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The Pup

"Puppies are like half of our souls, when
they are sick we are sad "

How many times have you had a

family or business trip where you
can't take your puppy?

Or how many young people live alone

and work all day so they have no one
to leave their puppy with?
The Pup Scoop is an exclusive
nursery for dogs of all ages and
breeds, we will not only take care of
your dog, we will also provide a safe
and educational space for every hour
you spend.
The Market

In San Pedro Sula there are around 2

million dogs,that is 56% of the population
that has dogs in their home. (Prensa, 2019)
Borcelle Pet Center


Bathing and Canine basic Veterinary medical

Transportation cleaning education consultation
The Competition

The Dog's Clubhouse

Quintals loss laurels

Gland Daycare
The model
This model is innovative since we will give
owners full access to monitor their pet,
guaranteeing their comfort.
The Team

Arlett Palada Jennifer Welcher Gabriel Salinas Megan Villanueva

Senior Administration The supervisor.

Cost and Finance
Manager Manager
Growth Plan

Our plan is to expand in several locations and

follow up on this project.
Investment opportunity

The price range of having a puppy

nursey goes between 15-20 thousand
Bibliography thank
Prensa, L. (27 de Mayo de 2019). Mundo. El 56% de la poblacion mundial
tiene perros en sus hogares. Obtenido de La Prensa:
Thank You
Have a nice day & see you next time!

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