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My day

My day starts early.

I wake up at 6:00 AM.
I get out of bed and go to the bathroom.
I brush my teeth and wash my face.
Then, I get dressed in my favourite clothes.

I like to war comfortable clothes.

Next, I go to the kitchen.
I make breakfast
I like to eat cereal with milk.
It’s quick and tasty.

I also have a glass of orange juice.

Breakfast makes me feel awake.
After breakfast, I check my phone for messages.

I like to see if my friends sent me any messages.

I reply to them and say good morning.
Then, it’s time for work or school.

If it’s a weekday, I go to school.

If it’s a weekend, I might have a day off.
At school, I learn many things.
I have different classes like math, science and English.

My favourite subject is English.

I like to read and write.
Lunchtime comes around noon.
I eat lunch with my friends.
We talk and laugh.
Sometimes, we share our food.
In the afternoon, I continue with my classes.
I learn new things and ask questions when I don’t understand.

When school is over, I go home.

I might play with my toys or watch cartoons on TV.
Sometimes, I do my homework.
I like to finish it early.

Dinner is at 07:00 PM.

My family sits together at the table.
We eat and talk about our day.
It’s a good time to be with my family.

After dinner, I relax for a bit.

I read a book or play games.
It’s my free time.
At 09:00 PM, it’s bedtime.
I go to my room and get ready for bed.
I change into my pyjamas.

I brush my teeth again.

Then, I get into bed and turn off the lights.
I close my eyes and go to sleep.

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