Cavin UNNICEF Project Proposal

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Name of organization: CHIPO MPOFU FOUNDATION

Organization’s registration number: BU00980/18

Contact person: Mr C. MAZORODZE

Contact Person’s Position: Projects Director

Physical address: 6792 AERODROME, Bindura

Postal address: 6792 AERODROME, Bindura

Contact numbers: +263779 348 406


Organization’s website: http//

Project Title: Childcare and Protection

Project Purpose: Advocating for the participation of orphans

and other vulnerable children in reducing
child abuse in Bindura.

Targeted Beneficiaries: 50 orphans and other vulnerable children.

Project Location: Aerodrome & Chiwaridzo Communities


Proposed Duration: One (1) year

Starting dates: January – December 2024

Proposed project budget: USD$ 105,517.50


Table of contents

Executive summary ………………………………………………………. 4

Background of Information………………………………………………..4

Background of Organisation………………………………………………5

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………...5

Justification ………………………………………………………………6

Feasibility analysis ………………………………………………………7

Sustainability …………………………………………………………….7

Aims ………………………………………………………………………8


Project Description ……………………………………………………….8

Activities …………………………………………………………………9

Risk Management…………………………………………………………9

Assumptions ………………………………………………………………9

Monitoring and Evaluation ……………………………………………….10

Gantt Chat………………………………………………………………… 11

Logical Framework ………………………………………………………..12

Monitoring and Evaluation framework…………………………………… 14


Referencing ……………………………………………………………….. 18

Executive Summary

For orphans and other vulnerable children, the Chipo Mpofu Foundation was established as a
nonprofit in 2018. The organisation is registered under the number BU00980/18. The Chipo
Mpofu Foundation serves as a middleman in an effort to support and provide services to the
underprivileged groups in Zimbabwe as an organisation devoted to protecting and promoting
the welfare of children. Since 2018, the Chipo Mpofu Foundation has supported the
government's initiatives to make orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC) active
participants in programmes that fight child abuse and advance youth wellbeing. The fact that
OVCs are a marginalised group with limited access to information, particularly information
pertaining to their abuse, must be noted. As a result of their lack of involvement in decisions
that affect them, OVCs continue to experience various forms of abuse, including negligence,
and their situation is unchanging. Because of this circumstantial evidence, the Chipo Mpofu
Foundation is seeking funding to hold meetings, run awareness campaigns, and conduct
training programmes to promote OVC involvement in child abuse prevention. The 50 OVCs
who are its intended beneficiaries will participate in the project's activities, which will take
place in Bindura from January to December 2024.

Background of Information

Any person under the age of 18 is considered a child according to the African Charter on the
Rights and Welfare of the Child (Turton, 2008). An orphan is a child whose parents have
passed away, and other vulnerable children are those children who have unfulfilled rights,
according to the National Action Plan for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children NAP for
OVC Phase 2 (2004). A disadvantaged group in Zimbabwe, children and young people
frequently endure severe abuse from their guardians, foster parents, or family members. Since
children are a disadvantaged group, it is crucial to recognise that they are not actively
involved in the prevention of child abuse, particularly when the abuser is a member of their
family, including OVCs. Although some might argue that there are representatives for
children who look out for their needs and rights, it is crucial to remember that it is unclear
whether orphans and other vulnerable children in Zimbabwe receive the same level of
representation as other disadvantaged groups.

Mostly, government policies for orphans and other vulnerable children are developed without
first seeking the opinions of the OVCs to learn what they think should be done to help them.
Despite the perceived ignorance of some policy makers, children have the right to participate
in matters that concern them and every child has the right to express their views and be heard
(Lundy, 2018). Some policy makers are hesitant to require children to participate in matters
that concern them. Thus, this project will promote orphans and other vulnerable kids'
involvement in the fight against child abuse. Methods like workshops and awareness
campaigns shall be used by the organization in a bid to arm the general public and policy
makers about child abuse issue.

Background of the organisation

The Chipo Mpofu Foundation is a nonprofit organisation that was established in 2018 to
address child welfare issues. The goal is to protect children and ensure that they take part in
child abuse issues, especially orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC). With the
intention of expanding services to other provinces nationwide, the organisation is currently
operating in the Bindura district of Mashonaland Central Province.

Statement of the problem

Zeanah & Humphreys (2018) contend that child abuse is a pervasive and detrimental social
behaviour that is supported by cultural values and beliefs. According to them, child abuse is
the physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment of a child or children or their neglect by a
parent or other adult that results in harm, the possibility of harm, or a threat of harm (ibid).
Being an orphan in Zimbabwe comes with a number of difficulties, including abuse and
neglect. After their parents pass away, a lot of orphans and vulnerable kids find it challenging
to deal with the complications of their new circumstances. Being abused as a child, therefore,
entails losing many things, such as innocence, trust, and a typical family relationship,
especially when the abuser is a family member (Reder & Duncan, 2013). This is especially
true in situations where the abuser is a family member. In Zimbabwe, a number of child
rights policies have been passed, but they have had trouble being put into practise. As a
result, some children, like OVC, continue to face disadvantages despite the government's
efforts to protect them from all forms of abuse. Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care
(2019) argues that between 26 and 27% of boys and girls experienced violence before the age
of 18 in Zimbabwe. In the same regard, it is estimated that 11.9% of girls between the ages of

13 and 17 sought help for an incident of sexual violence and of those girls, 3.3% from a
service provider or authority figure in 2019 alone (ibid). This depicts that regardless of
Zimbabwe implementing various legal statutes in protecting the rights of children, much has
to be done on the ground as children are still being subjected to various forms of abuse within
communities. The Children's Act chapter 5:06 and the Children's Protection and Adoption
Act both prohibit exposing children to hazardous and harmful situations, but the National
Action Plan for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children encourages kids to get involved in
decisions that will affect them. The abuse of children, including OVC, is, however, rampant
in Zimbabwe due to extreme poverty as well as the deaths of the child's parents (Moen &
Chiimba, 2020). It frequently occurs with the knowledge or encouragement of the parents.
Given such an understanding, it is imperative to note that there is need for preventive
measures to be put in place in order to protect orphans and other vulnerable children from all
forms of abuse.


Due to its advocacy for orphans and other vulnerable children's involvement in the prevention
of child abuse, this project will be of utmost significance. As they will be given the
opportunity to speak out about the measures they believe should be taken to combat child
abuse and to ensure their active involvement in child abuse issues, the children themselves
will find it to be important as well. In particular, the OVC will find it to be important. In an
effort to protect children from all forms of abuse, including neglect through their
participation, the project will thus complement the National Action Plan for Orphans and
Other Vulnerable Children and support the Child Protection and Adoption Act as well as the
Children's Act chapter 5:06. This is also consistent with the African Charter on the Rights
and Welfare of Children.


Determinant Feasibility

Social  The project will encourage participation of OVC in expressing their views in
child abuse issues as well as ways of preventing and reducing it
 The project will also inform the equip the general public about child abuse

Institutional  Other child protection agencies are going to be involved

 Policy makers will be invited to hear the concerns of the OVC directly from
the OVC themselves.

Environmental  The project will not damage the environment but utilise structures like
conference rooms and community halls that are already there.

Cultural  The project will not affect the people’s cultural practices and religious


The project will be sustainable as it will give vulnerable children, such as orphans, a voice in
issues that affect them. Orphans and vulnerable children are important, and community-led
OVC-Protection Committees and OVC-led Protection Committees will both receive training

on how to advocate for OVC's involvement in reducing and preventing child abuse. They will
also be expected to educate people in their respective communities about the importance of
orphans and vulnerable children. The project must involve policymakers so that they can
elevate the opinions and concerns of orphans and vulnerable children to a national level.
Stakeholder involvement in this project shall be taken seriously in a bid to encourage sharing
of ideas and promote a multi-agency approach in dealing with child abuse.


To reduce child abuse through advocacy


 To promote child abuse awareness among orphans and vulnerable children as well as the
general public in Bindura.

 To increase the participation of orphans and other vulnerable children in child abuse

Project description

The goal of this project is to promote full inclusion of orphans and other vulnerable children
in efforts to stop and prevent child abuse, including neglect. In order to bring child abuse
issues to the attention of everyone, the project's activities will include hosting forums with
policymakers and training Community-led OVC Protection Committees (COVC-PCs) and
OVC-led Protection Committees (OVC-PCs). In order for orphans and other vulnerable
children to be able to speak up for themselves in their communities and report any cases of
abuse without feeling threatened, the project will make sure that they are empowered and
actively involved in child abuse issues. 50 orphans and vulnerable children will participate in
the project for the project's purposes, and during awareness campaigns, they will be featured
prominently so that policymakers, other child care organisations, and the general public can
directly hear their experiences and suggestions for reducing child abuse. At the end of each
quota, award ceremonies will be held, and the community with the greatest involvement in
the prevention, reduction, and awareness of child abuse will receive prizes. Monitoring and

evaluation will be performed at the end of each month for the entire year the project is in
operation in order to determine the project's level of success.


 Selection of participants who would be involved in the project

 Educating COVC-PCs and OVC-PCs on how to promote the inclusion of orphans and
other vulnerable children in efforts to prevent and curtail child abuse.

 Holding stakeholder forums with other child care agencies to discuss child abuse issues.

 Holding meetings with policy makers to give an opportunity to the orphans and other
vulnerable children to say out their concerns.

 Holding awarding ceremonies to encourage communities to take child abuse issues


 Attending local press conferences to discuss child abuse issues in order to inform and
educate the public about the value of all children, especially orphans and other vulnerable
children, in society.

Risk management

Politicians may misinterpret the project's entire purpose as being political due to the nature of
the project and the political climate in the Bindura district. This will be prevented by
emphasising to everyone involved in the project that it is solely a political advocacy effort
and has nothing to do with their political affiliation.


 All orphans and vulnerable children will be able to participate fully in the prevention and
reduction of child abuse.

 This advocacy project is going to reduce child abuse cases.

 The project will purely be an advocacy one and member's political affiliations will not be
considered for participation.

 Parents/care givers will change their parental behaviours to promote good child

 Each activity of the project shall be monitored and evaluated in a bid to determine

Monitoring and evaluation

The project shall be monitored and evaluated at each stage to determine success and failure.
This will be carried out by both external and internal evaluators.

The Gantt Chat


Indicative Responsibl 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
activities e Authority

Selection of Project
participants Director

Training of Project
COVC-PC and Director
OVC-PC training

Holding Project
stakeholder Director
conferences and Field

Conducting Project
meetings with Director
policy makers and guest

Carrying out
campaigns Field

Conducting Project
Award Director
Ceremonies and Guest
of Honour

Meeting local Public

press relations

Monitoring and Internal
Evaluation and
external M
and E

Logical Framework

Intervention Logic Indicators Means of assumptions


Overall objectives Percentage of people with Opinion polls Everyone will have a clear
knowledge of child abuse. and sample understanding of child abuse by
To promote child abuse awareness among questions will the end of the project.
orphans and other vulnerable children as be
well as the general public in Bindura. administered

Project purpose Number of orphans and other Attendance All orphans and vulnerable
vulnerable children who Registers. children will actively participate
To advocate for the participation of participated in child abuse in the activities of the project.
orphans and other vulnerable children in issues.
child abuse issues.

Activities 50 OVC will be trained and Chipo Mpofu All participants will be able to
participate actively in child Foundation learn and understand child
Training of COVC-PC and OVC-PC abuse reduction and prevention and selected abuse issues in the short
about child abuse issues activities. stakeholder training period.
Holding stakeholder conferences with 12 conferences with child care Selected stakeholders will
other child protection agencies and protection agencies shall be Secretary’s attend and contribute to the
held during the course of the circular success of the conferences
project minute report
Meetings with selected policy makers will 2 policy makers will be
be conducted towards the end of every requested to attend the Meeting Policy makers will attend the
quota meetings. video meeting as requested.

Awareness campaigns shall be carried out 20 awareness campaigns will be Monthly and Everyone shall be aware of
at each quota held during the project life span Quarterly child abuse related issues and
reports means to prevent it.
Awarding ceremonies shall be held during 2 awarding ceremonies shall be
the project held during the life span of this Photos and Awardees will continue their
project. videos good work in fighting child
25 posts shall be published in
Publications shall be made in the local the local newspapers during the The general public will gain
press every month throughout the year commencement of the project. Local press information about the
importance of OVC and the
need to fight child abuse.

Expected outcomes Campaign The research will increase the
registers and participation of OVC in child
To increase the participation of orphans Number of OVC who conference abuse issues.
and vulnerable children in child abuse participated in the awareness reports
issues. campaigns
To modify the behaviours of parents or %Attitude and knowledge and surveys/ Parents/care givers will change
care givers so that they may favour health change among individual direct their parental behaviours to
child development parents towards child abuse response promote good child
issues tracking development

Outputs Percentage of people with Opinion polls The project will boost people’s
knowledge of child abuse and surveys awareness about child abuse
Enhanced knowledge about child abuse related issues related issues.
among the OVC and the general public in Project
Bindura Number of dialogues and records The project will promote the
occasions where OVC were participate in the prevention
Increased participation of OVC in child involved in decision making. and reduction of child abuse
abuse issues

Monitoring and evaluation framework

Indicator (impact, output, Baseline Target Data Collection

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Data Data Source Data

Quarte Quarte Quarte Quarte Frequency Collector

r r r r

Percentage of people with

I knowledge of child abuse 10% 15 25 30 55 Quarterly surveys Project

Number of orphans and other
A 200 220 350 480 600 Monthly Attendance Field
vulnerable children who
participated in child abuse and registers officers
issues quarterly

Percentage of people with
U knowledge of child abuse 10 15 25 30 55 Quarterly Opinion polls Field
related issues officers

P Number of dialogues and 5 10 20 30 40 Monthly surveys M and E

occasions where OVC were and officers
U involved in decision making. quarterly

OVC trained and participated
C in child abuse reduction and 20 25 34 43 50 Monthly Monthly Field
prevention activities. reports trainers

Conferences conducted with
I child care and protection 12 Secretary

T 2 3 5 7 Quarterly circular Project
agencies minute Director
I reports

Meetings conducted with
S policy makers. 1 1 2 3 5 quarterly Meeting Project
videos director

Number of child abuse

Prevention awarding 0 0 1 1 2 Quarterly Photos and I.T
ceremonies held. videos manager

Number of child abuse posts Monthly Local press Public

published in the local and relations
newspapers. 5 10 16 18 25 quarterly officer

O Monthly
Number of OVC who and
U participated in the awareness 200 330 450 570 800 quarterly Field officers’ Field
campaigns reports officers
Percentage Attitude and
C knowledge change among
individual parents towards 10 15 25 39 55 Monthly Surveys/ self- Field
O and reports officers
child abuse issues


Item Quantity Cost per unit US$ Total cost US$

Emblems 6 155 930

Project costs for Trainings, Fuel 7120litres 1.49 10609

conferences, meetings and
awareness campaigns Laptops 25 450 11250

Airtime 750 1.00 750

Projector(s) 1 650 650

Press publications 25 20 500

T-shirts 400 5.00 2000

Refreshments 20540 2 41080

Sub Total 67769

Ever sharp Pens(boxes) 5 9 45

Printing paper (boxes) 7 6.50 45.50

Stationary Flat Files 20 3.20 64

Fliers 500 0.30 150

Books (hard cover) 20 4 80

Sub Total 384.50

Project Director 1 1600 1600

Human resources cost M & E officers 2 1500 30000

Finance officer 1 1200 1200

Training Assistants 2 700 1400

field officers 2 1600 3200

Sub Total 37400

GRAND TOTAL $105,517.50

Annex: The above project budget prognoses is a true reflection of the project’s duration
(1 year).


The project’s primary goal is the inclusion of orphans and vulnerable children in Chiwaridzo
and Aerodrome communities in Bindura district in programmes that fight child abuse and
advance youth wellbeing. The fact that OVCs are a marginalised group with limited access to
information, particularly information pertaining to their abuse, has led to the inception of this
programme. As a result of their lack of involvement in decisions that affect them, OVCs
continue to experience various forms of abuse, including negligence, and their situation is
unchanging. In this regard, this project seeks to engage 50 orphans and vulnerable children to
be part of the noble imitative in promote child abuse awareness among orphans and other
vulnerable children as well as the general public in Bindura. This then also extends to call
various stakeholders to engage and partner with Chipo Mpofu Fondation in realizing fighting
against child abuse in Bindura.


Lundy, L. (2018). In defence of tokenism? Implementing children’s right to participate in

collective decision-making. Childhood, 25(3), 340-354.

Moen, M. C., & Chiimba, C. M. (2020). Experiences of young orphans who transition into
extended families in Zimbabwe (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pretoria).

The Children’s Act (Chapter 5: 06)

Reder, P., & Duncan, S. (2013). Lost innocents: A follow-up study of fatal child abuse.

Zeanah, C. H., & Humphreys, K. L. (2018). Child abuse and neglect. Journal of the
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 57(9), 637-644.

Zimbabwe Government (2004) National Action Plan for Orphans and Other Vulnerable
children Phase 2, Harare

Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care. (2019) Young adult survey of Zimbabwe: a
violence against children survey, 2017. https://pdf.


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