1 b 5† ‡ S2
dX1 q S1 Model equations
ˆ X1f X1† ‡ b 14† X1 b 15†X1 We formulated models based on scienti®c principles of
dt V b 2† ‡ S1
nitrogen and phosphorus removal, mass balances and
dX2 q NH4
ˆ X2f X2† b 16† X2 b 17†X2 multiple substrate Monod kinetics (Table 1). The model
dt V b 12† ‡ NH4
equations of Wentzel et al. [10] and Smolders et al. [16]
dX3 S2
ˆ q X3f X3† ‡ b 18† X3 b 19†X3 were modi®ed to ®t simultaneous removal of nitrogen and
dt b 5† ‡ S2 phosphorus in SBR (Tables 2±6). In mixed culture systems
dV external environments such as pH, temperature and sub-
dt strate composition can in¯uence the distribution of mi-
Bioprocess Engineering 23 (2000)

Table 5. Model equations in anoxic phase (S1 > 0) Table 6. Model equations in anoxic phase (S1 = 0)
dS1 q S1 NO dS1 q
ˆ S1f S1† c 1† X1 ˆ S1f S1†
dt V c 2† ‡ S1 c 27† ‡ NO dt V
S2 dS2 q S2 NO
‡ c 3† X3 ˆ S2f S2† c 4† X3
c 5† ‡ S2 dt V c 5† ‡ S2 c 12† ‡ NO
dS2 q S2 NO If Poly-P < X1  0:04; then a ˆ 1:0; else a ˆ 0
ˆ S2f S2† c 4† X3 dP q PHB P
dt V c 5† ‡ S2 NO ‡ c 27† ˆ Pf P† ac 18† X1
If Poly-P < X1  0:04; then a ˆ 1:0; else a ˆ 0 dt V c 19† ‡ PHB c 24† ‡ P
dP q S1 P dPoly-P q PHB
ˆ Pf P† ac 6† X1 ˆ Poly-Pf Poly-P† ‡ ac 20†
dt V c 7† ‡ S1 c 24† ‡ P dt V c 22† ‡ PHB
516 P
dPoly-P q S1 P b 24† ‡ P
ˆ Poly-Pf Poly-P† ‡ ac 8† X1
dt V c 7† ‡ S1 b 24† ‡ P dPHB q PHB NO
ˆ PHBf PHB† c 21† X1
dt V c 22† ‡ PHB c 12† ‡ NO
dPHB q S1
ˆ PHBf PHB† ‡ c 9† X1 dNH4 q
dt V c 10† ‡ S1 ˆ NH4f NH4 †
dt V
dNH4 q dNO q NO S2
ˆ NH4f NH4 † ˆ NOf NO† c 11† X3
dt V dt V c 12† ‡ NO c 5† ‡ S2
dNO q NO S2
ˆ NOf NO† ‡ c 11† X3 PHB NO
dt V c 12† ‡ NO c 5† ‡ S2 c 25† X1
c 2† ‡ PHB NO ‡ c 27†
c 25† X3 dN2 q
c 2† ‡ S1 NO ‡ c 27† ˆ N2f N2†
dt V
dN2 q NO S1 dX1 q PHB NO
ˆ N2f N2† ‡ c 29† X1 ˆ X1f X1† ‡ c 23† X1
dt V c 27† ‡ NO c 2† ‡ S1 dt V c 22† ‡ PHB c 12† ‡ NO
dX1 q S1 NO
ˆ X1f X1† ‡ c 13† X1 c 14†X1 c 14†X1
dt V c 2† ‡ S1 c 12† ‡ NO
dX2 q
ˆ X2f X2† c 15†X2
dX2 q dt V
ˆ X2f X2† c 15†X2 dX3 q
dt V ˆ X3f X3† c 17†X3
dX3 q S2 NO dt V
ˆ X3f X3† ‡ c 16† X3 c 17†X3 dV
dt V c 5† ‡ S2 c 12† ‡ NO ˆq

presence of the substrate and Table 4 in the absence of

crobial populations and their metabolism. The kinetic the substrate.
parameters ranged within certain limits given in several
references and we chose the values of these parameters 3 Anoxic stage (in the presence of oxidized nitrogen as
that may ®t the current simulation models (Table 7). electron acceptor)
Phosphorus-removing X1 uses its substrate in the presence
of carbon source or PHB in the absence of substrate in
1 Anaerobic stage (in the absence of oxidized nitrogen taking up excess phosphorus. This time oxidized nitrogen
and oxygen as electron acceptor) is used as electron acceptor. Denitrifying X3 denitri®es
Phosphorus-removing X1 takes up readily biodegradable oxidized nitrogen (NO3 and NO2 ) to N2 in the presence of
substrate S1 to metabolize and store it as PHB by de- substrate (carbon source) and otherwise decays. Table 5 is
composing poly-P to use its energy and release Pi. Aerobic applied in the presence of substrate and Table 6 in the
nitrifying X2 becomes inactive but facultative denitrifying absence of substrate.
X3 grows by hydrolyzing slowly biodegradable substrate
S2 (Table 2). 3
Materials and methods
2 Aerobic stage (in the presence of oxidized nitrogen and
oxygen as electron acceptor) 3.1
Phosphorus-removing X1 takes up phosphorus to store it Apparatus
as poly-P to a certain level. If carbon source is present, SBR system consists of reaction vessel, control unit, con-
the substrate is used to carry out poly-P production as stant temperature bath, various sensors and pumps. The
well as to store PHB, but PHB is used to produce poly-P reactor is made of transparent acrylic polymer through
in the absence of the substrate. Nitrifying X2 oxidizes which settlement of sludge can be observed from outside
ammonia to oxidized nitrogen using oxygen as electron and its volume is 30 l. The control unit controls closing
acceptor and ammonia as energy source and denitrifying and opening of solenoid valves for air to maintain anaer-
X3 grows using S2 as substrate. Table 3 is applied in the obic and aerobic condition with a proper cycle time. Also
Ho Nam Chang et al.: Simulation of sequential batch reactor operation

Table 7. Parameters in the model equations

Anaerobic Aerobic Anoxic

a(1) = 0.43 b(1) = 0.24 c(1) = 0.15

a(2) = 48.0 b(2) = 1.8 c(2) = 1.8
a(3) = 0.8 b(3) = 0.6 c(3) = 0.7
a(4) = 0.8 b(4) = 0.07 c(4) = 0.06
a(5) = 0.04 b(5) = 5.0 c(5) = 5.0
a(6) = 5.0 b(6) = 0.011 c(6) = 0.007
a(7) = 0.012 b(7) = 4.0 c(7) = 4.0
a(8) = 9.0 b(8) = 0.018 c(8) = 0.023
a(9) = 10.0 b(9) = 0.007 c(9) = 0.011 517
a(10) = a(7)1.8 b(10) = 2.0 c(10) = 1.8
a(11) = 0.045 b(11) = 0.016 c(11) = 0.05
a(12) = 0.003 b(12) = 1.0 c(12) = 2.7 Fig. 1. Pro®les of simulated phosphorus during sludge acclima-
a(13) = 0.0017 b(13) = 0.013 c(13) = 0.013 tion period
a(14) = 0.0021 b(14) = 0.03 c(14) = 0.0017
a(15) = 0.01 b(15) = 0.0017 c(15) = 0.0021
a(16) = 0.0024 b(16) = 0.009 c(16) = 0.04
a(17) = 0.02 b(17) = 0.0021 c(17) = 0.0024
b(18) = 0.01 c(18) = 0.007
b(19) = 0.0026 c(19) = 1.8
b(20) = 0.007 c(20) = 0.03
b(21) = 1.3 c(21) = 0.0026
b(22) = 0.02 c(22) = 8.0
b(23) = 0.021 c(23) = 0.0185
b(24) = 8.0 c(24) = 3.0
b(25) = 0.03 c(25) = 0.0034
b(27) = 3.0 c(26) = 0.0034
b(28) = 0.01 c(27) = 2.7
b(29) = 0.01 c(28) = 0.009
c(29) = 2.7

Fig. 2. Pro®les of simulated cell mass during sludge acclimation

Table 8. Operating conditions of SBR period (When surplus carbon is not available.) (X1 Phosphorus
removing heterotrophs, X2 Nitri®er, X3 Denitri®er, X4
Temp. pH DO MLSS SRT HRT rpm Anaerobes, X5 Aerobes)
(°C) (mg/l) (mg/l) (days) (h)

25  27 6.5  7.5 (Anaerobic) 0.2 3500  4000 20 6±10 280

(Aerobic) 4.0

Table 9. Composition of synthetic wastewater

Sodium acetate According to BOD loading

Glucose According to BOD loading
(NH4)2SO4 3.50 g/20 l
KH2PO4 0.51 g/20 l
MgSO4á7H2O 1.00 g/20 l
FeCl3á6H2O 0.075 g/20 l
CaCl2 0.05 g/20 l
MnSO4áH2O 0.10 g/20 l
NaHCO3 2.05 g/20 l
Fig. 3. Pro®les of simulated cell mass during sludge acclimation
period (When surplus carbon is available.) X1 Phosphrous re-
it controls the reaction conditions such as mixing rpm and moving heterotrophs, X2 Nitri®er, X3 Denitri®er, X4 Anaerobes,
X5 Aerobes)
pumping rates of in¯uent and ef¯uent streams. The con-
stant temperature bath maintains the reaction vessel
temperature and pH controller keeps pH within a limit. 3.2
Decanter is made of stainless ®lter and its height is ad- SBR operation
justed in accordance with the amount of sludge. It also The reactor was operated with a working volume of 30 l of
prevents the discharge of scum. The electrodes for dis- wastewater and 7±10 l of precipitated sludge volume. The
solved oxygen and pH were installed at the wall of the time for ®lling period was about 10±20 min and the dis-
reactor vessel. charging time through the decanter was 30 min±1 h. The
Bioprocess Engineering 23 (2000)

Fig. 4. Comparison of experimental data and simulational results.

(Anaerobic-Aerobic-Anoxic: 2.5±3±3 h)


Fig. 5. Simulation results according to the BOD loading

reaction was carried out for 6±10 h of hydraulic retention

time (HRT) using time controller. In an anaerobic step
nitrogen was introduced to lower oxygen concentration
below 0.2 ppm and in an aerobic step oxygen concentra-
tion was maintained over 4 ppm by introducing air.
Samples were taken every 1±3 h to be ®ltered with glass±
®ber ®lter (Whatman) and analyzed. By varying pH,
temperature, HRT, and composition of synthetic waste-

Fig. 6 a Simulated results according to HRT (BOD ˆ 100 ppm).

b Simulated results according to HRT (BOD ˆ 200 ppm)
Ho Nam Chang et al.: Simulation of sequential batch reactor operation

Table 10. Operating strategy and removal ef®ciencies of 2 cycles/day (h)

Fill period Reaction period Period Removal rate (%)

Anaerobic Aerobic Anoxic Anaerobic Aerobic Anoxic Settle Drain TP TN

Time # 6 3 1 2 ± ±
#1 3 3 0 0 1 2 1 2 77 87
#2 0 6 0 0 0 3 1 2 88 89
#3 2 2 2 0 2 1 1 2 92 96

Table 11. Operating strategy and removal ef®ciencies of 3 cycles/day (h) 519
Fill period Reaction period Period Removal rate (%)

Anaerobic Aerobic Anoxic Anaerobic Aerobic Anoxic Settle Drain TP TN

Time # 4 2.5 0.5 1 ± ±

#1 2 2 0 0 1 1.5 0.5 1 87 83
#2 0 4 0 0 0 2.5 0.5 1 95 94
#3 1 2 1 0 1 1.5 0.5 1 92 94

water, optimal values of operating parameters on SBR in for phosphorus removal (X1), nitri®er (X2) and denitri®er
maximizing nitrogen and phosphorus removal rates were (X3) become dominant as the treatment time progresses.
obtained. The sludge acclimation conditions were con- Figure 2 shows the distribution of the microbial popula-
trolled at 25 °C and pH of 7±8. A steady-state experimental
condition is given in Table 8.

Influent wastewater
Synthetic wastewater was used in this experiment and its
composition is given in Table 9.

Concentration of NO2 , NO3 , NH‡
4 and PO4 were measured
with eutrophication meter (HC-1000, Central Kagaku, Ja-
pan). Total nitrogen and phosphorus was measured by the
methods described in Standard Methods [21].

Results and discussion

Simulation in the start-up period
The microbial concentration responsible for the removal
of nitrogen and phosphorus is generally low in the start-up
period. Thus the simulation shows that the distributions
and cell density of the microorganisms would approach
those of desired ones with the treatment progressing. We
de®ned the ®ve different microorganisms categories as
phosphorus-removing X1, nitri®er X2 (autotrophs), den-
itri®er X3, anaerobic heterotrophs X4 and aerobic het-
erotrophs X5. The material balances of PHB, ammonia,
oxidized nitrogen, growth and deactivation of microbial
cells, and discharge and uptake of phosphorus were rep-
resented with Monod kinetics in anaerobic, aerobic and
anoxic conditions of oxygen.
Figure 1 shows clearly that discharge and uptake of
phosphorus become stabilized as the sludge becomes ac-
climated. Figures 2 and 3 show that the microorganisms Fig. 7. Simulation results of 2 cycles/day operations in Table 10
Bioprocess Engineering 23 (2000)

tions in the absence of periodic supply of external carbon

source while Fig. 3 shows those in the presence of the
external carbon. In both cases simple anaerobic (X4) and
aerobic (X5) microorganisms decay with time while X1, X2
and X3 become dominant. Hence we did not included X4
and X5 in the following simulation programs applicable to
the acclimated sludge.

Measured and simulated concentrations
520 of N and P in the SBR system
The measured values of nitrogen and phosphorus con-
centrations in the SBR system are in good agreements with
those predicted by the simulation study (Fig. 4). An initial
phosphorus concentration of 6 ppm increases to 11 ppm
and decreases to 3 ppm at the end of cycle time when 2.5 h
of anaerobic, 3 h of aerobic, and 3 h of anoxic cycles are
applied. The ®tness of the experimental results to those by
the simulation justi®es the validity of the various param-
eters assumed in the simulation study to some extent.

Efficiency of phosphorus removal with BOD loading
Figure 5 shows the removal ef®ciency of P with BOD
loading. When the BOD loading is only 100 ppm, the ®nal P
concentration drops from 6 to 2 ppm. But when the BOD
loading is raised to 350 ppm, the ®nal P level can drop to
nearly zero. When the initial BOD loading is not high, then
extent of uptake and discharge of P becomes smaller. This
will result in less ef®cient removal of P. Thus this simula-
tion result shows that the in¯uent wastewater should have a
minimum level of BOD for the ef®cient removal of P.

Variation of HRT Fig. 8. Simulation results of 3 cycles/day operations in Table 11
Varying HRTs with the BOD loadings of 100, 200 ppm
could yield optimized removal rates of N and P within a
shorter cycle time (Fig. 6). Six hours of cycle time with V0 (sludge volume) = 500 ton
1±3±2 h (anaerobic±aerobic±anoxic) at 200 ppm BOD Q (in¯uent ¯ow rate) = 167 ton/h
loading was found to have best removal rates for N and P Q¢ (ef¯uent ¯ow rate) = 500 ton/h
(Fig. 6b).
3 cycles/day:
HRT = 8 h,
4.5 V (working volume) = 1000 ton
Simulation of full scale SBR process system V0 (sludge volume) = 500 ton
An advantage of large-scale SBR plant is to have ¯exible Q (in¯uent ¯ow rate) = 125 ton/h
®lling time. During the ®lling period aerobic, anaerobic Q¢ (ef¯uent ¯ow rate) = 500 ton/h
and anoxic condition can be imposed to carry out desired
reactions. Also the precipitated sludge can function as The results of these simulations are given in Tables 10, 11
dilution reservoir to prevent shock loading. In a large- and Figs. 7, 8. Having 3 cycles/day operation could have a
scale SBR ®lling period can take 25±75% of the total cycle much smaller reactor size than that of 2 cycles/day. This
time and reaction period can range from 0 to 50%. The simulation for a large-scale plant can be a valuable tool for
time for precipitation is relatively constant as 0.5±1.5 h the optimization of the reactor size and performance of
depending on the sludge volume index (SVI). The dis- SBR system.
charge time may take 5±30% of the total cycle time.
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