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College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Department of Marketing

Strategies to make your product Go viral on Social Media

Presented to
Prof. Maria Stella G. Codas
Marketing Department
College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Mindanao State University – Main Campus
Marawi City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of
Special Topics in Marketing

Presented by
Ms. Gerlie Mae O. Cabal

April 19, 2023



A pleasant morning ladies and gentlemen!

So, we’re going to talk a little bit today about how to make your product go viral on
social media. I know that some of you aspire to work as businessmen or CEOs. what
else? Yes! But how can our product go viral if there are over a hundred or maybe
thousands of hours of videos uploaded on any social media platform every minute. And
of that, only a tiny percentage ever goes viral and gets tons of views.
Let's quickly define social media before we go into those strategies.
So, today’s society, the use of social media has become a necessary daily activity.
Social media is typically used for social interaction and access to news and information,
and decision making. It is a valuable communication tool with others locally and
worldwide, as well as to share, create, and spread information. Social media can
influence consumer’s purchase decisions through reviews, marketing tactics and
Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok help individuals
connect with friends and family, share content, and form relationships. Additionally,
businesses use social media as a key digital marketing strategy to achieve success and

What does it mean being viral on social media?

The term "viral" on social media refers to any content that has become widely shared
and talked about by a large number of people. This can include posts, images, videos,
or links that are frequently shared and viewed by users on various social media
platforms. Going viral can occur organically, when users are naturally drawn to the
content and share it with their followers, or it can be the result of a well-planned
marketing strategy. In short, a viral post is one that has gained a significant amount of
attention and engagement, often beyond what the original poster anticipated.

What is Viral marketing?

Viral marketing is like coronavirus, you think it’s just the small flu, but before long, it
spreads everywhere and conquers the world. The only difference is that people would
love to experience viral marketing, unlike COVID-19.
“Viral marketing is a sales technique that involves organic or word-of-mouth information
about a product or service to spread at an ever-increasing rate.”

Marketing is labeled “viral” when it hits the stage that it is shared by the wider population
rather than just the brand’s target market. If you achieve that, your post will be in just
about everyone’s social media feed.

There are several reasons you may want to go viral. To promote a certain product or get
your users to talk about how great your product is. Its main motive is to build an overall
image of your brand in the minds of people.

Why viral marketing?

Viral marketing is even better than paid promotions. It involves little to no advertising
costs in the long term. The aim of viral marketing is to make your content so appealing
that people share it on their own.

Viral marketing has a huge role to play in creating an image for your brand. It also
increases brand awareness as the content you create would attract potential customers.

BODY: 5 strategies to make your product Go viral on social media.

1. Find the right target audience

(First, we have)

Finding the right target audience or simply know your audience first. It all begins and
ends with your audience. You must learn your audience inside and out, no shortcuts! Do
some research. When you know about your target audience and what they like, you will
be able to create content that relates to them and holds the potential to get shared and
end up being viral.
Example: Target audiences are focused on a particular demographic. These can be
adults, adolescents, kids, females or males.

(After finding your target audience, what next?)

2. Pick the right social media platforms

(Second strategy is picking the right social media platform)

Choosing the right platform allows you to make your social media activity as effective as
possible. Please note that although your target audience may have accounts on all
platforms, you need to find the one that they really use and where they are active or
which platform, they use the most.

However, keep in mind that you will have to create content depending on the platforms
that you choose. For example, for Instagram, you need to create stories, feed posts, as
well as reels. While for Twitter, you need to create short and crisp tweets.

3. Partner with the right influencers and creators

Influencers and creators have become a huge part of social media. Since followers trust
influencers, they're more inclined to accept recommendations. A chance to go viral.
Influencers usually stay on top of trends, so working with the right ones breathes new
life into your marketing strategy. This increases your chance of reaching a new
audience. Influencers and creators may broaden the audience for your business, raise
awareness, and strengthen your community.

However, there are some factors to consider when pairing with the right influencers and
creators. Look at engagement rate, make sure they are reliable, quality content, posting
frequently and look out for red flags.

Example: Ivana Alawi is an actress,

model and social media personality.
One of the most subscribed Filipino
celebrity on YouTube over 16.4
million subcribers.

4. Post at the right times

To make sure that your content reaches as many people as possible, you need to time
its release. That is, you have to figure out the best times to post on social media to be
able to post during times when your audience is the most active. The ideal time to post
will depend upon your target audience’s social platform and habits and preferences.
Example: Instagram users are the most likely to interact with content during work hours
mid-day and mid-week. And that makes sense — it is a perfect time to take a break
from work or school and do some scrolling. (And liking. And commenting.)

Weekends are typically the worst days to post and don’t tend to have much
engagement. Maybe because people are out and about in the real world instead of
scrolling Instagram.

5. Appeal to emotions

All viral campaigns are driven by how they make people feel. When you create content
that generates emotion, people are more likely to engage with it. Think of some social
posts that you still remember. Did they make you laugh, cry, nostalgic, or angry?
Whatever marketing campaigns come to your mind might have made you feel a certain
way. And you need to do the same in order to make people remember your campaign.

Example: (Video presentation)


Therefore, creating a viral hit requires a great deal of luck but sometimes it is in your
hand to increase your chances of going viral. Using these FIVE strategies, you may
quickly become a social media sensation. It is essential to make your product worth
talking about. Once they love it, it will be lot simpler to persuade them to discuss it and
tell their friends about it. A viral piece of content will either sell the customer on your
product or create a unique memory in your ideal customer’s mind. Due to this memory,
the next time a customer thinks about purchasing products, they’ll think of you first. One
of the most powerful ways to make a business stand out.

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