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Catching Up With Friends: Conversation 2


Man: Jane?

Woman: Mark? Hi - it's been ages since I last saw you. How are you and Jackie?

Man:Yeah, good thanks!

Woman: And your new baby - George, isn't it?

Man: Hah - you've got a good memory! Yes, he's 2 now. What about you? Are you still working in
the health centre?

Woman: Yes - for the time being, but we're moving in a couple of months. Anyhow, I'd better go. I'm
late for work. Lovely to see you again!

Man: Yeah, likewise. Keep in touch!


1. The man and the woman haven't seen each other recently: True
“Hi - it's been ages since I last saw you.”

2. The woman doesn't have a good memory: False

“Hah - you've got a good memory!”

3. The woman has stopped working in the health centre: False

“Are you still working in the health centre?”
“Yes - for the time being.”

4. The woman is going to move soon: True

“but we're moving in a couple of months”

5. The man is happy he saw the woman: True

“Lovely to see you again!”
“Yeah, likewise. Keep in touch!”

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