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LESSON : 12 Dashu Plays His Part ( supplementary
Part -2
L-12 Dashu Plays His Part (must be written in notebook)
1. association
1.gearing up : making preparations.
2. performed
2. put our foot down : refused to let something
3. challenged
4. immediately
3.commander : person who controls a group of
5. commander
6. devoted
4.glared : looked angrily.
7. dejected
5 dejected : sad and disappointed .
8. delicacies
6. delicacies : food that is tasty but is often costly.
9. messenger
7. D-Day : the day on which something important
10. traitor
is supposed to take place .
11. opportunity
8. traitor: someone who breaks trust or is not loyal.
12. argument
9. heated: excited or angry .
13. interruption
10. acting up : behaving badly , giving trouble.
14. smacked
11. unwilling : not agreeing to something .
15. violence
12.lost the thread of his speech: forgot what he
16. rattled off
was supposed to say.
17. disaster
13. rattled off : spoke quickly and easily .
18. argument
19. discussion
Frame Sentences
1. gearing up - The wrestler was gearing up for the fight.

2. dejected- The sad news of his pet passing away dejected him.

3. traitor - The traitor was punished for treason.

4. rattled off- The waiter rattled off the names of all the food items in two minutes .

5. delicacies - My aunt served tea and various delicacies in the party .

Students can pick three or four words of their choice to frame sentences .


Gearing up
Questions and Answers:
Q. 1 …all of us put our foot down and said, “ No way!”
a) Who are referred to as „ all of us‟?
b) What did they disagree to? Why?

ans) a. The students who were planning to perform a play have been referred to as „all of us‟.
b. They disagreed to allow Dashu to take part in the play. They did this because the last
time Dashu had performed on stage, he had spoiled the play completely.

Q. 2 Dashu was such an idiot that he yelled at the spy ….

a. Where were Dashu and „ the Spy‟?
b. What did Dashu say to „the Spy‟ ? Why was it a bad idea?
ans) a. Dashu and „the Spy‟ were on stage, acting in a play.

b. Dashu yelled at the Spy, “Wait! Can‟t you see the buckles are stuck?” It was a bad idea
since an audience was watching the play and Dashu was supposed to say the lines of his
character instead of speaking to the Spy as if they were simply rehearsing.
Q.3 How and why did Dashu make friends with Gansha?

ans) Dashu made friends with Gansha by treating him to different delicacies every day, by
getting him colour pencils and picture books, and by promising to get him a football. He did
this because he had planned to make Gansha drop out of the play and take his place in it. He
told Gansha that he would give him a football only if Gansha did not perform. This way, Dashu
himself could play the part of the Messenger.

Q. 4 How did Hari –Babu help in Dashu‟ s plan ? Had he meant to help Dashu?

ans) Hari-Babu helped in Dashu‟s plan by appearing at the spot when the other boys were
taking Gansha to the green room, forcing him to act in the play. He scolded the boys for
teasing Gansha. Gansha took that opportunity to run away. Thus, the boys had no option but
to let Dashu act in Gansha‟s place. No, Hari-Babu had not meant to help Dashu. He did not
know anything about Dashu‟s plan and happened to meet the boys by chance.
Q. 5. At this unexpected interruption , the minister lost the thread of his speech .
a) What was the „ unexpected interruption‟ ?
b) How did the play continue after this?

ans) a. The „unexpected interruption‟ was Dashu‟s sudden and unplanned arrival on stage.

b. At this interruption, everyone was taken aback and the play almost came to a halt.
Dashu told the Minister to go on with his speech, but the latter was too confused. Rakhal
tried to say something, but Dashu smacked the turban off his head, saying, “This villain had
tried to stop me!” He then finished the King‟s speech, added the line „Go on everyone, to
your own work‟, and brought an end to the play.
USING WORDS ( pg no: 97 )
Must be written in supplementary reader .
Complete these sentences with the correct forms of verbs from the box.

( turn give act gear cheer)

1. The students were gearing up for the function.

2. Dashu turned up for the rehearsals because he wanted to join them.

3. He did not give up even when the others refused to include him.

4. Dashu performed properly at first, but started acting up towards the end.

5. “cheer up,” he told the boys later. “ The play was saved after all.”

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