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1. What are your Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives?

2. Do you have a citizen's charter? If yes, do you effectively follow your

citizen's charter? How?

3. Do you have a feedback form? How do feedback forms help your


4. What is the organizational structure of DILG, and what are the

functions of each?

5. Do you apply the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) in your office? How?

Yes actually adding Kasi in our department kasi we promoting,

advocating the anti red tape so how we follow nga and how we
advocate this is to ensure that we followed the protocols here into us
with the regional office and the central office and we are binded kasi
by the QMS (quality management system) an example would be dejay
mesa nga frontline service mi which is the ajay panagited mi ti
assistance iti claimants iti barangay, deceased barangay and sk officials
so once gamin nga adda agrequest nga natayan ditoy ayan mi i-
proccess mi ditoy and haan mabalin nga agjump suna to the next level
the regional office and the central office dapat step by step so the
claimants will go first to the appeal officer the LGOO ( Local
Government Operations Officer) concerned and then i-ensure na nga
kompleto dejay documents as to the CCSRF (CITIZENS CHARTERS
SERVICE REQUEST FORM) nga provided ti central office and then after
that i-endorse da kinyami by intranet this is time for the deceased
barangay officials so by levels dejayen into channels by LGU mapan
regional office and then regional to central office. So central office ton
makaammo ton nga mangi throw dagiti concern ngem most especially
dagitoy check request tayo detoy pundo ti DBM (DEPARTMENT OF
BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT) Kasi DBM iti mangted ti pundo so i- allot
danton I download danton ditoy office and then let's say 2-3 months
maited minton dejay assistance parakadejay natay.

6. Do you apply the Data Privacy Act in your office? How?

Yes adding an example again would be agijay clients nga agrerequest iti
emails and even umay agrequest personally iti master list iti cities,
municipalities, barangays, and sk officials dagijay contact informations
da. Since adda Data Privacy Act (DPA) tayo saan mi sigud ited kenyada
agijay informations nga masapol da especially dagijay contact
informations da kasi syempre personal dejayen haan nga inted ti
gobyerno kinyada dagijay cellphone numbers da iso nga jay iteted mi
laeng ket agijay nagan da actually kasi addan agijay padas min nga
before nga matawtawagan da and maharharas da so for them to be
kept secret, confidential nga talagan isesecure mi met nga talaga
dagijay local officials tayo so nga dagijay nagan lng ti iteted mi.

7. Do you manage records of your personnel? How?

Yes we maintain the records of our personnel so first in compiles with

the administrative requirements we required the our/ the personnel to
submit their daily time record monthly so binulan agsubsubmit the ti
time record da nga mailolog djay office ta kasi adda personnel mi nga
naka detained or naka station kada LGU so every month agsubsubmit
da t DTR's dah ditoy, maisubsubmit jy regional then also yearly adda ti
PDS kin SALN nga isusubmit da metlang ken as well to monitor their
performance tapno makita no maububra met lang ti dapat nga ubraen
dah they're required to submit the monthly accomplished report and
REVIEW) every semester

8. How do you classify records, is it through numerical, alphabetical, or

alphanumeric? And what is its importance?

Ditoy provincial office mi regional office mi ken dijay central office so

ang communication namin mostly income (incoming) communication
mi come from central office, central office down to regional office and
regional office down to provincial office and then provincial office down
to field office jy LGU's so sikami nga adda ditoy provincial office dagijay
marecieved mi nga communications kasla kuma income (incoming)
communications mailolog da by a adda log sheet mi nya adda
customize log sheet mi alphanumeric t panag classify na pero daily kasi
suna niya daily nga mairecrecord suna and then sorted depende no
anya klase nga communication letter, memo , advisories so ado, ado t
classification t records na so kasjay, kasjay t classification na iti income
(incoming) communications. No outgoing communications met
meaning agijay iwawarmi nga advisories to a different agencies national
government agencies functionals ken LGU's so jay out going
communications so sabali met lng t log sheet na ejay mairecrecord met
lng isuna and then maikabkabilan met lang ti alphanumeric nga control
code kunami dtoy and then ditoy DILG adda kasi document
management system mi online isuna dijay t paka upuploadan dagiti
amin-amin nga incoming kin outgoing communications and then iti
maka access laeng ket ni record officer mi which is ditoy provincial
office ket siyak, siyak laeng iti adda access na tapno no adda ti
confidential nga communication or records, ti lang makaammo ket ni
provincial record kinni record officer kasjay.

9. What are the most significant policies under the Civil Service
Commission that you follow in your office?

First and foremost ding ti talaga nga ikwakwa ti civil service ket jy
prescribe ti working hours mi which is 8 hours so here in the office the
DILG we observed dejay flexi time schedule so every Monday 8-5 or we
can log in 7:30 (am) Basta saan nga aglabes t 8 am kase late dejayen no
Kwan so upon competing jy 8 hours mabalin min ag out so no simbrek
kami t 7:30 mabalin kami ag out ti 4:30 pm basta ma kompleto jy 8
hours. During Tuesday to Friday mabalin kami ag in t 8:30 am. Usually,
diba dagijy daddoma ket 8-5 lng, ajay gamin ti standard 8-5 ngem gapo
ta adda ti flexi time schedule mi mabalin kami ag turn in ti 8:30 am ti
bigat ngem no naglabes 8:30 am late ajayen, iso nga no 8:30 am kami
nga nag in dapat 5:30 pm t out mi kasi talaga nga i-komokompleto mi
jay 8 hours then also dejay office attire kasi saan nga mabalin agiti crop
tops kas kada tattered jeans kin t office iso nga we follow dejay
appropriate office uniform.

10. How do these policies contribute to the success of your daily

So dejay in mi ti office ah ti kwa niya ti 8 hours jay pinag trabaho mi ti 8
hours so no dejay saan kami ma la-late or no saan kami ag under time
so jay productivity mi jay efficiency mi nga kas employado ditoy talaga
nga ma meet mi met djay no Anya talaga dapat nga target mi nga
ubraen dejay nga aldaw so 100 percent maubra mi ken no adda pay
mabalin mi nga ubraen para iti kabigatan we can do it or we can
achieve to our dejay panang observed mi dejay working hours mi.

11. How strict are you in implementing and following these policies?

Iti maisite ko adding about ket the department is a like in a bamboo

bendable siay but not fadable Kasi with in comes to the welfare
personnel ti DILG no adda ti Makita da nga kasapolan na adda iti maited
nga coaching, mentoring, and counseling Kasi Makita talaga nga
kasapolan nga jay mental awareness iti tao iso talaga ejay iti nakitkita
mi ken iproprivide mi ti central office Kasi adda met dagijay monthly
soon nga iproprivide ti under HR dagijay and then within in comes
naman iti performances iti personnel adda iti panag monitor dah kitaen
dah dejay productivity, performance basis agijy efficiency mi jay
performance mi ag subsubmit kami iti ejay SPMS (Strategic
Performance Management System) mi performance monitoring system
mi dijay mi igagauge if effective Kam pay ba jay iggem mi nga programs
projects and activities no masapol ba nga adda coaching nga Iprovide
da kinyami at the same time kitaen da no ma hit ba dejay inkabil mi nga
targets so kumbaga kitaen da jay target versus actual no ma meet mi ba
Amin nga deliverables nga expected mi
12. How does DILG utilize e-governance in its operations?

Okey. Since adda tayo metten iti panawen nga inevitable'n jay
pinagusar'n jay technology'n kanyatayo Kasi once ngamin nga di Tayo
Iadopt mabalinen nga mapagiwanan Tayon ti panawenen so adopted to
change ti DILG at the same time I-ensure mi LATTA nga we provide t
technical assistance dagiti clients especially kadagiti LGU'S iddi
panawen ti COVID outbreak in-ensure mi any means possible any
travels possible ket inusar mi an example would be zoom so
agconconduct kami iddi iti monthly conferences via zoom iddi and then
Amin nga IEC'S dissemination nga ususaren mi pay ket social media
Facebook lang unay nag create kami ti mesa, duwa, tallo nga page ti
DILG nga sabasabali nga programa ejayen to implement talaga
kumbaga massive nga implementation dagiti programs ti DILG tapno
maibaga nga awa nga in implement an ti rason nga haan mi nga
naispread talaga dejay programa nga intended mga Maipan ti under ah
para kadagiti grassroots levels.

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