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Definition of Direct speech

Direct speech refers to the verbatim quoting or reporting of someone's exact words, as they
were spoken or written, without any alteration or paraphrasing. In direct speech, the speaker's
words are enclosed within quotation marks (" ") to indicate that they are being directly
quoted. This form of speech is used to relay conversations, statements, or dialogue precisely
as they were originally expressed by the speaker or writer

Definition of indirect speech

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech or indirect discourse, refers to the act of
reporting or conveying what someone else has said without quoting their exact words
verbatim. Instead of directly quoting the speaker, indirect speech involves paraphrasing or
summarizing their original statement while maintaining the meaning and intention of the
message. In indirect speech, the reported words are typically integrated into the structure of a
reporting sentence, often introduced by reporting verbs such as "said," "told," "asked," etc.
This form of speech is commonly used in writing and conversation to relay information,
statements, or dialogue in a more indirect or summarized manner.

CONTOH: Inggris

Direct Speech:

 It is the direct quotation of someone's words.

 It is enclosed in quotation marks (" ").
 Example: He said, "I like that food."

Indirect Speech:

 It is a way of reporting what someone said without quoting them directly.

 It does not use quotation marks.
 The sentence structure is often changed to fit proper grammar.
 Example: He said that he liked that food.

So, in direct speech, we quote directly what someone said, while in indirect speech, we report
what was said without quoting directly.
CONTOH: Indonesia

Direct Speech (Pidato Langsung):

 Merupakan ucapan langsung dari seseorang.

 Kutipan langsung dari apa yang dikatakan seseorang.
 Biasanya ditandai dengan tanda kutip (" ").
 Contoh: Dia berkata, "Saya suka makanan itu."

Indirect Speech (Pidato Tidak Langsung):

 Merupakan cara untuk menceritakan kembali apa yang dikatakan seseorang tanpa mengutipnya
secara langsung.
 Tidak menggunakan tanda kutip.
 Kalimatnya sering kali diubah untuk menyesuaikan dengan tata bahasa yang benar.
 Contoh: Dia mengatakan bahwa dia menyukai makanan itu.

Jadi, dalam direct speech, kita mengutip langsung apa yang dikatakan seseorang, sementara dalam indirect
speech, kita menceritakan kembali apa yang dikatakan tanpa mengutip langsung.

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