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Submitted By

Shayan javed

Roll Number


Submitted To

Dr.Qurat ul Ain

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Course Title

Intro to HISTORY

Semester/ Section



Centre for Media and Communication Studies

 Topic of course: Link of history with other subjects
 Book:1
 Author Yuval noahharari
 Book Sapiens : A brief history of Humankind
 Place Hebrew in Israel
 Published Dvir publishing house (Israel)
 Year 2011
 Pages 464
 Price 6120

 Topic of course: Source of History

 Book:2
 Author Marc Bloch
 Book The dhistorian craft
 Place Paris
 Published France
 Year 1949
 Pages 368
 Price 4163

 Topic of course: Muslim Historians

 Book: 3
 Author Tamim Ansary
 Book Destiny disrupted
 Place United States
 Published Public Affairs
 Year 2009
 Pages 416
 Price 4196

 Topic of course: History and Philosophy of history

 Book: 4
 Author Anthony John Patrick Kenny
 Book The philosophy of history
 Place Wellington Space, UK
 Published Oxford University press
 Year 2020
 Pages 440
 Price 8068

 Topic of course: Western Historians

 Book: 5
 Author Barbara Tuchman
 Book The gun of august
 Place New York, Untied States
 Published Macmillan
 Year 1962
 Pages 640
 Price 6120

Summaries of Books
Book : 1
Sapiens : “A Brief history of humankind” is a book that tells the story of humans from ancient times to the
present day. It explores how homo sapiens evolved, spread across the world, and became the dominant
species. The book discusses key events in human history, such as the agricultural revolution, the rise of
civilizations. It also examines the impact of human activities on the plant and raises thought provoking
questions about the future of our species. Overall, “Sapiens” provides a fascinating and accessible
overview of the journey of humankind through the ages.

Book : 2
The “dhistorian craft” book is about learning history through different perspectives and
crafting engaging narratives. It teaches how to research analyze, and present historical events in a
captivating way. It’s like a guide for history enthusiasts to become skills storytellers. Making the past
come alive for readers.

Book : 3
Destiny disrupted by Tamim Ansary is a book that tells history go the Islamic world from its
beginnings to the present day.

The book starts by explaining how before Islam, the Arabian Peninsula was made up that often fought
each other. Then, Prophet Muhammad received revelations from Allah, which led to the founding
of Islam spread quickly across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond, creating an empire that stretched from
Spain to India.
After Muhammad’s death, there was a disagreement over who should lead the Muslim community,
leading to split between Sunni and Shia Muslims. This division shaped much of the history of the Islamic

The book covers the rise and fall of various Islamic empires, including the Umayyad, Abbasid, and
ottoman empires. It explain how these empires contributed to science, art and culture, but also
faced challenges form within and from outside forces.

Throughout history, there were conflicts between Muslims and non Muslims, including the crusades and
the Mongol invasions. The book also discusses the colonial era, where European powers controlled much
of the Muslim world.

In the modern era, the Islamic world faced challenges such as colonization, the struggle for
independence, and the rise of extremist movements. The book explains how these events con tinue
to shape the Islamic world today.

Book : 4
The Philosophy of History" by Anthony John is a book that talks about why we study history
and what it means. It discusses different ideas and theories about how we understand the past and
its significance. It's like a guide that helps us think deeply about the stories of the past and how they
shape our present and future.

Book : 5
The Guns of August" by Barbara Tuchman is a book that tells the story of the start of World War I.
It describes the events leading up to the war, including the complex alliances and tensions between
countries. The book focuses on the first month of the war, August 1914, and the series of events that led
to the outbreak of hostilities. It explores the military strategies, political decisions, and personal rivalries
that shaped the conflict. Overall, "The Guns of August" provides a gripping and insightful account of the
beginning of one of the deadliest conflicts in history.
 Topic:
 Link of history with other subjects
 Website link:
Relationship of History with other Sciences | Study of History (

 Topic:
 Classical Historians
 Website link:

 Topic:
 Sources of history
 Website link:
Sources of History - World History Encyclopedia

 Topic:
 Historiography and philosophy of history
 Website link:

 Topic:
 Criticism Internal and External in history
 Website link:
Topic 3 Internal and External Criticism | PDF | Primary Sources | Historian (

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