Abo Blood Group of Neonates

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False Neonatal ABO Blood Typing due to

Contamination of the Cord Blood
Caroline M. Schrader, BS1; Adrian N. Billings, MD, PhD1,2
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, Odessa, TX
Presidio County Health Services, Marfa, TX

nism behind an extremely rare blood phenotype

ABSTRACT that causes a neonate to have a different blood
type than expected.
Determining the blood type of a newborn is one
A 33-year-old with a confirmed O- blood type
of the first laboratory tests to be performed after
presented at 28 weeks gestation for prenatal
birth. Precautions should be taken during cord
care. The patient refused Rho(D) immunoglob-
blood collection to avoid contamination of the ulin administration, insisting that her husband
sample. In the unique case presented, the cord was also O-. Repeated requests for documenta-
blood sample was contaminated with Wharton's tion of paternal blood type were unsuccessful at
jelly from the umbilical cord which caused a follow-up visits. Twelve weeks later at 40 weeks
false agglutination reaction during blood typing. gestation, labor was induced. Secondary to a
During clinical rotations, medical students have sustained fetal bradycardic episode in the sec-
the opportunity to participate in newborn deliv- ond stage of labor, an emergent cesarean section
eries, and it would be advantageous to under- was performed. After delivery, the cord blood
stand the proper technique of cord blood collec- was tested and the neonate’s blood type was re-
tion and the protocols that labs should have in ported to be AB+. At the request of the deliver-
ing physician, the cord blood was retested twice
place when typing the cord blood. It is also of the
by the laboratory with the blood type again re-
utmost importance to understand the role that
ported as AB+. The mother was immediately
agglutination plays in blood typing and the con- given 300 µg of Rho(D) immunoglobulin to de-
sequences that a false positive result can have on crease her risk of isoimmunization. It was then
the mother as well as the newborn. This case decided to test the neonate’s venous blood rather
explores the basics behind blood typing and dis- than the cord blood sample. This time the report-
cusses the genetic variation of ABO blood types ed blood type was O-. The vast discrepancy be-
and the different phenotypes that can result. In tween the two results was investigated and it was
addition, this case highlights the unusual mecha- discovered that Wharton’s jelly had contaminat-
ed the cord blood sample and caused the false
Corresponding Author: Caroline Schrader, BS, Texas Tech AB+ result.
University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, 800 West
4th Street, Odessa, TX, 79763. This case has implications for family physicians
Email: caroline.schrader@ttuhsc.edu
providing maternity care, nurse midwives, ob-
The authors claim no conflicts of interest or disclosures.
AMSRJ 2015; 1(2):157—162 stetricians, and medical students. Therefore,
http://dx.doi.org/10.15422/amsrj.2015.03.008 care should be taken at delivery to avoid contam

AMSRJ 2015 Volume 1, Number 2 157


ination of the cord blood sample. To understand was incised and clamped. The cord blood was
the effects that contamination can have on the collected using the gravity and glass tube
medical treatment of the mother and newborn method. The umbilical cord was held directly

after delivery, one must comprehend the role of above the collecting tube, and the blood was al-
ABO blood group, Rh(D) antibodies, and timely lowed to flow down into the tube. The lab re-
prophylactic administration of Rho(D) im- ported the neonate’s blood type as AB+. The
munoglobulin. mother was immediately given the standard 300
µg dose of Rho(D) immunoglobulin. A Klei-
hauer-Betke stain was ordered to identify the
amount of fetal hemoglobin that was transferred
CASE PRESENTATION from the fetus to the mother’s bloodstream,
which could affect the subsequent amount of
A 33-year-old primigravid married female with Rho(D) immunoglobulin that she should re-
controlled hypothyroidism and confirmed O- ceive.1 The lab was called and asked to test the
blood type presented at 28 weeks gestation for cord blood sample again. The following morn-
prenatal care. She had no vaginal bleeding or ing the lab reported the neonate’s blood type to
spotting complaints prior to her first visit. The be AB+. According to the Mendelian laws of
patient was documented as O- on numerous an- inheritance, this is rarely possible due to the fact
tenatal and peripartum labs. At her 28 week ap- that the maternal blood type was confirmed as
pointment, she was counseled on the possibility type O. Finally, a decision was made to test the
of isoimmunization due to her Rh(D)- status. neonate’s venous blood, which was later report-
She was warned about the potential hemolytic ed to be O-. The parents were informed of the
complications for any future pregnancies if she neonate’s true blood type and that there was no
were to not receive Rho(D) immunoglobulin. risk of isoimmunization for any of the mother’s
She declined the administration of Rho(D) im- subsequent pregnancies.
munoglobulin because she insisted her husband
was O-. Despite being advised that there was no
harm in prophylactic administration, the patient
still refused. Documentation of her husband’s DISCUSSION
blood type was never provided or verified. The
remainder of the pregnancy was uneventful. To comprehend how contamination affects the
Due to the increased risk of fetal demise due to agglutination reaction when determining blood
maternal hypothyroidism, she was induced at 40 type, the basic ABO antigen-antibody reactions
weeks gestation. She was given misoprostol must be understood. To determine blood type, a
vaginally for cervical ripening and the following blood sample is mixed with anti-A antibodies
morning was given intravenous oxytocin for la- and anti-B antibodies. The sample is then
bor augmentation. Twenty hours after the first checked to see whether or not agglutination has
misoprostol dose, she was fully dilated and ef- occurred. Type AB red blood cells have both A
faced. She began to push, but with each contrac- and B antigens on their surface, therefore there
tion, a prolonged fetal bradycardic episode are no antibodies in the plasma. Type O red
would occur. The labor failed to progress, and blood cells have no antigens on their surface,
the patient underwent an urgent cesarean deliv- therefore there are both anti-A and anti-B anti-
ery which resulted in a viable female newborn. bodies in the plasma. Type A red blood cells
During the cesarean delivery, the umbilical cord have A antigens on their surface and have anti-

158 AMSRJ 2015 Volume 1, Number 2


B antibodies in the plasma. Type B red blood false agglutination reaction of cold agglu-
cells have B antigens on their surface and anti-A tinins.3,4 Reverse blood typing would resolve
antibodies in the plasma. When testing a blood this inconsistency, but it is never performed on

sample, if agglutination occurs with anti-A neonates.
serum, the blood sample is type A. This is be-
cause the anti-A antibodies in the serum will Contamination of the cord blood sample is a rare
cause agglutination in the presence of A anti- occurrence, but nevertheless it is tremendously
gens on the surface of red blood cells. If the important to consider. There are various tech-
blood sample agglutinates with both anti-A and niques for the collection of cord blood that can
anti-B serum, the blood is type AB. If the blood help lower the risk of contamination with mater-
sample does not agglutinate with either, the nal blood as well as bacterial contamination.
blood is type O. Protocols for cord blood collection are in place
to avoid interfering with the delivery of the baby
There is a commonly used second step in blood while preserving sterility. Most importantly,
typing called back typing, also known as reverse cord blood collection should never compromise
typing. In this step, only the plasma from the the well-being of the mother or the neonate. Re-
blood sample is mixed with blood that is known gardless of the technique that is used, the earlier
to be type A and type B. If the plasma aggluti- the blood is collected the less likely that clotting
nates when type A blood is added, the blood will occur and hinder the collection.
sample is type B due to the presence of anti-A
antibodies in the plasma of type B blood. If ag- There are two main techniques for cord blood
glutination occurs with both A and B blood, the collection: the syringe method and the gravity
blood sample is type O due to the presence of and glass tube method. The syringe method in-
anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma of volves clamping the cord prior to delivery of the
type O blood. Back typing is not performed in placenta. A four to eight inch area is cleaned
newborns. This is due to the fact that newborns with antiseptic and a 16 gauge needle is inserted
have not synthesized antibodies to A or B anti- into the umbilical vein and the cord blood is al-
gens yet, so there is no built-in quality assurance lowed to drain into the collection bag by gravity.
check when typing their blood.2 To avoid clotting of the cord blood during the
collection process, the collection bag contains
Once the process of blood typing is understood, an anticoagulant solution. By using the syringe
it becomes clear that certain substances could method, the exposure to air is minimized and
catalyze the false agglutination reaction, thus sterility is maintained.5
distorting the blood type result. In fact, there are
substances within the umbilical cord that can The second cord blood collection technique, the
cause this reaction. Wharton’s jelly is a gelati- gravity and glass tube method, allows blood to
nous component within the umbilical cord that drain from the incised end of the umbilical cord
supports and protects the umbilical blood ves- into a glass tube. When the cord blood is collect-
sels. This viscous material is composed of cells ed via the gravity and glass tube method it is
that originate from extraembryonic mesoderm important to wash the red blood cells 3-4 times
and is made up of hyaluronic acid and chon- in saline before determining the blood type of
droitin sulfate. Wharton’s jelly aids in the physi- the neonate. It is also important not to squeeze
ological clamping of the umbilical cord shortly the umbilical cord while collecting the cord
after birth and can coat the neonate’s red blood blood because the increased pressure on the cord
cells and make them polyagglutinable, causing a could expel Wharton’s jelly into the collection

AMSRJ 2015 Volume 1, Number 2 159


tube. Furthermore, if the blood sample is con- nation rate for the syringe method.7,8 In these
taminated by Wharton’s jelly and cannot be re- studies, contamination was from bacteria as well
moved by washing the red blood cells in normal as maternal blood. The syringe method has prin-

saline, hyaluronidase must be added to negate cipally been used by designated umbilical cord
the agglutination effect of Wharton’s jelly.2 blood collection centers with specially trained
Many labs have protocols in place to reject con- staff, but this method is worth the additional
taminated cord blood. The Duke University steps due to lower contamination rates.
Clinical Lab “rejects any cord blood sample that
has been contaminated with Wharton’s jelly, Contamination is a major cause of false ABO
which may result in a false positive reaction, and blood type results. However, when contamina-
therefore, is not accepted for testing.”6 Addi- tion is not a causal factor, false paternity must be
tionally, the American Association of Blood investigated as the inciting factor that would
Banks requests that cord blood be collected us- cause a different ABO result based upon the
ing a needle and syringe which avoids contami- mother’s known blood type. In this case, there
nation and the need for additional washing of the was no concern of false paternity because the
cells.5 mother was confirmed to be O. No matter what
the father’s blood type is, an AB neonate very
Although the gravity and glass tube method is rarely occurs. The A and B alleles are dominant
technically easier and used more commonly in as compared to the recessive O alleles. A and B
hospitals, it comes with the great disadvantage can also be co-dominant with each other. Since
of higher cord blood contamination rates. The the mother has the genotype of (OO), even if the
gravity and glass tube method has a contamina- father is (AB), the possible genotypes of their
tion rate of 14%, as compared to a 4% contami- offspring could be: (OA) or (OB). This could

Table 1. Possible Neonate Blood Types resulting from various Maternal and Paternal Blood Genotypes

160 AMSRJ 2015 Volume 1, Number 2


only result in blood type A or B, but rarely AB. munoglobulin is extremely important to avoid
An AB neonate usually only results from the severe hemolytic disease of the newborn. The
union of an A, B, or AB mother and an A, B, or current standard of care in the United States is to

AB father; neither parent can have an O blood administer a single dose of 300 µg of Rho(D)
type. The neonate has to inherit the A allele and immunoglobulin early in the third trimester.14
B allele from each parent (see Table 1).9 The A The 28 weeks recommendation comes from evi-
and B alleles cannot be inherited together from dence that 92% of women who develop anti-D
the same parent. There is one exception to the antibodies do so at or after 28 weeks gestation.14
prior statement, known as the cis-AB pheno- It is also recommended to give an additional 300
type. In this situation, both the A and B alleles µg dose of Rho(D) immunoglobulin within 72
are inherited from one parent.10 The cis-AB phe- hours of delivery of an Rh(D)+ neonate to pro-
notype is an ABO allele that encodes a glycosyl tect against maternal sensitization from as much
transferase that is known to synthesize both A as 30 mL of fetal Rh(D)+ whole blood entering
and B alleles. A structural mutation in the type A the maternal circulation.14 The incidence of fe-
or B glycosyl transferase produces a single en- tal-maternal hemorrhage greater than 30 mL at
zyme with bifunctional activity.11 The cis-AB delivery is about 1 in 200-300 deliveries.13 In the
phenotype has only been researched in certain patient case that was presented, Rho(D) im-
populations. Based on a study11 done on blood munoglobulin was not administered at 28
samples from the Japanese population, the gene weeks. She was immediately given 300 µg when
frequency of cis-AB was 1.1 x 10-5. the neonate was suspected to be Rh(D)+ because
the earlier that Rho(D) is given, the lower the
This case highlights the risks of cord blood con- risk of isoimmunization. If Rho(D) im-
tamination and emphasizes the importance of munoglobulin is not given at 28 weeks but is
Rho(D) immunoglobulin administration and the administered within 72 hours of the birth of a Rh
consequences that can occur in its absence. Had (D)+ neonate, there is a 2% chance of isoimmu-
the neonate truly been AB+, the mother could nization. If Rho(D) immunoglobulin is never
have already made IgG antibodies to the administered the risk of isoimmunization is
neonates Rh(D)+ red blood cells that entered the 16%.14
mother’s circulation due to silent fetal-maternal
hemorrhages during pregnancy or due to blood There was an additional potentially fatal compli-
mixing during the cesarean delivery. Any subse- cation that was avoided by retesting the new-
quent pregnancy can be affected since the pa- born’s blood and proving the newborn was truly
tient did not receive Rho(D) immunoglobulin at O-. AB+ blood types can potentially accept O,
26-28 weeks gestation. Subsequent pregnancies A, B, or AB blood type transfusions since AB+
are affected due to IgG antibodies against Rh blood types do not have any antibodies to ABO
(D), which are formed during the first pregnan- blood group antigens in their plasma. If the pre-
cy, and later cross the placenta and opsonize the sumed AB+ neonate had needed a blood transfu-
fetal red blood cells to be destroyed by the fetal sion, she potentially could have received a trans-
spleen. Simple ABO blood type incompatibility fusion of any blood type. Commonly O- blood is
between the neonate and the mother does not given in an emergency and since the newborn
cause this severe type of hemolytic disease due was truly O- there would have been no harmful
to the fact that antibodies against ABO blood outcome. If there had been a shortage of O- and
group antigens are IgM and do not cross the pla- any other blood type was given, a life-threaten-
centa; thus, they cannot cause any hemolytic dis- ing hemolytic reaction could have resulted.
ease.12 Timely administration of Rho(D) im-

AMSRJ 2015 Volume 1, Number 2 161


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162 AMSRJ 2015 Volume 1, Number 2

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