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Competency Based Questions () Multiple Choice Questions (Solved)------------++-+++0rettttrcrree reese Choose the correct option : 1, Resistance of a semiconductor : (a) decreases with increase in temperature (b) increases with increase in temperature (©) increases for germanium and decreases for silicon (@) isnot affected by change in temperature. (@ [In semiconductor, covalent bonds are broken with increase in temperature and hence concentration of charged carriers (electrons and holes) increases. Hence, conductivity of the semiconductor increases and resistance of semiconductor decreases.) 2. Majority charge carriers in p-type materials are : (@ holes (®) electrons (0) both holes and electrons (d) none of these @) [p-type material is formed when trivalent ;purity atomsare doped ina pure semiconductor. ‘When one trivalent impurity atom is added, one covalent bond has a deficient of an electron. A deficient of electron is known as hole.] 3. Ap-n junction diode is connected to a battery of ‘em, 5.5 V and extemal resistance 5.1 kO. The barrier potential in the diode is 0.4 V, The current in the circuit is : Ans. Ans. @I1A (6) 1 ma (Q2mA (0.08 mA 51k $$ 14 55V . (6) Here, V=5.5V-04V=5.1V R=5.1kQ=5.1* 100 v__51V R 51x10 2 4, Boron is added as an impurity to silicon, the resulting material is : (a) n-type semiconductor =1*103A=1 mA] Ans. Ans: Ans, Ans. Ans. (8) p-type semiconductor (©) n-type conductor (@) p-type conductor. (&) [Boron is trivalent atom, When it is added in a silicon crystal, a hole (+ ve) is created. Thus, adding boron to silicon give rise to positive (hole) charge carriers, so the resulting material is positive or p-type semiconductor.] . When a p-n diode is reverse biased, then : (a) no current flows (b) the depletion region is increased () the depletion region is reduced (@ the height of the potential barrier is reduced ® ‘An n-type semiconductor is = (a) neutral (}) positively charged (c) negatively charged (@) none of these (4) [n-type semiconductor contains electrons as (negatively charged) majority charge carriers. However, these electrons are the parts of impurity atoms.] . Ina semiconductor material, the mobilities of electrons and holes are j1, and p, respectively. Which of the following is true ? (@) B,> By (6) He < Hy On.= Hy (py, <0; n,>0 (q) (Electron is lighter than the hole} |. The peak voltage in the output of a half wave diode rectifier fed with a sinusoidal signal without filter is 10 V. The DC component of output voltage is (a) 10V (b) 20 /xV (©) 10/nV @i0v2 Vv Vo OW c= Fav [EVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] Scanned with CamScanner j, Which ofthe following diodes is reverse biased ? » Lav R R 10 -V +5 of” (@ grtov i i Ans. v 1s (©) [Diode is reverse biased when p-region is at 12. 13. Jow potential than the n-region.] it. A full wave rectifier circuit along with the input and output voltages is shown in figure : 7 2 [Output votage aN EN Input vatge Ans. VENZENZ END Owe voage The contribution to output voltage from diode-2is M4 (@)A,C (6) B,D (B,C @AD xs (b) [During positive halves of input, diode 1 conducts and during negative halves, diode 2 conducts.] I. The current in the circuit will be : 2, AA ¢ D, 400. >t Ans. | L 102 3v 15. 3 A (b) ala © 0 10 3 3 aA (7A as. (¢) [Dz conducts as itis forward biased Aue: Voday R 50 \MeRGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] ‘The number densities of electrons and holes in a piece germainium at room temperature are equal and its value is 3 x 10'6 m-. On doping with aluminium, the hole density increases to 4.5 * 1072 m=. Then electron density in doped germanium i (a) 2x 10! m= (6) 3 * 10° nr @ [ngr, = 0 i mB _@x10'S)? “my 45x10" (6)4* 10! m3 (d) 4.5 «109 m3 n =2x 10! m3} Current through the ideal diode is : 1 1 @ iA 35h ()20A (@ zero 1000 + ¥ + (@) (The given diode is reverse biased, so no current flows through it.] In the following, which one of the diodes is reverse biased ? yrov R —1— rr @ gy sv sev (6) —¢—w9-— R (A) [Diode is reverse biased if p-region of diode is at low potential than the n-region of diode] In a full wave rectifier circuit operating from 50 Hz mains frequency, the fundamental frequeney in the ripple would be : (a) 25 Hz, (6) 50 Hz (c) 70.7 Hz (@) 100 Hz (4) {In full wave rectifier, fundamental frequency in the ripple = 2 x operating frequency =2 50 Hz= 100 Hz] pat) Scanned with CamScanner 16, At zero degree Kelvin, a piece of germanium : © (@) becomes semiconductor Doan (b) becomes good conductor (€) becomes bad conductor @/) (@ has maximum conductivity ; ; . there is no ch ier in th Ans. (c) [At OK, there is no charge carrier in the (ion diode conducts only during +ve germanium! In A caicoice is cooled fromT, K toT> K. Its halves of AC] resistance : 19, Which ofthe following statements is not true ? (@) will increase (@) A pon junction can act as a semiconductor (8) will decrease diode (© will not change (®) A majority carriers in n-type semiconductors (4) will first decrease and then increase are holes ‘Ans. (a) [Resistance of semiconductor increases with (©) Doping pure silicon with trivalent impurities the decrease in temperature.] give p-type semiconductors 1 A.p-s jnetion Slade shove inthe gute can et (@ The resistance of intrinsic semiconductors as a rectifier. An alternating current source (V) is connected in the circuit. The current in the resistor (R) can be shown by : decreases with increase in temperature ‘Ans. (b) [Majority carriers in n-type semiconductors > are clectrons (ie., negatively charged particles)] 20. The dominant mechanism for motion of charge v z carriers in forward and reverse biased silicon p-n junctions are : @ (@) diffusion in both forward and reverse bias : (®) drift in both forward and reverse bias t (©) diffusion in forward bias, drift in reverse bias © (@) drift in forward bias, diffusion in reverse bias Aes ass Ans. (c) (Assertion & Reasoning T} uestions - ---------------+22----- 22-22 eee In these questions, two statements are given-one labelled Reason (R) : The energy gap between conduction Assertion (A) and other labelled Reason (R). Select the band and valence band in case of semiconductor is ‘correct answer to these questions from the options as given small. below : 2. Assertion (A) : Conductivity of a semiconductor (@) Ifboth Assertion and Reason are true and Reason Increases on doping, — : i Sctiecd exptanition of Astoria? Rees mR) Doping raises the temperature of Ifboth Assertion and Reason are true but Reason _ bad tertepnier explanation of Assertion. 3 Assertion A) NeeSarpvomsnesyprsemnicondocioe (©) If Assertion is true but Reason is false. Reason (R) : Atoms are electrically neutral. (@) Ifboth Assertion and Reason are false. 4. Assertion (A) : Germanium is preferred over 1. Assertion (A) : If the temperature of a semi- silicon for making semiconductor devices. conductor is increased, its resistance decreases. Reason (R) : Enery gap for Ge is more than that (42) IEVEROREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12) Scanned with CamScanner ” Assertion (A) : The conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors at zero kelvin is zero, Reason (R) : At zero kelvin no free electrons are available for conduction. Assertion(A) : Fora givenappliedvoltage,conduction current in n-type semiconductor is more than that in p-type semiconductor. Reason (R) : Mobility of electrons is greater than that of holes. Assertion (A) : In an unbiased p-n junction, holes diffuse from the p-region to n-region. Reason (R) : Hole concentration in p-region is more as compared to 1-region. Assertion (A) : We cannot measure the potential barrier of p-n junction by putting a sensitive voltmeter across its terminals. The potential difference created across the p-n junction due to the diffusion of electrons and holes is called potential barrier. It may be pointed out that across the junction a very large electric field is set-up due to potential difference developed across it. When a p-type semiconductor is brought into a close, contact with n-type, we get a p-n junction with a barrier voltage 0.5 V and width of depletion region is 106 m. This junction is forward biased SVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12) Reason (R) : In a reverse bias condition the current is small but it is more sensitive to changes in incident light intensity. . Assertion (A) : The number of electrons in a p-type silicon semiconductor is less than the number of electrons in a pure silicon semiconductor at room temperature, Reason (R): It is due to law of mass action. Assertion (A) : If we connect a p-n junction diode by a wire, then no current flow in it. Reason (R) : At equilibrium condition, magnitude of diffusion current is equal to drift current. |. Assertion (A) : Electron has higher mobility than hole in a semiconductor. Reason (R) : Mass of electron is less than the effective mass of hole. Reason (R) : In the depletion layer, there are no 14. Assertion (A) : The resistivity of a semiconductor free electrons or holes and in the absence of increases with temperature, forward bias, it offers infinite resistance. Reason (R) : The atoms of semiconductor vibrate 9. Assertion (A) : There is no motion of charge with larger amplitude at higher temperature thereby carriers in a p-n junction, with open ends. increasing its resistivity. Reason (R) : As the ends are open, the electric 15 Assertion (A) : In an extrinsic semiconductor field inside the p-n junction varies. dropped with pentavalent impurity and an intrinsic 4. Assertion (A) : A p-n junction with reverse bias semiconductor number of holes are same. can be used as a photodiode to measure light Reason (R) : Number of holes doesn’t depend on intensity. doping concentrations. Answers L@ 2. (0) 3. (a) 4 5.(@) 6. (a) 7.(@) (a) 9. (d) 10. (a) 11.(a) 12.(a) 13. (a) 14.(@) 180) Case Study Based Questions (Solved)-----++++---+++++-+++ sorteeeenecens ‘we Study-1. wtih a voltage of 4 V and negligible intemal resistance, in series with a resistor of resistance R, ideal milliameter and a key as shown in figure. When key is pressed, a current of 35 mA passes through the diode. Ls} Scanned with CamScanner Based on above passage, answer the following question: 1. Find the intensity of the electric field in the depletion region when p-n junction is unbiased. (a) $*108Vm (6) 2« 105 Vm! (©) 25 «10° Vm (d) 2.5 » 1075 Vin! (@) $* 105 Vm"! Ans. 2 difference across R is : (0) 3.5V (@ 20V Ans. [Potential difference across R = Applied voltage — Potential barrier =4-05=35V) 3. Resistance of resistor R will be : (a) 5002 (b) 10009 © 10a (d@) 1009 (@ 1009 [Va=3.5V Vaz IR pe wee 35 135x103 4. Which of the following I-V characteristic for a given p-n junction diode is correct. (2) Ans. 10? = 100.9] oy Vivotsy Ce ) ° 05 V(votts) o How Ans. (c) (oa ° 03 Vola) Case Study-2. When a pure semiconductor material with one portion doped with pentavalent impurity and the other one portion is doped with trivalent impurity behave as p-n junction. A p-n junction diode is said to be forward biased ‘when the positive terminal of a battery is connected to _p-region and negative terminal ofthe battery is connected to n-tegion of the junction. During forward biased, the semiconductor will conduct and during reverse biased, the semiconductor will not conduct, Two circuit diagrams are given to you, as shown in figure A and B respectively (Dj, Ds, D, and D, are ideal diodes) j00 a. e ° SH ne ry anit + mnt o “ ® 1. The total resistance of circuit diagram A is : (@) 1502 (0) 502 (23009, (2509 Ans. (d)2500 [Dj is reverse biased, so no current flows through D§.. The arm containing D4 is ignored, 4+ Total resistance of circuit, R = 150 + 100 = 250.9) 2. The current in circuit diagram A will be: (a)24mA (24a (Q12mA @48 mA Ans. (a)24mA IEVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] Scanned with CamScanner {Total resistance = 250 VB V sions a aad = 24x10, VIR 1m oo 555 "00M V= 248107 1=24mA] 3, The total resistance of circuit diagram B when Vp> Vgis: (a) 509 (b) 100 (25a (752 ans. (0) 250 {When Vp > Vo, both diodes are forward biased. Both 50.0 resistance are in parallel, RiRy_ _ 50x50 SoRa” RieRy 5045059) 4, The effective resistance of circuit diagram B when Vq> Vp will be : @o (i) (©) 1002 ()25Q Ans. (6) [When Vo > Vp, both diodes are reverse biased and the cituicare pen. Therefore, Ray = =] Case Study-3. Rectifier is a device which convert AC into DC. Rectification is the process of converting AC into DC. The rectifier which convert only one half of AC into DC is called half wave rectifier. A rectifier which converts both halves of AC into DC is called full wave rectifier. An AC signal is fed into two circuits X and Y and the corresponding output in the two cases have the wave from as shown. CALE ORAE d Most Expected Questions Bam b+ DOr (Short Answer Type-1 Questions ------- Qu. (a) How does conductivity of a semiconductor increases with temperature ? (6) Why ‘does conductivity of semiconductor increase with temperature? [EVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] From the above passage, answer the following questions : 1, Incircuit diagram X and ¥ are : (@) full wave and half wave reetifier (b) half wave and full wave rectifier (6) both are half wave rectifiers (d) both are full wave rectifiers ‘Ans. (b) half wave and full wave rectifier 2. The principle on which X and Y are based : (a) When the p-n junction is forward biased, it will conduct and when in reverse biased, it will not conduct. (8) When the p-n junction is reversed biased, it will conduct only (©) When the p-n junction is forward biased, it will not conduct and when in reverse biased, it will conduct. (@ None of these (@) When the p-n junctior will conduct and when will not conduct. 3. If the input frequency of current in X circuit is 50 Hz, what will be the output frequency ? (@) 100 Hz (b)50Hz (©) 150 Hz (O75 Hz (8) 50 Hz (For half wave rectifier, the frequency of ‘output current is equal to the frequency of the input current] 4. If'same frequency (50 Hz) of current is supplied to Y circuit, what will be the output frequency ? (@) 100 Hz (6) 50 Hz © 150 Hz @ 200 Hz (@) 100 Hz [For full wave rectifier, the frequency of output current is twice the frequency of the input supply. So, output frequency of current will bbe 100 Hz} Ans, Ans, 2Marks |--- Ans. (a) Conductivity of a semiconductor increases with increase in temperature, (®) Covalent bonds of a semiconductor break with increase in temperature which increases the number of free charge carrier. ps) Scanned with CamScanner Q2. Ans. Q3. ‘Ans. Q4. Ans, (@) What is the order of energy gap in the semiconductor ? Give the of number of holes and the ‘number of conduction electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor. (a) About 1 eV. () As, (2) What type of charged carriers are there in a n-type semiconductor ? Draw energy band diagram for a p-type extrinsic semiconductor. Electrons. (b) (b) @ () Conduction band p-type extrinsic semiconductor Draw energy band diagram for a n-type extrinsic semiconductor. n-type extrinsic semiconductor : ‘Conduction band’ Q5. Draw energy band diagram for an intrinsic semiconductor. Ans. Intrinsic semiconductor : Conduton ond Ferien { ry oe Valence end Q.6. What is the depletion region in a p-n junction ? Ans. Q7. (346) A thin region due to recombination of electrons and holes around the p-n junction is called a depletion layer. Which biasing will make the resistance of a p-n junction high ? Ans. Reverse biasing ic, positive polarity of a battery connected to n-type semiconductor of the junction. and negative polarity of the battery connected to P-type semiconductor of the junction, Qs. Ans. Draw a p-n junction with reverse bias. p ja Q9. t— In the given diagram, is the diode D forward or reverse biased. Ans, “sone —D+— The diode is reverse biased, because negative potential is connected to p-type semiconductor of the junction. Q.10.(a) (b) Ans. (a) (6) QuI1. (a) () Ans. (a) © Q.12.(a) (b) How does the thickness of the depletion layer in a p-n junction diode vary with increase in reverse bias ? How does the energy gap in an intrinsic semiconductor vary, when doped with a pentavalent impurity ? Thickness of depletion layer increases with increase in reverse bias, till breakdown occurs. The energy gap will be reduced. In a semiconductor the concentration of electrons is 8 x 10" cm and that of holes is 5 « 10? cm™. Is it a p-type or n-type semi- conductor ? How is a sample of an n-type semiconductor electrically neutral though it has an excess of negative charge carriers ? 1m, > Mp $0 the semiconductor is n-type. Excess charges are donated by impurity atoms but the protons of the donor atom finally result into a neutral n-type semiconductor. ‘What happens to the width of depletion layer of pn junction when it is () forward biased (i) reversed biased. Carbon and silicon are known to have a similar lattice structures. However, the four bonding electrons of carbon are present in the second orbit while those of silicon are present [EVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] Scanned with CamScanner in the third orbit. How does this difference | result in a difference in their electrical conductivities ? | ans. (a) (decreases _(ii) increases. (8) Due to lesser ionisation energy, silicon will act as a semiconductor whereas carbon does not. Silicon will act as insulator at low temperature and conductor at room temperature. Q.13. What type of charge carriers are there in a (@ p-type (ii) n-type semiconductor ? () Majority carriers are holes and minority carriers are electrons. Ans. (i) Majority carriers are electrons and minority carriers are holes. Q.14. (a) Is the ratio of number of holes and number of conduction clectrons in an n-type semiconductor more than, less than or equal to one? (b) Is the ratio of number of holes and number of conduction electrons in a p-type semi- conductor more than, less than or equal to one, @ “<1 ® Mor. Te me QA5. (a) What causes depletion region in a pn junction ? (6) What is a potential barrier ? (a) Diffusion of charge carriers through the junction diode. (6) Potential difference due to immobile ions of different kinds on both sides of a p-n junction is called potential barrier. (@) Which type of biasing gives a semiconductor diode very high resistance ? (6) Ap-n junction diode can be used as a rectifier. Why? (a) Reverse biasing. (0) This is because p-n junction diode conducts only when forward biased and does not conduct when reverse biased. (a) Under what condition does a junction diode work as open switch ? () Which one of the two diodes D, and D, in the given figures (/) forward biased (ii) reverse biased ? EVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] Ans, Qué. Qaz. Ans, Qus. Ans, Qu9. Ans. Q.20. 2 (@) Reverse biased, (®) @ p-region of p-n junction diode D, is at negative potential ~2 V than the n-region OV, s0 diode D, is reverse biased. (ii) Diode D, is forward biased because its p-tegion is at positive potential than the n-region. (a) How does width of depletion layer of p-n junction diode change with decrease in reverse bias ? (b) Give the threshold voltage for a (A) silicon diode (ii) germanium diode. (@) Decrease in reverse bias decreases the width of depletion layer. (0) Threshold voltage for silicon is 0.7 V and for germanium is about 0.2 V. (a) How is the band gap, E, of a photodiode related to the maximum wavelength, 2, that cean be detected by it ? (b) A band gap of the semiconductor used for fabrication of visible LED's must at least be 1.8 eV. Why? he _ 1242eV © Yn" Be” Byinev™ (b) Spectral range of visible light is 400 nm to 700 nm with energy range 3eV to 1.8 eV. So, LED required for emiting visible light should have a minimum forbidden energy gap of 1.8 eV. (@) Name the junction diode whose I-V characteristics are drawn below : fun Scanned with CamScanner (b) With what consideration photodiode is fabricated ? in view, a Ans, (a) Solar cell. Q21. (6) 10 is fabricated with a consideration that the electron-hole pairs are formed near the depletion region of the diode, so that they can be separated before combining by the clectric field across the junction. (a) From the information of energy band gaps of diodes, how do you decide which can be light emitting diodes ? (6) Give any one advantage of LED's over conventional incandescent low power lamps. Ans. (a) The diode having energy gap in the visible (Short Answer Type-II Questions- Qu. Ans. Q2. spectrum can act as LED. (b) Incandescent power lamp requires a heating filament whereas LED do not require any such filament. ‘What is an intrinsic semiconductor ? How you can convert an intrinsic semiconductor into n-type and ‘p-type extrinsic semiconductor ? Pure semiconductors like germanium, silicon are known as intrinsic semiconductors. Such substances behave as insulators at very low ‘temperature but at room temperature they behave like a conductor. If pentavalent impurity is added to the intrinsic, it will result in to excess of electrons in the semiconductor. Such a semiconductor is called p-type semiconductor. If trivalent impurity is added to the intrinsic semiconductor, it will result in to excess of holes in the semiconductor. Such a semiconductor is called p-type semiconductor, Draw reverse and forward bias I-V curves for a p-n junction diode. Or Draw the graph showing the variation of current with voltage for a p-n junction diode. Q.22. (a) Identify the semiconductor diode whose An Ans, Q3. IV characteristics are as shown : mA Revere bias Ururhety (b) Why is the conductivity of n-type semi- conductor greater than that of p-type semi- conductor even when both of these have same level of doping ? 18. (a) It isa photodiode. (6) Its because in n-type, the majority carriers are electrons whereas in p-type, they are holes. Electrons have a greater mobility than holes. 3Marks } - - A) -12-10-8 -6 4-2 OF 01 0203040506 What do the terms “depletion region” and “barrier potential” mean fora p-n junction ? Or Explain the term depletion region for p-n junction and potential barrier. Depletion region : The narrow region at the p-r junction in which positive and negative immobile ccharges oppose the further diffusion of holes and electrons through the junction is called depletion region. [EVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] Scanned with CamScanner sarrier potential: The depletion region contains Mate and positive immobile ions which are arate by a distance equal to thickness of the depletion layer. Hence, a potential difference is puild up across the junction which opposes the diffusion of holes and electrons through the junction potential. This potential difference at the junction is called barrier potential. (a) Why is the current under reverse bias almost independent of the applied potential upto a critical voltage 2 (b) Why does the reverse current show a sudden increase at the critical voltage ? (a) Invreverse bias, the depletion layer becomes wider which offers large opposition to the flow of majority charge carriers, In this case, current is due to thermally generated minority current carriers, which are independent of applied voltage below zener voltage. (0) At a critical voltage, breakdown occurs which causes sudden increase in current. ‘Two semiconductor materials X and Y shown in the given figure are made by doping germanium crystal with indium and arsenic respectively. The two are joined end to end and connected to a battery as shown : Ans. Qs. 27 lik AH KC Will the junction be biased ? Explain. pe Sia Material X is doped with indium, : impurity, so it is a p-type semiconductor while ry ii ith arsenic, a pentavalent semiconductor. From is connected to the itive termi gion is connected to Pegative crTminal of the battery, so the given junction is forward biased. vain with the help of 2 circuit diagram, the oe ‘photodiode. Write briefly how it is ing of a or ineetect the optical signals, junction diode made from light sensitive forward biased or reverse Ans, Q6. Ans. A 400% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] everorers Q7. Semiconductor is called a photodiode. A photo- diode is fabncated such that it when p-n junction diode arranged in reverse biasing a [909] Working : When light of suitable frequency is made to fall on the p- junction, the number of charge carriers increases, because new electron- hole pairs are created by absorbing the incident photon of suitable frequency. Intensity of light controls the number of charge carriers. Due to this property, photodiodes are used to detect the optical signals. How is photodiode used to measure light intensity? Plot a graph between current and intensity of light for photodiode. Write the main uses of photodiode. Whee Reverse bias current through a photodiode. Incident light of frequency v such that hv > E,, where E, is band gap of increasing intensity 1), Ip Ip, ly ete. The value of reverse saturation current increases with increase of intensity of light. Thus, the measurement of charge in the reverse saturation current can give the intensity of incident light. Uses : Photodiodes are used in demodulation and detection of optical signals, in light operated switches and in electronic counters. Scanned with CamScanner Q.8. With the help of circuit diagram, explain the Ans: nee p-n junction diode which convert solar Ans. Qs. working of light emitting diode (LEDs), Draw V-I characteristics of LEDs. Which semiconductors are preferred to make LEDs and why ? Give two advantages of using LEDs over conventional incandescent low power lamps. A special heavily doped p-n junction diode in forward biased which emits spontaneous radiation is known as LED. 2 a Gd ie. Visite ight Visible ight Working : LED is a forward biased p-n junction which convert electrical energy in to optical energy of visible and infrared light region. Due to forward bias, thin depletion layer and low potential barrier facilitate diffusion of holes and electrons through the junction. When high energy electron of conduction band combines with the low energy holes in valence band, then energy is released in the form of photon, which appears in the form of light. ma) Forward ‘current (ma) vw Forward bias votage—> ‘Semiconductors with appropriate band gap close to 1.5 eV are preferred to make LEDs, e.g., GaAs. These materials also have high optical absorption, availability of raw material and low cost. Uses : (i) LEDs take very less operational time and have long life as compared to incandescent lamps. (ii) LEDs can operate at very low voltage and consumes less power as compared to incandescent lamps. What is a solar cell ? Explain its working with the help of circuit diagram, Draw V-I characteristics of solar cell. Why are Si and GaAs preferred materials for fabrication in solar cells ? Write the uses of solar cells. 10 electrical energy when junction is forward biased, called solar eel eet uv yk iH -@ R AWWA Working : (® When solar energy falls on the solar cells, electron-hole pairs are generated in both n-region and p-region of the junction diode. (ii) The electron from p-region diffuse through the junction to the n-region and holes from n-region diffuse through the junction to the p-tegion due to electric field across the depletion layer. Due to this holes and electrons get separated out. (iii) When p-n junction diode is an open circuited, then holes and electrons will collect on both sides of the junction diode. This gives rise to an open circuit voltage, When an enternal load resistance is connected across the junction, clectric current starts flowing through the circuit. With increase in the intensity of solar light, the electric current increases. i- Intensity of solar ight V1 cheracterstic (Wor open circuit voltage, 1,= maximum current) [EVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12) Scanned with CamScanner o (Note : The curve is available in the [Vth quadrant because solar cell does not draw the current but it supplies the current to the load resistance.) The energy for the maximum intensity of the solar radiation is nearly 1.5 eV. In order to have photo excitation, the energy of radiation must be greater than energy band gap. The energy band gap for Si and GaAs is about 1.1 eV and 1.43 eV respectively. So, the semiconductor with energy band gap about 1.5 eV or lower and with higher absorption coefficient, is likely to give better solar conversion efficiency. Uses = () They are used in street lights. (i) They are used in calculators. (iii) They are used in solar heaters. (i) They are used in power supply of satellites. 1, Two semiconductor materials A and B shown in the figure are made by doping germanium crystal with arsenic and indium respectively. The two are joined end to end and connected to a battery as shown. A | 8B () Will the junction be forward biased or reverse biased ? (i) Sketch the I-V graph for this arrangement. 1 @ Material A is n-type and material B is p-type semiconductors. As n-region is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and p-region is connected to the negative terminal of battery, therefore, the given junction diode is reverse biased- (i) 1-V graph for the given arrangement is as shown in the figure : GREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] Ans. Qu. (Three photodiodes D,, D and D; are made of semiconductors having band gaps of 2.5 eV, 2 eV and 3 eV respectively. Which of them will not be able to detect light of 600 nm ? (i) Why photodiode are required to operate in reverse bias ? Explain. 7 Ac (i) Using E=hv= XY _ __ 6.62x10 x3x108 ~ (600%10)x(1.6x10") E=2.07eV E). The diffused charge carriers combine with their counterparts and neutralise each other. This process is called diffusion and current produced is called diffusion current. + Electrons difusion Electrons dei (i) Drift : Near the junction, positive charge is build on n-side and negative charge on p-side. This sets up potential difference across the junction and due to which electric field directed from n-side to p-side. The majority charge carrier drift under the influence of electric field such that holes drift along the direction of electric field and electrons drift opposite to the direction of electric field. This process is called drift and current produced is called drift current. The equilibrium is established when electric field becomes strong enough to stop further diffusion of majority charge carriers. Q2. Ans. w 5 Marks }-.. The region on either side of the junction which becomes free from the mobile charge carriers is called depletion region or depletion layer. The potential difference developed across the depletion region is called potential barrier, Explain (/) forward biasing and (ii) reverse biasing in a p-n junction diode with the help of circuit diagram, How is the width of depletion layer affected in the two cases ? (® Forward bias : When the positive terminal of a battery is connected to p-side and the negative terminal of the battery is connected to neside, then the p-n junction is said to be forward biased. During forward biasing, the majority carriers, holes in p-region and electrons in n-region are repelled towards the junction. The majority carriers in both the region acquire sufficient energy to cross over the barrier potential across the junction. Thus, the flow of electrons to the left side and holes to the right side of the junction begins, In the region p-n junction, holes and electrons recombine. For every electron-hole combination near the junction, a covalent bond of p-type semiconductor connected to positive terminal of the battery breaks. The electron liberated enters the positive terminal of the battery and holes moves to the right side of the junction. Similarly, more electrons reach from the negative terminal of the battery and enter the n-region to compensate the electrons lost by the combination with the holes at the junction. Reverse bias : When the positive terminal of a battery is connected to n-side and the negative terminal of the battery is connected to p-side, then the p-n junction is said to reverse biased. [EVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12), Scanned with CamScanner Ans. \ —— During reverse biasing, the holes and electrons majority carriers in p-region and n-region moves away from the junction. As a result of this, holes inthe p-region and electrons in the n-region cannot cross through the junction. So, depletion layer increases and current cannot flow through the diode due to majority charge carriers. There is small saturation current due to minority charge carriers in p-region and n-region. This current not affected by the applied voltage but increases with increase in temperature. (@) During forward bias, the majority charge carriers moves toward the junction, so depletion layer decreases and hence resistance also decreases. (6) During reverse bias, the majority charge carriers moves away from the junction, so depletion layer increases and hence resistance also increases. . Draw the circuit arrangement for studying I-V characteristics for p-n junction diode in : (@) forward and (6) reverse bias. Briefly, explain how typical I-V characteristics of a diode are obtained and draw these characteristics. Or Using the necessary circuit diagrams, show how the V-I characterstics ofa p-n junction are obtained in (a) forward biasing (6) reverse biasing ? How are these characteristics made use of in rectification? Also, define static resistance and dynamic resistance of a junction diode. (@) Forward biased characteristics: The circuit diagram for studying forward bised characteristics is shown in the figure. Forward bias voltage is increased step by step starting from a EVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12] low value, measuring by voltmeter and forward current is measured by ammeter. The graph showing the variation of current with the variation of applied voltage, when diode is forward biased is known as forward bias characteristics of p-n junction diode. At the starting, when applied voltage is low (less than barrier voltage), the current through the diode is zero. When the applied voltage exceeds the potential barrier, the current increases very slowly with further increase in applied voltage, the current increases very rapidly. The battery voltage at which the forward current starts increasing rapidly is known as knee voltage. z t I 01 02 03 04 05 Forward bias (VJ—> Conclusions : (0 The resistance across the junction of a diode is large below the knee voltage. (ii) The resistance across the junction of a diode decreases above the knee voltage. (6) Reverse biased characteristics : The graph showing the variation of current with the variation of applied voltage, when the junction diode is reverse biased is known as reverse bias characteristics of the junction diode, The circuit diagram for studying reverse biased characteristics is shown in the figure. Da Scanned with CamScanner ran Q4. When p-n junction diode is reverse biased, the majority charge carriers in p and n-side are repelled away from the junction. Due to minority’ charge carriers there “is small current. This current attains its saturation value immediately and is independent of the applied voltage. As the reverse voltage is increased toacertain value, called breakdown voltage. Large electron-hole pairs are produced which diffuse through the junction and hence there is sudden rise in the reverse current. Once breakdown voltage is reached any increase in the applied voltage leads to the high reverse current which may damage junction diode. 40 4 4 4 2 Use of p-n junction characteristics in rectification: From forward and reverse characteristics, it is clear that current flow through the junction diode only in forward bias but not in reverse bias means current flows only in one direction. Static resistance (DC resistance) : The rato of the DC voltage across the diode to the direct current flowing through it called static resistance. ¥ Meg Dynamic resistance (AC resistance) : The ratio of the small change in voltage to the corresponding small change in current in the diode is called dynamic resistance. wav te What is a rectifier ? What is rectification ? What is the principle of a rectifier ? Draw the circuit diagram of a half-wave rectifier and explain its working, Draw the input and output wave form. Rectifier is a device which convert AC into DC. Rectification is the process of converting AC in DC. Principle : It works on the principle that when the ‘P-n junction diode is forward biased, it conduct and when it is reverse biased, will not conduct. Junction diode as a half-wave rectifier : The rectifier which convert only one half of AC into DCis called half-wave rectifier. ‘The circuit diagram of half-wave rectifier is shown in figure, ial ‘AC voltage to be rectified is connected to the primary coil of a step-down transformer. Secondary coil is ‘connected to the diode through load resistance Rj , across, which output is obtained. Working : During positive half cycle of the input AC, the p-n junction becomes forward biased, Hence, the resistance in p-n junction becomes low and current flows. Thus, we get output in the load resistance. During negative half cycle of the input AC, the pp-n junction becomes reverse biased. Hence, the resistance of p-n junction is high and current does not flow. So, no output in obtained in the load resistance. So, for complete cycle of AC, current flows through the load resistance in unidirection. if Input and output wave form Q000 TEVERGREEN 100% SUCCESS IN PHYSICS-12) Scanned with CamScanner

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