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Bandung, October 2023

Attention to :

Hum an Resource Managem ent

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your com pany. I have n oticed that your
com pany have advertised in m edia social.

My nam e is Fitriani Lestari Achm ad. I am looking for new challenge and work in your com pany.

My specialization are selling, distribution product, m eeting deadline, negotiation, business to business,
developing product. I m ake sure I have qualifications as your com pany needs. I’ve good m otivation I can
work together with the team or personal.

I can be able to contribute to the com pany. Herewith I endone m y :

1. Copy of bachelor degree certificate (S1)

2. Curiculum vitae
3. Supporting certificate
4. Certificate from the last company
5. ID Card

I hope I could be a part your com pany, and thank you for you attention.


Fitriani Lestari Achm ad

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