Slip Gaji Example Staff Mei 2023

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Pay Slip
For the month of : Mei 2023

NAME : Example Staff DEPT/SECTION : Marketing

Addition Deduction

1 Basic Salary Rp. 2,280,800 1 JHT employee Rp. 45,616

2 Uang Makan & Transport Rp. 0 2 Other Deduction Rp. 0

3 Overtime Rp. 0 3 Advance Rp. 0

4 Tunjangan Shift Rp. 0 4 Unpaid(taxable) Rp. 40,000

5 Bonus Rp. 0 5 UNION Rp. 0

6 Medical Others Rp. 0 6 Koperasi Rp. 0

7 Attendance Bonus Rp. 50,000 7 BPJS Pensiun Rp. 22,808

Rp. 22,808
8 Tunjangan Lain Rp. 320,000 8 BPJS Kesehatan
9 OT Adjustment Rp. 0
Rp. 0
10 Kompensasi Kontrak
Total Deduction Rp. 91,232

Total Addition Rp. 2,650,800 Take Home Pay Rp. 2,559,600

Recieved By,
Jakarta, 07 May 2023

No.Rekening : 0

( Example Staff )

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