Aquaculture Research - 2011 - Cowan - The Effect of Metal Halide and Novel Green Cathode Lights On The Stress Response

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Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115^124 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02664.

The effect of metal halide and novel green cathode

lights on the stress response, innate immunity, eye
structure and feeding activity of Atlantic cod,
Gadus morhua L.

Mairi Cowan, Andrew Davie & Herve¤ Migaud

Reproduction and Genetics Group, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK

Correspondence: Dr H Migaud, Reproduction and Genetics Group, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, UK.

Abstract Introduction
High-intensity constant lighting is routinely used for Sexual maturation is a major welfare concern and
photoperiod manipulation in the aquaculture indus- economic burden during the on-growing of marine
try in order to prevent early maturation. The poten- ¢n¢sh as energy is directed into gonadal develop-
tial welfare impacts of this technology, however, ment, resulting in a loss in growth and product qual-
have not been extensively studied to date, and with ity. Furthermore, during ¢nal maturation, there is an
the implementation of more e⁄cient narrow band- increased sensitivity to disease, a reduction in feed-
width lighting technologies (cathode, light-emitting ing activity and concerns exist over potential genetic
diodes), de¢nitions of species-speci¢c sensitivities interaction with native stocks through broadcast
are becoming essential. The objective of this study spawning or spawning interaction by escapees
was to investigate the impact of traditional metal ha- (Bromage, Porter & Randall 2001). Photoperiod ma-
lide (MH) and novel green cathode lighting on the nipulation is an e⁄cient tool used to suppress early
welfare (stress response, innate immunity, retina maturation in a number of commercially important
structure, feeding activity) and light perception of marine teleosts, especially temperate species such as
Atlantic cod. The results indicated that although Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. (Hansen, Karlsen,Tar-
acute responses to light were observed, there were anger, Hemre, Holm & Kjesbu 2001; Davie, Porter &
no clear signi¢cant long-term e¡ects of any of the Bromage 2003; Davie, Porter, Bromage & Migaud
lighting treatments on the stress levels (plasma corti- 2007), Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. (Endal, Taran-
sol, glucose), innate immune function (lysozyme ac- ger, Stefansson & Hansen 2000) and European sea
tivity), retina structure and population feeding bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L. (Bayarri, Rodriguez, Za-
activity (acute decline under all light treatments, nuy, Madrid, Sanchez-Vazquez & Carrillo 2003; Felip,
most pronounced in ¢sh exposed to higher illumina- Zanuy, Muriach, Cerda-Reverter & Carrillo 2008), in
tion, but normal feeding activity was resumed within which seasonal changes in day^length act as the
8 days following light onset). Regarding light percep- principal regulator of puberty onset (Bromage et al.
tion, interestingly, even when subjected to high- 2001). It is believed that the indoleamine melatonin
intensity constant lighting (MH mean tank intensity: acts as the key light perception hormone and is re-
16.6 W m  2), cod still demonstrated a day^night leased by the photosensitive pineal gland (Bromage
rhythm in melatonin release, which suggests percep- et al. 2001; Falcon, Migaud, Munoz-Cueto & Carrillo
tion of the overlying ambient photoperiod. 2009), with high levels of melatonin produced during
darkness and lower levels produced during daylight
Keywords: Gadus morhua L., arti¢cial light, green (Porter, Duncan, Mitchell & Bromage 1999; Porter,
cathode, stress, lysozyme, retina, feeding activity Stefansson, Nyhammer, Karlsen, Norberg & Bromage

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E¡ect of metal halide and novel green cathode lights on Gadus morhua L. M Cowan et al. Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115–124

2000; Bromage et al. 2001; Bayarri, Madrid & San- Migaud 2010). In addition, the cod retina has also
chez-Vazquez 2002), thus providing an entraining been demonstrated recently to be more sensitive to
endocrine message. As such, plasma melatonin mea- light-induced damage than salmon and sea bass reti-
surements are routinely used to assess an individual na (Vera & Migaud 2009). Importantly, in cod on-
¢sh’s perception of lighting systems (Porter et al. growing, an increasing number of light units of
2000; Migaud, Taylor, Taranger, Davie, Cerda-Rever- escalating power and e⁄ciency are being used in
ter, Carrillo, Hansen & Bromage 2006). At present, commercial cages as photoperiodic regimes used to
photoperiod is manipulated in commercial, open date (MH systems) have failed to fully suppress early
cage systems through the use of metal halide (MH) maturation and at best caused only a 4-month delay
light units. These systems, however, are not speci¢- (Taranger, Aardal, Hansen & Kjesbu 2006). However,
cally designed for aquaculture and thus new, more no documented studies have so far been performed
cost-e¡ective technologies [e.g. cathode lighting (CL) on the welfare of cod regarding the e¡ects of these in-
and light-emitting diodes (LED)] that allow the re- creasingly high-intensity constant regimes.
¢nement of spectral content and reduce the energy re- The objective of our study was thus to investigate
quirement are now being used to develop species- and the potential welfare impact of two di¡erent types of
environment-speci¢c lighting systems. In vitro and in arti¢cial lighting (CL and traditional MH) currently
vivo experiments in a number of species including sea being used to suppress maturation in commercial
bass and zebra¢sh have demonstrated the e¡ectiveness cod aquaculture through analysis of the stress re-
of shorter wavelengths (blue-green) in reducing mela- sponse, innate immunity, retinal structure and feed-
tonin levels, in comparison with longer wavelengths ing activity and also to determine cod light
(red) (Bayarri et al. 2002; Ziv, Tovin, Strasser & Gothilf perception of these systems.
2007). These shorter wavelengths are also known to
penetrate seawater more e⁄ciently (Lalli & Parsons
1993). Currently, however, there is almost no published Materials and methods
scienti¢c information available regarding the technical
performance of such systems in the marine environ- Fish stock and initial rearing conditions
ment. Likewise, there is limited information regarding The trial was conducted at the Machrihanish Marine
the potential ‘welfare’ impact of these arti¢cial lighting Environmental Research Laboratory (MERL, 55:441N,
technologies on ¢sh. 5:441W) between 6th June and 16th August 2007.
It is well known that aquaculture practices includ- Groups of 50 mixed-sex juvenile Atlantic cod produced
ing stocking density, diet, feeding technique and man- by MERL (mean wet weight  SEM 5142  3 g), pre-
agement procedures may act as stressors in viously reared in tanks under simulated natural
aquaculture and have strong e¡ects on the health and photoperiod and ambient temperature regimes, were
performance of the ¢sh (Pickering 1993; Wendelaar randomly stocked into 10 white 2 m diameter, covered
Bonga 1997; Schreck, Contreras-Sanchez & Fitzpatrick tanks (volume 1.6 m3, 0.5 m deep, approximate initial
2001). It is essential, therefore, that work is conducted stocking density: 4.4 kg m  3).Within each population,
on the e¡ects of an abrupt change in lighting condi- 20 individuals were selected at random and implanted
tions and continuous (LL) high-intensity light on ¢sh with a passive integrated transponder tag (Avid Plc,
to avoid or mediate detrimental implications (Ashley Uck¢eld, UK). All tanks were supplied with fresh sea-
2007; Bowden 2008). There are a number of possible water, ¢ltered to 60 mm, at a £ow rate of approximately
physiological and behavioural processes that arti¢cial 50 L min  1 and drained to waste. The water tempera-
illumination could in£uence including the stress re- ture during the trial was 14  1 1C.
sponse, the immune system, eye damage and feeding
activity. To date, only Migaud, Cowan, Taylor and Fer-
guson (2008) have directly considered the welfare im-
Experimental conditions
pact of arti¢cial blue LED lighting on Atlantic salmon.
While the authors reported no chronic e¡ects in this Fish were initially maintained on a 6-week acclima-
case, it is important to consider that species-speci¢c tion period under a control simulated natural photo-
sensitivities to light do exist (Migaud et al. 2006). Re- period regime (SNP, experimental light units were
cent in vitro pineal studies have revealed that cod, in ¢tted in tanks but remained o¡). This control lighting
comparison with salmon and sea bass, have a much was provided by two 9 W £uorescent bulbs (S G23
higher sensitivity to light (Vera, Davie, Taylor & energy saver, Osram Dulux, St Helens, UK) that were

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Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115^124 E¡ect of metal halide and novel green cathode lights on Gadus morhua L. M Cowan et al.

located on the underside of tank lids. Their operation 1.2 (a) Control fluorescent light unit
was regulated by digital timers, which were adjusted
weekly to match the ambient photoperiod through- 1.0
614 nm
out the trial. The intensity measured at the water sur-
face was 0.32 W m  2 when illuminated. Intensity 0.8
measurements (W m  2) were performed using a sin-
gle channel light sensor set to a wavelength range of 0.6
400^740 nm (Skye Instruments, UK) and calibrated
to National Physics Laboratory (UK) standards. Spec- 0.4
tral content was recorded using a portable spectrora-
diometer (Model EPP 2000c, Stellarnet, Tampa, FL, 0.2
Following acclimation, ¢sh were randomly as-
signed to one of ¢ve light treatments (duplicated) for 1.2 Green cathode light unit
4 weeks. Control lighting was provided by £uorescent
bulbs (as during acclimation) and experimental light- 1.0

Normalised intensity units

ing was provided by a green cathode (CL, 40 W, Intra- 546 nm
vision Aqua, Oslo, Norway) or MH (400 W, BGB 0.8
Engineering, Grantham, UK) units. Experimental
treatments were designed to mimic the intensities 0.6
that ¢sh would be exposed to if they were to remain
in close proximity to the lighting systems in a cage 0.4
environment ( 1.5 m) and were set to a continuous
light (LL) or a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP) 0.2
regime; daylength for SNP treatments ranged from
16 h at the start of the test period (19th July) to 15 h 0.0
at the end (16th August). The treatments were as fol-
lows: (1) control (SNP), (2) low CL (1U, LL), (3) high CL 1.2 (c) Metal halide light unit
(4 U, LL), (4) MH-LL (1U) and (5) MH-SNP (1U). An
SNP MH treatment was included in the trial in order 1.0
593 nm
to determine whether there was an e¡ect of darkness
following the highest intensity day-time lighting (Ta- 0.8
ble1). Regarding wavelength, the green cathode units
emitted a clear prominent green peak (546 nm), 0.6
whereas MH units emitted a broader range of wave-
length throughout the visible spectrum (Fig. 1). 0.4
Fish were fed to satiation on commercial cod feed
(Start/Pearl diet, Biomar, Grangemouth, UK) accord- 0.2
ing to the manufacturer’s guidelines via clockwork
belt-feeders throughout the ambient daylight period.
400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength (nm)

Table 1 Mean light intensities recorded in tanks (W m  2) Figure1 Normalized spectral pro¢les for (a) control £uor-
escent light, (b) cathode light and (c) metal halide light
Treatment Photoperiod Light intensity units.

Control SNP 0.08  0.03

Low CL LL 0.47  0.18
High CL LL 0.82  0.15 In order to obtain data on population feed intake,
MH (LL1SNP) 16.58  8.77 tanks were also hand-fed to satiation four times
Data presented as mean  SEM (n 5 2).
(09:30,12:00,14:30, 17:00 hours) throughout the day-
MH, metal halide; CL, cathode lighting; SNP, simulated natural light period over 5 days before light onset (baseline
photoperiod. feeding activity) and 11 days after light onset.

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E¡ect of metal halide and novel green cathode lights on Gadus morhua L. M Cowan et al. Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115–124

Sampling procedure pH 5 6.2. Micrococcus lysodeikticus is a Gram-positive

cocci particularly susceptible to the lytic action of ly-
Five untagged ¢sh per tank were sacri¢ced at
sozyme. The diameter of the lysed zone was visua-
six time-points during the experiment: pre-light
lized by the lack of colour in contrast to the white
exposure (3 and 2 weeks before exposure to the
unlysed area. The mean diameter (n 5 2) of each zone
light treatments, during acclimation) and post-light
was measured (  0.5 mm) using a ruler.
exposure (3 h, 1, 2 and 4 weeks). At each time-point,
¢sh were culled by lethal anaesthesia (MS222,
80 ppm, Pharmaq, Fordingbridge, UK). Immediately
after death, a heparinized syringe was used to Eye histology
withdraw blood from the caudal vein for cortisol and Once the eye was removed, a small incision was made
glucose analyses: ¢sh were then measured for whole in the sclera 901 to the right of the choroid ¢ssure to
body weight (  0.1g) and total length ( 1mm) and allow ¢xative penetration. Eyes were ¢xed overnight
then a sample of the head kidney was removed and in Bouin’s ¢xative (o24 h) and then washed and
frozen at  70 1C for lysozyme analysis and both eyes transferred twice into fresh 70% ethanol, where they
were removed and ¢xed in bouins ¢xative (Bios Europe, remained until processing. Eyes were oriented using
Lancashire, UK). Blood was sampled within 5 min of the location of the ventral choroid ¢ssure and
netting, stored on ice, centrifuged at 1200 g for 15 min trimmed in a dorsal^ventral plane to include the op-
and the resulting plasma was aliquoted and stored tic nerve. Subsequent processing to para⁄n wax was
at  70 1C until analysis. At the end of the trial, ¢ve routine and sections were stained using haematoxy-
¢sh were sacri¢ced during the night and ¢ve during lin and eosin.
the day from all tanks: 2 mL of blood was withdrawn Retinal measurements were conducted using
and the plasma melatonin content was analysed. image analysis software (IMAGE PRO PLUS, v. 4.5, Media
Cybernectics, Silver Spring, MD, USA) and taken at
the central region of the retina ventral to the
Plasma analysis optic nerve. Two parameters were measured: (1) the
Plasma cortisol levels were determined using a radio- thickness of the outer nuclear layer (ONL)
immunoassay according to North, Turnbull, Ellis, (n 5 5 measurements ¢sh  1) and (2) the number
Porter, Migaud, Bron and Bromage (2006) and vali- of ONL nuclei in a 50 mm band (n 5 2 counts
dated in Atlantic cod by comparing serial dilutions ¢sh  1) (Fig. 2). Measurements were conducted on
of pooled cod plasma to check whether it was immu- the retina from the 2- and 4-week light exposure
nologically comparable to puri¢ed standards (data time-points.
not presented). The tritiated label (TRK407) was
supplied by Amersham Pharmacia Biotech (Little
Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, UK) and a sheep anti-
PE 100 µm
cortisol antibody from Diagnostic Scotland (Carluke,
UK). Intra- and inter-coe⁄cients of variation were
6.85% and 21.33%, respectively (n 5 4), with a mini-
mum sensitivity of 0.38 ng mL  1.
Glucose concentration was analysed colourimetri-
cally using In¢nityTM Glucose Oxidase diagnostic PR
kits (Alphalabs, Hampshire, UK). ONL
Melatonin was analysed using a radioimmunoas- OPL
say according to Porter et al. (2000).
IPL Control
Lysozyme analysis
Figure 2 Histological section of Atlantic cod retina kept
Lysozyme activity was analysed using a modi¢ed ver- for 2 weeks under control conditions. Section illustrates
sion of the lysoplate method as described by Osser- di¡erent retinal layers: PE, pigment epithelium; PR,
man and Lawlor (1966). The method is based on lysis photoreceptor layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; OPL, outer
of the bacterium Micrococcus lysodeikticus in l% agar- plexiform layer; BCL, bipolar cell layer; IPL, inner plexi-
ose prepared in 0.05 M sodium phosphate bu¡er form layer.

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Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115^124 E¡ect of metal halide and novel green cathode lights on Gadus morhua L. M Cowan et al.

Population feed intake Control

25 (a) Low CL
Light Onset High CL
Population feed intake (% body weight day  1) was MH-LL

Cortisol (ng ml−1)

determined by hand-feeding tanks to satiation 20 MH-SNP

and dividing the total consumption by the number 15

of ¢sh. *
Speci¢c growth rate (SGR)
The SGR for all tagged individuals over the 4-week
test period was calculated as follows: 0

    100 (b)
Lnðweight endÞ  Lnðweight startÞ
SGR ¼ Exp  1  100 90

Glucose (mg dl−1)

Number of days
Statistical analysis 50
Statistical analysis was performed using MINITAB 40
version 15.0 (Minitab, Coventry, UK). All data sets 30
were tested for normality using the Kolmogorov^ 0
Smirnov test and homogeneity of variances using Baseline 3hr Week 1Week 2 Week 4
Bartlett’s test, and if necessary, were log transformed. Figure 3 Plasma (a) cortisol and (b) glucose levels in
All data expressed as a percentage were arcsine Atlantic cod kept under control conditions, green cathode
transformed before analysis. The e¡ect of light treat- light (low CL and high CL) and metal halide (MH-LL and
ment over time on all dependent variables was com- MH-SNP) light. Data presented as mean  SD (n 5 2,5 ¢sh
pared by analysis of variance manipulated using a replicate  1). Signi¢cant di¡erences between baseline and
General Linear Model that included a comparison of post-light onset values are indicated by ‘’.
treatment replicates (n 5 2) nested within the ¢xed
treatment e¡ect.When no signi¢cant replicate di¡er-
ence was found, the model only analysed treatment Eye histology
di¡erences; however, for the SGR data, only where a
replicate di¡erence was present, analysis was per- No di¡erences in ONL thickness or ONL nuclei number
formed between replicates independent of treatment. were observed between ¢sh under di¡erent treatments
In all cases, a signi¢cance level of Po0.05 was set, after 2 or 4 weeks of light exposure (Table 2). ONL
with signi¢cant interactions being analysed using thickness ranged from 29.40  3.75 to 37.09  0.06
the Tukey post hoc test. (mean  SD, n 5 2, 5 ¢sh replicate  1) and the num-
ber of ONL nuclei ranged from 98  19.94 to
126  1.48 (mean  SD, n 5 2, 5 ¢sh replicate  1).

Cortisol, glucose and lysozyme Feeding intake
There were no signi¢cant di¡erences between the Population feed intake analyses indicated no long-
light treatments in plasma cortisol (Fig. 3a) and glu- term e¡ects on the feeding activity of cod in any of
cose (Fig. 3b) levels. Although a signi¢cant elevation the light treatments (Fig. 4). There was, however, a
in cortisol (low CL at1week) was observed from base- signi¢cant reduction in feed intake following light
line, this deviation was transitory, with a revert to onset in all experimental treatments, with this being
baseline levels 2 weeks after light onset. There were most pronounced in ¢sh exposed to MH lighting. Be-
no signi¢cant di¡erences in lysozyme activity be- fore light onset, cod were feeding at  0.98% body
tween treatments or timepoints; the mean activity weight per day; however, following light onset, in
(measured by clearance zone) ranged from the MH-LL treatment, this declined to 0.2%. By days
3.95  0.25 to 5.45  0.02 (mean  SD, n 5 2,5 ¢sh - 8 and 10 onwards, however, feeding rates were no
replicate  1, data not shown). di¡erent from the baseline levels. For the two CL

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E¡ect of metal halide and novel green cathode lights on Gadus morhua L. M Cowan et al. Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115–124

Table 2 Retinal morphometric measurements (central region) performed in Atlantic cod kept under control conditions,
green cathode light (low CL and high CL) and metal halide light (MH-SNP and MH-LL) for 2 and 4 weeks following light onset


Parameter Time Control Low CL High CL MH-LL MH-SNP

ONL Thickness 2 weeks 37.09  0.06 34.12  0.61 33.71  0.58 30.95  0.43 29.40  3.75
4 weeks 36.77  1.47 36.46  1.70 31.80  2.09 34.14  2.53 32.89  0.42
ONL Nuclei 2 weeks 116  15.95 111  11.24 115  0.00 102  11.83 103  18.21
4 weeks 126  1.48 107.58  7.53 104  4.79 106  4.97 98  19.94

Parameters measured include the thickness (mm) of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and the number of ONL nuclei/50 mm  1. Data is
presented as the mean  SD (n 5 2, 5 ¢sh replicate  1).
MH, metal halide; CL, cathode lighting; SNP, simulated natural photoperiod.

(a) Control (SNP) Metal halide (LL)

1.6 1.6 (d)
1.4 Light Onset 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0

Low intensity green cathode (LL) Metal halide (SNP)

1.6 (b) 1.6 (e)
Feed rate (%bw/day)

1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
Base 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
High intensity green cathode (LL) -line
1.6 (c) No. days post light onset
Base 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
No. days post light onset

Figure 4 Population feeding behaviour in Atlantic cod kept under di¡erent lighting treatments. Data presented as mean
feed rate (% body weight day  1) per tank (n 5 2)  SD. Dark bars indicate baseline feeding levels; light bars indicate a
signi¢cant reduction from baseline levels. (a) Control (SNP); (b) Low-intensity green cathode (LL); (c) High-intensity green
cathode (LL); (d) Metal halide (LL); (e) Metal halide (SNP).

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Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115^124 E¡ect of metal halide and novel green cathode lights on Gadus morhua L. M Cowan et al.

Table 3 Speci¢c growth rate (SGR; % body weight day  1)

Plasma melatonin (ng ml−1)

CL(4) a* a* of Atlantic cod kept under di¡erent lighting treatments for
MH(SNP) ab
b* b* 4 weeks
100 Treatment Replicate 1 Replicate 2

Control 0.33  0.06 0.58  0.14

50 Low CL 0.38  0.06 0.16  0.12
High CL 0.30  0.11 0.21  0.10
MH-LL  0.05  0.10 0.27  0.09
0 MH-SNP 0.37  0.12 0.16  0.06
Day Night
Data presented as treatment replicate mean  SE (n 5 20).
Figure 5 Plasma melatonin levels sampled at day and Treatments exhibiting a signi¢cant replicate di¡erence.
night in Atlantic cod under control conditions, green MH, metal halide; CL, cathode lighting; SNP, simulated natural
cathode light (low CL and high CL) and metal halide photoperiod.
(MH-LL and MH-SNP) light. Data presented as mean  SD
(n 5 2, 5 ¢sh replicate  1). Signi¢cant di¡erences between
day-time and night-time values are indicated by ‘’. Signif-
icant di¡erences between light treatments at a given time- smolti¢cation in salmonids and suppress early ma-
point are indicated by di¡erent superscripts. turation (Endal et al. 2000; Bromage et al. 2001; Nor-
berg, Brown, Halldorsson, Stensland & Bjornsson
2004; Davie et al. 2007). However, while considered
treatments, feeding intake declined to 0.5% (high CL) to be less invasive than other techniques used to con-
and 0.6% (low CL), with ¢sh feeding normally once trol puberty such as hormonal sex reversal for mono-
more after just 5 days. For control ¢sh, there was no sex production (Piferrer 2001; Hendry, Martin
decline immediately following light onset; however, Robichaud & Benfey 2003; Taranger, Carrillo, Schulz,
feed intake was signi¢cantly reduced on day 3. Fontaine, Zanuy, Felip, Weltzien, Dufour, Karlsen,
Norberg Andersson & Hansen 2009) or chromosome
manipulation for sterility induction (Benfey 2001;
Melatonin Tiwary, Kirubagaran & Ray 2004; Maxime 2008),
studies investigating the potential ‘welfare’ impacts
While no signi¢cant di¡erences between treatments of such technology on ¢sh are lacking. This is espe-
were observed in melatonin levels during the day- cially important in Atlantic cod that are being ex-
time, there was a signi¢cant night-time elevation in posed to increasingly higher light intensities during
plasma melatonin levels in ¢sh under all treatments, on-growing in open cage systems owing to the rela-
except low CL (Fig. 5). Day-time and night-time low tively unsuccessful outcomes of photoperiodic ma-
CL levels of melatonin did not di¡er signi¢cantly from nipulations (Taranger et al. 2006) in comparison
other treatments at those time-points, however. with tank based studies where 100% suppression
has been demonstrated (Davie et al. 2007).
Lighting treatments tested in the current study
Survival and SGR were designed to recreate the light intensities within
The survival rate over the trial period was 100%, No a1.5 m distance from a light source in a cage environ-
signi¢cant di¡erences were found between treatments ment. Metal halide lights delivered a much brighter
for SGR (Table 3); the mean SGR ranged bet- light intensity (20 ) across a broad range of wave-
ween  0.05  0.1 (MH-LL) and 0.58  0.14% day  1 lengths in comparison with the CL technology.
(control). Surprisingly, no signi¢cant di¡erences between treat-
ments were observed in the stress response (cortisol
and glucose) following light onset; however, cortisol
did increase signi¢cantly with respect to the basal le-
vels in the CL treatment (at 1 week). Although treat-
Photoperiod manipulation is used extensively through- ment di¡erences were not apparent, it must be
out the aquaculture industry to induce out-of-season recognized that the large variability observed be-
spawning, to control the timing and completion of tween individuals in conjunction with the limited

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E¡ect of metal halide and novel green cathode lights on Gadus morhua L. M Cowan et al. Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115–124

sampling size may have prevented the detection of sults when no baseline levels have been published
further di¡erences. When the current levels of corti- (Bowden 2008). Regarding the literature relating to
sol are compared with other studies, however, it the e¡ects of stressors on lysozyme activity, the re-
could be concluded that their range is not indicative sults are very variable. For example, Migaud et al.
of stress. The maximum mean cortisol value recorded (2008) demonstrated that a constant high light inten-
was 12.3 ng mL  1 (low CL treatment), which, when sity had no e¡ect on lysozyme activity in Atlantic sal-
compared with studies by King and Berlinsky mon. In contrast, however, Demers and Bayne (1997)
(2006), King, Buckley and Berlinsky (2006) and Perez- found that an elevation in plasma lysozyme was the
Casanova, Rise, Dixon, Afonso, Hall, Johnson and typical immediate response of rainbow trout, Oncor-
Gamperl (2008), is far below the level representative hynchus mykiss (Walbaum), to acute handling stress.
of stress in cod. Although there are no studies speci- Also, Taylor, Needham, North, Morgan, Thompson
¢cally addressing the e¡ect of light on stress levels of and Migaud (2007) demonstrated elevated plasma ly-
cod of a similar size, studies of stressors such as net- sozyme activity in rainbow trout following seawater
ting, transport and grading on smaller cod (  40 g) transfer. Clearly, the type and duration of an environ-
have been found to elicit a peak in the plasma cortisol mental change/stressor and the ¢sh species involved
concentration of over 60 ng mL  1 after 30^60 min, will determine whether there is a consequent change
with a revert to basal levels after 24 h (King & Ber- in lysozyme activity.
linsky 2006). Also, an increase in temperature of up In terms of retinal morphology, there were no sig-
to 16 1C resulted in cortisol levels of over 50 ng mL  1 ni¢cant di¡erences in ONL thickness or ONL nuclei
(Perez-Casanova, Afonso, Johnson, Currie & Gamperl in any of the treatments; a reduction in ONL thick-
2008). These results are similar to the cortisol levels ness or number of nuclei could be considered to be a
reported in other teleosts subjected to similar stres- sign of retinal damage (Allen & Hallows1997;Vihtelic
sors (Barton & Iwama 1991). Migaud et al. (2008) & Hyde 2000; Dawson, Nakanishi-Ueda, Armstrong,
found that cortisol levels in Atlantic salmon follow- Reitze, Samuelson, Hope, Fukuda, Matsuishi, Ozawa,
ing light onset reached a peak value 4100 ng mL  1. Ueda & Koide 2001). However, this was not apparent
In haddock, Melanogrammus aegle¢nus L., a 30-s net in these ¢sh following light exposure.
stressor resulted in a peak of 86 ng mL  1 plasma cor- Regarding feeding activity, acute e¡ects of the light
tisol after 6 h (King et al. 2006). This said, however, in treatments on population feeding response were
our study, it must be considered that as measure- characterized by a transient reduction in feeding, in
ments were performed at 3 h following light onset, a all treatments, although normal feeding resumed
temporary elevation within this window could have within a few days (approximately 8 days in ¢sh ex-
been missed (King et al. 2006). Glucose levels also posed to MH light). Interestingly, the time needed to
showed large variability. According to Perez-Casano- return to normal feeding behaviour appeared to be
va, Rise et al. (2008), the maximum mean value re- related to the light intensity of the treatments taking
corded in our present study (74.91mg dL  1, control) 5, 6 and 8 days under the CL treatments (0.5,
was within the basal range (60^100 mg dL  1) for cod 0.8 W m  2), MH-LL (16.6 W m  2) and MH-SNP treat-
maintained under their control conditions. The rele- ments respectively. It must be noted that although
vance of glucose as a reliable indicator of stress feeding activity remained steady immediately follow-
in gadoids has been questioned, however (Perez- ing light onset in control ¢sh (SNP treatment), a re-
Casanova, Afonso et al. 2008). duction at day 3 was observed that cannot be
Light treatments tested in this current study also explained and might simply re£ect natural patterns
appeared to have no signi¢cant e¡ects on the innate of variation in feed intake (Kadri, Metcalfe, Hunting-
immune response, studied through lysozyme activ- ford & Thorpe 1996; Lokkeborg 1998).
ity. In ¢sh, lysozyme activity is usually measured Interestingly, with respect to the perception of the
using the turbidity assay adapted from Lygren, Sveier, light by the cod populations, under the MH and high
Hjeltnes and Waagbo (1999); however, due to the di⁄- CL treatments, a day/night rhythm of plasma melato-
culties encountered with this methodology when nin levels was still maintained, probably resulting
used with cod, an agar plate (lyso-plate) method was from increased light intensities at day due to ambient
developed and re¢ned from Osserman and Lawlor light pollution entering the tanks through the feed-
(1966). Very few studies have been performed so far ing hatch. These results con¢rm previously obtained
speci¢cally looking at the immune response in this in vitro pineal results on the e¡ects of day/night ratio
species, and it is therefore di⁄cult to interpret the re- on melatonin production (Vera et al. 2010). The poten-

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Aquaculture Research, 2011, 42, 115^124 E¡ect of metal halide and novel green cathode lights on Gadus morhua L. M Cowan et al.

tial entrainment of melatonin rhythm by internal Benfey T.J. (2001) Use of sterile triploid Atlantic salmon (Sal-
clocks was ruled out as when Atlantic cod were sub- mo salar L.) for aquaculture in New Brunswick, Canada.
jected to constant lighting in fully light-proofed tanks ICES Journal of Marine Science 58, 525^529.
on the same site: melatonin levels remained constant Bowden T.J. (2008) Modulation of the immune system of ¢sh
(Davie 2005). by their environment. Fish and Shell¢sh Immunology 25,
As a whole, the results from this study indicate that
Bromage N., Porter M. & Randall C. (2001) The environmen-
the light treatments tested, which mimicked cod light
tal regulation of maturation in farmed ¢n¢sh with special
exposure at night time in an open cage system when
reference to the role of photoperiod and melatonin. Aqua-
maintained within 1.5 m of the light unit, did not culture 197, 63^98.
have any clear chronic e¡ects on the stress response, Davie A. (2005) E¡ects of photoperiod manipulation on growth
immune function, retinal structure and feeding ac- and reproduction in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). PhD
tivity of cod. These results have relevant implications Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK.
for cod culture where increasing light intensities are Davie A., Porter M.J.R. & Bromage N.R. (2003) Photoperiod
being used in an attempt to make the response to manipulation of maturation and growth of Atlantic cod
photoperiod management more consistent. Further (Gadus morhua). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28,
studies should be carried out to determine whether 399^401.
there are light intensity thresholds above which the Davie A., Porter M.J., Bromage N.R. & Migaud H. (2007) The
welfare of ¢sh could be compromised as well as test- role of seasonally altering photoperiod in regulating phy-
siology in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Part I. Sexual ma-
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turation. CanadianJournal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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Dawson W., Nakanishi-Ueda T., Armstrong D., Reitze D., Sa-
muelson D., Hope M., Fukuda S., Matsuishi M., Ozawa T.,
Acknowledgments Ueda T. & Koide R. (2001) Local fundus response to blue
LED and laser and infrared LED and laser sources. Experi-
The authors would like to thank the sta¡ at Machri-
mental Eye Research 73, 137^147.
hanish Marine Environmental Research Laboratory Demers N.E. & Bayne C.J. (1997) The immediate e¡ects of
for their help with ¢sh husbandry and Dr Alison Mor- stress on hormones and plasma lysozyme in rainbow
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tivity. This project was funded by the Scottish 363^373.
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