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Scientia Horticulturae 250 (2019) 113–120

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Scientia Horticulturae
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Excess water loss induced by simulated transport vibration in postharvest T


Xiaopeng Weia, Dandan Xiea, Linchun Maoa, , Changjie Xub, Zisheng Luoa, Ming Xiaa,
Xiaoxiao Zhaoa, Xueyuan Hana, Wenjing Luc
College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Agro-Food Processing, Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Postharvest Handling of Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310058, China
College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Integrative Biology, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, 310058, China
Institute of Food Science, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou, 310021, China


Keywords: Fruit usually suffers from water loss after transportation and storage, which largely blemishes the quality
Water loss characteristics including appearance, saleable weight and texture. This study was conducted to interpret the
Cell damage potential relations between fruit water loss and transport vibration. Kiwifruit were subjected to vibration using
Kiwifruit an electrodynamic shaker followed by storing at 25 °C and 75% RH (relative humidity) in dark for 12 d. Fruit
weight loss and water content in the epidermis (EP), outer pericarp (OP), inner pericarp (IP) and core tissues
Simulated transport vibration
were determined. Shrinkage of EP cells and water movement were evaluated using laser scanning confocal
microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging, respectively. Cell damage was investigated by observing the ul-
trastructure and electrolyte leakage. The results showed that fruit water loss was accompanied with the spatial
movement of water from interior IP, OP and external EP. Vibration damaged the fruit cells with plasmolysis,
membrane contracting and increased electrolyte leakage, which accelerated movement of water from the tissues
to outward resulting in severe water loss of fruit. However, the electrolyte leakage and water content in the core
were little changed in both control and vibrated fruit. Shrinkage of EP cells coupled with fruit shrivel appeared
by 4 d of storage after vibration. However, the symptom in control fruit was not observed until 8 d of storage. It
could be concluded that the simulated transport vibration caused intracellular damage in fruit tissues, which
accelerated the water loss and shriveling process.

1. Introduction tissue to the outer surface, and allows the fruit to maintain a high water
content (Veraverbeke et al., 2003; DíazPérez et al., 2007). Mechanical
Water is the unique universal solvent accounting for a major pro- damage including surface and internal damage that occur in different
portion of fresh fruit (De Ita and Flores, 2017), and is involved in fruit harvest and postharvest stages can greatly accelerate the rate of
material transport (Rancic et al., 2015), physiological and biochemical water loss from fruit (Li and Thomas, 2014). Surface damage allows
reactions (Bondada and Shutthanandan, 2012; Morinaga and Sykes, greater flux of water as a liquid and vapors through the damaged epi-
2015), and maintains the appearance (Burdon et al., 2014) and firmness dermis (Workneh et al., 2012). However, the relations between in-
of fruit (Tsuchida et al., 2008). Fruit quality and postharvest life are tracellular damage and fruit water loss have not been reported.
highly determined by water loss which causes fruit shrivel and Transportation is necessary to distribute fruit after harvest, but vi-
browning (Lin et al., 2010; Burdon et al., 2014), fresh weight loss and bration generated by vehicles during road transportation is one of the
deterioration (Li et al., 2011). Water loss from harvested fruit con- major causes for critical surface and internal damage to fruit
tinuously occurs through transpiration (Leide et al., 2007) that strictly (Zeebroeck et al., 2007; Fadiji et al., 2016). The physical and chemical
depends on the epidermis features and environmental conditions property changes of fruit caused by vibration have been tested by Li
(Morandi et al., 2007). The fruit epidermis acts as a critical barrier to et al. (2000) and Zhou et al. (2007). Much attention has been paid to
resist the movement of water both as a liquid and vapors from fruit assess mechanical damage to different species of fruit during transport,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: linchun@zju.edu.cnl (L. Mao).

Received 18 October 2018; Received in revised form 14 January 2019; Accepted 4 February 2019
Available online 20 February 2019
0304-4238/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Wei, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 250 (2019) 113–120

including apples (Vursavus and Ozguven, 2004), pears (Berardinelli

et al., 2005), tomatoes (Wu and Wang, 2014) and kiwifruit
(Tabatabaekoloor et al., 2013). Unlike surface damage, the internal
damage is difficult to be detected and assessed quantitatively mainly
due to the invisible wound, but could cause rapid deterioration to
subjected fruit in a short period of time (Li et al., 2013). This damage is
a critical problem affecting the fruit firmness and ripening (Li et al.,
2000), sugar and acid contents (Montero et al., 2009; Alfatni et al.,
2013), internal browning (Gonzalez et al., 2001) and core breakdown
(Milczarek et al., 2009).
Kiwifruit is a popular and commercial fruit partly due to its deli-
cious flavor and succulence, but the fruit commonly suffers from the
surface damage (Lallu et al., 1999; Tabatabaekoloor et al., 2013) and
internal damage during the transport (Li et al., 2000). In addition, ki-
wifruit had a propensity to shrivel when suffering from water loss
(Burdon and Clark, 2001). Our previous study noticed that shrivel of Fig. 2. Transverse image of kiwifruit with tissue annotation.
kiwifruit became particularly obvious after simulated transport vibra-
tion, although there was no visible damage on the fruit surface. In this
study, the contributions of the internal damage and real-time water loss
on vibration-mediated shrivel in kiwifruit were investigated by de-
terminations of water movement and cell ultrastructure including cell
wall and membrane integrity.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Fruit and vibration

Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv. Xuxiang) with similar size and

shape, free from mechanical damage or infections, were harvested at
commercial maturity (firmness 115.5 ± 5.0 N, soluble solids content
12.0 ± 0.3%) in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. The electro-
dynamic vibration system (D–200–3, Suzhou Sushi Testing Instrument
Co., China) consisting of a RC–2000 digital vibration controller, a SA–3
power amplifier and a D–200–3 vibration shaker with a platform
(500 × 500 × 30 mm), was used to simulate transport vibration. An
accelerometer fixed at the bottom of the platform, and the computer Fig. 3. Weight loss of kiwifruit over 12 d of storage. 0 d, immediate determi-
installed with LMS Test Lab software were used for data acquisition and nation after vibration. Data are the mean ± SD of triplicate measurement and
analysis (Fig. 1). Vibration sweep tests were done to determine the compared by one-way ANOVA. Different letters above the points indicate sig-
frequencies with the response on the platform, by sweeping over the nificantly different values (P < 0.05) by LSD test.

frequency ranges normally encountered road transportation. The 85

kiwifruit were fixed in foam-rubber cushion, and the fruit were placed
about 2–3 cm apart to avoid friction for each other. Kiwifruit on the
platform were subjected to vibration at 20 Hz at an amplitude of 0.9 g at
specified duration of 5 h (Fadiji et al., 2016), followed by storing in an
incubator (HWS, Ningbo Southeast Instrument Co., China) in dark at
25 °C and 75% RH for 12 d. Three replicates were conducted for the
vibration test and fruit without vibration were set as control. The ki-
wifruit after vibration had no visible damage on the surface.

2.2. Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM)

Cellular morphology of the epidermis (EP) was observed using

LSCM according to Wei et al. (2018). Cubes (2 × 2 × 2 mm) of EP
tissue were excised with a razor blade and embedded in freezing
medium (Leica Biosystems, USA) and cooled to −20 °C. Frozen cubes
were cut into sections of 10 μm in thickness using a microtome (Leica
CM 1520, Leica Microsystems Co., Germany). The sections were ob-
Fig. 1. Schematic layout of vibration system. Test parameters were given to the served under a Leica TCS-SP8 laser scanning confocal microscope (Leica
computer installed with LMS Test Lab software. RC-200 vibration controller Microsystems Co., Germany) with a HCX PL APO CS10 ×/0.40 DRY
directed the SA-3 power amplifier to amplify the signal from the computer and objective using a fluorescence excitation filter at 470–495 nm and
to drive the D-200-3 shaker for simulating transport vibration. And then the emission filter at 510–550 nm. Fluorescence image processing was ac-
vibration parameters were detected and monitored by the accelerometer that complished using LAS-AF 1.6.3 software (Leica Microsystems Co.,
was controlled through RC-200 vibration controller. Germany).

X. Wei, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 250 (2019) 113–120

Fig. 4. Fruit appearance and autofluorescence

micrographs of epidermis cells in control and
vibrated kiwifruit over 12 d of storage. AeD,
kiwifruit without vibration; EeH, kiwifruit
subjected to transport vibration; a–d, auto-
fluorescence micrographs of epidermis cells in
kiwifruit without vibration; e–h, auto-
fluorescence micrographs of epidermis cells in
vibrated kiwifruit.

Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrographs of epidermis cells in control and vibrated kiwifruit. CW, cell wall; lv, lytic vacuole; M, cell membrane. Bar scale 1 μm.

X. Wei, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 250 (2019) 113–120

Fig. 6. MR proton density images of the intact kiwifruit (A–H) and the corresponding water contents in the EP, OP, IP and core tissues of control (J) and vibrated
fruits (K) over 12 d of storage. EP, epidermis; OP, outer pericarp; IP, inner pericarp.

2.3. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) plane resolution = 0.8 × 0.8 mm. Obtained 1H-MRI images were ana-
lyzed with OsiriX (Pixmeo SARL, Bernex, Switzerland) DICOM viewer
TEM observation was performed according to Bar-Dror et al. (2011). software.
At 0 and 12 d after vibration, control and vibrated fruit were sampled.
Fresh cut cubes (2 × 2 × 2 mm) from the EP tissues were excised with a 2.5. Weight loss and water content determinations
razor blade, paralleling to the fruit longitudinal axis. Cubes were fixed
in 3% (W/V) glutaraldehyde in 0.1 mol L−1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) The 25 kiwifruit for each treatment were weighed at indicated time
for 2 h, rinsed with the phosphate buffer, and subsequently post-fixed in points to determine weight loss, and three replicates were performed.
1% (W/V) osmium tetroxide in 0.1 mol L−1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) Weight loss was calculated as the percentage of the pre-vibration
for 2 h. All steps were performed at 4 °C. The samples were dehydrated weight that had been lost. Water content of excised pieces of EP, OP, IP
in an ethanol series and acetone once, and then infiltrated and em- and core tissues (Fig. 2) was determined by drying at 70 °C for 24 h
bedded with epoxy. Sections (60 nm in thickness) were obtained by (Burdon et al., 2014).
ultramicrotome (EM UC7, Leica Microsystems Co., Germany), and
stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The stained sections were
observed under a JEOL JEM 1010 transmission electron microscope 2.6. Electrolyte leakage determination
(H–7650, Hitachi High-technologies Co., Japan).
Electrolyte leakage was measured using a conductivity meter
(Mettler Toledo, Switzerland) according to Zhou et al. (2007). Disks of
2.4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) EP were obtained with a cork borer, diameter 11 mm and weighing 3 g,
and the disks (11 mm in diameter, 4 mm in thickness) were also ob-
Proton magnetic resonance imaging (1H-MRI) of kiwifruit were tained from OP, IP and core tissues. Ten disks were placed in 40 mL of
obtained in a 3 T MR scanner (MAGNETOM Prisma, siemens distilled deionized water. The first electrical conductivity was assayed
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) (Mazhar et al., 2015). Kiwifruit were after 10 min vacuum filtration (0.05 MPa). The disks subsequently
placed into a 32–channel head coil and positioned to make the fruit axis boiled for 15 min and the electrical conductivity was re-assayed after
perpendicular to the main magnetic field. T2 weighted turbo-spin echo the disks reached room temperature. The percent value of relative
(TSE) images were acquired with the following parameters: recycle electrical conductivity was calculated as electrolyte leakage by the first
time (TR) = 6000 ms, echo time (TE) = 100 ms, slice thickness = 2.0 result (electrical conductivity after vacuum filtration) divided by the
mm, field of view = 240 × 240 mm, matrix size = 320 × 320 pixels, in second result (electrical conductivity after boiling).

X. Wei, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 250 (2019) 113–120

Fig. 7. Water content of the EP (A), OP (B), IP (C) and core (D) tissues over 12 d of storage. Data are the mean ± SD of triplicate measurement and compared by one-
way ANOVA. Different letters above the points indicate significantly different values (P < 0.05) by LSD test.

2.7. Statistical analysis cells in control fruit was not observed until 8 d of storage.
Cell ultrastructure in EP was observed by transmission electron
Experiments were performed in a completely randomized design microscopy (Fig. 5). Just after vibration (0 d), cell membrane separated
and repeated in triplicate at each time point. Data were analyzed by a from cell wall and contracted inwards, and lytic vacuoles were distorted
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), using SPSS Statistics Version 24 with uneven membranes (Fig. 5C). However, the EP cells in control fruit
(USA), and presented as mean plus/minus standard deviation. The least had an intact membrane structure and different size of lytic vacuoles
squares difference (LSD) test was employed to determine the statistical (Fig. 5A). Further significant changes of EP cells in vibrated fruit oc-
significance of the differences between the means (P < 0.05). curred by 12 d of storage. The staining intensity of cell wall material
reduced predominantly with the size contracting, and cell membrane
3. Results and lytic vacuoles were degraded (Fig. 5D). In control fruit, the cell
membrane and some lytic vacuoles were still apparent, although the
3.1. Fruit weight loss and shrivel incidence membrane separated from cell wall (Fig. 5B).

Weight loss of control and vibrated fruit gradually increased with 3.3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and water content
the storage time, however, vibrated fruit suffered from more significant
weight loss (Fig. 3). By 4 d of storage weight loss of vibrated fruit Transverse images of kiwifruit were obtained using 3 T magnetic
reached 2.3% and fruit shrivel appeared (Fig. 4F). The appearance was resonance imaging (Fig. 6A–H). A high signal intensity (bright) corre-
more severe with the significant increase of weight loss that was 1.7- sponds to high water content, and the low intensity (dark) corresponds
fold of the control by 8 d of storage and 1.5-fold of the control by 12 d to the low water content (Fennell and Line, 2001; Mazhar et al., 2015).
of storage. In contrast, shrivel of control fruit appeared with 2.4% The process of water loss in fruit tissues was shown in Fig. 6. In both
weight loss by 8 d of storage (Fig. 4C). control and vibrated fruit, water loss initially occurred in EP and OP
followed by IP, and vibration accelerated water loss from the tissues.
3.2. Morphology and ultrastructure of epidermis cell However, the water content in core area had no obvious change during
the entire period of storage.
Cellular morphology of EP was observed using laser scanning con- Decrease in water content mainly occurred in EP, OP and IP, where
focal microscopy (Fig. 4a–h). Just after the vibration (0 d), the shape the initial water contents were higher than that of core (Fig. 7). In vi-
and size of EP cells had no obvious change relative to that of control. EP brated fruit, water content in EP and OP deceased rapidly during the
cells in vibrated fruit distorted and in irregular shape with the size entire period of storage, and their water contents were 1.0-fold of the
contracting by 4 d of storage. After 8 d of storage, the cells became control by 12 d of storage. However, changes in IP water content were
severely shrank and tightly stacked up. In contrast, the shrinkage of EP not significant within the early 4 d of storage in both control and

X. Wei, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 250 (2019) 113–120

Fig. 8. Electrolyte leakage of the EP (A), OP (B), IP (C) and core (D) tissues over 12 d of storage. Data are the mean ± SD of triplicate measurement and compared by
one-way ANOVA. Different letters above the points indicate significantly different values (P < 0.05) by LSD test.

vibrated fruit, but followed by a more rapid decrease than EP and OP damage.
during the late period. In contrast, there were little changes in water Fruit shriveling is one of major physical changes and influencing
content of core tissue, which was also little influenced by the vibration. appearance, resulting from the shrinkage of flesh tissues, especially the
EP cells (Burdon et al., 2014). The size and shape of the cells depend on
cell turgor pressure and cell wall structure (Lewicki and Pawlak, 2005;
3.4. Electrolyte leakage
Joardder et al., 2015). Besides cell wall structure, turgor pressure that is
exerted by intracellular water on the cell membrane and cell wall, gives
Electrolyte leakage is an important indicator of cell damage (Deng
elasticity, rigidity and strength to the cells (Lewicki and Pawlak, 2003;
et al., 2005; Khare et al., 2010). In both control and vibrated fruit,
Oey et al., 2007). Vibration damaged the EP cells with plasmolysis
electrolyte leakage of EP, OP and IP tissues increased with the storage
(Fig. 5C) and increase of electrolyte leakage (Fig. 8A), which ac-
time (Fig. 8). Vibration dramatically increased electrolyte leakage of
celerated the water loss from EP tissue. As the water loss and damaging
EP, which was 1.3-fold of the control by 12 d of storage. Similarly,
cell structure of EP tissue, the EP cells lost turgor pressure and the
vibration significantly increased the electrolyte leakage of OP and IP
mechanical properties resulting in the cells shrinkage and shrivel ap-
which were 1.1-fold and 1.2-fold higher than that of control by 12 d of
pearance of fruit (Fig. 4). By 12 d of storage, predominant water loss
storage. In contrast, electrolyte leakage of core was almost unchanged
and damages of EP cells (Fig. 5D) caused the severe shriveling in vi-
over 12 d of storage, which retained 15.6–17.7% in both control and
brated fruit (Fig. 4H).
vibrated fruit.
Water loss of harvested fruit is driven by the water vapor pressure
between the ambient air and epidermis (DíazPérez et al., 2007), and
4. Discussion thereby inducing water movement in the fruit tissues (Veraverbeke
et al., 2003). In the present study, water loss in fruit tissues initially
Vibration is the principal contributor for fruit damage during occurred in external EP and OP followed by IP (Fig. 6), which was
transportation. Mechanical damage can lead to excess water loss of fruit consistent with the result of water content (Fig. 7). This result suggested
(Zhou et al., 2007; Pan et al., 2015), further affecting the fruit ap- the spatial movement of water from interior IP, OP and outward EP
pearance and shelf life (Burdon et al., 2015; Bouzo and Gariglio, 2016). during water loss of kiwifruit. Water movement within fruit tissue is
In this study, we firstly found that simulated transport vibration ac- caused by water transport in microstructures, particularly cell wall and
celerated kiwifruit water loss and shriveling due to intracellular

X. Wei, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 250 (2019) 113–120

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