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NMR Biomed. 2002;15:37–44


A comparison of cell and tissue extraction techniques using

high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy

J. E. Le Belle,* N. G. Harris, S. R. Williams and K. K. Bhakoo

Unit of Biophysics, Institute of Child Health, UCL Medical School, London WC1N 1EH, UK

Received 11 November 2000; Revised 9 September 2001; Accepted 11 September 2001

ABSTRACT: Analysis of brain metabolites by a wide range of analytical techniques is typically achieved using
biochemical extraction methodologies that require either two separate samples or two separate extraction steps to
prepare both aqueous and organic metabolite fractions. However there are a number of brain pathologies in which
both aqueous metabolite and lipid changes occur so that a simultaneous extraction of both fractions would be
valuable. The methanol–chloroform (M/C) technique enables extraction of both aqueous metabolites and lipids
simultaneously. It is already well established for lipid extraction of cells and tissue but its efficiency and
reproducibility for extraction of aqueous metabolites is unknown. Therefore, we compared the aqueous metabolite
yield and the reproducibility of the M/C method to the commonly used perchloric acid (PCA) method, using 1H-NMR
spectroscopy of adult rat brain and purified rat astrocyte culture extracts. The results indicate that M/C is a superior
technique for aqueous metabolite extraction from both brain tissue and cells when compared to the PCA method. The
M/C extraction technique enables the simultaneous extraction of both lipids and aqueous metabolites from a single
sample using small solvent-volumes, making it well suited for NMR investigations of both tissues and cells.
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEYWORDS: extract; PCA; methanol; chloroform; astrocyte; rat

INTRODUCTION used to achieve this goal. It facilitates the simultaneous

extraction of both the water-soluble metabolites and the
Cell and tissue extraction is a widely used technique for organic-soluble lipid components from the same tissue
biochemical analysis and quantification of metabolite sample.
profiles in NMR spectroscopic (NMRS) studies of The important requirements of an extraction technique
disease. While a number of different extraction tech- are that it is efficient and that it produces a high total
niques exist for this purpose, the most ubiquitous is the tissue metabolite yield with low variability. It is well
perchloric acid (PCA) method, which extracts water- established that PCA extraction fulfills these criteria for
soluble metabolites. However, a number of in vivo 1H- the water-soluble metabolites4–10 and the M/C extraction
NMRS studies have demonstrated significant changes in fulfills these criteria for lipids.11–18 However, M/C
both lipids and water-soluble metabolites in many extraction has not yet been established as a reliable
different CNS diseases, for example multiple sclerosis1 technique for proton NMR spectroscopy of water-soluble
and high-grade brain tumours.2,3 Therefore, a more metabolites. We have therefore compared the aqueous
detailed in vitro analysis of both lipid and aqueous metabolite yield and protein pellet content from the PCA
neurochemicals may provide additional information to and the M/C extraction techniques for both rat brain
aid the interpretation of in vivo spectra and enhance tissue and cellular preparations of purified astrocytes.
clinical diagnosis. The methanol–chloroform–water ex-
traction (M/C) is a less widely used technique that can be
*Correspondence to: J. E. L. Belle, Centre for Brain Repair, University Brain funnel freezing
of Cambridge, Forvie Site, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 2PY, UK.
Contract/grant sponsor: Harold Bridges Trust. Adult male Sprague–Dawley rats (200  20 g, n = 21)
Contract/grant sponsor: Institute of Mental Health, USA; contract were anaesthetized with 4% halothane vapourized in
grant number: 5-F31-MH11531-02.
N2O and O2 flowing at 0.7 and 0.3 l/min. Subsequent
Abbreviations used: Chols, total choline-containing compounds;
M/C, methanol–chloroform; PCA, perchloric acid; PtdCho, phospha- anaesthesia during surgery and brain freezing was
tidylcholine. maintained with 1.5 and 1% halothane, respectively.
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. NMR Biomed. 2002;15:37–44

Table 1. Summary of metabolite yields from the ®rst set of extractions of rat brain samples using either the
methanol±cholorform (M/C) or perchloric acid (PCA) extraction techniques

M/C CEV PCA CEV p-Values

Total Cr 8.75  0.15 8 7.74  0.24 14 0.001
Chols 1.36  0.03 9 1.28  0.04 14 0.091
Glutamine 5.37  0.07 6 5.18  0.20 18 0.396
Glutamate 9.40  0.11 5 8.64  0.32 17 0.033
NAA 7.09  0.13 8 6.51  0.22 16 0.030
Alanine 0.65  0.01 9 0.57  0.02 19 0.0003
Lactate 1.98  0.07 15 1.46  0.05 17 3  10 6
Protein 9.73  1.30 33 15.10  1.29 21 0.012
Metabolites expressed as mmol/g wet weight and mean  SEM. Protein is expressed as a percentage of the wet weight of the extracted tissue.
Abbreviations are as follows: Total Cr, total creatine (creatine ‡ phosphocreatine); Chols, choline-containing compounds (glycerophos-
phocholine ‡ phosphocholine ‡ choline); NAA, N-acetylaspartate; CEV, coefficient of variation (SD  100/mean). The critical value a, adjusted
for the number of comparisons, is 0.007 (0.05/7) for p-values to achieve significance.

Brain tissue was frozen in situ by pouring liquid nitrogen contact with the ground tissue. Ice-cold solvents were
through a funnel directly onto the exposed skull of the added to the frozen cell samples from both groups and the
rat.19 The brain tissue was removed intact by chiseling cell-solvent mixtures were sonicated.
away skin and bone while the brain was submerged in a
reservoir of liquid nitrogen to prevent thawing.
Methanol±chloroform±water (M/C) extraction. Re-
agent-grade methanol and chloroform (4 °C) in a ratio of
Extraction protocols 2:1 (v/v; 3 ml/g tissue or 250 ml/cell pellet) were added to
the frozen, ground tissue and to the frozen cell pellets.
Brain tissue. The frozen brain tissue (n = 21) was The tissue–solvent mixture was allowed to thaw before
divided into two halves for extraction by either PCA or being transferred to Teflon centrifuge tubes (Oakridge,
M/C and the aqueous metabolites were analysed by high- UK). The cell pellet–solvent mixture was sonicated.
resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy (n = 21/group). Six After approximately 15 min in contact with the first
tissue pellets from each extraction group were then solvents, chloroform and distilled water were added to
chosen at random for protein content determination.20 the samples in a ratio of 1:1 (1 ml/g tissue or 250 ml/cell
Since the aqueous metabolite yields were greater using pellet) to form an emulsion. The samples were then
the M/C technique (Table 1), the remaining tissue pellets centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 20 min. The upper phase
from the original M/C and PCA extracts (n = 15/group) (methanol and water) was separated from the lower
were then re-extracted using the M/C technique. This re- (organic) phase using a glass syringe and both fractions
extraction was analysed separately from the first extrac- were dried at room temperature under a stream of
tion using 1H-NMR spectroscopy to determine the nitrogen gas. The protein pellets from the first tissue
metabolite yield remaining in the pellets after the first extraction were re-extracted and dried separately from
extraction. the original tissue extract. The protein pellets from the
cells were also re-extracted but the separated fractions
Cells. Primary rat astrocyte cultures were grown to were pooled with the original extracted fractions before
sufficient numbers21 for 12 separate NMR samples drying.
(approximately 107 cells/ NMR sample) for extraction
by either PCA or M/C (n = 6/group). Cell purity (>98%)
was determined by glial fibrillary acidic protein im-
Perchloric acid (PCA) extraction. Cold 12% perchloric
munostaining. Each group of cells was extracted twice
acid (4 °C) was added (3 ml/g tissue or 250 ml/pellet) to
using a single extraction technique and the supernatants
the ground tissue under liquid nitrogen or to the frozen
were pooled before drying and analysed by high-resolu-
cells that were then sonicated. The tissue–solvent mixture
tion 1H-NMR spectroscopy.
was allowed to thaw before being transferred into
centrifuge tubes. All samples were then centrifuged at
13,000 rpm for 20 min. The supernatant was removed and
Tissue and cell extraction the pellet was re-extracted using either M/C (tissue) or
PCA (cells). The PCA supernatants were neutralized with
Brain tissues were kept under liquid nitrogen and ground 1 M NaOH and the protein pellet kept for further analysis.
to a fine powder with a mortar and pestle before the The precipitated salt was removed by centrifugation and
extract solvents were added and allowed to thaw while in the supernatant was freeze-dried overnight.
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. NMR Biomed. 2002;15:37–44

Table 2. Summary of metabolite yields from the tissue M/C re-extraction

M/C pellets CEV PCA pellets CEV P-values

Total Cr 0.74  0.05 24 1.04  0.08 30 0.005
Chols 0.10  0.01 31 0.91  0.05 22 1.2  10 10

Glutamine 0.49  0.02 12 0.81  0.05 25 5.9  10 6

Glutamate 0.80  0.07 33 1.55  0.08 19 3.1  10 7

NAA 0.55  0.04 26 1.06  0.04 15 7.9  10 7

Alanine 0.11  0.01 28 0.18  0.01 30 0.005

Lactate 0.35  0.01 15 0.26  0.02 35 0.011
Metabolites are expressed as mmol/g wet weight and mean  SEM. See Table 1 for abbreviations. The critical value a, adjusted for the number of
comparisons, is 0.007 (0.05/7) for p-values to achieve significance.

Protein determination Data analysis and statistics

Cell and tissue pellets were solublised in 2 ml/g (tissue) Tissue and cell metabolite concentrations are expressed
or 200 ml/pellet (cells) of 1 M NaOH and analysed for as per gram wet weight of brain tissue and per mg protein,
protein content against a set of bovine serum albumin respectively. All values are expressed as means  SEM.
protein standards using the Bio-Rad (UK) reagent kit and From an analysis of the inter-animal variability of the
an LKB Ultrospec II spectrophotometer (wavelength, metabolite yields, it was judged appropriate to analyse
595 nm). seven different metabolite peaks in order to maintain
sufficient statistical power to resolve any group differ-
ences. These metabolites represent a range of chemically
varied compounds present in brain tissue including
Phosphatidylcholine extraction
alanine, glutamine, glutamate, lactate, N-acetyl-aspar-
tate, choline-containing compounds, and creatine. In the
M/C re-extraction of the tissue pellets that were initially
astrocyte extracts, hypotaurine was analysed in place of
extracted with PCA resulted in the release of an unusually
NAA, which is not present in astrocytes.21 Paired t-tests
large amount of choline (Table 2). Therefore, in order to
were used to compare the metabolite concentrations and
determine the source of the high choline we investigated
the protein content from the two extraction techniques. P-
the effects of PCA extraction followed by M/C extraction
values are quoted without correction for multiple com-
on the membrane phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine
parisons. Therefore, the critical value for assessing
(PtdCho). PtdCho standard, 1 mmol (from bovine brain
significance was adjusted as a function of the number
Sigma, UK) was exposed to 12% PCA for 10 min, 24 h,
of metabolites being compared (a = 0.007 at the 5%
48 h and 2 weeks (n = 3 per group) followed by M/C
significance level).
extraction. 1H-NMR spectroscopy was used to determine
the concentration of free choline, a breakdown-product of
PtdCho in the aqueous fraction of the extract.

Tissue extractions
H-NMR spectroscopy
The first tissue extraction compared the effect of
All dried extract samples were re-dissolved in D2O and extracting each brain half once with either the PCA or
adjusted to pH 7.0. A known amount of an internal M/C technique. The results show that the metabolite
standard (trimethylsilylproprionate) was added to each yields from M/C extraction were greater than those with
sample. Spectroscopy was performed at 25 °C with a PCA extraction with significant differences in total Cr,
Varian Unity plus spectrometer operating at 500 MHz. Ala and Lac yields (Fig. 1 and Table 1, p < 0.007). In
Fully relaxed, one-dimensional spectra were acquired addition, with the exception of lactate, the coefficient of
using a pulse-acquire sequence with the following variation was consistently lower using the M/C technique
parameters: repetition time = 22 s, number of transi- (5–9% compared with 14–19%). The variation in protein
ents = 256, and a 90° flip angle. Data was Fourier- content was similar for both techniques (Table 1). This is
transformed with 0.1 Hz line broadening. Resonance an important consideration for studies of cell extracts
assignments were made based on published chemical where metabolite concentrations are expressed relative to
shifts and coupling patterns of known compounds. Peak protein. The protein content (as a percentage of the wet
areas were integrated using the manufacturer’s (Varian) weight of the extracted tissue) left in the pellet after the
standard software, after local baseline flattening around first extraction was significantly higher in the PCA
each integration region. extraction (p = 0.012, a = 0.05).
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. NMR Biomed. 2002;15:37–44

Figure 1. Representative 1H-NMR spectra from the initial M/C (top) and
PCA (bottom) extracts of whole rat brain frozen in situ. The spectra were
acquired from extracts prepared from the two halves of the same brain.
Abbreviations are as follows: Lac, lactate; Ala, alanine; NAA, N-
acetylaspartate; Glu, glutamate; Gln, glutamine; PCr, phosphocreatine;
Cr, creatine; Chols, choline-containing compounds

Tissue re-extractions with M/C total) compared with PCA (58–88% of total; Table 3).
However, it should be noted when considering the first
Subsequent M/C re-extraction of the tissue pellets from extraction relative to the total cell extract that the data on
the original PCA or M/C extractions resulted in a the PCA extraction of the Chols (58%) was skewed by the
substantially higher yield of all metabolites (except for release of free choline from membrane lipids in the re-
lactate) from the PCA pellet (Table 2). Some metabolites extraction of the tissue pellets.
were also re-extracted from the M/C pellets, indicating
the need for at least one re-extraction of the tissue pellet
in order to maximize the metabolite yield for analysis. Cell extractions
Comparison of total metabolite yield (original extraction
plus M/C re-extraction) revealed no significant difference The tissue extractions demonstrated a need for re-
between the groups except for choline-containing extracting the protein pellet with either M/C or PCA in
compounds and lactate, which were significantly lower order to maximize the metabolite yield. Therefore, the
(p = 8  10 8) and higher (p = 1  10 6; a = 0.05/7) supernatants from the initial extraction and re-extraction
from the M/C pellets, respectively (Table 3). When the of cells using the same technique were pooled prior to
original M/C or PCA extraction is considered as a analysis.
percentage of this total yield, the M/C technique resulted The cellular metabolite yields from the M/C extraction
in consistently higher extraction efficiency (85–93% of were once again greater than the PCA extraction (Fig. 2

Table 3. Total metabolite yields (original plus re-extraction) for tissue extraction

M/C pellets Percentage first extraction PCA pellets Percentage first extraction p-Values
Total Cr 9.49  0.20 92 8.78  0.34 88 0.027
Chols 1.46  0.04 93 2.19  0.11 58 8.0  10 8

Glutamine 5.86  0.12 92 6.00  0.27 86 0.605

Glutamate 10.20  0.19 92 10.19  0.40 85 0.897
NAA 7.64  0.17 93 7.56  0.27 86 0.872
Alanine 0.76  0.03 86 0.72  0.04 79 0.223
Lactate 2.33  0.10 85 1.73  0.09 84 1.1  10 6

The percentage first extraction represents the percentage of the total metabolite yield from the original tissue extraction by M/C or PCA. Metabolite
yields are expressed as mmol/g wet weight and a = 0.007.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. NMR Biomed. 2002;15:37–44

Figure 2. Representative 1H-NMR spectra from the M/C (top) and PCA (bottom) extracts of
rat astrocytes grown under identical culture conditions. See Fig. 1 for abbreviations; H-tau,

and Table 4), with highly significant differences detected the M/C extract when the PtdCho standard had not
between extraction techniques for all of the metabolites previously been exposed to PCA.
measured. In addition, the coefficient of variation was
consistently lower using the M/C technique (5–12%
compared with 12–45% for PCA). DISCUSSION

The results show that methanol-chloroform extraction of

Phosphatidylcholine extraction both brain tissue and cultured astrocytes produce a
significantly greater metabolite yield with lower varia-
Exposing a standard amount of phosphatidylcholine to bility when compared to extraction by perchloric acid.
PCA for varying times before subsequent extraction with
M/C resulted in the recovery of small amounts of choline
in the aqueous fraction, which increased with the time of The M/C procedure
PCA exposure, ranging from 0.025 to 0.059 mmol.
Choline was not detected in the aqueous fraction of Although several different solvent-systems exist for the

Table 4. Summary of metabolite yields from the rat astrocyte cultures using either the methanol±cholorform (M/C)
or perchloric acid (PCA) extraction techniques

M/C CEV PCA CEV p-Values

Total Cr 21.72  0.63 7 11.16  2.53 45 0.006
Chols 40.72  1.34 8 26.80  1.55 12 4  10 5
Glutamine 29.09  0.89 7 15.19  3.15 41 0.001
Glutamate 12.01  0.24 5 7.25  0.50 14 2  10 5
Hypotaurine 39.99  2.02 12 19.25  3.08 32 5  10 5
Alanine 3.90  0.18 11 1.98  0.26 26 0.0004
Lactate 14.82  0.49 8 8.68  1.05 24 5  10 5
Metabolites are expressed as nmol/mg protein and mean  SEM. n = 6 samples/extraction group. Abbreviations are as follows: Total Cr, total
creatine (creatine ‡ phosphocreatine); Chols, choline-containing compounds (glycerophosphocholine ‡ phosphocholine ‡ choline); CEV, coeffi-
cient of variation (SD  100/mean). The critical value a, adjusted for the number of comparisons, is 0.007 (0.05/7) to achieve significance.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. NMR Biomed. 2002;15:37–44

Table 5. Summary of the individual choline-containing compounds extracted from whole rat brain using the M/C
and PCA techniques for the ®rst extraction and M/C only for the re-extraction of the protein pellets

First M/C extract 0.87  0.02 0.39  0.01 0.10  0.002
First PCA extract 0.82  0.03 0.39  0.01 0.07  0.002
M/C pellet re-extraction 0.07  0.01 0.02  0.002 0.01  0.001
PCA pellet re-extraction 0.16  0.01 0.07  0.003 0.65  0.04
Abbreviations are as follows: GPC, glycerophosphocholine; PC, phosphocholine; Cho, choline. Metabolites are expressed as mmol/g wet weight and
as mean  SEM. GPC > PC > Cho, except for the PCA pellet re-extraction by M/C which yielded Cho > GPC > Cho.

extraction of particular lipid species, Folch et al.22 first in all M/C extractions could indicate that the technique
introduced the use of a methanol and chloroform solvent does not inactivate tissue enzymes as efficiently as PCA.
system for the efficient extraction of total lipids from On the other hand, the relatively high PCr/Cr ratio (PCA,
animal tissues. This method was later improved by Bligh 0.59  0.015; M/C, 0.56  0.017; mean  SEM) would
and Dyer23 by carrying out the extraction and separation suggest that enzyme inactivation has been relatively
of solvent layers almost simultaneously, retaining the efficient. It is more likely, however, that the source of this
precipitated protein between phases. Although the Bligh– discrepancy is the relative inaccuracy of lactate peak
Dyer method was designed to extract lipid species, the integration due to an overlapping broad signal from
technique also eliminated the addition of salts to the contaminating protein or lipid in the M/C extracts.
aqueous layer, which had previously rendered this Overall, the M/C technique proved to be more efficient
fraction unsuitable for analysis using the Folch method. and less variable than PCA in the initial extraction of the
The Bligh–Dyer method also established the proportions normal brain tissues.
of solvents (methanol:chloroform:water) based on the
water content of the specific tissues being extracted. The
use of smaller solvent volumes makes this method Tissue re-extraction
applicable to both dilute cell suspensions and tissue
samples. The M/C extraction method employed in the With the exception of lactate, re-extraction of the original
present study is based on the Bligh–Dyer technique. M/C or PCA protein pellet with subsequent M/C re-
Both the Folch and Bligh–Dyer extraction techniques extraction resulted in a greater metabolite yield from the
have been widely used, although often in modified form, PCA pellet, indicating a less efficient initial PCA
in both NMR and non-NMR studies of lipid composition extraction. As mentioned previously, the high yield of
in normal and pathological tissue, for example in human lactate from the M/C samples was most likely due to the
liver,24 rat brain,17 multiple sclerosis25 and mouse overlap of signal from small amounts of contaminating
myeloma cells.11 NMR analyses of lipids extracted in protein and/or lipid in the samples. Thus, this further
this way have also been cross-validated by chromato- demonstrates the higher efficiency of the original M/C
graphic techniques and shown to be in good agreement.26 extraction and the ability of the M/C re-extraction to
Thus, the use of M/C extraction for the analysis of cell maximize the total metabolite yield extractable from the
and tissue lipids is well established. However, the brain tissues.
information from 1H-NMRS of the aqueous phase of The very high yield of choline-containing compounds
the M/C extraction has not been utilized until now. resulting from M/C re-extraction of the PCA-pellet was
Although a combination of PCA followed by M/C an unexpected finding. Similar results have been reported
extraction can be used on a sample to obtain both in human tumour biopsy tissue extracted by PCA
aqueous and lipid metabolites,12 this requires an extra followed by ethanol–chloroform,31 where it was hy-
extraction step compared to the methodology used in the pothesized that extra choline was produced by separation
present study. Furthermore, there is some evidence that of the membrane-contained hydrophilic choline head-
the PCA extraction may result in a loss of total groups by the chlorform–alcohol extraction. In support of
phospholipids and cholesterol from the sample.14 this hypothesis, analysis of the individual choline-
containing compounds in the PCA tissue-pellet re-
extracts in this study revealed that the main source of
Tissue extraction the increased total choline-containing compound signal
was the free-choline component rather than either
With the exception of the Chols and lactate, the glycerophosophocholine, or phosophocholine (Table 5).
concentrations of the aqueous metabolites extracted by Furthermore, exposure of a phosphatidylcholine (Ptdcho)
either M/C or PCA in the present study are in good standard to PCA for varying times before extraction by
agreement with published values on the rat brain.4–10,27– M/C resulted in the extraction of increasing concentra-
However, the finding of higher lactate concentrations tions of choline. Since M/C does not normally extract
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. NMR Biomed. 2002;15:37–44

choline from PtdCho, which is partitioned in the lipid CONCLUSIONS

fraction of the extract, it is likely that a small amount of
PCA remaining with the tissue pellets after the original In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the M/C
tissue extraction may have hydrolysed the C-O-P method is an efficient and reproducible technique for
phosphoester linkages in membrane Ptdcho molecules, extracting the aqueous metabolites from tissue and cell
releasing choline into the aqueous fraction of the culture. Using the M/C extraction technique, based on the
subsequent M/C re-extractions. This may explain the Bligh–Dyer method, both the lipid and aqueous com-
significant difference for total yield of Chols between the pounds are obtained from a single sample, making it
two extraction techniques. Comparison of the yields for well-suited for NMR investigations. This technique is
the choline-containing compounds in the original extrac- superior to either PCA extraction alone, or PCA
tion demonstrates that, as a separate technique, the M/C extraction followed by lipid extraction.
extraction is superior to PCA.

Cell extraction
This work was supported by the Harold Bridges Trust,
Comparison of M/C and PCA extraction of purified rat UK, and the Institute of Mental Health, USA, grant no. 5-
astrocytes yielded similar results to those observed in F31-MH11531-02. The authors would like to gratefully
tissue extractions: the M/C extraction proved to be a less acknowledge Dr Martin King for his assistance and
variable and more efficient technique. The M/C tech- expertise with statistical analysis.
nique may be ideally suited to cellular extract studies
where very small amounts of biological material are used
because the entire aqueous fraction can be easily re-
dissolved in D2O for NMR analysis. In contrast, the total REFERENCES
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