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Teaching Practice III

Assignment 1A

100 Marks

Instructions to students:

• Write neatly and legibly.

• A student will be penalised for submitting untidy work.
• Students are required to attach letters of confirmation for their teaching
practice placement from the teaching practice office.
• No assignment will be marked without a confirmation letter of placement for
their teaching practice.
• Assignments submitted facing upside down will not be marked.
• Assignments without declarations will not marked.
• Plagiarised work will not be marked, and disciplinary actions will be taken
against the student.
• Please type your work, handwritten assignments will not be marked.
• The length of this assignment should be 20 pages or less. Assignments
exceeding 20 pages will not be marked.
• There will be no mark for students who submit blank assignments.
• Students should note that second attempts are granted to students who have
valid reasons, no student is automatically entitled to second attempt. It is the
lecturer’s prerogative to grant a second attempt to a student if he/she
(lecturer) deems fit.
• No extension of time will be granted to students for this assignment.
• Students are advised to submit this assignment after a week (5 days) after
commencing with their teaching practice. The lecturer will enforce this and
those students who will not comply will be heavily punished.



Teaching Practice III

Assignment 1A

100 Marks

Student Surname and Initials: ____________________________________

Student Number: _______________________________________________

Module Code: _________________________________________________

Academic year: _______________________________________________

Subject majors:_______________________________________________

Subjects Taught/Observed: __________________________________________

Name of the School________________________________________________

Contact details of the school: ________________________________________

NB: Use this cover page a formal cover page for this assignment. No submission will be
marked without this cover page.
For the period that you are a student in the Department of Curriculum and Instructional
Studies, the following declaration must accompany all your written work to be
submitted. No written work will be accepted unless the declaration has been
completed and attached.
I (full names): _____________________________________

Student number: _____________________________________

Subject/module code: __________________________________

Declare that:

1. I understand what plagiarism entails and I am aware of the university’s

policy in this regard.

2. This ______________________ (e.g., essay, report, project,

assignment, dissertation, thesis) is my own, original work. Where I have used
someone else’s work (whether from a printed source, the internet, or any
other source), due acknowledgement has been given and reference has been
made according to departmental requirements.

3. I have not made use of another student’s previous work and submitted
it as my own.

4. I have not allowed – nor will allow – anyone to copy my work with the
intention of presenting it as their own work.
Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________________

NB: A fully completed declaration should come after your cover page of your assignment.
No assignment will be marked without a fully completed and signed declaration. No emailed
declarations will be accepted, and there is no second attempt that will be granted to students
who will fail to sign declaration form.
Follow the formatting outlined below. Failure to follow this will results to loss
of marks.
Font: Arial
Font size: 12
Spacing: 1.5



1.1. As part of this assignment, you are required to attach a letter from the teaching practice
office confirming your placement in the school of your choice where you will do your
teaching practice. All TPS3703 students are required to complete their teaching
practice in a high school and teach one major subject in the FET phase (Grades 10-
12). Attaching the confirmation letter of placement from the teaching practice will
account for 20% of the total mark for this assignment. No assignment will be marked
without the confirmation of placement. [20]


2. Disciplinary code

Discipline is an extremely important aspect in schools. The purpose of this section is to

familiarise yourself with the disciplinary code and to reflect on its functionality.

2.1. Mention three important aspects of the disciplinary code (e.g., offences, procedures)
2.2. How do you think the disciplinary code supports staff members in establishing good
discipline in the school? Explain your answer and give examples. [10]
2.3. How do you think the disciplinary code supports teachers in establishing good
discipline in the classroom? Explain your answer and give examples. [10]
2.4. Reflection: Suggest improvements to the disciplinary code and give your reasons for
such suggestions. [10]
2.5. Evidence: Attach the index (table of contents) page of the disciplinary code. [2]


Various committees in a school play an important role towards the functionality of the
school. School committees focus on different areas that contribute to the health of the

3.1. Mention two committees that exist in the school where you are doing your teaching -
practice and discuss in detail the functions of the committees you identified. [20]

3.2. Critically discuss how each committee contributes to the functionality of the school as
a whole. Make use of practical examples to support your discussion. [20]
3.3. Attach evidence that shows that the committees discussed in this section are fully
functional and that they contribute to the functionality of the whole school.

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