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Theme 1
Frecuency Adverbs
This adverbs are words that indicate how often an action happens.They provide
information about it.

Common frecuency adverbs

• Always
• Usually
• Often
• Sometimes
• Rarely
• Seldom
• Never

Placement of frecuency adverb

Subject+Frecuency adverb+Main clause+Compl.
She never is late for school

Special clauses
Sometimes is the only adverb that can start a sentence

Write 2 sentences with each frecuency adverb

• She seldom sleep late
• I always play in ninten
Theme 2

Will VS Going to
Introduccion:Will and going to are be used to talk about future

Will:Is used for inmediate decisions,promises,offers,predictions with out


Going to:Is used for plans,intetions,predictions based on evidence

Placement of willand going to

Will= Subject+Will+Main action+Compl.
I wil call you later

Going to: Subject+Am/Is/Are+Going to+Main action+Compl.

She is going to graduate in 2 months

Write 5 sentences usimg will
1. I will do my homework
2. She will bake a cake for the party
3. He will finish his work before the dinner
4. They will do cakes for my mom
5. We will sing in the conncert tomorrow

Write 5 sentences use going to

1. I am going to graduete in 5 months
2. We are going to travel a Italia in the last year
3. She is going to the gym to work out
4. I am going to the store to buy some candys
5. He is going to the doctor for a check-up

Theme 3
Simple Past
Simple past tense:Is used to describe an action that happended and
was completed in the past

Regular verbs add “ed” to the base form of the verb (Example: walk-walked)

• Completed actions
• Habits in the past
• Squential actions

Change the following statements intho simple past tense
1.They collect caids

They collected caids

2.Yoy arrive late yesterday morning

Yoy arrived late yesterday morning

3.She listens to spotify

She listened to spotify

4.He plays baseball

He played baseball

5.Morry study english

Morry studied english

6.They watch movies

They watched movies

7.She dance in the party

She danced in the party

Theme 4
Pronouns and Possesive Pronouns
Pronouns are words used to avoid repetition.They stand for
persons,places,places,things or ideas

Types of pronouns
• Personal pronouns replace specific nouns:I,you,he,she,it,we and they
• Demonstrative pronouns
• Interrogative pronouns

Possesive pronouns show ownership or possesion at same

• Mine Yours
• Ours Its
• His Theirs
• Has

Chose the correct pronoun in each statement
1. MY my/mine brother planted a tree
2. Anna finished HER her/hers homework too late
3. CARS car/cars family enjoys vacation
4. The car over there is MINE my/mine
5. Angela likes to wear HER her/hers hair long

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