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Here Comes the Beautiful Chapter Title

First L. Last1, Second D. Third2,3, Fourth Fifth4,
Sixth S. Seventh4, and Eighth T. Ninth2
1 Affiliation A, Street of Affiliations 2, 1000 Affiliationtown
2 Anotheraffiliation Institute, Institute Strasse 28, 2828 Strassegem
3 The Third Institute of Affiliations, Third Avenue 3, 3333 Thirdingham
4 University of Fours, Four Square 2, 4202 Fort of Fourths

Chapter summary
In order to give an insight in the heterogeneous group of primary brain tumours, this chapter
offers a classification of CNS neoplasms (both malignant and non-malignant), based on the
classification drawn up by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, a division
of the World Health Organization, WHO) in the third edition of the International Classifica-
tion of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O-3, 2000) and its first revision (ICD-O-3.1, 2013), as well
as the specific classification on CNS tumours by the WHO in 2016, as summarised by Louis et
al. in 2016 [18,19]. Some epidemiological numbers and figures are also covered in this chapter.
After a brief general classification and epidemiology, a more extensive and detailed description
of the (potentially) malignant types is reserved in separate (sub)sections of this chapter, with
most special attention to gliomas, since they make up most of the malignant primary brain

Keywords positron emission tomography; brain tumour; validation; correlation

In order to give an insight in the heterogeneous group of primary brain tumours, this chapter
offers a classification of CNS neoplasms (both malignant and non-malignant), based on the
classification drawn up by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, a divi-
sion of the World Health Organization, WHO) in the third edition of the International Clas-
sification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O-3, 2000) and its first revision (ICD-O-3.1, 2013),
as well as the specific classification on CNS tumours by the WHO in 2016, as summarised
by Louis et al. in 2016 [18,19]. Some epidemiological numbers and figures are also covered
in this chapter. After a brief general classification and epidemiology, a more extensive and
detailed description of the (potentially) malignant types is reserved in separate (sub)sections
of this chapter, with most special attention to gliomas, since they make up most of the ma-
lignant primary brain tumours.

8.1 Introduction
Text. Purposes of this study.

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