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Expressions for Catching Up With Someone

“How have you been?” “I’ve been [adjective].”

“Ive been Good/Ok/all right/busy/tired/swamped”

“What have you been up to?” “I’ve been working.”

“I’ve been studying.

“I’ve been hanging out.”

“I’ve been hanging out.”

“I’ve been sitting at my computer.”

“I’ve been taking care of my kids.”

“I’ve been visiting family.”

“How has [noun phrase] been going?” “It’s been [adjective].”

“How has [business/work/school] been going?” “It’s been Good/crazy/busy/interesting!”

“Have you been [verbing]ing lately?” “Have you been working

out/cooking/travelling lately?”

“Yes, all the time!” All the time!

“Here and there.”

“Ah, now and then.”

“I haven’t been [verb]ing much lately.”

“Mm, I haven’t been cooking much lately, no.”

“No, I stopped [verbing]ing at a past point in


No, I stopped working out about 3 months ago.

I got really busy.”

LINDA: Hey! How did your physics exam go?

FRANK: Not bad, thanks. I’m just glad it’s over! How about you … how’d your presentation go?

LINDA: Oh, it went really well. Thanks for helping me with it!

FRANK: No problem. So … do you feel like studying tomorrow for our math exam?

LINDA: Yeah, sure! Come over around 10:00, after breakfast.

FRANK: All right. I’ll bring my notes.

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