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L.C. Weaver and C. Polosa (Eds.

Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 152
ISSN 0079-6123
Copyright r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


Spinal cord injury alters cardiac electrophysiology

and increases the susceptibility to
ventricular arrhythmias

Heidi L. Collins1, David W. Rodenbaugh2 and Stephen E. DiCarlo1,

Department of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201, USA
Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

Abstract: The autonomic nervous system modulates cardiac electrophysiology and abnormalities of au-
tonomic function are known to increase the risk of ventricular arrhythmias. The abnormal and unstable
autonomic control of the cardiovascular system following spinal cord injury also is well known. For
example, individuals with mid-thoracic spinal cord injury have elevated resting heart rates, increased blood
pressure variability, episodic bouts of life-threatening hypertension as part of a condition termed auto-
nomic dysreflexia, and elevated sympathetic activity above the level of the lesion. Furthermore, cardio-
vascular morbidity and mortality are high in individuals with spinal cord injuries due to a relatively
sedentary lifestyle and higher prevalence of other cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity and di-
abetes. Therefore, spinal cord injury may alter cardiac electrophysiology and increase the risk for ven-
tricular arrhythmias. In this chapter, we discuss how the autonomic changes associated with cord injury can
influence cardiac electrophysiology and the susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias.

Individuals with spinal cord injury in the cervical new injuries are reported each year in the United
and upper thoracic (T) segments (T1–T6) have States alone. Spinal cord injuries cost the United
unstable arterial pressure and heart rate. In addi- States at least $9.7 billion per year for medical
tion to other factors, the unstable arterial pressure care, equipment and disability support (DeVivo,
and heart rate after spinal cord injury enhances the 1997; Berkowitz et al., 1998). With the advances in
risk for blood pressure-related cardiovascular dis- acute care and rehabilitation, the life expectancy of
ease above levels seen in hypertensive subjects individuals with spinal cord injury has increased to
(Rodenbaugh et al., 2003a). Thus, it is not sur- near that for able-bodied individuals. However,
prising that cardiovascular disease is a leading cardiovascular disease is now a leading cause of
cause of morbidity and mortality for individuals death and morbidity for individuals with spinal
with spinal cord injury. In this chapter, we will cord injury (Le and Price, 1982; Wicks et al.,
discuss the impact of spinal cord injury on the 1983; Cardiovascular–Cardiopulmonary Second-
autonomic control of the circulation and its rela- ary Disabilities, 1991; DeVivo et al., 1992, 1993;
tionship to increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias. Whiteneck et al., 1992; Frankel et al., 1998; Soden
An estimated 2 million individuals worldwide et al., 2000). Cardiovascular morbidity and mor-
live with spinal cord injuries. On average, 11,000 tality are high for individuals with spinal cord in-
juries, presumably due to a relatively sedentary
Corresponding author. Tel.: +(313) 577-1557; lifestyle and higher prevalence of other cardiovas-
Fax: +(313) 577-5494; E-mail: cular risk factors, including obesity and diabetes

DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(05)52018-1 275


(Duckworth et al., 1980; Levi et al., 1995; Rodenbaugh et al., 2003a, b, c). This phenomenon
Karlsson, 1999). In fact, individuals with spinal is illustrated in Fig. 1 that shows the heart rate for
cord injury are at the lowest end of the human intact and cord-injured rats, recorded by radio-
fitness spectrum (Dearwater et al., 1986; Washburn telemetry, averaged over each week for 7 weeks
and Figoni, 1998). Similarly, cord-injured rats have (panel A) or for the entire 7 weeks of study (panel
lower levels of physical activity than healthy intact B). Animals with cord transection at T5 had
rats (Rodenbaugh et al., 2003a). Additionally, in- increased heart rates each week during the entire 7
dividuals with cord injury have blood lipid profiles weeks of study (panel A). Specifically, the average
characterized by elevated total cholesterol and heart rate was 19% higher in cord-injured rats
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and depressed during the entire 7 weeks of study (panel B).
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a lipid profile Numerous studies have documented that an
normally associated with, if not a direct result of, elevated heart rate is a strong risk factor for the
the sedentary lifestyle (Bauman et al., 1992, 1999; development of cardiovascular disease (Palatini
Cardus et al., 1992). There is a strong association and Julius, 1997, 1999; Julius et al., 1998). The
between low physical activity, increased sympa- elevated heart rates observed in individuals with
thetic nervous system activity, and cardiovascular mid-thoracic cord injury may be mediated by a
disease risk factors (Zimmet et al., 1991; Collins reflex compensatory mechanism to offset the de-
et al., 2000). Importantly, increased physical ac- creased stroke volume (Hjeltnes, 1977; Hopman
tivity lowers sympathetic nerve activity (DiCarlo et al., 1993a). The lower stroke volume has been
et al., 1997) and cardiovascular disease risk factors
(Jennings et al., 1984; Collins et al., 2000; DiCarlo
et al., 2002). Therefore, exercise with the arms is
often recommended for individuals with cord in-
jury, based on studies demonstrating improve-
ments in aerobic capacity and lipoprotein profiles
(DiCarlo, 1982, 1988; DiCarlo et al., 1983; Glaser,
1985; Hoffman, 1986; Hooker and Wells, 1989).
In fact, the Center for Disease Control has rec-
ommended further research to evaluate the effica-
cy of exercise to prevent the development of
cardiovascular disease in individuals with cord
injury (Cardiovascular–Cardiopulmonary Second-
ary Disabilities, 1991). It is interesting to speculate
that one mechanism contributing to the improved
cardiopulmonary status after exercise in indi-
viduals with spinal cord injury (DiCarlo, 1982;
DiCarlo et al., 1983) may be a reduced incidence
and/or severity of cardiac arrhythmias.
Cord-injured individuals have distinct hemody-
namic responses to a variety of activities of daily
living. For example, it is well established that Fig. 1. Average heart rate for intact and cord-injured rats, re-
individuals with mid-thoracic cord injury have corded by radio-telemetry, each week for 7 weeks (panel A) and
elevated heart rates and lower stroke volumes at the heart rates averaged during the entire 7 weeks of the study
rest and during activity than able-bodied indi- (panel B). Heart rate was higher in the cord-injured rats at every
time point during the 7 weeks of the study. Specifically, heart
viduals (Jacobs et al., 2002). Similarly, rats with
rate was 19% higher in cord-injured rats during the entire 7
cord injury at the 5th thoracic segment (T5) have weeks of the study (panel B). In this and subsequent figures,
elevated heart rates (Krassioukov and Weaver, variability is indicated by the standard error of the mean
1995; Maiorov et al., 1997; Mayorov et al., 2001; 

attributed to reduced venous return from the in- activity whereas a decreased heart rate is mediated
active regions below the level of the injury due to by an increase in parasympathetic activity and a
loss of supraspinal control of sympathetically me- concomitant decrease in sympathetic activity.
diated veno- and vasoconstriction (Kinzer and Overactivity, or dominant activity in the cardiac
Convertino, 1989; Hopman et al., 1993b). The loss parasympathetic nerves can produce or contribute
of supraspinal control of sympathetically mediated to a variety of brady-arrhythmias whereas over-
veno- and vasoconstriction impairs the ability to activity or dominant activity of the cardiac sym-
effectively distribute blood throughout the vascu- pathetic nerves can produce or contribute to a
lar system and results in venous pooling. Preven- variety of tachy-arrhythmias (Katz, 1992). In rest-
tion of venous pooling with an external ‘‘muscle ing able-bodied individuals parasympathetic activ-
pump’’ using transcutaneous electrical stimulation ity dominates. Thus, when both divisions of the
markedly enhances stroke volume in cord-injured autonomic nervous system are blocked (by drugs
individuals (Davis et al., 1990). Cardiac output, such as atropine for parasympathetic and prop-
the volume of blood pumped by the heart each ranolol for sympathetic) in resting able-bodied
minute, is the product of heart rate and stroke individuals, the heart rate increases to approxi-
volume and is lower in cord-injured people (Jacobs mately 100 beats per minute (Jose, 1966; Katona
et al., 2002). et al., 1982). This increase in heart rate following
In able-bodied individuals the average heart rate complete autonomic nervous system blockade doc-
at rest is 60–80 beats per minute. As noted above, uments the dominance of the parasympathetic sys-
heart rate is significantly higher in individuals with tem on resting heart rate. The prevailing heart rate
mid-thoracic cord injury. During emotional ex- after block of both sympathetic and parasympa-
citement or muscular activity, heart rate increases thetic cardiac influences is called the intrinsic heart
reaching values as high as 220 beats per minute rate. Importantly, because the cardiac parasym-
minus the age of the individual. The maximum pathetic fibers never pass through the spinal cord,
heart rate is not altered in individuals with spinal cord injury does not interrupt cardiac para-
mid-thoracic cord injury (Jacobs et al., 2002). The sympathetic activity. Cardiac parasympathetic
increase in heart rate is mediated, mainly, by chang- fibers originate in the dorsal motor nucleus of
es in the autonomic nervous system. The process the vagus and the nucleus ambiguus in the medulla
of excitation of the heart originates in the sino- oblongata (Loewy and Spyer, 1990) and travel in
atrial node, the intrinsic pacemaker of the heart, the vagus nerve to the heart. Subsequently, these
located in the right atrium. These cells depolarize fibers synapse with postganglionic cells on the
spontaneously and generate action potentials at an epicardial surface or within the walls of the heart
intrinsic rate of about 100 per minute (Jose, 1966; near the sinoatrial node and atrioventricular node.
Katona et al., 1982). The sinoatrial node is under In contrast, spinal cord injury above the 1st
the direct influence of the sympathetic and para- thoracic segment (T1) disrupts central control of
sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous preganglionic cardiac sympathetic activity. Specif-
system. In general, the sympathetic division of the ically, preganglionic cardiac sympathetic fibers
autonomic nervous system increases heart rate by originate in the intermediolateral cell column of
increasing the rate at which the sinoatrial node the upper five or six thoracic segments of the spinal
generates action potentials, whereas the parasym- cord (Bonica, 1968). These fibers exit the spinal
pathetic division of the autonomic nervous system cord through the white communicating rami and
decreases heart rate by decreasing the rate of ac- enter the paravertebral chains of ganglia. The
tion potential generation by the sinoatrial node. cardiac preganglionic and postganglionic neurons
Usually, changes in heart rate involve the recipro- synapse in the middle cervical and upper thoracic
cal actions of the two divisions of the autonomic paravertebral ganglia, especially the stellate
nervous system. Specifically, an increased heart ganglion (Bonica, 1968). Cervical and upper tho-
rate is mediated by a reduction in parasympathetic racic spinal cord injury disrupts the interaction
activity and a concomitant increase in sympathetic of the cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic

innervation. Disruption of this balance may have a increase the risk for the development of ventricu-
profound influence on cardiac rate, performance lar arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death
and rhythm. For example, the higher heart rates (Schwartz and Stone, 1980; Schwartz et al.,
observed in individuals and animals with mid- 1993). Therefore, the elevated heart rates and in-
thoracic cord injury suggest higher cardiac sym- creased cardiac sympathetic activity in individuals
pathetic activity or lower cardiac parasympathetic with mid-thoracic cord injury (Karlsson et al.,
activity. To test this hypothesis we measured heart 1998; Rodenbaugh et al., 2003b) may result in an
rate in intact rats and rats with cord injury increased mortality associated with changes in
at T5 under normal resting conditions and cardiac electrophysiology and the incidence of
during ganglionic blockade achieved by intrave- arrhythmias. In fact, it has recently been docu-
nous administration of hexamethonium chloride. mented that rats with cord transection at the 5th
Hexamethonium chloride abolishes postganglionic thoracic segment have a lower electrical stimula-
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system tion threshold to induce cardiac arrhythmias
activity and reduces arterial pressure and heart (Rodenbaugh et al., 2003b, c).
rate slightly in intact rats and more substantially in Arterial baroreceptors, located in the aortic arch
cord-injured rats. Resting heart rate was signifi- and carotid sinuses, have a profound influence on
cantly higher in injured rats and decreased signif- cardiac rate, performance, and rhythm by reflexly
icantly more in response to ganglionic blockade. altering cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic
Figure 2 presents heart rate before and after activity. The arterial baroreceptors respond to a
ganglionic blockade in intact and cord-injured reduction in arterial pressure by decreasing activity
rats. Ganglionic blockade reduced heart rate more of the parasympathetic nerves and increasing
in injured rats compared with intact rats (36% vs. activity of the sympathetic nerves. This imbalance
9%, respectively). These findings are consistent of the autonomic nervous system in favor of sym-
with the idea that an increase in sympathetic ac- pathetic dominance can lead to tachy-arrhythmias.
tivity above the level of the lesion in cord-injured In contrast, the arterial baroreceptors respond to
rats contributes to a greater tonic sympathetic an increase in arterial pressure by increasing
support of heart rate. activity of the parasympathetic nerves and
Elevations in cardiac sympathetic activity or decreasing activity of the sympathetic nerves. This
reductions in cardiac parasympathetic activity imbalance favoring parasympathetic dominance
can lead to brady-arrhythmias. Arterial pressure is
usually lower and unstable after cervical and upper
thoracic spinal cord injury. Hypotension occurs
immediately after the injury because of loss of
tonic supraspinal excitatory drive to spinal
sympathetic neurons (Calaresu and Yardley,
1988). Subsequently, resting arterial pressure
returns toward normal. However, episodic hyper-
tension often develops as part of the condition
termed autonomic dysreflexia (Naftchi, 1990;
Mathias and Frankel, 1992). In addition, activi-
ties of daily living produce large variations of
blood pressure in individuals with cord injury
(Stiens et al., 1995; Faghri et al., 2001). This is due,
in part, to the fact that arterial baroreflex control
Fig. 2. Heart rate before (control) and after ganglionic block-
of the sympathetic nervous system is lost below the
ade (Gag-X) in intact and cord-injured rats. Ganglionic block-
ade (equivalent to elimination of all neural input to the heart) level of the lesion, resulting in reduced buffering of
reduced heart rate more in cord-injured rats than in intact rats changes in arterial pressure. Thus, individuals and
(36% vs. 9%, respectively). animals with spinal cord injury have increased

blood pressure variability after mid-thoracic cord entire duration of the study (panel C). Mid-
injury (Rodenbaugh et al., 2003a). Increased blood thoracic cord injury significantly increased SBP-
pressure variability and heart rate significantly in- SD each week for the entire 7 weeks of the study.
crease the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Rizzoni Specifically, SBP-SD was 22% higher in the in-
et al., 1992; Stevenson et al., 1997; Julius and jured versus intact rats over the entire 7 weeks
Valentini, 1998). These risk factors are highly cor- (panel C). Similarly, the average diastolic blood
related with end organ damage, as well as vascular pressure standard deviation (DBP-SD) for intact
structure changes and an increased incidence of and cord-injured rats was examined (panels B and
myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiac ar- D) and cord injury increased DBP-SD during the
rhythmias (Frattola et al., 1993; Stamler et al., entire 7 weeks of the study. Specifically, DBP-SD
1993; Palatini and Julius, 1997, 1999). The in- was 13% higher in the injured versus intact rats
creased blood pressure variability mediates chang- during the entire 7 weeks (panel D). Taken to-
es in arterial baroreceptor activity that reflexly gether, these data suggest that the loss of arterial
alters cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic baroreflex control of the autonomic nervous sys-
activity and profoundly affects cardiac rate, per- tem below the level of the lesion increases arterial
formance, and rhythm. Importantly, cord-injured blood pressure variability.
rats have increased blood pressure-related cardio- As noted above, cardiac tachy-arrhythmias are
vascular disease risk factors (Rodenbaugh et al., associated with elevations of cardiac sympathetic
2003a). For example, Fig. 3 presents the average efferent activity (Schwartz and Stone, 1980, 1982).
systolic blood pressure standard deviation (SBP- Cardiac a- and b-adrenergic receptors mediate the
SD) for intact and cord-injured rats each week for response to cardiac sympathetic stimulation. b-
7 weeks (panel A) and SBP-SD averaged over the Adrenergic receptor blockade, which reduces the

Fig. 3. Systolic blood pressure standard deviation (SBP-SD) and diastolic blood pressure deviation (DBP-SD) for intact and cord-
injured rats, averaged each week for 7 weeks (panels A, B) and averaged over the entire duration of the study (panels C, D). Spinal cord
injury significantly increased SBP-SD and DBP-SD. Specifically, SBP-SD was 22% higher in the injured versus intact rats over the
entire 7 weeks (panel C) and DBP-SD was 13% higher in the injured vs. intact rats over the entire 7 weeks (panel D)  Pp0:05:

effect of cardiac sympathetic efferent activity, has adrenergic signals alter cardiac electrophysiology
been shown to reduce cardiovascular mortality over the time course of hours to days by altering
(Frishman, 1992). The sympathetic nervous system transcription of genes encoding ion channels and
can affect the generation and conduction of action calcium-regulating proteins. For example, suscep-
potentials in the heart by activating mainly b-ad- tibility to cardiac arrhythmias may increase by al-
renergic receptors (Berne and Levy, 2001). b-Ad- tering the expression of specific genes encoding
renergic receptor stimulation, which increases proteins critical to myocyte calcium homeostasis
intracellular cAMP, increases heart rate, atrioven- [the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase
tricular nodal conduction and contractile force, (SERCA), the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger encoded by
and shortens atrial and ventricular refractoriness the NCX1 gene, and the L-type calcium channel]
(Murray and Roden, 1996). In addition, it en- in a manner that will favor increasing intracellular
hances the plateau phase of the action potential by Ca2+ (Rodenbaugh et al., 2003c). The ability of
increasing current through L-type Ca2+ channels cardiac myocytes to maintain cytosolic Ca2+ with-
while repolarization is accelerated due to an in- in a tightly controlled range is important to pre-
crease in both the delayed rectifier current and the vent cardiac electrical disturbances. Disturbances
chloride current (Murray and Roden, 1996). Thus, in Ca2+ homeostasis are closely related to cardiac
b-adrenergic receptor stimulation may shorten or electrophysiological events. The Na+/Ca2+ ex-
prolong action potential duration depending on changer and the L-type calcium channel provide
which of the currents predominate. b-Adrenergic the primary calcium efflux and influx pathways,
receptor stimulation also causes more rapid pace- respectively. SERCA is the predominant pathway
maker activity in the sinus node by its action on through which cytosolic calcium is sequestered.
diastolic currents (Murray and Roden, 1996). a- Signaling through a- and b-adrenergic receptors
Adrenergic receptor stimulation enhances cardiac modulates calcium homeostasis by altering the ex-
contractility due to Ca2+ influx (Berne and Levy, pression of these calcium regulatory proteins. For
2001). Furthermore, adrenergic stimulation en- example, signaling through a- and b-adrenergic
hances the development of after-depolarizations receptors coordinately regulates the expression of
that lead to electrocardiogram (ECG) complexes the a 1C-subunit of the L-type calcium channel
termed triggered beats (Katz, 1992). In this situ- and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger by activating pro-
ation, multiple ionic mechanisms are involved, and tein kinase A and protein kinase C pathways
elevated intracellular calcium is a common feature. (Golden et al., 2000, 2002). Specifically, b-ad-
Adrenergic stimulation results in a reduction of the renergic receptor activation in vitro increases the
electrical stimulus threshold to induce ventricular expression of the L-type Ca2+ channel and NCX1
fibrillation as well as an increase in the likelihood genes, whereas a-adrenergic signaling reduces their
of spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias. b-Ad- mRNA levels (Golden et al., 2000, 2001, 2002).
renergic receptor blockade and enhanced para- Several facts have been well documented. The
sympathetic tone inhibit these effects and are autonomic nervous system modulates cardiac
known to be protective against ventricular tachy- electrophysiology and abnormalities of autonom-
arrhythmias and sudden death (Engel, 1978; Zipes, ic function can increase the risk of cardiac
1991; Wharton et al., 1992; Schwartz et al., 1993). arrhythmias. Furthermore, autonomic control of
Thus, interventions that reduce sympathetic activ- the cardiovascular system is abnormal and unsta-
ity or enhance parasympathetic activity may be ble following spinal cord injury. For example, in-
useful in preventing deadly tachy-arrhythmias. dividuals with spinal cord injury have elevated
Spinal cord injury, depending on the specific site heart rates, increased blood pressure variability,
of the lesion, may affect sympathetic and para- elevated sympathetic activity above the level of the
sympathetic activity in a manner that promotes lesion, and episodic bouts of life-threatening hy-
arrhythmias. pertension as part of a condition termed auto-
In addition to transmembrane signals that alter nomic dysreflexia. Autonomic dysreflexia occurs in
ionic currents over the time course of seconds, as many as 85% of individuals with spinal cord

injuries above the 6th thoracic segment and is

characterized by severe hypertension (Lee et al.,
1995). If not prevented or treated promptly, the
hypertension may produce cerebral and sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage, seizures, renal failure, car-
diac arrhythmias, and may lead to death (McGuire
and Kumar, 1986). An example of autonomic
dysreflexia in rats is presented in Fig. 4, illustrating
an analog recording of arterial pressure, ECG, and
heart rate responses to colon distension in a quad-
riplegic rat (Collins and DiCarlo, 2002). Colon
distension produced an increase in arterial pres-
sure, bradycardia, and arrhythmias. This observa-
tion demonstrates that abnormal control of the
cardiovascular system after spinal cord injury can
increase the susceptibility to cardiac arrhythmias.
Autonomic dysreflexia is the second most com-
mon long-term secondary medical complication
associated with cord injury and thus is a major
health concern (McKinley et al., 1999). In fact,
autonomic dysreflexia is the most prominent life-
threatening situation for individuals with spinal
cord injury (Comarr and Eltorai, 1997). The long-
term consequence of repeated episodes of severe
hypertension has yet to be determined, however, it
is well documented that increased blood pressure
variability is a significant cardiovascular disease
risk factor (Frattola et al., 1993; Collins et al.,
2000). Thus, the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias
may be increased in individuals with spinal cord
injury due to the unstable arterial blood pressure.
In support of this concept, there are a large
number of case reports documenting cardiac
arrhythmias in individuals with spinal cord injury
(Guttmann and Whitteridge, 1947; Frankel et al.,
1975; Colachis and Clinchot, 1997). For example,
as early as 1947, Guttmann and Whitteridge re-
ported premature atrial and ventricular contrac-
tions as well as changes in the amplitude of the
T-waves in individuals with spinal cord injuries Fig. 4. Analog recording of arterial pressure, ECG, and heart
during urodynamic testing. Arrhythmias have also rate response to colon distension (50 mmHg for 1 min) in one
quadriplegic rat. Dashed line indicates the onset of colon dis-
been observed in a woman with a spinal lesion at
tension. Colon distension produced pressor and bradycardic
T3 during labor (Guttmann et al., 1965). Prema- responses. Of particular interest are the arrhythmias produced
ture ventricular contractions and atrio-ventricular by colon distension (insert). Reprinted with permission from
dissociation are common when individuals with spi- Collins and DiCarlo (2002).
nal cord injuries have distended bladders (Guttmann
and Whitteridge, 1947) and asystole as well as
other arrhythmias have been reported during

tracheal suctioning (Frankel et al., 1975) and individuals and individuals with spinal cord
autonomic dysreflexia. Profound bradycardia is a injury. These investigators examined the ECG of
common complication in the early post-traumatic 26,734 able-bodied male veterans with a mean age
period following cervical spinal cord damage. It is of 56 years and compared the data with the ECG
thought to be due to temporary inactivity of the of 654 individuals with SCI with a mean age of 50
sympathetic nervous system after separation from years. Similarly, Leaf et al. (1993) studied 47 in-
supraspinal control, coupled with unopposed dividuals with chronic SCI (35–3605 days post-in-
parasympathetic dominance because of parasym- jury). Twenty-five individuals were classified as
pathetic, vagus nerve sparing (Mathias, 1976; paraplegic (mean age 39 years). No differences
Piepmeier et al., 1985; Lehmann et al., 1987; Bravo were recorded in the incidence of abnormalities
et al., 2004). Hypoxia, hypo-ventilation, and trache- between the individuals with paraplegia and quad-
al suctioning appear to intensify the bradycardia. In riplegia. Thus, the data regarding ECG abnormal-
animals, acute spinal cord transection produces a ities associated with SCI are equivocal.
variety of arrhythmias (Greenhoot et al., 1972). Two reported studies tested the effect of spinal
Several human studies have documented ECG cord injury at T4 on cardiac electrophysiology and
characteristics of individuals with spinal cord in- the susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias
jury. Blocker et al. (1983) analyzed the resting (Rodenbaugh et al., 2003a, c). In the first study,
ECG of 98 individuals with chronic cord injury conscious female hypertensive cord-injured rats
and compared their findings with results from two had a significantly lower electrical stimulation
studies of healthy able-bodied individuals. The in- threshold to induce ventricular arrhythmias com-
vestigators reported that ECG abnormalities were pared to intact rats. The protocol used to induce
more prevalent in the individuals with cord injury. arrhythmias is presented in Fig. 5. Ventricular
The mean age of the individuals with cord injury arrhythmia was defined as sustained ventricular
was 47 years and more than half of the individuals tachycardia resulting in a reduction in arterial
had sustained their injury before the age of 40. The pressure. The intensity of current required to
most common ECG abnormalities were ST seg- cause a ventricular arrhythmia was 62% lower in
ment depression and T-wave inversion. Axis devi- cord-injured rats compared with intact rats. Cord-
ation, ventricular conduction delays, frequent injured rats also had a 35% lower effective refrac-
premature ventricular contractions, and low QRS tory period compared to intact rats. Associated
amplitude were also recorded. As might be ex- with the increased susceptibility to ventricular
pected, ECG abnormalities were most prevalent in arrhythmias was a significantly higher resting
the 50–59 age group. The sample contained an heart rate and cardiac sympathetic tone (as deter-
equal number of subjects with cervical and tho- mined by the effect of propranolol on heart rate
racic cord injury. ECG abnormalities were most after the administration of atropine (Chen and
often recorded when the injury was cervical. The DiCarlo, 1997). Triggered beats occur more fre-
incidence of ECG abnormalities did not relate to quently in the presence of increased heart rate
the time interval after the cord injury. Individuals (Rosen and Reder, 1981). The enhanced cardiac
with lumbar spinal cord injury had no ECG ab- sympathetic activity in the cord-injured rat may be
normalities. Lehmann et al. (1989) also analyzed the cause of increased susceptibility to ventricular
the ECG of individuals with spinal cord injury. arrhythmias. In this first study, female spontane-
These investigators reported altered ventricular ously hypertensive rats were studied because they
depolarization in individuals with cervical spinal have elevated cardiac sympathetic activity
cord injury. These results were confirmed recently (Chandler and DiCarlo, 1998) and are susceptible
(Marcus et al., 2002). The ECG abnormalities to cardiac arrhythmias. In the second study
consisted of an upwardly concave ST-segment. (Rodenbaugh et al., 2003c), changes in cardiac
In contrast to the reports cited above, Prakash calcium regulatory proteins (Fig. 6), cardiac elect-
et al. (2002) documented that the prevalence of rophysiology parameters, and the susceptibility to
ECG abnormalities was the same for able-bodied ventricular arrhythmias were examined in intact

Fig. 5. Analog recording of arterial pressure and the ECG during step increases in current delivered to the heart in a conscious cord-
injured hypertensive rat. A MacLab programmable stimulator delivered 10 s trains of pulses (frequency 50 Hz and duration of 10 ms).
The current was increased every 10 s in 10 mA increments. Ventricular arrhythmia was identified by both the ECG as rapid, wide QRS
complexes and a decrease in arterial pressure to 40 mmHg (inset). In this animal, the threshold current required to induce the
arrhythmia was 100 mA. Normal sinus rhythm reappears upon termination of the stimulation (not shown). Reprinted with permission
from Rodenbaugh et al. (2003b).

and cord-injured rats (Fig. 7). Mid-thoracic cord spontaneous calcium release, thereby leading to
injury was associated with alterations in the ectopic activity. Importantly, these molecular
abundance of cardiac calcium regulatory proteins. changes were associated with enhanced cardiac
For example, cord injury increased the relative electrophysiology parameters and a reduced elec-
protein expression of SERCA2 (45%) and the trical stimulation threshold to induce ventricular
Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (40%), whereas relative arrhythmias. The cord-injured rats had a reduced
protein expression of phospholamban was signif- electrical stimulation threshold to induce ventricu-
icantly decreased (28%, Fig. 6). It is well doc- lar arrhythmias (48%, Fig. 7) as well as shorter
umented that reductions in phospholamban and/ atrial-ventricular interval, sinus node recovery
or increases in SERCA protein abundance result time and Wenckebach cycle length. In this study,
in an increased sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum mean arterial pressure was not significantly differ-
calcium load (Ji et al., 2000). The sarco(endo)- ent between the intact and cord-injured rats.
plasmic reticulum calcium overload may produce However, injured rats had significantly higher

Fig. 7. Electrical stimulation threshold to induce ventricular

arrhythmias in intact (n ¼ 10) and cord-injured rats (n ¼ 6).
Spinal cord injury significantly reduced the stimulation thresh-
old by 48%. The stimulation threshold was not significantly
different in the rats that served as time controls.  Pp0:05; in-
tact vs. injured rats. Reprinted with permission from Rodenb-
augh et al. (2003c).

a similar injury (Davis and Shephard, 1988; Kinzer

and Convertino, 1989; Jacobs et al., 2002).
Intravenous epinephrine in humans mimicked the
effects of mid-thoracic spinal cord injury on heart
rate, effective refractory period and atrioventricu-
lar conduction (Morady et al., 1988). A b-ad-
renergic receptor antagonist blocked these effects
of epinephrine. Conversely, perturbations that
Fig. 6. Western blots for sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+
lower sympathetic activity and/or raise parasym-
ATPase (SERCA; A), phospholamban (PLM; B), and sodium pathetic activity slow the conductive properties
calcium exchanger (NCX; C) using the hearts of two intact and and intrinsic excitability of the heart (Stein et al.,
two cord-injured male Wistar rats. Quantified relative abun- 2002; Such et al., 2002). Taken together, these re-
dance for each protein of interest in intact (n ¼ 8) and cord- sults suggest that the increased susceptibility to
injured (n ¼ 8) rat hearts. Spinal cord injury increased the rel-
ative abundance of SERCA (by 45%) and Na/Ca exchanger (by
ventricular arrhythmias in cord-injured rats may
40%) with a concomitant decrease in phospholamban (28%); be due, in part, to increased cardiac sympathetic

Pp0:05; intact vs. injured rats. Reprinted with permission activity. The increased cardiac sympathetic activ-
from Rodenbaugh, et al. (2003c). ity, higher heart rates, and changes in calcium
regulatory proteins in the cord-injured rats favor
heart rates (Mayorov et al., 2001; Jacobs et al., conditions of calcium overload that increases the
2002; Rodenbaugh et al., 2003b, c). likelihood for ventricular arrhythmias.
These results were consistent with clinical
reports suggesting an increased susceptibility to
cardiac arrhythmias (Guttmann and Whitteridge, Conclusion
1947; Frankel et al., 1975; Colachis and Clinchot,
1997) as well as alterations in the ECG of indi- Individuals with spinal cord injury have unstable
viduals with spinal cord injuries (Lehmann et al., arterial pressure and heart rate due to profound
1989; Marcus et al., 2002). The results were also changes in the autonomic nervous system. Fur-
consistent with a cardiac sympatho-excitation in thermore, the autonomic nervous system modu-
rats with mid-thoracic cord injury (Maiorov et al., lates cardiac electrophysiology and abnormalities
1997; Rodenbaugh et al., 2003b) and humans with of autonomic function can increase the risk of

ventricular arrhythmias. Recent data suggest an Cardus, D., Ribas-Cardus, F. and McTaggart, W.G. (1992)
increased susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias Lipid profiles in spinal cord injury. Paraplegia, 30: 775–782.
Chandler, M.P. and DiCarlo, S.E. (1998) Acute exercise and
with concomitant changes in cardiac electrophys-
gender alter cardiac autonomic tonus differently in hyper-
iology parameters and the abundance of calcium tensive and normotensive rats. Am. J. Physiol. Reg. Integ.
regulatory proteins in a conscious chronic model Comp. Physiol., 274: R510–R516.
of mid-thoracic spinal cord injury. These effects Chen, C.-Y. and DiCarlo, S.E. (1997) Endurance exercise
may be mediated by an increased cardiac sympa- training-induced resting bradycardia: a brief review. Sport.
thetic activity. It is interesting to speculate that Med. Train. Rehabil., 8: 37–77.
Colachis III, S.C. and Clinchot, D.M. (1997) Autonomic hype-
these cardiac changes contribute, in part, to the rreflexia associated with recurrent cardiac arrest: case report.
fact that cardiovascular disease is a leading cause Spinal Cord, 35: 256–257.
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Collins, H.L., Rodenbaugh, D.W. and DiCarlo, S.E. (2000)
Acknowledgments Daily exercise attenuates the development of arterial blood
pressure related cardiovascular risk factors in hypertensive
rats. Clin. Exp. Hypertens., 22: 193–202.
We gratefully acknowledge the expert technical
Comarr, A.E. and Eltorai, I. (1997) Autonomic dysreflexia/
assistance of Dustin G. Nowacek. This work was hyperreflexia. J. Spinal Cord Med., 20: 345–354.
supported, in part, by the National Heart Lung Davis, G.M., Servedio, F.J., Glaser, R.M., Gupta, S.C. and
and Blood Institute Grant HL-74122. Suryaprasad, A.G. (1990) Cardiovascular responses to arm
cranking and FNS-induced leg exercise in paraplegics.
J. Appl. Physiol., 69: 671–677.
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