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Student Activity

For the T&M Trainer to Use With Each Learner

Pastoral Worker Training Booklet

Train & Multiply

SAG-2 Student Activity Guide

Introduction Page
Purpose and Use............................................................................... 6
Content Summary............................................................................. 6

Activity Menu................................................................................... 8

Getting to Know the Activity Menu.................................................. 11
What to Do During the First Session with a Student........................ 12
What to Do After the Sessions.......................................................... 15
What to Do in Later Sessions with a Student................................... 16
Pastor and Pastoral Worker Definitions............................................ 7
Duties of a Pastor.............................................................................. 21
Student Information Form................................................................ 23

Activities........................................................................................... 25

Booklet Menu.................................................................................... 101

Subject Menu.................................................................................... 103

Train & Multiply SAG-3

SAG-4 Student Activity Guide

Train & Multiply SAG-5

Purpose and Use
When a Train & Multiply (T&M) pastoral worker teaches the next generation of pastoral workers, the Student
Activity Guide (SAG) also guides the trainer so that each generation of pastoral workers follows the same
model and maintains the integrity of the T&M process. This guide illustrates each step in the teaching process
based on one pastoral worker teaching one student. However, a pastoral worker may also choose to teach
two or more students whenever it is more effective to do so, such as when the pastoral worker must travel
a long distance to teach a group of students who live close to one another.

Content Summary

Activity Menu

The Activity Menu lists the activities and resources available in Train & Multiply to help new pastoral workers
as they make disciples and grow their churches. The instructions on pages that follow the lists explain how
to use the menu.

What to Do During the First Session with a Student

After one or more people whom you are discipling in a house church or group responds to your invitation
and commits to becoming a pastoral worker, they begin their pastoral training by completing the Student
Information Form at the end of the Instruction Section. The remainder of this section provides a detailed
outline that guides the training in the first session. It is very important to follow all of the instructions because
this first session sets the pattern for all of the sessions in the future.

What to Do in Later Sessions with a Student

Each new training session builds on the previous session in which practical work and study options are chosen.
The students work and study between the sessions and report their progress in the next session with their
trainer. It is important to follow all of the instructions in each session in order to place the responsibility
for progress with the students. The trainer coaches the students by asking questions, listening carefully,
and helping the students make good choices. In this way the trainer provides encouragement and builds
confidence in the students as they grow in their knowledge and experience.

SAG-6 Student Activity Guide

Pastor and Pastoral Worker Definitions

This section defines the terms “pastor” and “pastoral worker” as they are used in Train & Multiply and
outlines the duties of a pastor. These are important distinctions because of the variety of interpretations of
these terms in different cultures.


Each activity listed is accompanied by Practical Tasks, Study Options, and a space for notes. These activities
appear in numerical order in the Activity Section. The menu directs the T&M trainer and student to the
activity they select so that they can plan the student’s work.

Train & Multiply SAG-7

Activity Menu
Prayer and Devotional Life

Pray and plan with faith...................................................................................................................A1

Overcome in prayer.........................................................................................................................A2
Develop prayer in the church........................................................................................................A19
Promote prayer among all the churches.......................................................................................A54

Evangelism and Church Multiplication

Visit and witness.............................................................................................................................A3

Find persons of peace...................................................................................................................A76
Baptize and receive new believers..................................................................................................A4
Pray for the sick and demonized.....................................................................................................A5
Mobilize all members for evangelism..............................................................................................A6
Evangelize in new places...............................................................................................................A20
Plant new churches........................................................................................................................A21
Evangelize other regions and people of different races and cultures...........................................A55
Coordinate the multiplication of churches....................................................................................A56
Continue multiplying new home groups.......................................................................................A57

Teach and Disciple

Teach to live the Christian life.........................................................................................................A7

Cultivate love for God and our neighbors.......................................................................................A8
Teach to read and apply the Bible...................................................................................................A9
Practice discipleship......................................................................................................................A22
Develop Bible teaching..................................................................................................................A23
Deal with false teaching................................................................................................................A24
Face opposition and persecution..................................................................................................A25
Develop further Bible study skills and their application...............................................................A58
Develop new teaching methods....................................................................................................A59

SAG-8 Student Activity Guide

Organization, Leadership, and Spiritual Gifts

Organize the church and its leadership.........................................................................................A12

Plan and share responsibilities among the leaders and elders......................................................A28
Plan a calendar and daily work......................................................................................................A29
Hold administrative meetings.......................................................................................................A30
Develop the believers’ gifts...........................................................................................................A43
Form groups for encouragement and ministry..............................................................................A44
Develop ministries to meet members’ needs................................................................................A45
Develop ministries to children......................................................................................................A46
Mobilize the young people...........................................................................................................A47
Grow networks for support and supervision................................................................................A63
Evaluate, update, and expand ministries......................................................................................A67

Corporate Worship and Communion

Meet to worship God....................................................................................................................A10

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper. ........................................................................................................A77
Have family prayer time................................................................................................................A11
Preach Bible messages. ................................................................................................................A26
Hold special services and meetings..............................................................................................A27
Organize combined services between churches...........................................................................A60
Strengthen the music ministry......................................................................................................A61
Improve the preaching..................................................................................................................A62

Give to and Serve the Needy

Develop stewardship.....................................................................................................................A15
Mobilize the members to visit......................................................................................................A40
Help the needy..............................................................................................................................A41
Support shepherds, pastoral leaders, and other workers.............................................................A42
Fulfill the responsibilities of citizens.............................................................................................A48
Expand social ministries................................................................................................................A68

Train & Multiply SAG-9

Fellowship and Church Life

Develop fellowship in the church..................................................................................................A13

Organize recreational activities.....................................................................................................A31
Resolve disputes and divisions in the church................................................................................A32
Develop fellowship among churches.............................................................................................A64
Cultivate fellowship and combat legalism.....................................................................................A65

Pastoral Care, Relationships, and Counseling

Visit and encourage the members in Christ..................................................................................A14

Strengthen family life....................................................................................................................A33
Build up Christ-like love in the church..........................................................................................A34
Apply loving, biblical discipline.....................................................................................................A35
Solve problems through counseling..............................................................................................A36
Train counselors at a basic level....................................................................................................A37
Encourage and pray for the sick....................................................................................................A38
Deliver the demonized..................................................................................................................A39
Further develop counseling ministry.............................................................................................A66

Pastoral Worker Training

Enroll new pastoral workers..........................................................................................................A16

Train new T&M students...............................................................................................................A49
Form new pastoral worker training chains....................................................................................A69
Strengthen pastors, leaders, and elders in the churches..............................................................A70
Provide advanced training for pastoral workers...........................................................................A72

Make Disciples of the Nations

Pray for world evangelism.............................................................................................................A17

Involve the members in world missions........................................................................................A50
Begin missionary training..............................................................................................................A51
Support missionary work..............................................................................................................A52
Choose, train, and send missionaries............................................................................................A73
Supervise and support the missionary program...........................................................................A74

Evaluation of Activities

Evaluate your progress..................................................................................................................A78

SAG-10 Student Activity Guide

Getting to Know the Activity Menu

This Student Activity Guide is the basis of

Train & Multiply. It is very important to learn to
use it well.

Please look over the Activity Menu found on the

previous three pages of this guide.

You will use this Activity Menu to help each

student select activities that their church or
group will do. This is explained in the following

The activities are the key to everything. You can identify them by the letter A and a number. For example:
Activity A1, Activity A2, Activity A3, etc.

The activities are grouped by General Ministry Areas.

Train & Multiply SAG-11

What to Do During the First Session
with a Student

1. Enroll the pastoral worker student.

Ask the student to fill out the Student Information Form found at the end of this section in this Student
Activity Guide (SAG) so that the information can be kept on file by the T&M trainer.

2. Listen to each student’s report.

Ask your student to report on the progress of their church or group. Every student must have (or begin
immediately) a shepherding ministry. Where there is no church yet, they may start with their families
and friends.

Encourage your student to talk about their ministry opportunities.

3. Plan practical tasks.

Help your student make plans for what they and their group will do.

• Use the Activity Menu at the beginning of this guide to select an activity that your student will
carry out with their group according to its present need and ministry opportunities.

• Use the activity itself, normally chosen by the student, to help them plan what they and their
group will do.

SAG-12 Student Activity Guide

For example, suppose your student selects Activity A3.

Under Activity A3, Visit and witness, you will see:

• Practical Task Options
• Study Options

Your student can use these to help them in their

current work.

Notice that under Study Options,

Activity A3 offers three options:
• Bible Reading
• T&M Booklets
• Further Study

• Help your student make plans for what they and their group will do based on the Practical Task
Options. Select only the options that apply.

Ask your student to write down their plans. These notes will act as a reminder to your student between
sessions. You, as the T&M trainer, should also keep a copy of your student’s plans to review during
the next session.

Train & Multiply SAG-13

We’ll both write down your plans.
The next time we meet, we’ll check
Yes, it will help me
what’s been done!
to remember.

The trainer writes in their notebook: The student writes in their notebook:

Student: John Grey Date: 02-06-14

Meeting: 02-06-14 Task: Visit Mr. Jones and family
Task: Visit Mr. Jones and family Share the Gospel

Studies: Matthew 28 Studies: Matthew 28

Good News Good News

Next meeting: 16-06-14 Next meeting: 16-06-14

It is very important that these plans be clear and specific. Notice that they did not simply write “visit”
but “Mr. Jones and family” - specifically whom they will visit.

SAG-14 Student Activity Guide

4 Plan studies.

After the Practical Task Options found in the activity, you will see listed the Study Options. Help your
student choose one or more items from the Bible Reading list and from the T&M booklets list.

Notice that each T&M booklet has a number listed on the back. If you keep them in order, they will
be easy to find. Replace booklets that you provide to your student as soon as possible to keep your
set complete.

Add these study plans to your notes to review during the next session.

5 Pray.

Pray for your student, their group members, and their plans any time during the session.

What to Do After the Sessions

Model By Example

New students need to see someone model pastoral

skills. The student may accompany their T&M trainer
in their work, or the trainer may assist the student
with their practical tasks.
Jesus modeled everything he asked his disciples to
do in a way that was easy to imitate.

Train & Multiply SAG-15

What to Do in Later Sessions with a Student
Before starting each session, pray for God’s help and guidance.


• Listen to your student’s report on what they and their group are doing.

• Compare it with your notes from the last session.

• Help them to evaluate the progress of their group.

Plan New Practical Tasks

Help your student plan by asking questions such as:

• Are your people doing what you planned in the last meeting? Look at the plans you wrote last time.

• What work has given good results? Why? How can you improve it even more?

• Have your people had problems? What? Why? What will you do to help them?

• Which activity in the Activity Menu should your group begin now? Should you only continue to develop
the current activity or begin a new one?

• You chose an activity. Now which of the Practical Task Options listed under it apply to your group?

SAG-16 Student Activity Guide

Help your student make
their own plans for what
they and their group will
do next.

Review Completed Studies

Ask your student to tell you what they learned from a study that you assigned during the last session. You
might also review the T&M booklet, inside which the student has written answers to questions.

Assign New Studies

Select Bible Reading and T&M booklets listed under Study Options that correspond to your student’s plans.

Notice in the drawing how the T&M trainer helps the student to choose a booklet that supports the student’s

Train & Multiply SAG-17

Since you plan to visit Mr. Jones’ family again,
you might invite him and his family to receive
Yes, and this
Christ. The study options recommend the T&M
T&M booklet will
booklet “Good News.”
be a big help.

Again, we emphasize that the student’s plans must be specific:

Clear and Detailed Not Enough Detail


PASTORAL Task Date: 09-11-14 PASTORAL Task Date: Nov. __
1) Pray every day for conversion of 1) Pray a lot.
the Benson, Cooper, and Patterson 2) Evangelize some time next week.
2) Sunday P.M. Visit them and use Study 1 STUDY
in the T&M booklet “Good News.” 1) T&M booklet “Good News”
3) Sat. P.M. Take Peter, visit Fife area, 2) Read Mark
make new contacts.
STUDY PLANS When trainer has a spare minute.
1) T&M booklet “Good News” My place
2) Read Mark’s Gospel

Thurs. 24th 7:30 P.M.

SAG-18 Student Activity Guide

Each training session should contain prayer and the following:


Trainer listens to student’s Student plans next steps to be

PRACTICAL report on tasks accomplished taken with their flock.
TASKS with student’s church or group.

Trainer listens to (or reviews) Trainer and student choose

STUDIES studies completed by the new studies related to their
student. Practical Tasks plan.

Remember, brothers and sisters, this book is a

guide. It will help you to guide your students’ work
and studies. Use it faithfully, but also be creative!

Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can learn

and develop the principles of this guide to disciple
pastoral students. You may use additional practical
task options and study options that are not even
mentioned by this guide. The important thing is to
train your students in a way that multiplies workers
and churches.

May the Lord strengthen you in your work!

Train & Multiply SAG-19

Train & Multiply uses the terms “pastor” and “pastoral worker” throughout the Student Activity Guide and
the T&M booklets. When these terms are mentioned, T&M is referring to the following definition:

• A pastoral worker in T&M is a person who leads people in a pastoral role.

• A pastoral worker in T&M shepherds God’s people so that they obey Jesus in love and serve others as
the Word of God reveals and requires.

• A pastoral worker in T&M does more than teach the Word of God; they bring people into active ministry.
If a person only teaches Scripture to church members, even if the teaching may be very edifying, the
person is not fulfilling their complete role as a pastoral worker.

• A pastoral worker in T&M is a person who is recognized by their church, cell, or small group as the
leader. This leader is recognized as someone who helps the church members serve one another in
ways that fulfill the commands of Jesus.

There are various words that can be used to describe the pastoral worker role; such as pastor, elder, or
overseer. There may be more than one pastoral worker in a congregation. T&M does not necessarily refer to
pastors in the traditional sense used in some cultures. Clearly there is a biblical term and concept of a pastor
(Ephesians 4:11). Elders and bishops are to pastor others (Acts 20:28).

T&M is intended to be used by pastoral workers and missionaries who coach and train others to do pastoral
work. In some circumstances, it may be acceptable for pastoral workers to serve as elders when they do not
yet meet the biblical qualifications.

Within the T&M materials, other terms such as pastoral trainee, apprentice pastor, provisional elder, etc.
are used.

SAG-20 Student Activity Guide

Duties of a Pastor
New Testament duties of a pastor are listed below. A pastor is not to specialize in just one of them. The pastor
may not be gifted in all of them, but should model them for their flock. Paul wrote to Timothy and Titus to
let new pastors know what to do. Other passages below were addressed to church leaders.

For leading the flock:

• Work closely with fellow elders in the church.

(James 5:14)

• Appoint and train more new pastors.

(Acts 14:23; 2 Timothy 2:2; Titus 1:5)

• Equip all members to serve in ministries that match their gifts.

(Ephesians 4:11-12; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

• Lead by serving humbly.

(Matthew 20:25-28; 1 Peter 5:2-3)

• Watch out for “wolves” - those who would lure sheep away from their church.
(Acts 20:28-31)

For strengthening relationships with God:

• Pray and intercede.

(1 Timothy 2:1,8; James 5:13-16)

• Serve as a model of godly living.

(1 Timothy 4:12)

• Correct those who err in word or deed; shun divisive persons.

(1 Timothy 5:19-20; Titus 3:10)

Train & Multiply SAG-21

For caring for the needy:

• Appoint deacons to care for the needy.

(Acts 6:1-4; 1 Timothy 5:3-8)

• Give, and teach others to give, especially to support shepherding elders.

(1 Timothy 5:17-18, 6:17-19)

For applying the Word:

• Do the work of an evangelist.

(2 Timothy 4:2-5)

• Give spiritual help: counsel, encourage, correct, and rebuke.

(2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 2:1-6)

• Teach the Word with authority.

(Titus 2:15)

The qualifications for a pastor are not to be confused with their duties. The qualifications define the character
of a pastor and are listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

We hope these explanations help you see the biblical function of a pastor as a pastoral leader versus what
in many cases may be a traditional position.

SAG-22 Student Activity Guide

Student Information Form

Student’s Name:


Married/Single: Church:

Date of Birth: Date of Conversion (if known):

Previous Biblical Studies:

Previous Secular Studies:

Goals of the student’s church or group for the next five years - growth, new churches, new ministries,

Ministry the student will do during their training:

Train & Multiply SAG-23

SAG-24 Student Activity Guide

Train & Multiply SAG-25

A1 Pray and plan with faith.
Remember that the T&M student carries out the Practical Tasks together with the group or church they lead.
If they do not yet have a group, they should evangelize to form one. The T&M trainer supervises them in
this work.

Practical Task Options

 The T&M trainer helps the student seek God’s will as to how and where to begin their ministry. See
T&M booklet “Pastoral Worker Training and You.”

Study Options

Bible Reading
 Find in Acts 10 how God guides a leader.
 Find in Nehemiah 1 through 6 how a leader turns a vision into reality.

T&M Booklets
 20 Nehemiah: Do Great Things for God
 24 Pastoral Worker Training and You
 28 Find Persons of Peace

Further Study

SAG-26 Student Activity Guide

A2 Overcome in prayer.

Practical Task Options

 Make a daily habit of prayer and the study of, and obedience to, God’s Word.
 Pray for the conversion of many people and the spread of the Gospel.
 Start keeping a record of prayer requests and answers to prayer.
 Deepen the ministry of intercession in the church.
 Teach others how to pray and fast, when necessary.
 Pray for the sick and demonized (See Activity A5). Pray for the needs of new contacts.

Study Options

Bible Reading
 Find in 2 Chronicles 1:6-12 what a leader of God’s people should seek.
 Find in Matthew 9:37-38; Ephesians 6:18-20; and 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 how we should pray for the
expansion of the Gospel in the world.
 Find in Matthew 26:36-44 how our Lord, in prayer, submitted to God’s will.
 Find in Genesis 18:16-33 how Abraham triumphed in prayer.
 Find in Luke 18:1-8 how the widow’s prayer requests were answered.

T&M Booklets
 13 How to Pray
 25 Pray With the Power of Christ
 28 Find Persons of Peace

Further Study

Train & Multiply SAG-27

A3 Visit and witness.

Practical Task Options

 Make lists of the members’ relatives and friends to visit and pray for them regularly.
 Visit them and teach them using the T&M booklet “Good News” or other similar material.
 Help each interested head of the household teach the Bible stories to their family and friends.
 Take other believers with you to train them in visiting.
 Use varied methods of evangelism to find those that are most effective.

Study Options

Bible Reading
 Find in Genesis 1 through 3 how Adam’s fall into sin caused the fall of all mankind.
 Find in Genesis 3 the example of the sacrifice of an innocent animal to pay the penalty of man’s sin.
 Find in Matthew 4:1-11 the difference between Adam and Jesus in their response to temptation.
 Find in Mark 14 through 16 the details of Jesus’ agony and victory.

T&M Booklets
 2 Good News
 17 John the Baptist
 15 Jesus Calls You
 16 Jesus Christ Defeats Our Enemy
 28 Find Persons of Peace

Further Study

SAG-28 Student Activity Guide

A4 Baptize and receive new believers.

Practical Task Options

 Pray for new believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
 Identify candidates for baptism and/or to be received as members of the church.
 Plan the date, practical details, and location for baptism.
 Conduct the ceremony.

Study Options

Bible Reading
 Find in Mark 1:1-15 the references to repentance.
 Find in Exodus 14 and 15 the symbolic baptism of the Israelites in the Red Sea.
 Find in Acts 16:25-34 who was baptized, when, and under what conditions.
 Find in Romans 5:12 to 6:14 the importance of baptism in Christ.

T&M Booklets
 1 Baptize New Believers

Further Study

Train & Multiply SAG-29

Train and Multiply has been a pioneer in the development of obedience-based discipleship, helping

church planters and trainers raise up new generations of leaders who multiply churches. T&M provides

practical, biblical lessons that are applied immediately in evangelism, discipleship, church planting,

the development of healthy churches and leadership training. The T&M materials include a Student

Activity Guide with menus to help trainers provide the learning opportunities that church planters need,

when they need them. T&M supports training for those already in ministry or about to launch a new

ministry. With prayer and faith, thousands of ordinary believers from around the world are finding that

T&M equips them to fulfill the Great Commission.

© 2001-2016

Project WorldReach and One Mission Society

Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan.
All rights reserved worldwide. The "NIV" and "New International Version"
are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.


Student Activity Guide

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