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Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426


Experimental validation of Vitex negundo leaves hydroalcoholic

extract for neuroprotection in haloperidol induced parkinson’s disease
in rat
Aishwarya Vannur1 · Prakash R. Biradar1 · Vishal Patil2

Received: 9 August 2021 / Accepted: 15 November 2021 / Published online: 13 January 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021

Parkinsonism is a neurodegenerative disease, mainly imbalance in dopamine and acetylcholine neurotransimitter in mid
brain, which manifestation of dysfunctions of extrapyramidal like akinesia, tremor, rigidity and catalepsy etc., even cogni-
tive and memory loss. The current study is framed to evaluate the effect of Vitex negundo (VNL) leaf extract in Haloperidol
induced PD in rats. In vitro studies of antioxidant capacity were checked via DPPH and NO assays and identified its Ace-
tylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity. Secondly the In vivo study of anti-PD activity in Haloperidol induced in rats
were evaluated by Rotarod, morris water maze (MWM), cooks pole climb (CPC), actophotometer, novel object recognition
(NOR), and T-maze were utilized to assess extrapyramidal, cognitive and memory function. Thirdly, changes in biomarker
level viz. (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase. (BChE) in hippocampus and cortex, reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialde-
hyde (MDA), total protein (TP), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and dopamine level in the whole brain
were measured. Finally, histopathology of hippocampus and cortex was examined at 40x magnification to access restoring
integrity and maintaining the architecture of neuronal cell in the treatment group compared to control group and L-DOPA
as a standard treatment group. V. negundo showed potent antioxidant potency on scavenging of DPPH ­(IC50 84.81 μg/ml)
and NO ­(IC50 133.20 μg/ml) and possess AChE inhibitory potency ­(IC50 114.35 μg/ml) by in vitro studies. The Rotarod,
MWM, CPC, Actophotometer, NOR, T-maze demonstrated that Haloperidol group administration declines performance
time, ELT, TL and decreases locomotion, cognitive and memory respectively. The treatment of VNL 100, 200, and 400 mg/
kg p.o. significantly (p < 0.05 to p < 0.0001) reversed. Whole brain AChE, BChE, and MDA level were significantly raised
and GSH, TP, SOD, CAT and Dopamine were significantly declined in Haloperidol treated group rats, especially V. negundo
400 mg/kg p.o. highly significantly ameliorate the Haloperidol group altered pathological changes through the restoration of
the cholinergic function, enhancing the antioxidant defense and by increasing the dopaminergic function. The current study
provides validation of V. negundo for its anti-PD activity and could be a valuable source for the treatment of PD in future.

Keywords Haloperidol · L-DOPA · Parkinson’s disease · Vitexine · Vitex negundo L


Parkinsonism disease is a motoric neurodegenerative dis-

ease, which mainly affect the dopaminergic neuron, due
to depletion in dopaminergic neurotransmitter and acetyl-
choline at substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), which
* Prakash R. Biradar affects the extrapyrimidal and cognitive process according; to James Parkinson (1817). The common cause in PD is
1 the presence of intracytoplasmic inclusions that contain the
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, KLE
College of Pharmacy, KLE Academy of Higher Education protein, α-synuclein. The presence of toxic aggregated forms
and Research, Belagavi, Karnataka 590010, India of α-synuclein, amyloid and tau protein damage, etiological
ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine, Belagavi, causes are environmental factor, genetic and aging causes
India for PD (Mhyre et al. 2012). However, the epidemiological

412 Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426

study indicates it affect in aged people (Rizek et al. 2016). of cataleptic and altered locomotion and rigidity of mus-
According to meta-analysis increased from 107/1,00,000 cle along with cognitive and memory enhancer activity is
in aged 50–59 years old people, 1087/1,00,000 people accessed by rotarod, actophotometer, morris water maze of
aged70–79 years are most likely to develop PD with male extraceptive and interceptive models. Whereas Invitro the
to female ratio1:5 (Moisan et al. 2016). Latest symptomatic whole brain estimations of Dopamine, Acetylcholinestrase
treatment options for PD include dopamine precursor such inhibitory activity and Antioxidant like GSH, LPO, Total
as Levodapa (L-DOPA) and carbidopa (Gandhi et al. 2021). protein, SOD etc. histopathological evidence of architecture
Enhances the dopamine level in brain by dopaminergic and integrity of neuronal cell in CA1 and CA3 of hippocam-
agonist like pramipexole, ropinirole, and bromocriptine for pal and cortex.
advanced treatment, have lost the ability to synthesis the
process (Rascol 1999; Luo et al. 2020). Now, selegiline and
rasagiline belong to a class of drug called MAO B inhibitor, Materials and methods
to overcome “wear off” effect (Finberg and Rabey 2016)
combination with levodopa to reduce extrapyramidal, even Chemicals and equipment’s
Enatacapone and Tolcapone COMT inhibitors for advanced
treatment.long trem leading to side effect like dyskinesias, Chemicals: Heloperidol (PD [Catalepsy] Inducing agent),
or repetitive and irregular spontaneous motions, jerky or Levodopa (Standard molecule for PD), Acetylthiocholine
twisted muscle motions, hallucinations, mood fluctuations, iodide (Sigma USA), Buterylthiocholine iodide (Sigma
nausea, muscle pain, insomnia, numbness, suicidal impulses, USA), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), Dopamine,
etc. (Tønjum et al. 1989). DTNB (Sigma USA) and other chemicals utilized in this
However, traditional medicines holistic approach in study are analytical graded. Equipment’s: Elisa plate reader
Ayurveda medicine (Pandey et al. 2013). Gokshuru, Sweet (Thermo Scientific multiskan GO version 1.00.40), Centri-
Vacha, and Yashtimadhu, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Nagar- fuge (Remi), Morris Water Maze, Actophotometer, T-Maze,
motha, Bala, Prishnaparni Brihati, Shalaparni, Kantakari, NOR apparatus, Cook’s pole climbing, Rotarod, Rotary
Shankhapushpi, etc. are some of the traditional medicines evaporator and many more.
used to cure PD (Gourie-Devi et al. 1991; Singh et al. 2018).
V. negundo Linn, a member of the Verbenaceae family, Collection, authentication, and preparation of plant
is reported to have antiparkinson activity (Hu et al. 2018) material
leaves V. negundo hydroalcoholic extract phytoconstituents
like Vitexin protects dopaminergic neurons (Hu et al. 2018), The leaves of V. negundo L. gathered from Bailhongal, Bela-
triterpenes, diterpenes, sesquiterpenes, lignan, flavonoids, gavi, Karnataka and authenticated by the plant taxonomist
flavones, glycosides, iridoid glycosides and stilbene deriva- from ICMR-NITM, Belagavi. Accession number: RMRC
tive. The leaves extract has potential effects on improving – 1583. The collected plant specimen was stored for her-
cognitive impaired in rats, through inhibiting lipid peroxi- barium for future reference. The fresh plant material was
dation, decrease acetylcholinestrase inhibitory in brain, it washed properly using running water and to remove dust
stimulates hair growth; it is useful for asthma, bronchitis, particles and shade dried at room temperature. The dried
biliousness, spleen enlargement, eye disease, leucoderma, plant material was further crushed into the coarse powder
inflammation, and painful teething in infants (Dharmasiri using a grinder and subjected to the extraction process.
et al. 2003; Gill et al. 2018). The root is a snake venom Extraction: The dried coarse powder 1 kg was subjected
remedy (Alam and Gomes 2003). to the maceration technique and hydroalcoholic solvent
The most common sign of PD include rigidity of move- (Ethanol: Water 7:3) was used as a solvent. The mixture
ments i.e. catalepsy, akinesia i.e. slowing of movements, was kept for 7 days with occasional shaking. After 7 days,
tremors, cognitive decline and memory impairments (Maz- the solvent was filtered out and concentrated under reduced
zoni et al. 2012). pressure at 45-55 °C using a rotary evaporator. The obtained
According to the literature there is no scientific evidence extract was sticky, which was further air-dried, collected in
for V. negundo Linn against haloperidol induced PD. Halo- an amber color glass container, and stored in the refrigerator
peridol is a neuroleptic drug that by inhibiting the postsyn- for future use. The % yield of extracts was calculated using
aptic D2 receptor antagonistic in mesolimbic pathway and the following equation,
anticholinergic and β-adrenergic receptor antagonist (Li
weight of dry extract (g)
et al. 2016) and leading to oxidatative stress by over activ- %Yield = X 100
ity causing neurodegenration. The V. negundo hydroalco- Weight of dry plant (g)
holic extract phytoconstituents will ameliorate the halop-
eridol induced catalepsy in PD rats mainly in invivo model

Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426 413

In vitro acetylcholinesterase enzyme inhibitory Haloperidol (1.25 mg/kg) i.p + L-DOPA (6 mg/kg) i.p. for
assay 21 days. VNL100, VNL200, and VNL400 group received
Haloperidol (1.25 mg/kg) i.p. along with extract (100, 200,
AChE enzyme inhibitory assay was performed by Ellman’s and 400 mg/kg p.o.) for 21 days. Before initiating the study,
method (Ellman et al. 1961). Initially, prepared stock solu- all the animals were subjected to exteroceptive behavioral
tion of extract (1 mg/mL) and Donepezil (1 mg/mL). Using models using Rotarod, MWM, CPC, T-maze, NOR, and
this, prepared 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 μg/ mL of plant Actophotometer for acquisition. After subjecting to the
extract and 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 μg/ mL of Donepezil. Fur- test agent, changes in the latency were examined on 0th
ther, in a test tube, added 50 mM Tris HCl buffer 1.7 ml (first dose), 7th, 1­ 4th, and 21st day. After completion of the
(pH 8.0) and 250μLof different concentration of extract and in vivo studies, rats were euthanatized, brains were isolated
Donepezil, separately. To this, added 10 μL of 6.67UmL1 and cerebral cortex, hippocampus AChE and BChE enzyme
AChE enzyme and 20 μL of DTNB. This mixture was activity and whole-brain Dopamine, LPO, reduced GSH,
incubated for 15 min and after incubation added 10 μL of MDA, TP, SOD, CAT, and Glutathione level were measured.
Acetylthiocholine iodide and the absorbance was read at
412 nm every 45 s for 3 min. The % inhibition was calcu- In vivo screening models for PD
lated from change in Abs with respect to change in time.
The ­IC50 was calculated between the inhibition percentage Rotarod apparatus
v/s extract concentrations.
Sample Abs The rotarod test was performed as per Hamm et al. (1994)
%Inhibition = 100 −
Blank Abs
X 100 method to test the grip power. The rotarod test is often used
in rats to determine their “minimal extrapyramidal deficit,”
such as muscle control and balance. Before starting the
therapy, each rat was given a training session to acclimate
Experimental animals them to the rotarod apparatus. The animal was placed on a
rotating rod with a diameter of 7 cm and a speed of 25 rpm
To evaluate the anti-PD capacity of V. negundo, we used (rpm). Following drug/test sample administration, each rat
male Wistar rats having 180-200gweight and were procured was subjected to three independent trials at 2 min intervals
from the In vivo Biosciences, Bangalore. All the animals on day 0th, 7th, 14th, and 21st with a 90 s cut-off period
were housed in a clean and transparent polypropylene cage retained during the experiment.
and were randomized through making into six groups (N = 6
and n = 6). All the animals were maintained under 12/12 h
natural light-dark cycle at room temperature and the rela- Morris water maze
tive humidity was maintained at 45–55%.The overall study
protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Ani- MWM test was performed as per (Biradar et al. 2020; Ishola
mal Ethical Committee, KLE College of Pharmacy, Bela- et al. 2018) method. MWM is a large circular water tank
gavi, Resolution No- KLECOP/CPCSEA- Reg.No.221/Po/ with a white surface [diameter 110 cm, height 60 cm] that
Re/S/2000/CPCSEA, Res.25–13/10/2020. is filled with water (temperature 26-20 °C) to a depth of
30 cm. The MWM tank circle is divided into four equal
The model used for PD The chronic administration of Halo- quadrants [North Q1, East Q2, West Q3, and South Q4].
peridol (1.25 mg/kg i.p.) causes symptoms like PD mainly It also has a stationary base with a diameter of 10 cm.The
catalepsy. In the current study, we administered Haloperidol escape latency time (ELT) of the individual rat was noted at
for 21 days based on the literature survey (Naidu et al. 2003). 60s cut off time.

Locomotor activity by actophotometer

In vivo experimental study design
Individual rat locomotion was measured using an actopho-
The dose of the plant extract is selected based on the acute tometer with a 5 min cut-off period. A photocell is attached
toxicity study reports (­LD 50: 2000 g/kg, b.wt of rats.) to a circuit with a counter in this device. The moving animal
(Tandon and Gupta 2004; Aiyalu et al. 2015). cuts off the light beam going through the photocell, and a
Control group animals received normal food and water count is taken. Each animal readings were taken on the 0th,
throughout the experiment. Negative control (NC) group 7th, 14th, and 21st days. To stop the animal odour, the cham-
received Haloperidol (1.25 mg/kg) i.p. suspended in 1%v/v ber was cleaned with 10% ethanol before the experiment
tween 80 for 21 days. Positive Control (PC) group received began (Goverdhan et al. 2012).

414 Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426

Cook’s pole climbing water container to stop the enzymatic reactions. Weighed
appx. 100 mg and homogenate in Phosphate buffer [0.1 M;
The escape latency/conditional avoidance of each rat was pH 8.0]. To 0.4 mL above mixture (homogenate), (i) added
screened by CPC. The ground part consisting of rods that acts 2.6 ml 0.1 M (pH 8) Phosphate buffer (ii) 100 μl of 10 mM
as shock. First, individual rats were trained and readings were DTNB and mixed well. To the above mixture, added 20 μl
noted acquisition and the retention trail were noted 0th, 7th, of AChI (0.075 M) [Note: AChI is replaced with BChI
14th, and 21st day. The cut-off time of 120 s is considered for to estimate BChE enzyme activity]. The mixture absorb-
evaluation (Goverdhan et al. 2012). ance was noted at 412 nm for 5 min.The rate of moles
of substrate hydrolyzed/min/g of tissue is calculated by
Novel object recognition R = 5.74 × ­10−4(ΔA/Co). Where, R is Rate, in moles of sub-
strate hydrolyzed per min per gram of tissue; ΔA is change
This test was performed as described by (Antunes and Biala in Abs per min. Co is Concentration of tissue (mg/ml).
2012) method. The test includes both acquisition and retention
trials. During acquisition trial, two identical objects (green
balls) were placed equidistant from each other. Further, for 60s Determination of LPO
animals were placed in the arena and then placed back in the
cage. The process was repeated for all the animals for 7 days Ohkawa et al. 1979; Ramakrishnan et al. 2015 method was
(training period). During this trial, to avoid the bias for par- used to estimate the level of MDA in the whole brain. 0.2 ml
ticular location of identical and novel objects, we interchanged of tissue homogenate is added to8.1% w/v 0.2 ml of sodium
the objects from left to right. After training, the same method- lauryl sulphate (SLS), 1.5 ml of 20% acetic acid, and 1.5 ml
ology was performed for retention trail. Here, one green ball (0.8%) thiobarbituric acid. The mixture is vortexed for one
(identical object) is replaced with red ball (novel object) and minute and diluted up to 4 ml using DM water. Further, the
the time taken to explore an object was noted. Object explora- mixture is boiled at 90 °C for 1 h using the water bath. The
tion recording includes: a) rat head to orient towards the object whole mixture was cooled and added 1 mL of DM water
within a distance of 2 cm. b) animal to sniffing, touching, and and 5 ml mixture of pyridine:n-butanol (1:15 v/v). Finally,
licking the object with the paws. centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min. The Abs of the organic
The discrimination index (DI in %) was calculated by using layer was noted at 532 nm. The cerebrum malondialdehyde
DI (%) = (A1-A2) / (A1 + A2) and DI (%) = (A1-B)/(A1 + B) (MDA) ­mg−1 of protein level was estimated and expressed
formula. Where, A1 is time spent with familiar object 1; A2 is in nanomoles using the formula, MDA = nmoles of MDA/
time spent with the familiar object 2 (A2); and B is Time spent mg of protein in the cerebrum is,
with the novel object. Concentration = A × (V∕E) × P

T‑maze where, A = Absorbance at 535 nm; V = Volume of mixture;

E = Extinction coefficient (1.56 × ­105 m/cm); P = mg of pro-
This test was performed according to the method of Wenk tein per g of tissue. All the values were indicated in nM of
1998. The T-Maze test involves both acquisition and reten- MDA/mg of protein.
tion sessions. Initially, animals were trained for 7 consecutive
days. After that on 0th day (Treatment period) food was placed
Determination of reduced GSH
in one side arm (left arm we selected) before beginning the
experiment. The overnight fasted animal is placed in the start
Ellman G. L. method (Ellman 1959) was utilized to estimate
box for 60 s. Then, slowly sliding door was opened noted the
whole-brain reduced GSH level. 0.25 ml of tissue homoge-
number of entries in the left arm (right choices). Similarly, the
nate, 2.5 ml sodium phosphate buffer, and 50 μl DTNB
tests were repeated on day 12th and 21st day.% Alternation was
[pH 7.0] was mixed. The mixture was further vortexed and
calculated by dividing the Number of entries into the left arm
incubated at 25-27 °C for 2 min. Within 15 min of this step,
in the acquisition and during treatment period.
the absorbance was noted at 412nmand expressed GSH level
in μmoles/mg of tissue.
Determination of biomarkers level

Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase enzyme

where, ­C0 is the original concentration; A is Absorbance at
The test is carried out by Ellman et al. 1961 method. Cortex 412 nm; € is molar extinction coefficient i.e. 13,600/M/cm;
and hippocampus were isolated and placed in an ice-cold D is the dilution factor.

Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426 415

Determination of Total protein applied for all the tests. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001,
and ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Normal group; #p < 0.05,
Briefly, added 2.25 ml of 0.5 M NaOH to 0.25 ml of tis- ##p < 0.01 ###p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is compared to
sue homogenate. Then, pipette out 0.5 ml from the above Haloperidol induced PD group.
mixture and added 0.5 ml of 10% TCA and centrifuged at
3000 rpm for 10 min at 4 °C. After this, discarded the super-
natant and the remaining precipitate is dissolved in 0.5 ml of Results
0.5 M NaOH and 2 ml of Alkaline mixture. Further, waited
for 10 min and added 0.25 ml of Folin–Ciocâlteu reagent and Extract yield
again waited for 10 min. Finally, the absorbance of mixture
was noted at 540 nm (Sedlak et al. 1968; Shalavadi et al. The hydroalcholic extract obtained from leaves part is 48 g
2012). from 500 g of raw material. The percentage yield (w/w) of
V. negundo extract by maceration method was found to be
Determination of SOD 9.6%.

The capacity of SOD to antagonize the autooxidation of Effect of E. variegata hydroalcoholic extract
epinephrine to adrenochrome in the presence of alkaline on in vitro AChE inhibitory
pH. To the 25 μl of homogenate sample, added 0.1 mM of
epinephrine in carbonate buffer (pH 10.2). At 295 nm, the The ­IC50 of Donepezil was found to be 10.23 μg/ml and the
adrenochrome formation in the above mixture was measured ­IC50 of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract was found to be
using the ELISA plate reader. Further, the SOD level was 114.35 μg/ml. The AChE inhibitory activity of Donepezil
determined from the total protein value and expressed in U/ was found to be more potent compared to V. negundo. The
mg of protein (Misra and Fridovich 1972). % inhibition and ­IC50 value are shown in Fig. 1 and the
obtained linear equation and absorbance are given at Sup-
Determination of catalase plementary Table 1.

Mixed 50 μl of tissue homogenate with 1.95 ml of PBS In vivo studies

7.0pH and 1 ml of 0.7 mM ­H2O2 solution. Read the absorb-
ance at 240 nm. Further, the Catalase level was determined Effect of V. Negundo hydroalcholic extract on performance
from the total protein value and expressed in U/mg of protein time (grip strength) using rotarod
(Claiborne 1985; Shalavadi et al. 2012).
During the acquisition trial, 0th day and on the 7th day
Determination of dopamine level of treatment with Haloperidol group, L-DOPA group,
VNL100, VNL200, and VNL400, the performance time
The level of dopamine in the whole brain was estimated via was in the range of 15 s to 23 s, and no significant dif-
UV-Visible spectroscopy. First, the standard linear curve of ference was observed. However, on the 14th day, the NC
dopamine was removed via serial dilution of standard dopa- group exhibited a decline (p < 0.05) in the performance
mine (50 to 500 ng/mL). The detection range of dopamine compared to Control. Whereas, treatment with L-DOPA,
was set to 240-280 nm and the linear curve was obtained for VNL100, and VNL200 didn’t showed effect on perfor-
conc. v/s abs. The supernatant obtained from each test group mance time but VNL400 exhibited rise in performance
was diluted 10 times and the absorbance was read at 278 nm (p < 0.01) compared to Negative control (NC) group on
to detect the dopamine. Using the y = mx + c obtained equa- 14th day. Further, on 21st day, the entire treatment group
tion from the linear curve and the sample absorbance, the exhibited rise (p < 0.0001) in the performance time com-
whole brain dopamine level was estimated and expressed in pared to Negative control (NC) group that showed decline
ng/g of tissue (Manoharan et al. 2016). (p < 0.0001) in the performance time. The effect of VNL
on performance time is shown in Fig. 2 and Supplementary
Statistical analysis Table 2

The results were expressed as Mean ± SEM/SD. One-way Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract on ELT using
and two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni and Tukey’s MWM
comparison tests were used to determine the difference
between the groups in GraphPad Prism v5.0. The degree During the acquisition trial and on the 0th day of first
of freedom of 5% with a confidence interval of 95% was treatment with Haloperidol group, L-DOPA group,

416 Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426

Fig. 1  Effect of Vitex negundo

hydroalcoholic extract with In vitro AChE inhibitory activity
Donepezil inAChE inhibitory 150

% Inhibition
50 V. negundo

0 100 200 300 400
Conc. (µg/ml)

Fig. 2  Effect of Vitex negundo on grip strength using rotarod for 90s cut off time. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is
compared to Normal group; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01 ###p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Haloperidol induced PD group

VNL100, VNL200, and VNL400, the ELT was 30s effect of VNL on ELT is shown in Fig. 3. Supplemen-
to 35 s, and no significant difference was observed. tary Table 3
However, on the 7th day and 14th day, the Negative
control (NC) group exhibited a rise (p < 0.05) and Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract on locomotion
(p < 0.01) in the ELT respectively, whereas, treatment using actophotometer
with L-DOPA group (p < 0.05), VNL100 (p < 0.01),
VNL200 (p < 0.05), VNL400 (p < 0.01) showed a The effect of V. negundo on ELT was screened via CPC.
decline in the ELT. Further, on the 21st day a significant During acquisition and 0th day, no significant differ-
(p < 0.0001) increase in ELT was observed in the Nega- ence in ELT is observed in all the groups. Further, on
tive control (NC) group (ELT: 50s) compared to con- 7th day, a significant increase in the Negative control
trol and on treatment with L-DOPA group (p < 0.0001), (NC) group (p < 0.01) is seen compared to the control
VNL100 (p < 0.0001), VNL200 (p < 0.0001), VNL400 group. However, on 14th day, the ELT in the Negative
(p < 0.0001) reversed the ELT increased by the Halop- control (NC) group was significantly raised to p < 0.01
eridol treatment. All the treatment doses showed a good compared to the control group and but no significant
effect on ELT compared to Haloperidol group. The difference is in treatment group. On 21st day, the ELT

Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426 417

Fig. 3  Effect of Vitex negundo hydroalcholic extract ELT using ###p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Haloperidol
MWM for 60s cut off time.*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and induced group
****p < 0.0001 is compared to Normal group; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01

in the Negative control (NC) group was significantly Effect on V.negundo on ELT using CPC for cut‑off
raised to p < 0.0001 compared to the control group and time of 120 s
treatment with L-DOPA group and VNL100 (p < 0.001),
VNL200 and VNL400 (p < 0.0001) decreased the ELT Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract on ELT using CPC
compared to the Negative control (NC) group. The effect
of V. negundo on ELT in CPC is illustrated in Fig. 4 The effect of V. negundo on ELT was screened via CPC.
Supplementary Table 4. During acquisition and 0th day, no significant difference

Fig. 4  Effect of Vitex negundo

hydroalcholic extract locomo-
tion using actophotometer for
5 min cut-off period.*p < 0.05,
**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and
****p < 0.0001 is compared
to Normal group; #p < 0.05,
##p < 0.01 ###p < 0.001, and
****p < 0.0001 is compared to
Haloperidol induced group

418 Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426

in ELT is observed in all the groups. Further, on 7th day, observed in control (p < 0.01) and VNL400 (p < 0.01) com-
a significant increase in the Negative control (NC) group pared to object A1. Whereas, Negative control group(NC),
(p < 0.01) is seen compared to the control group. However, Positive control group (PC), VNL100, and VNL200 group
on 14th day, the ELT in the Negative control (NC) group animals didn’t showed significant increase in novel object
was significantly raised to p < 0.01 compared to the control recognition (Fig. 6a–d) and supplementary Table 6.
group and but no significant difference is in treatment group.
On 21st day, the ELT in the Negative control (NC) group Discrimination index of novel object recognition: A1‑B on
was significantly raised to p < 0.0001 compared to the con- 0th day No significant difference of DI was observed among
trol group and treatment with L-DOPA group and VNL100 all the groups. A1-B on 21st day: A significant decrease
(p < 0.001), VNL200 and VNL400 (p < 0.0001) decreased in DI was seen in Negative control (NC) group (p < 0.01)
the ELT compared to the Negative control (NC) group. The compared to Control group. However, Positive control
effect of V. negundo on ELT in CPC is illustrated in Fig.5 group (PC) (ns), VNL100 (ns), VNL200 (ns), and VNL400
and Supplementary Table 5. (p < 0.01) showed significant increase in the DI on 21st day
(Fig. 6e,f).
Effect of Vitex negundo hydroalcholic extract on novel
object recognition
The effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract
The effect of V. negundo on motor and memory is evaluated on T‑maze
via NOR by discrimination index for both A1-A2 and A1-B1
Fig. 6 (Supplementary Table 6). The effect of V. negundo on percentage alteration was
screened via T-maze. During 0th and 12th day, no signifi-
Observations of novel object recognition: A1‑A2 on 0th cant difference in percentage alteration is observed in all
day No significant difference is observed among the entire the groups. However, on 21st day, significant decrease in
group for time spent with A1-A2. A1-A2 on 21st day: No percentage alteration in the Negative control (NC) group
significant difference is observed among all the group for (p < 0.01) was seen compared to the control group. How-
time spent with A1-A2.A1-B on 0th day: A significant ever, percentage alteration in the L-DOPA group, VNL100,
increase in novel object recognition (time spent with object VNL200, and VNL400 was significantly raised to p < 0.05,
B) was observed in Control (ns), NC (p < 0.001), VNL100 p < 0.05, p < 0.01, and p < 0.001 respectively compared to
((p < 0.01), VNL200 (p < 0.01), and VNL400 (ns) compared the NC group. The effect of V. negundo on percentage altera-
to A1 object. A1-B on 21st day: A significant increase in tion in T-maze is illustrated in Fig. 7 and Supplementary
novel object recognition (time spent with object B) was Table 7.

Fig. 5  Effect on V.negundo on ELT using CPC. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Normal group;
#p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01 ###p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Haloperidol induced group for 120 s

Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426 419

Fig. 6  Effect of Vitex negundo on novel object recognition. a) A1-A2 *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is com-
on 0th day b) A1-A2 on 21st day, c) A1-B on 0th day, d) A1-B on pared to Normal group; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01 ###p < 0.001, and
21st day, e) DI of A1-B on 0th day, and f) DI of A1-B on 21st day. ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Haloperidol induced PD group

Fig. 7  Effect of Vitex negundo

on percentage alteration
using T-Maze. *p < 0.05,
**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001,
and ****p < 0.0001 is
compared to Normal con-
trol group; #p < 0.05,
##p < 0.01 ###p < 0.001, and
****p < 0.0001 is compared to
Haloperidol induced PD group

In vitro biochemical estimation The treatment of Haloperidol in the Negative control

(NC) group remarkably raised the level of AChE in the
Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract cortex (p < 0.001) and hippocampus (p < 0.001) compared
on acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity (Hippocampus to the control group. However, treatment with L-DOPA,
and cerebral cortex) VNL100, VNL200, and VNL400 remarkably declined the
level of AChE in the cortex and hippocampus compared to
A) Effect on AChE level the Negative control (NC) group. All three treatment groups
of V. negundo exhibited a potent inhibitory effect on AChE.

420 Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426

The effect of V. negundo on the hippocampus and cerebral enzyme level in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex
cortex AChE enzyme activity is shown in Supplementary is shown in Supplementary Table 9 and Fig. 8c and d.
Table 8 and Fig. 8a and b, respectively. respectively.

B) Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract on BChE

level Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract
on reduced GSH
The treatment of Haloperidol in the Negative control
(NC) group remarkably increased the level of BChE in the The treatment of Haloperidol in the Negative control (NC)
cortex (p < 0.001) and hippocampus (p < 0.001) compared group remarkably (p < 0.0001) reduced GSH level in the
to the control group. However, treatment with L-DOPA whole brain compared to the control group. However, treat-
group showed remarkable declined effect on BChE level ment with L-DOPA group (p < 0.05) VNL200 (p < 0.0001),
in both cortex (p < 0.0001) and hippocampus (p < 0.0001) and VNL400 (p < 0.0001) significantly increased the level
compared to the Negative control (NC) group. Whereas, of GSH compared to the Negative control(NC) group. Fur-
treatment with VNL100, VNL200, and VNL400 remark- ther, no significant change in GSH level is observed in the
ably decreased the level of BChE in the cortex (p < 0.0001) VNL100 group compared to the NC group. The effect of V.
and hippocampus ((p < 0.0001) compared to the Negative negundo on whole-brain GSH level is shown in Supplemen-
control (NC) group. The effect of V. negundo on BChE tary Table 10 and Fig. 9a.

Fig. 8  Effect of Vitex negundo on brain AChE and BChE level. a) ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Normal group; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01
AChE of Hippocampus, b) AChE of Cortex, c) BChE of Hippocam- ###p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Haloperidol
pus, and d) BChE of Cortex. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and induced PD group

Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426 421

Fig. 9  Effect of Vitex negundo on whole brain antioxidant mark- ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Normal group; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01
ers and dopamine level. a) GSH, b) MDA, c) TP, d) SOD, e) CAT, ###p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001 is compared to Haloperidol
and f) Dopamine level. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and induced PD group

Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract on MDA Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract on CAT​
The treatment of Haloperidol group in the Negative group
The treatment of Haloperidol in the NC group remarkably (NC) group didn’t show a significant change in CAT level
(p < 0.0001) raised MDA level in the whole-brain compared but showed a slight decrease in CAT level in the whole cer-
to the control group. However, treatment with L-DOPA ebrum. However, L-DOPA treatment group showed its effect
(p < 0.05) VNL100 (p < 0.01), and VNL100 (p < 0.05), on the CAT level but not significantly, whereas, VNL100
VNL200 (p < 0.01), VNL400 (p < 0.001) remarkably didn’t show any effect on CAT level. However, VNL200
decreased the level of MDA compared to the NC group. The and VNL400 showed not significant but a increase in CAT
effect of V. negundo on whole-brain MDA level is shown in level compared to the NC group. The effect of V. negundo on
Supplementary Table 10 and Fig. 9b. whole-brain CAT level is shown in Supplementary Table 10
and Fig. 9e.
Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract on TP
Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract
The treatment of Haloperidol group in the Negative control on dopamine level
(NC) group didn’t show a significant change in TP level but
showed a slight rise in TP level in the whole brain com- The treatment of Haloperidol group in the Negative control
pared to normal. However, treatment with L-DOPA group (NC) group remarkably (p < 0.0001) decreased the Dopa-
showed, not significant but decline in the TP level com- mine level in the whole cerebrum compared to the control
pared to the Negative control group (NC). Further, VNL100 group. However, treatment with L-DOPA group (p < 0.01),
and VNL200 didn’t show a change in TP level but a slight VNL100 (p < 0.0001), VNL200 (p < 0.05) and VNL400
decline in TP level was seen compared to the NC group. The (p < 0.0001) remarkably increased the level of Dopamine
effect of V. negundo on whole-brain TP level is shown in compared to the Negative control (NC) group. The effect
Supplementary Table 10 and Fig. 9c respectively. of V. negundo on whole-brain Dopamine level is shown in
Supplementary Table 11 and Fig. 9f.
Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract on SOD
Effect of V. negundo hydroalcholic extract
The treatment of Haloperidol in the Negative control (NC) on histopathology of hippocampus and cortex
group decreased the SOD level in the whole cerebrum
compared to normal but data were found non-significant. The histology of the control group cerebrum indicated mild
Although, L-DOPA group, VNL100 and VNL200 treatment cerebral odema, cerebral congestion, neuronal eosinophilia,
didn’t show any significant change in SOD level but sig- meningeal congestion, and no change in anatomy was visu-
nificant rise in SOD level was seen in VNL400 (p < 0.05) alized in RBC extravasation, macrophage influx, neuronal
compared to the Negative control (NC) group. The effect micro vacuolisation, neuronal nuclear pyknosis, neutrophilic
of V. negundo on whole-brain SOD level is shown in Sup- infiltration, neuronal karyorrhexis, reactive gliosis, and vas-
plementary Table 10 and Fig. 9d. cular proliferation. However, the Negative group (NC) group

422 Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426

histogram indicated severe damage in the above-mentioned L-DOPA and V. negundo of hydroalcholic extract 200 mg/kg
parameters (+++ to +). The VNL400 group reversed the and 400 mg/kg exhibited a remarkable decline in retention
Haloperidol damaged parameters. The histopathology of the time. Further, MWM was utilized to check “spatial mem-
brain (hippocampus and cortex) at 10x and 40x magnifica- ory and learning” and also to check the motor coordination
tion is shown in Figs. 10 and 11 respectively and Supple- (Vorhees and Williams 2006). The ELT of the Haloperidol
mentary Table 12. treated rats raised remarkably in ELT compared tostand-
ard of L-DOPA and V. negundo of hydroalcholic extract of
three doses, exhibited a critical decline ELT. As a result of
Discussion these findings, it is suggested that V. negundo hydroalcholic
extract changes the rat motor and memory activity. Loco-
This study carried out anti-PD activity of V. negundo of motion activity using actophotometer (Mazzoni et al. 2012;
hydroalcholic extract in Haloperidol induced PD in rats Greenland and Barker 2018) was remarkably declined from
through the analysis of motor and memory function. In vivo 7 to 21st day in Haloperidol treated rats, reduce the locomo-
studies were carried out through Rotarod, CPC, MWM, tion and were reversed by L-DOPA and V. negundo hydroal-
Actophotometer, NOR, and T-Maze apparatusand cerebrum cholic extract treatment for 21 days lead to a remarkable rise
biochemicals (AChE, BChE, GSH, MDA, TP, SOD, CAT, in locomotion. Further, CPC was used to investigate cogni-
Dopamine) level were estimated. The overall in vivo experi- tive function, primarily a response to conditioned stimuli
ment includes two test 1) acquisition and 2) retention. All to access the coordination of movements, grip strength to
the animals were trained for their acquisition and training to hold the pole, learning and memory (Kamila et al. 2014)
each apparatus previously before study. The rotarod appa- is compared with Haloperidol induced group, exhibited a
ratus was utilized to assess neuromuscular motor coordina- significant rise in ELT on day 21st and whereas NVL and
tion and grip strength of muscle. It is well known that, PD L-DOPA significantly reversed via decreasing ELT in CPC.
patients are associated with lower grip strength (Roberts Further, to analyse the recognition memory and animals
et al. 2015). In this study, inducing agents of Haloperidol ­D2 fast moments, we utilized the NOR apparatus (Cole et al.
receptor antagonistic remarkably declined the performance 2019). Compared with NC with NVL and L-DOPA groups
time from ­14thto 21stdays, which indicated the reduced grip exhibited a remarkably raised the discriminatory index, time
strengthand extrapyramidal activity of PD. Treatment with to recognise the novel object and movements were dose

Fig. 10  Effect of Vitex negundo on hippocampus. a) 10x b) 40x. (Hippocampus) CA3-Cornu ammonis neurons (Hippocampus). NN-
1) Control 2) Negative control (NC) 3) Positive control (PC) 4) Normal Neutrophile, A PMR- Aggressions of PMR, INF-Infiltration
VNL100, 5) VNL200, 6) VNL400. CA1-Cornu ammonis neurons KY- Karyohexsis, INF-Infiltration and L INF-Less infiltration

Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426 423

Fig. 11  Effect of Vitex negundo on cortex. a) 10x b) 40x. 1) Con- pressed Blood Vessel, PY-Pyknosis, ND-Neuro degeneration, INF-
trol 2) Negative control (NC) 3) Positive control (PC) 4) VNL100, Infiltration, KY- Karyohexsis, KL- karyolysis
5) VNL200, 6) VNL400. NN-Normal Neutrophile, C BI V C- Com-

dependent action and highly significance in NVL 400 mg/kg. previous study by Rahiman et al. (2015) demonstrated V.
Treatment with Haloperidol exhibited a remarkable decline negundo leaf extract to pose AChE inhibitory activity in
in percentage alternation on day 2­ 1st and treatment with V. scopolamine treated rats. (Otari et al. 2012) also revealed
negundo remarkably raised the percentage alternation and the effectiveness of V. negundo leaf extract in enhancing
movements. These findings suggest that V. negundo protects learning and memory processes through the inhibition of
against Haloperidol induced PD and associated compliances AChE and increase in cholinergic transmission and neu-
i.e. memory loss. rotransmitter balanced for coordination of movements.
Further, through the in vitro biochemical analysis meth- Hence, V. negundo leaf compounds play major role in
ods, cholinesterase’s function in hippocampus and cor- inhibition of both AChE and BChE in cerebrum.
tex, GSH, MDA, TP, SOD, CAT, and Dopamine level in Free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are
the cerebrum were examined. It is well known that, the produced during physiological and pathological changes.
level of ACh and BCh chemicals associated with memory Among other cell signalling pathways, ROS have a role in
improvement, and this is diminished in PD because of phagocytosis, enzyme activation, and cell cycle regulation
fast hydrolysis by AChE and BChE action respectively (Brieger et al. 2012; Di Meo et al. 2016). An imbalance
(Lane et al. 2006; Cacabelos 2007). In the present study, in free radical and ROS formation weakens the antioxidant
initially, we performed AChE inhibitory activity of V. defence system, resulting in cell damage and inflammation
negundo hydroalcholic extract. The results suggested that within the brain tissue. Superoxide O˙2, ­H2O2, and reactive
V. negundo hydroalcholic extract possess an AChE inhibi- nitrogen speciesare the primary free radicals involved in oxi-
tory potency compared in terms of I­ C 50(μg/ml)values. dative stress and are key component of the development of
However, V. negundo hydroalcholic extract of different neurodegenerative diseases PD (Kumar et al. 2012). Further-
groups on 2­ 1stday exhibited a remarkable highly signifi- more, the generation of ROS causes a variety of undesirable
cantly reduction in the AChE and BChE activity in both effects, including DNA harm, lipid peroxidation aberrations,
cortex and hippocampus, which suggests that V. negundo and protein mutilation (Biradar et al. 2020). In the present
possess AChE and BChE inhibitory activity on par with study, administration of V. negundo hydroalcoholic extract
standard L-DOPA group. This indicates a higher amount acts as a scavenging actions and antioxidant markers viz.,
of ACh retention i.e. responsible for the motor function. A GSH, MDA, SOD, TP, and CAT level in the whole brain.

424 Metabolic Brain Disease (2022) 37:411–426

The results suggest, V. negundo leaf as a potent anti-oxidant enzyme inhibition, to explore the possible mode of action
herb and pose a potential ROS neutralizing capacity. and protein expression analysis, which helps to explore V.
As part of the basal ganglia circuitry, the substantia nigra negundo leaf as a herbal therapy for PD.
(SN) is a midbrain dopaminergic nucleus that plays a cru-
cial role in regulating motor activity and reward functions Abbreviations V. negundo: V. negundo; VNL100 : V. negundo 100 mg/
kg Group; VNL200 : V. negundo 200 mg/kg Group; VNL400 : V.
(Sonne et al. 2021). Dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved negundo 400 mg/kg Group; ACh : Acetylcholine; AChE : Acetylcho-
in reward motivated actions and aids in the regulation of linesterase; AChI : Acetylthiocholine iodide; BChI : Butyrylcholines
expression and the formation of motor coordination and new iodide; AD : Alzheimer’s Disease; PD : Parkinson’s Disease; APP
memories (Triarhou 2013). The SN’s Dopamine neurons : Amyloid Precursor Protein; Aβ : Amyloid Beta; BCh : Butyrylcholine;
BChE : Butyrylcholinesterase; DPPH : 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl;
deteriorate over time in PD, reducing the quantity of DA DTNB : 5,5′-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid); ELT : Escape Latency
available for neurotransmission in the corpus striatum. Rest- Time; GSH : Glutathione; H2O2 : Hydrogen Peroxide; i.p: Intraperito-
ing tremor, stiffness, bradykinesia, poor balance, and motor neal; IC50 : Inhibition Concentration; LPO : Lipid Peroxidation; MDA
coordination are all common clinical signs of a PD (Triarhou : Malondialdehyde; MWM : Morris Water Maze
2013). In the present study investigation, Haloperidol D ­ 2
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
receptor antagonist administration significantly decreased tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 11011-0​ 21-0​ 0878-2.
the level of Dopamine and treatment with L-DOPA and V.
negundo hydroalcoholic extract increased the dopamine Acknowledgements Thanks to the Prof.(Dr) Sunil S Jalapure, Prin-
level in brain. cipal and Prof (Dr.) N A Khatib, HOD, Department of Pharmacology
Histopathology examination of the brain of the nor- and Toxicology, KLE College of Pharmacy, KAHER, Belagavi, India
for providing necessary facilities to conduct the work. The authors
mal animals showed no significant changes in the nor- thank the Vamsi Labs Ltd. Solapur, India for providing Haloperidol
mal group. While, Haloperidol treated rats brain showed and Micro Labs Ltd. Bangalore for providing L-DOPA as a gift sample.
moderate cerebral congestion, odema, microvacuolisa-
tion, Gliosis and moderate meningeal congestion, nuclear Author’s contribution Prakash R. Biradar supervised the experiments,
pyknosis,karyorrhexis, neutrophilic infiltration, RBC confirmed the findings, helped in data analysis, helped in the man-
uscript writing. Aishwarya Vannur design the study, conducted the
extravasation, and vascular proliferation. However, treat- experiment, collected the data, drafted the manuscript. Vishal S. Patil
ment with in the V. negundo hydroalcoholic extract 400 mg/ statistical analysis and helped in manuscript drafting.
kg reversed the damage induced by Haloperidol. Treatment
with L-DOPA and V. negundo hydroalcoholic extract groups Funding This study has not having Funding from any Agencies.
maintained the CA1 and CA3 neurons of posterior part of
limbic system integrity, morphological and cellular architec- Data availability The data are not publicly available due to their con-
taining information that could compromise the privacy of research
ture of neuronal. Also, various investigations demonstrated participants, but are available on request from the author.
of V. negundo hydroalcoholic extract, believes the bioactive
phytoconstituents mainly of vitexin will ameliorate the halo- Declarations
peridol induced PD in rats. Herein, we suggest proposing the
molecular mechanism of V. negundo against PD as using Ethical statement The study protocol was reviewed and approved by
network pharmacology and molecular docking as explained the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee, KLE College of Pharmacy,
by Duyu et al (2020) which is the future scope of this study. KAHER, Belagavi, and Resolution No. KLECOP/CPCSEAReg. No.
221/Po/Re/S/2000/CPCSEA, Res. 25–13/10/2020. The animal experi-
ments were carried out in accordance with the CPCSEA guidelines.

Conclusion Conflict of interest All the authors of this manuscript confirm that they
do not have any conflict of interest.
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