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2020-08E UTeNc PAPER? HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY HONG KONG DIPLOMAOF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION 2020 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH PAPER 2 Appreciation 1130 pm-3:30pm (2 hours) Condes mus enswer THREE questons, oe fm ech scan, ‘Alleners shouldbe writen nthe same answer bok aomoseLir NG 24 Section A Critical Analysis (20% ofthe suject mark) Anon ONE gusto from Seton A. Bach question caves 0 marks 1 arnt rom The Taming of he Shrew (Ach IV Seen HORTENSIO Pach, go thy way te Bi i won, PETRUCIIO ‘Wel, forward ora dhs be bowl shoud, ‘And oot unc oglst the Bis 2s But sof company eamng oe “Brier Vincenti. (1a Yincento) Good mono, pete ses, where aay? Cra eet at nel ne aly 0, Fiat thn bebe a Seber gentewomas? ‘Such mar of whit and red wihin er chek x” ‘Wat sar do spngle eaves wih seh bey [Aothore two eye become tat heey fee? ‘spa lovely ad once more ood ds (oes Suet Kat ear be rer Beaity'sake LHORTENSIO (ese) Ail ae the run mid, 0 make he ‘wom oi KATHERINA, "Young budsing vrei, fir, ad esha wet, ‘Whither aways or wheres hy bode? Happy the pres of faa chills Happen whom favourable ars o “Al the fori lovely below PETRUCHIO. Why, pow nom Kate hope thou a at ma “Tis saran, ld wind, aed wibered, ‘And nts maieo, thu syst be KATHERINA ard ol ber ny misaking ees "Tha bve teen pbeazled with es ‘Thaeveryting I oak on remeth =n ow Ipecive ho wt Yeveend er ard I pay he, for my mod misting PETRUCHIO. Do, good oN rans, sn with make knows 0 ‘Wien way toa tele along wih 5, ‘West be joy fy company. VINCENTIO aay, you my mer mises "Tht with your srangeeocostr mich amazed me, Mynmme i caled Vince, my dveling Ps, ‘And bo a to Pan, evs ‘Noon of ise, which ang Ihave at sen. PETRUCHIO "Wn ame? VINCENTIO. Lace, gente om oseLiT ENG 22 PETRUCHIO Happily met, the haps or tyson ‘And om by nw, abel as reverend ag, o Tema ene he my ova Eater ‘The ster omy wi, ths gendewoman, ‘Thy son by ths ah rid, Wonder nt, ‘Nor bet grieved she of good esteem, Her doy wea, and of worthy bit; Beside a quad semny bree The spas of my ache genteman. etme enirce with old Vice, ‘And wader eee hy best, ‘Who wil fy arial be fl oyu 1% (© Woatdoes Hereasio mean by sting ‘he le won (line 23) Show bo the rest the page suppor or ccc be sateen dame) (Comment on he signieasce of ines 6547 (Wonder 0. ous of ny sole genes) ) ‘Bernt fm The Crucible (Acts). DANFORTH: Cows? (CHEEVER: There be so many cows wander’ the higrons, now ‘hee masters ae ine al, and och dsaeement who he wll beng to now. 1 Know Mi Pars be aun’ with farmers all yesterday ~ br is get onetion, si, aout the cows. Cetin Fake him wee, ss were alvays' man Out weep for comteton {ifs nen, ar do HATHORNE and DANFORTH, hearing someone ‘ming ap the corridor DANFORTH rats hs heod as PARRIS tere He pan fighened and ove in he preacoat| [PARKS (o DANFORTH, beron) Oh, good moning sr thank you for coming. {beg your para maki’ you so eal Good ming, Judge Hahore DANFORTH: Reverend Hale ave a ight ote tis— PARRIS: Excelieney, momen [fe rie bac nda the door) HATHORNE: Do you leave halve with tb psoness DANFORTH: What's his basics here? PARRIS [perfil lio p he hon Excl, ea e182 DANFORTH [suprised He isha cotess? PPARRIS [iting Hear me, Rebecea hive not veo me a word thie Wivee oath since she came Now sbe si with hi, and het Fister ané Martha Corey and so ative others, sdb pends ‘ith ten, cnfeae thie and eve he ves, DANFORTH: Why this indeads providence And they soften, they sofa? PARIS. Net yet not yet, Bot hough to samon you, i, that we igh ink on whet tbe ot wit [e dare na 0] 1a "Hough o pura question, sand hope you wil oot DANFORTH: Mr Pars, be phn what wobls yu? [PARRIS: Thre Is news, if hatte cout ~ he cour must reckon rit My ace, ny lee beloe sh ba ated DANFORTH: Vanish! ‘PARIS: hn hough to advise you iter inthe wee, bet DANFORTH: Wiy? How longish gone? PARIS: Thi be the third night. Younes, she ld me she would Sse anh widk Mercy Lewis. And nextday, when sbe does bot teturm,Taend to Mr Levi aque. Met} ald i she woul Sleep in myhouse for ani DANFORTH They are bth gone?! PARIS [mer fin) They ms. DANFORTH [olomed} I wil soda pay for them. Where ny they PARIS: Excellency, hink hey be aboard sip. DANFORTH stand apap] My dsophir tls me ow se heard thm speaking of ships last ‘week, and tonight I dscover my ~ my svengbox Is broke ine (Utara aaa ean bask ears) LHATHORNE [atonthed She hive ob 00? PARIS: Thiry-atepoud is gone Ia pees. [He covers face ‘ons DANFORTH: Mr Paris, you ae 9 brainss man! (He walls ‘hough deeply worried PARIS: Excell, it po poting you sould blame me 1 cannot nk they would ra ff excep ty aro hep Salem ay more Wess pleating) 0 a 4s so s (©) What evidence is therein his exact a ings re geing at of conto i Salem? (10 marks) (Compare be behaviour of Pais nd Danfoh inthis exact omer) strc fom The Great Gatsby (Chapter. Tom trod to Daisy sharply. “You've been seeing dis fio for Hive yas?” Not seeing" sid Gay. “No, we coun ex. But both of ws loved cach ot al tte olf spor you did't Know. Lud to lacgh Semetines™" but there was bo laughter in is yes," thik tht you Sia om “obvta's ll” Tom tapped bis thick fgers roger ike = clergyman and leaned back is ie. You's crazy" be explode. "Tca' speak about what happened ve yeare ag, because Idd know Daly thon [be daned i Tce iw yu gt within ale of her unless yu bough he groceries to he ‘back dor, But ll the ret of asa God Dated le Dy loved ne ‘then beamed me ad she loves men" “noid Gaby, shaking is bead, "She des, though. Te trouble ie that sometins she gts ooh ‘dea in br bead and oven’ how wht she's doing” He node snp. “And what's more, love Diy to. Once Ina we Ig off ona sree and make a fol of mel but Tlways come ack, 2d in my heat T eve feral te tine” “You're revoking.” sad Daisy. She tured ta me, and er voi,

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